36 research outputs found

    Consumidor Innovador, ¿Tiene Relación Con La Lealtad A La Marca?

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    Consumer behavior establishes a relationship between living level and the consumer material resources with the characteristics of innovation. This, however, is considered to be of significant importance to companies based on the needs of the market and the business environment. In the field of marketing, it is essential to know the market and there is a need to investigate the behavior for the selection of clothing. A study was carried out with the Chengedzai scale in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. It is an empirical investigation which concludes on two important aspects: loyalty to the brand that makes it possible for clothing consumers to generate a measurement of reasons for the consumers of clothing for innovation and the application of products, processes, and marketing innovation in its application in distribution systems

    MiPyme En el Giro Industrial : Factores de Competencia

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    The present study aims to determine which of the factors that considers the industrial small and medium enterprises. It makes them feel that they are better than their competitors. For this purpose, a factorial analysis of the variables was applied. These are findings which show that only two are the main factors in the industry. First, it involves what is related to internal marketing in terms of efficient processes, satisfied employees, and companies that have good performance and which are more profitable. Second, it also entails what concerns competitiveness. Here, we have the items of higher quality products, customer satisfaction, and adaptation to market changes that improves their intangible value

    Desarrollo Empresarial y Capital Humano en la región Sureste de Coahuila

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar si hay un efecto significativo entre capital humano y desarrollo empresarial en la región sureste del Estado de Coahuila, México. Se aplicó un instrumento a 243 personas, utilizando el software de AMOS PASS, en el cual se contemplaron los indicadores del capital humano y desarrollo empresarial, de acuerdo con la hipótesis las relaciones encontradas entre las varianzas de los constructos indican que existe un valor estadístico significativo que relaciona a estos constructos. En los resultados se encontró que algunas de las variables fueron: la consideración de pertenencia a la empresa, la percepción de cómo los ve la empresa en función de los conocimientos, y, el reconocimiento de que es el capital humano incrementado por parte de la empresa, demostrando que reconoce este valor como gestor del desarrollo empresarial. De esta manera el capital humano se constituye en uno de los principales factores intervinientes en el desarrollo empresarial. The present work determines if there is a significant effect between human capital and business development in the southeastern region of the State of Coahuila, Mexico. An instrument was applied to 243 people, using the AMOS PASS software, in which the indicators of human capital and business development were considered, according to the hypothesis, the relationships found between the variances of the constructs indicate that there is a significant statistical value that relates to these constructs. In the results it was found that some of the variables were: the consideration of belonging to the company, the perception of how the company sees them based on knowledge, and, the recognition that it is the human capital increased by the company, demonstrating that it recognizes this value as a manager of business development. In this way, human capital becomes one of the main factors involved in business development

    ¿Los Millennials Saltillenses Son Innovadores Como Consumidores de Ropa?

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    The objective of this research work is to analyze the behavior of young people belonging to generation Y known as millennials, regarding the purchase of clothing. According to Kotler and Keller (2012), a generation is a group of persons whose ages are similar and who lived in the same era. This study is considered as a descriptive and exploratory investigation. It is based on a sample of 261 persons from 21 to 36 years of age in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila. A questionnaire was applied with the scale 'Type of consumers of clothes of Chengedzai' according to the study of Manillall and Lawrence (2014). Using Pearson's chi square and an answer percentage comparison with the IBM SPSS software, the findings suggest that with regard to the innovative factor, the interviewees do not consider themselves as an innovative buyer when they buy clothes. This is because the answers concerning the variables that suggest this have a low score

    Los Valores en Los Consumidores Millennials de la Ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila

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    This study makes a descriptive analysis of the clients profiles that belong to the Y or Millenial generation in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila. The study was performed using the Values List Scale (LOV) attributed to Khale (Khale, Beatty, & Homer, 1986) quoted by Irene Ramos Soler (2008). This scale was used for the investigation of market segmentation and in identifying target markets. It is a work that has to do with the field of marketing. This study however is considered as an exploratory, descriptive, quantitative, and transversal investigation. Using Pearson’s chi square analysis and an answer percentage comparison with the IBM SPSS software, they show us that the more important values are self-completion and selfesteem. A stratification sample was used. It also uses age variable and it applies a questionnaire instrument to 261 people that belong to Y generation in Saltillo, Coahuila

