45 research outputs found

    One Thousand and One Bubbles

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    We propose a novel strategy that permits the construction of completely general five-dimensional microstate geometries on a Gibbons-Hawking space. Our scheme is based on two steps. First, we rewrite the bubble equations as a system of linear equations that can be easily solved. Second, we conjecture that the presence or absence of closed timelike curves in the solution can be detected through the evaluation of an algebraic relation. The construction we propose is systematic and covers the whole space of parameters, so it can be applied to find all five-dimensional BPS microstate geometries on a Gibbons-Hawking base. As a first result of this approach, we find that the spectrum of scaling solutions becomes much larger when non-Abelian fields are present. We use our method to describe several smooth horizonless multicenter solutions with the asymptotic charges of three-charge (Abelian and non-Abelian) black holes. In particular, we describe solutions with the centers lying on lines and circles that can be specified with exact precision. We show the power of our method by explicitly constructing a 50-center solution. Moreover, we use it to find the first smooth five-dimensional microstate geometries with arbitrarily small angular momentum.Comment: 33 pages. v2: typos correcte

    Fourier Mukai Transforms for Gorenstein Schemes

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    We extend to singular schemes with Gorenstein singularities or fibered in schemes of that kind Bondal and Orlov's criterion for an integral functor to be fully faithful. We also contemplate a criterion for equivalence. We offer a proof that is new even if we restrict to the smooth case. In addition, we prove that for locally projective Gorenstein morphisms, a relative integral functor is fully faithful if and only if its restriction to each fibre also is it. These results imply the invertibility of the usual relative Fourier-Mukai transform for an elliptic fibration as a direct corollary.Comment: Final version. To appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Beyond the near-horizon limit: Stringy corrections to Heterotic Black Holes

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    We study the first-order in α\alpha' corrections to 4-charge black holes (with the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole as a particular example) beyond the near-horizon limit in the Heterotic Superstring effective action framework. The higher-curvature terms behave as delocalized sources in the equations of motion and in the Bianchi identity of the 3-form. For some charges, this introduces a shift between their values measured at the horizon and asymptotically. Some of these corrections and their associated charge shifts, but not all of them, can be canceled using appropriate SU(2)(2) instantons for the heterotic gauge fields. The entropy, computed using Wald's formula, is in agreement with the result obtained via microstate counting when the delocalized sources are properly taken into account.Comment: 46 page

    A computational study on the intriguing mechanisms of the gas-phase thermal activation of methane by bare [Ni(H)(OH)](+)

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.A detailed computational study on the reaction mechanisms of the thermal activation of methane by the bare complex [Ni(H)(OH)]+ has been conducted. The experimentally observed reaction features, i.e. the ligand exchange Ni(H) → Ni(CH3), the H/D scrambling between the incoming methane and the hydrido ligand of the nickel complex, the spectator-like behavior of the OH ligand, and the relatively moderate reaction efficiency of 6% relative to the collision rate of the ion/molecule reaction, can be explained by considering three competing mechanisms, and a satisfactory agreement between experiment and theory has been found.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi

    Tratamiento de oligometástasis mediante cirugía oncológica con intención curativa

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    Oligometastasis is a clinical condition characterized by the presence of one to five metastases in a controlled or potentially controllable neoplasm, which can be treated at a local level through ablative therapy. Material and methods. We report the case of a 49 years old male who is diagnosed of a renal cell carcinoma, and presents metastases in the left humerus and the right radius. Two-stage surgery is carried out with the placement of tumor prosthesis in the humerus and reconstruction by using the fibula and osteosynthesis with a plate in the radius. Results. In the course of two years of monitoring, the patient is now disease free at both a local and systemic levels with a good clinical, functional and radiological condition. Conclusions. The management of patients with metastatic cancer has changed. Patients affected by oligometastasis can be treated with oncology surgery with a curative intention, increasing the chances of survival and even achieving the recovery of the patient

    Aluminum induces inflammatory and proteolytic alterations in human monocytic cell line

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    none4noThe increasing exposure to aluminum has been linked with the development of different human pathologies (e.g., breast cancer, myofasciitis, neurodegenerative diseases), probably due to the consistent presence of aluminum salts in widely diffused cosmetic products and vaccines. However, the mechanisms underlying immunologic and proliferative alterations still remain unknown. In the present study we investigated the ability of different aluminum compounds (i.e., aluminum chloride vs Imject® Alum, a mixture of aluminum and magnesium hydroxide) to trigger both inflammatory and proteolytic responses in U-937 human monocytic cell line. We demonstrated, by multiplex immunoassay analyses, that monocytic cells treated with both Imject Alum and aluminum chloride showed different and peculiar expression profiles of 27 inflammatory mediators and 5 matrix metalloproteinases, with respect to untreated control cells. In particular, we found dose-dependent significantly increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and chemoattractant chemokines; whereas among metalloproteinases, only collagenolytic protease showed a significant dose-dependent increase in Imject-treated cells with respect to controls and Al-chloride treated cells. Noteworthy, we found only in Imject Alum-treated cells the significant positive correlations among collagenolytic metalloproteinase and increased expression of pro-inflammatory chemokines, suggesting a possible involvement of aluminum in regulating the acute inflammatory responses. In agreement to emerging evidences, for the first time we demonstrated that the treatment of monocyte cells with aluminum-based adjuvant is able to induce an inflammatory status and a proteolytic cascade activation. In fact, the cell treatment with Imject Alum induced increased levels of several cytokines and proteinases, suggesting these monocyte mediators as possible biomarkers for aluminum-linked diseases. The identification of the biochemical pathways involved in Al-induced cell injury pave the way for improving the knowledge on the potential impact of aluminum in human physio-pathology.openLigi, D; Santi, M; Croce, L; Mannello, FLigi, Daniela; Santi, Martina; Croce, L; Mannello, Ferdinand

    Modified carbon-containing electrodes in stripping voltammetry of metals

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