182 research outputs found

    The standardized Withania somnifera Dunal root extract alters basal and morphine-induced opioid receptor gene expression changes in neuroblastoma cells.

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    BACKGROUND: Behavioral studies demonstrated that the administration of Withania somnifera Dunal roots extract (WSE), prolongs morphine-elicited analgesia and reduces the development of tolerance to the morphine's analgesic effect; however, little is known about the underpinning molecular mechanism(s). In order to shed light on this issue in the present paper we explored whether WSE promotes alterations of \u3bc (MOP) and nociceptin (NOP) opioid receptors gene expression in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. METHODS: A range of WSE concentrations was preliminarily tested to evaluate their effects on cell viability. Subsequently, the effects of 5 h exposure to WSE (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 mg/ml), applied alone and in combination with morphine or naloxone, on MOP and NOP mRNA levels were investigated. RESULTS: Data analysis revealed that morphine decreased MOP and NOP receptor gene expression, whereas naloxone elicited their up-regulation. In addition, pre-treatment with naloxone prevented the morphine-elicited gene expression alterations. Interestingly, WSE was able to: a) alter MOP but not NOP gene expression; b) counteract, at its highest concentration, morphine-induced MOP down-regulation, and c) hamper naloxone-induced MOP and NOP up-regulation. CONCLUSION: Present in-vitro data disclose novel evidence about the ability of WSE to influence MOP and NOP opioid receptors gene expression in SH-SY5Y cells. Moreover, our findings suggest that the in-vivo modulation of morphine-mediated analgesia by WSE could be related to the hindering of morphine-elicited opioid receptors down-regulation here observed following WSE pre-treatment at its highest concentration

    Single-poly floating-gate memory cell options for analog neural networks

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    In this paper, we explore the use of a 180 nm CMOS single-poly technology platform for realizing analog Deep Neural Network integrated circuits. The analysis focuses on analog vector–matrix multiplier architectures, one of the main building blocks of a neural network, implementing in-memory computation using Floating-Gate multi-level non-volatile memories. We present two memory options, suited either for current-mode or for time-domain vector–matrix multiplier implementations, with low–voltage charge-injection program and erase operations. The effects of a limited accuracy are also investigated through system-level simulations, by accounting for the temperature dependence of the stored weights and the corresponding impact on the network error rate

    Morphometric relationships and annual gonad index of the edible Sea urchin <i>Paracentrotus lividus</i> from North Western Sardinia = Relazioni morfometriche e indice gonadico annuale del riccio di mare commestibile <i>Paracentrotus lividus</i> nel nord ovest Sardegna

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    Weight/diameter, weight/height and height/diameter morphometric relationships were calculated for a shallow rocky Paracentrotus lividus population sampled monthly near Alghero (Italy) from November 2004 to October 2005. Gonad index (GI) of the sea urchins was also evaluated. Statistical analyses showed significant differences of GI between 2 distinct periods of the year: late fall-winter and spring-late summer

    Role of nucleus accumbens μ opioid receptors in the effects of morphine on ERK1/2 phosphorylation

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    Rationale: Despite the critical role attributed to phosphorylated extracellular signal regulated kinase (pERK1/2) in the nucleus accumbens (Acb) in the actions of addictive drugs, the effects of morphine on ERK1/2 phosphorylation in this area are still controversial. Objectives: In order to investigate further this issue, we studied (1) the ability of morphine to affect ERK1/2 phosphorylation in the shell (AcbSh) and core (AcbC) of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats and of CD-1 and C57BL/6J mice and (2) the role of dopamine D1 and μ-opioid receptors in Sprague-Dawley rats and CD-1 mice. Methods: The pERK1/2 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. Results: In rats, morphine decreased AcbSh and AcbC pERK1/2 expression, whereas in mice, increased it preferentially in the AcbSh compared with the AcbC. Systemic SCH 39166 decreased pERK1/2 expression on its own in the AcbSh and AcbC of Sprague-Dawley rats and CD-1 mice; furthermore, in rats, SCH 39166 disclosed the ability of morphine to stimulate pERK1/2 expression. Systemic (rats and mice) and intra-Acb (rats) naltrexone prevented both decreases, in rats, and increases, in mice. Conclusions: These findings confirm the differential effects of morphine in rats and mice Acb and that D1 receptors exert a facilitatory role on ERK1/2 phosphorylation; furthermore, they indicate that, in rats, removal of the D1-dependent pERK1/2 expression discloses the stimulatory influence of morphine on ERK1/2 phosphorylation and that the morphine’s ability to decrease pERK1/2 expression is mediated by Acb μ-opioid receptors. Future experiments may disentangle the psychopharmacological significance of the effects of morphine on pERK1/2 in the Acb

