3,662 research outputs found
Local historiography as a tool to reconstruct the funerary world in "Colonia Patricia Corduba"
Actualmente la relación entre Arqueología y Ciencia Historiográfica resulta indisociable, algo que no podía pasar desapercibido en la interpretación de los restos romanos de carácter funerario. Las características de una ciudad como Córdoba han centrado la atención de los más prestigiosos eruditos locales desde el siglo XVI, los cuales llevaron a cabo las primeras descripciones de las necrópolis “cordubenses”, destacando la monumentalidad de los hallazgos. Gracias a sus obras se ha visto ampliado el conocimiento acerca de los recintos funerarios, hasta hace pocos años casi desconocidos, que se definen, además, como el producto de un complejo proceso de parcelación de los terrenos ubicados en las áreas extramuros más próximas al recinto amurallado. Así se intuye el caso del “Camino Viejo de Almodóvar” (antigua “via Corduba- Hispalis”), cuya hipótesis de trabajo ha sido refrendada arqueológicamente gracias a la reciente excavación de un sector funerario en la Avda. de las Ollerías, de la que aquí se ofrecen algunas novedades. Un fenómeno de monumentalización que no fue exclusivo del ámbito urbano, tal como se desprende de los restos reinterpretados como un posible monumento templiforme en el “Camino de Mesta”, asociado a alguna villa o centro de producción ubicado a dos kilómetros de la ciudad.Attualmente la relazione tra Archeologia e Scienza Storiografica risulta indissociabile, un aspetto che non può essere sottovalutato nell’interpretazione dei resti romani di carattere funerario. Le caratteristiche di una città come Córdoba hanno attirato l’attenzione, a partire dal secolo XVI, dei piú prestigiosi eruditi locali, che stilarono le prime descrizioni delle necropoli “cordubenses”, evidemziando la monumentalità dei reperti. Grazie alla loro opera è stata ampliata la conoscenza di recinti funerari, fino a pochi anni fa quasi sconosciuti, che si definiscono come il prodotto di un complesso processo di partizione dei terreni ubicati nelle aree extraurbane limitrofe. Così si intuisce nel caso del “Camino Viejo de Almodóvar” (antica “via Corduba-Hispalis”), la cui ipotesi di lavoro è stata affermata archeologicamente grazie ai recenti scavi di un settore funerario nella Avenida de las Ollerías, dei quali qui di seguito si offrono alcune novità. Un fenomeno di monumentalizzazione che fu non solo esclsivo del ambito urbano, come si apprende dalla reinterpretazione di un possibile monumento templiforme nel “Camino de Mesta”, colegato a una villa o a un centro di produzione ubicato a due chilometri di distanza dalla città
Arquitectura funeraria en la Bética: el ejemplo de las capitales conventuales
Starting off of the last contributions for the process of funeral monumentalización in Colonia Patricia, which have shown the archaeological wealth of his cementeries, we now undertake a ampler study, from the space and historical point of view, that it has like protagonists to the rest of conventuales capitals of Baetica. Therefore, we will pay attention to the discovery of funeral enclosures, as well as to the rest of monumenta, with its corresponding architectonic and sculptoric decoration, without forgetting to us the valuable information coming from the burial epigraphy. Next, we will overlap the different fi ndings in maps from dispersion with which to undertake a fi rst approach to the chronological and space evolution of these cementeries, glimpsing an authentic funeral topography in which is possible to emphasize the detection of several viae sepulchrales and spaces of use differential. The obtained conclusions will be the departure point to be able to establish comparisons to the use and to conform futures works of investigation.Partiendo de las últimas aportaciones al proceso de monumentalización funeraria en Colonia Patricia, las cuales han puesto de manifi esto la riqueza arqueológica de sus necrópolis, acometemos ahora un estudio más amplio, desde el punto de vista espacial e histórico, que tiene como protagonistas al resto de capitales conventuales de Baetica. Así pues, prestaremos atención al descubrimiento de recintos funerarios, así como a los restos de monumenta, con su correspondiente decoración arquitectónica y escultórica, sin olvidarnos de la valiosa información procedente de la epigrafía sepulcral. A continuación, imbricaremos los distintos hallazgos en mapas de dispersión con los que acometer un primer acercamiento a la evolución cronológica y espacial de estas necrópolis, vislumbrando una auténtica topografía funeraria en la que cabe destacar la detección de varias viae sepulchrales y espacios de uso diferencial. Las conclusiones obtenidas serán el punto de partida para poder establecer comparaciones al uso y conformar futuros trabajos de investigación
The negative effects of failed service recoveries
Research has shown that more than half of attempted recovery efforts fail, producing a "double deviation" effect. Surprisingly, these double deviation effects have received little attention in marketing literature. This paper examines what happens after these critical encounters, which behavior or set of behaviors the customers are prone to follow and how customers' perceptions of the firm's recovery efforts influence these behaviors. For the analysis of choice of the type of response (complaining, exit, complaining and exit, and no-switching), we estimate multinomial Logit models with random coefficients (RCL). The results of our study show that magnitude of service failure, explanations, apologies, perceived justice, angry and frustration felt by the customer, and satisfaction with service recovery have a significant effect on customers' choice of the type of response. Implications from the findings are offered. La investigación ha mostrado que más de la mitad de los intentos de recuperación tras el fallo de un servicio fracasan, lo que produce un efecto de "desviación doble". Sorprendentemente, estos efectos de desviación doble han recibido muy poca atención en la literatura de marketing. Este trabajo analiza qué ocurre tras estos encuentros críticos, ¿qué comportamiento o conjunto de comportamientos tienden a seguir lo clientes? y ¿cómo afectan a estos comportamientos las percepciones de los clientes acerca del problema y de los esfuerzos de recuperación de la empresa?. Para el análisis del tipo de respuesta (queja, abandono, queja y abandono, y no cambiar de entidad), estimamos modelos Logit multinomiales con coeficientes aleatorios (RCL). Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que la magnitud del fallo inicial, las explicaciones y disculpas recibidas tras el mismo, la justicia percibida en la gestión de la queja, la frustración y el enfado que siente el cliente y la satisfacción con el proceso de recuperación, tienen un efecto significativo en la elección de los clientes del tipo de respuesta de queja. Finalmente, se ofrecen implicaciones para la gestión.desviación doble, comportamiento de queja del consumidor, modelos Logit multinomiales con coeficientes aleatorios (RCL), recuperación del servicio. Double deviations, consumer complaining behavior (CCB), multinomial logit models with random coefficients (RCL), service recovery.
Solving multi-objective hub location problems by hybrid algorithms
In many logistic, telecommunications and computer networks, direct routing of
commodities between any origin and destination is not viable due to economic and technolog-
ical constraints. In that cases, a network with centralized units, known as hub facilities, and a
small number of links is commonly used to connect any origin-destination pair. The purpose
of these hub facilities is to consolidate, sort and transship e ciently any commodity in the
network. Hub location problems (HLPs) consider the design of these networks by locating a
set of hub facilities, establishing an interhub subnet, and routing the commodities through
the network while optimizing some objective(s) based on the cost or service.
Hub location has evolved into a rich research area, where a huge number of papers have
been published since the seminal work of O'Kelly [1]. Early works were focused on analogue
facility location problems, considering some assumptions to simplify network design. Recent
works [2] have studied more complex models that relax some of these assumptions and in-
corporate additional real-life features. In most HLPs considered in the literature, the input
parameters are assumed to be known and deterministic. However, in practice, this assumption
is unrealistic since there is a high uncertainty on relevant parameters, such as costs, demands
or even distances.
In this work, we will study the multi-objective hub location problems with uncertainty.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec
Anytime Algorithms for Multi-Objective Hub Location Problems
In many logistic, telecommunications and computer networks, direct routing of commodities between any origin and destination is not viable due to economic and technological constraints. Hub locations problems (HLPs) are considered in that cases, where the
design of these networks are optimized based on some objective(s) related on the cost or service.
A huge number of papers have been published since the seminal work of O’Kelly. Early works were focused on analogue facility location problems, considering some assumptions to simplify network design. Recent works have studied more complex models that relax some of these assumptions and incorporate additional real-life features. In most HLPs considered in the literature, the input parameters are assumed to be known and deterministic. However, in practice, this assumption is unrealistic since there is a high uncertainty on relevant parameters, such as costs, demands or even distances. As a result, a decision maker usually prefer several
solutions with a low uncertainty in their objectives functions.
In this work, anytime algorithms are proposed to solve the multi-objective hub location problems with uncertainty. The proposed algorithms can be stopped at any time, yielding a set of efficient solutions (belonging to the Pareto front) that are well spread in the objective space.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Short-term trajectories of workplace bullying and its impact on strain: A latent class growth modeling approach
The aim of this weekly diary study was (a) to identify trajectories of workplace bullying over time and (b) to examine the association of each cluster with strain indicators (i.e., insomnia and anxiety/depression). A sample of 286 employees during 4 weeks of data was used (N occasions = 1,144). Results of latent class growth modeling showed that 3 trajectories could be identified: a nonbullying trajectory, which comprised 90.9% of the sample; an inverted U trajectory; and a delayed increase bullying trajectory; the latter two each had 4.2% of the participants. We found a significant interaction between time and trajectories when predicting insomnia and anxiety/depression, with each strain showing a differential pattern with each trajectory. It seems that the negative effects on insomnia are long-lasting and remain after bullying has already decreased. In the case of anxiety and depression, when bullying decreases strain indicators also decrease. In this study, by examining trajectories of bullying at work over time and their associations with strain, we provide new insights into the temporal dynamics of workplace bullying
Los monumentos funerarios de la Plaza de la Magdalena: un sector de la necrópolis oriental de Corduba