    El Género Y El Consumo Hedonista En Saltillo, Coahuila

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    In the marketing context, it is essential to know the market. That is why there is a necessity to investigate its behavior in regards to clothes purchase. The aim of this study is to develop a model from the conceptual perspective of the shopper typology scale (Chengedzai, Manillall & Lawrence, 2014) in its factor: Hedonist consumer. The study included 250 adult participants (59.2% women and 40.8% men) living in the City of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. A discriminate analysis was performed to get a membership model of the gender of the variables of Hedonist trend consumer. The results of the findings show meaningful differences between men and women. Women enjoy more shopping, and they have fun while doing it. They also spend more time in this activity

    Capital Humano y Género en la Empresa

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    The present paper of human capital research in different countries has beenmeasured by the satisfaction index in models of some latent variables, where in some countries it manifests in the dimensions of people and business or work. A sample of 243 subjects was obtained in the southern region of the state of Coahuila, in different companies in the city of Saltillo, Torreón and Ramos Arizpe. It is found in the analysis that apparently the gender difference is still high in companies in the southern region of the state of Coahuila, where women feel more differences in the jobs they perform within the company, for this it is advisable to carry out awareness-raising work in the area of internal marketing, so that there is a gender competitiveness

    Modelo de contabilidad administrativa basado en la planificación y presupuestos para mejorar la situación financiera de la Institución educativa Particular Mi Vallejito en La Ciudad de Trujillo año 2014

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    La presente tesis muestra cómo la situación financiera de un Centro Educativo Particular puede verse afectada por la falta de información oportuna y eficaz, debido a la limitación existente para registrar, controlar y evaluar las operaciones que ayuden a fortalecer la confiabilidad de la información financiera para la toma de decisiones por parte de la gestión administrativa. En la investigación, se aplicó el Modelo de Contabilidad Administrativa basado en las herramientas de planificación y presupuestos, con el fin de organizar, procesar y analizar sus operaciones financieras. Para ello se evaluó el proceso de toma de decisiones, los procesos administrativos y la información financiera existente. La evaluación conllevó a aplicar técnicas de acopio de datos como la observación, entrevista y análisis documentario con el soporte técnico de los instrumentos propios, tal como la guía de observación, entrevista y la guía de análisis documentario. Se corroboró que la situación financiera de la Institución Educativa Particular Mi Vallejito, no es la más conveniente, ya que, sus principales cuentas que la conforman presentan un alto porcentaje, como por ejemplo: Cuentas por cobrar, obligaciones financieras. Se concluye que la aplicación del Modelo de Contabilidad Administrativa basado en planificación y presupuestos mejora la situación financiera de la institución, demostrado en el análisis comparativo del estado de situación financiera mediante la aplicación de ratios financieros. Finalmente, este estudio proporciona una mejor calidad de información contable, administrativa y presupuestaria, que permitirá a las Instituciones Educativas tomar mejores decisiones para optimizar la situación financiera.This thesis shows how the financial situation of a particular school may be affected by the lack of timely and effective information, because the existing limitation to record, monitor and evaluate operations to help strengthen the reliability of financial information for the decisions by the administration. In the research, Model Management Accounting tools based on planning and budgeting, in order to organize, process and analyze their financial transactions was applied. For this, the process of decision making, administrative processes and existing financial reporting was evaluated. The evaluation led to implement data collection techniques such as observation, interview and documentary analysis with the support of the instruments, such as the guide of observation, interviews and documentary analysis guide. It was confirmed that the financial situation of the private educational institution My Vallejito, is not the most convenient as its main accounts that form have a high percentage, such as: Accounts receivable, financial obligations. It is concluded that the application of Management Accounting Model based on planning and budgeting improves the financial situation of the institution, demonstrated in the comparative analysis of the statement of financial position by applying financial ratios. Finally, this study provides a better quality of accounting, administrative and budgetary information that will allow educational institutions to make better decisions to optimize the financial situation.Tesi

    Zoonosis, cambio climático y sociedad

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    La sociedad contemporánea se enfrenta a uno de los retos más grandes de la historia humana, el calentamiento global, mismo que acarrea enormes consecuencias, tales como los disturbios climáticos, así como los patrones de las enfermedades de origen animal transmisibles al hombre. Precisamente ante este escenario las instituciones educativas de nivel superior deben dar cumplimiento a su responsabilidad y ser las generadoras de alternativas de solución mediante el trabajo especializado de investigación; y para ello, la pesquisa científica es la mejor de las alternativas a nuestro alcance para comprender y encarar estos desafíos.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, S.A. de C.V