    Telemonitoring in the Covid-19 era: The tuscany region experience

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    Covid-19 has brought many difficulties in the management of infected and high-risk patients. Telemedicine platforms can really help in this situation, since they allow remotely monitoring Covid-19 patients, reducing the risk for the doctors, without decreasing the efficiency of the therapies and while alleviating patients’ mental issues. In this paper, we present the entire architecture and the experience of using the Tel.Te.Covid19 telemedicine platform. Projected for the treatment of chronic diseases, it has been technologically updated for the management of Covid-19 patients with the support of a group of doctors in the territory when the pandemic arrived, introducing new sensors and functionalities (e.g., the familiar use and video calls). In Tuscany (Central Italy), during the first wave of outbreak, a model for enrolling patients was created and tested. Because of the positive results, the latter has been then adopted in the second current wave. The Tel.Te.Covid19 platform has been used by 40 among general practitioners and doctors of continuity care and about 180 symptomatic patients since March 2020. Both patients and doctors have good opinion of the platform, and no hospitalisations or deaths occurred for the monitored patients, reducing also the impact on the National Healthcare System

    An Alternative suspended culture method for the Mediterranean carpet clam, <i>Tapes decussatus</i> (L.), in the Calich Lagoon (North Western Sardinia) = Un Metodo alternativo di allevamento in sospensione della vongola verace mediterranea, <i>Tapes decussatus</i> (L.), nello stagno di Calich (Sardegna nord occidentale)

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    Tapes decussatus seed was grown in two distinct groups of six suspended modules each placed at two different sites of the Calich lagoon from January to July 2004. Each module was composed of three stacked plastic baskets filled with coarse sand to prevent shell deformities. Statistical analyses showed significant differences in carpet clam survival at the two sites, while no differences in growth were detected

    Accrescimento in long-line di <i>Mytilus galloprovincialis</i> Lmk. nello stagno di Calich (Sardegna nord-occidentale) = Growth of long-line cultured <i>Mytilus galloprovincialls</i> Lmk. in the Calich Lagoon (North-Western Sardinia)

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    The Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) was long-line cultured in two different areas of the Calich Lagoon (NW Sardinia, Italy). Several physical and chemical water parameters, chlorophyll a and sedimentation rate were measured in the two culture stations and in a third considered as a control. Mussel growth rate was similar in the two stations. It was positively affected by the increase of water temperature and chlorophyll a concentration and negatively by oxygen depletion

    Molecular and Biological Analysis on Ommastrephes caroli Findings in the Central Western Mediterranean Sea (Sardinian Waters) Including First Age Investigation Using Eye Lenses and Beaks

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    Molecular identifications based on two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I -COI- and 16S ribosomal RNA gene -16S-) have been implemented to confirm the morphological identification of eight specimens collected in the Central western Mediterranean. Molecular data show they belonged to a recently resurrected species of the genus Ommastrephes, i.e., O. caroli, known to be distributed in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Despite this, molecular analyses of COI sequences evidenced the presence of potential genetic differentiation between Mediterranean and Atlantic samples, highlighting the need for further studies, with more individuals to investigate the connectivity between individuals living in the two areas. Furthermore, morphological, biometric and reproductive features here reported, could be useful in evaluating possible distinctive biological features between the Mediterranean and Atlantic individuals. Female mature size was larger than the male. The relationships obtained between the beak measurements and body sizes (DML; TW) were better described by a power model. Asynchronous oocytes development with relatively small oocytes (0.05–1.10 mm) and a protracted intermittent spawning with active feeding were observed. This study also reported for the specie O. caroli the first data on the potential fecundity estimated (840061 oocytes), the oviducal load (90000 ripe oocytes) as well as the number of seminal receptacles and the size and morphology of the spermatangia found in the buccal mass of all mated females. Even if on a low sample size, beaks and eye lenses were used for the first time in O. caroli for age estimation. The statistically significant relationship found between increments counted in eye lenses and beaks highlighted the reliability of the lenses to estimate age in O. caroli, even if further studies will be needed for its validation. Assuming a daily increment for both structures, a mean life span of about 12–13 months was estimated for both sexes, which is consistent with the sexual maturity condition observed in all the samples and the semelparity known for cephalopods coleoids
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