217 research outputs found

    Dierbare metgezellen : Domeinbeschrijving Dierenwelzijn

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    Dierenwelzijn is een complex thema met wetenschappelijke, ethische en maatschappelijke invalshoeken. Om dit thema beter voor het onderwijs toegankelijk te maken hebben Stichting Veldwerk Nederland, het lectoraat Welzijn van Dieren van de Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein en de Christelijke Agrarische Hogeschool Dronten de domeinbeschrijving Dierbare metgezellen gemaakt. De beschrijving over dierenwelzijn is bedoeld voor iedereen die te maken heeft met het onderwijs aan kinderen en jongeren in de leeftijd van vier tot veertien jaar

    Kan welzijn melkvee in ligboxenstallen nog beter?

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    Het Praktijkonderzoek Veehouderij heeft geonventariseerd welke verbeteringen mogelijk zijn met betrekking tot dierwelzijn

    Cover crop planting practices determine their performance in the U.S. Corn Belt

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    Cover crop growing periods in the western U.S. Corn Belt could be extended by planting earlier. We evaluated both pre-harvest broadcast interseeding and post-harvest drilling of the following cover crops: (a) cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) [RYE]; (b) a mix of rye + legumes + brassicas [MIX1], (c) a mix of rye + oat [Avena sativa L.] + legumes + brassicas (MIX2), (d) legumes [LEGU]) and (e) a no cover crop control. These were tested in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) [corn–corn] and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]–corn systems [soybean–corn] at three sites in Nebraska for their effect on cover crop productivity, soil nutrients, and subsequent corn performance. At the sites with wet fall weather, pre-harvest broadcasting increased cover crop biomass by 90%, to 1.29 Mg ha−1 for RYE and 0.87 Mg ha−1 for MIX1 in soybean–corn, and to 0.56 Mg ha−1 and 0.39 Mg ha−1 in corn–corn, respectively. At the drier site, post-harvest drilling increased biomass of RYE and MIX1 by 95% to 0.80 Mg ha−1 in soybean–corn. Biomass N uptake was highest in pre-harvest RYE and MIX1 at two sites in soybean–corn (35 kg ha−1). RYE and sometimes mixes reduced soil N, but effects on P, K, and soil organic C were inconsistent. In soybean–corn, corn yields decreased by 4% after RYE, and in corn–corn, by 4% after pre-harvest cover crops. Site-specific selection of cover crops and planting practices can increase their performance while minimizing impacts on corn

    Cover crop productivity and subsequent soybean yield in the western Corn Belt

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    Cover crops (CC) in corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotations may prevent N loss and provide other ecosystem services but CC productivity in the western Corn Belt is limited by the short growing season. Our objective was to assess CC treatment and planting practice effects on CC biomass, spring soil nitrate concentrations, and soybean yield at two rainfed sites in eastern and one irrigated site in south-central Nebraska over 4 yr. Cover crop treatments (cereal rye [Secale cereale L.] [RYE] and a mix of rye, legume, and brassica species [MIX]) were planted by broadcast interseeding into corn stands in September (pre-harvest broadcast) or drilling after corn harvest (post-harvest drilled) and terminated 2 wk before planting soybean. Cover crop biomass and N uptake varied between years, but generally at the eastern sites, pre-harvest broadcasting produced more biomass than post-harvest drilling (1.64 and 0.79 Mg ha−1, respectively) and had greater N uptake (37 and 24 kg ha−1, respectively). At the south-central site, post-harvest drilling produced more than pre-harvest broadcasting (1.44 and 1.20 Mg ha−1, respectively). RYE had more biomass than MIX (1.41 and 1.09 Mg ha−1, respectively), but the same N uptake. Soil nitrate reductions after CC were small. In 3 of 12 site-years, soybean yielded less after pre-harvest CC. Yield reductions were not correlated to CC biomass, but were likely due to greater weed pressure. High CC productivity is necessary for high N uptake, and requires site-specific selection of planting practice and CC treatments

    Huisvesting van melkvee: knelpunten uit oogpunt van welzijn

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    Nederlands melkvee staat een aanzienlijk deel van het jaar op stal. De huisvesting is dan ook van groot belang voor het dierwelzijn. Door middel van beoordeling van welzijn kunnen eventuele knelpunten worden opgespoord

    Imaging infective endocarditis:Adherence to a diagnostic flowchart and direct comparison of imaging techniques

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    BACKGROUND: Multimodality imaging is recommended to diagnose infective endocarditis. Value of additional imaging to echocardiography in patients selected by a previously proposed flowchart has not been evaluated. METHODS: An observational single-center study was performed. Adult patients suspected of endocarditis/device infection were prospectively and consecutively enrolled from March 2016 to August 2017. Adherence to a diagnostic imaging-in-endocarditis-flowchart was evaluated in 176 patients. Imaging techniques were compared head-to-head in 46 patients receiving echocardiography (transthoracic plus transesophageal), multi-detector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA), and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET/CT). RESULTS: 69% of patients (121/176) adhered to the flowchart. Sensitivity of echocardiography, MDCTA, FDG-PET/CT in patients without prosthesis was 71%, 57%, 29% (86% when combined), while specificity was 100%, 75%, 100%, respectively. Sensitivity in patients with prosthesis was 75%, 75%, 83%, respectively (100% when combined), while specificity was 86% for all three modalities. Echocardiography performed best in the assessment of vegetations, morphological valve abnormalities/dehiscence, septum defects, and fistula formation. MDCTA performed best in the assessment of abscesses and ventricular assist device infection. FDG-PET/CT performed best in the assessment of cardiac device infection, extracardiac infectious foci, and alternative diagnoses. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that the evaluated imaging-in-endocarditis-flowchart is applicable in daily clinical practice. Echocardiography, MDCTA, and FDG-PET/CT provide relevant complementary diagnostic information, particularly in patients with intracardiac prosthetic material

    Producing polished prokaryotic pangenomes with the Panaroo pipeline

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    Population-level comparisons of prokaryotic genomes must take into account the substantial differences in gene content resulting from horizontal gene transfer, gene duplication and gene loss. However, the automated annotation of prokaryotic genomes is imperfect, and errors due to fragmented assemblies, contamination, diverse gene families and mis-assemblies accumulate over the population, leading to profound consequences when analysing the set of all genes found in a species. Here, we introduce Panaroo, a graph-based pangenome clustering tool that is able to account for many of the sources of error introduced during the annotation of prokaryotic genome assemblies. Panaroo is available at https://github.com/gtonkinhill/panaroo.Peer reviewe

    Deep sequencing reveals persistence of cell-associated mumps vaccine virus in chronic encephalitis.

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    Routine childhood vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella has virtually abolished virus-related morbidity and mortality. Notwithstanding this, we describe here devastating neurological complications associated with the detection of live-attenuated mumps virus Jeryl Lynn (MuV(JL5)) in the brain of a child who had undergone successful allogeneic transplantation for severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). This is the first confirmed report of MuV(JL5) associated with chronic encephalitis and highlights the need to exclude immunodeficient individuals from immunisation with live-attenuated vaccines. The diagnosis was only possible by deep sequencing of the brain biopsy. Sequence comparison of the vaccine batch to the MuV(JL5) isolated from brain identified biased hypermutation, particularly in the matrix gene, similar to those found in measles from cases of SSPE. The findings provide unique insights into the pathogenesis of paramyxovirus brain infections
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