In the present work they occur to know part the results obtained in the course of the Preventive Archaeological Activity made in the seat of the Magdalena, corner with the Muñices street, during second half of year 2004 and the consequent Archaeological Control for the drained one of the carried out lot in the fi rst months of 2006. The reference lot is located in the Eastern sector of the city, extrawalls of the Roman Corduba, a zone intensely occupied from the antiquity to the present time. In this occasion we were centered in the monumental funeral phase, defi ned by the location of a series of dated funeral buildings at tardorrepublicana time. The fi nding of several fragments of associated pseudoarchitectonic and sculptoric decoration to one of them, indeed the best one conserved, has allowed to reconstruct the appearance of this monument, possibly of aedicula type, aligned, like the rest, with respect to via Augusta vetus to its entrance to the city.En el presente trabajo se dan a conocer parte de los resultados obtenidos en el transcurso de la Actividad Arqueológica Preventiva realizada en la plaza de la Magdalena, esquina con la calle Muñices, durante la segunda mitad del año 2004 y del consiguiente Control Arqueológico para el vaciado del solar llevado a cabo en los primeros meses de 2006. El solar de referencia está localizado en el sector oriental de la ciudad, extramuros de la Corduba romana, una zona intensamente ocupada desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días. En esta ocasión nos centramos en la fase funeraria monumental, defi nida por la localización de una serie de edifi cios funerarios datados en época tardorrepublicana. El hallazgo de varios fragmentos de decoración pseudoarquitectónica y escultórica asociado a uno de ellos, precisamente el mejor conservado, ha permitido reconstruir la fi sonomía de este monumento, posiblemente de tipo edícola, alineado, al igual que el resto, con respecto a la via Augusta vetus a su entrada a la ciudad
Enfoque multiobjetivo de la mejora de la eficiencia de centrales eléctricas: Análisis energético y económico
The auxiliary services of power plants have raised their energy consumption given that, nowadays, power plants usually operate at partial loads. This paper presents a multiple criteria study about the efficiency improvement of the auxiliary services through a series of strategies. Besides the energy savings, two economic criteria are considered: the economic investment required and the Internal Rate of Return to maximize the profitability of the investment. In order to solve this multiobjective problem, we have developed a scheme which combines several approaches in order both to make use of the main advantages of each method and to progressively adapt the solution process to the decision maker’s preferences. Finally, we solve the multiobjective problem associated to a real case study using the scheme designed. With this case study, we show the usefulness of the scheme proposed, and we highlight the importance of an understandable feedback and an adaptive process.Actualmente, se ha incrementado el consumo eléctrico de los servicios auxiliares de las centrales eléctricas debido a que hoy día las centrales operan mayormente a cargas parciales. En este trabajo, se presenta un estudio de optimización multiobjetivo sobre la mejora de la eficiencia energética de los servicios auxiliares. Además del ahorro energético, se consideran dos criterios económicos: la inversión económica y la Tasa Interna de Retorno para maximizar la rentabilidad de la inversión. Para resolver este problema, hemos diseñado un proceso que combina diferentes enfoques con el fin de hacer uso de las principales ventajas de cada método y de adaptar progresivamente el proceso a las preferencias del decisor. Finalmente, se ha resuelto el problema multiobjetivo asociado a un caso de estudio real utilizando el proceso diseñado. Con ello, se muestra un ejemplo de la utilidad de combinar diferentes técnicas de optimización multiobjetivo para resolver problemas reales
The negative effects of failed service recoveries
Research has shown that more than half of attempted recovery efforts fail, producing a ‘double deviation’ effect. Surprisingly, these double deviation effects have received little attention in marketing literature. This paper examines what happens after these critical encounters, which behavior or set of behaviors the customers are prone to follow and how customers’ perceptions of the firm’s recovery efforts influence these behaviors. For the analysis of choice of the type of response (complaining, exit, complaining and exit, and no-switching), we estimate multinomial Logit models with random coefficients (RCL). The results of our study show that magnitude of service failure, explanations, apologies, perceived justice, angry and frustration felt by the customer, and satisfaction with service recovery have a significant effect on customers’ choice of the type of response. Implications from the findings are offered.La investigación ha mostrado que más de la mitad de los intentos de recuperación tras el fallo de un servicio fracasan, lo que produce un efecto de ‘desviación doble’. Sorprendentemente, estos efectos de desviación doble han recibido muy poca atención en la literatura de marketing. Este trabajo analiza qué ocurre tras estos encuentros críticos, ¿qué comportamiento o conjunto de comportamientos tienden a seguir lo clientes? y ¿cómo afectan a estos comportamientos las percepciones de los clientes acerca del problema y de los esfuerzos de recuperación de la empresa?. Para el análisis del tipo de respuesta (queja, abandono, queja y abandono, y no cambiar de entidad), estimamos modelos Logit multinomiales con coeficientes aleatorios (RCL). Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que la magnitud del fallo inicial, las explicaciones y disculpas recibidas tras el mismo, la justicia percibida en la gestión de la queja, la frustración y el enfado que siente el cliente y la satisfacción con el proceso de recuperación, tienen un efecto significativo en la elección de los clientes del tipo de respuesta de queja. Finalmente, se ofrecen implicaciones para la gestión.This research was financed by the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), Spain
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