137 research outputs found

    Migration as hope and depression: existential im/mobilities in and beyond Egypt

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    Recent scholarship has asserted that prolonged periods of‘waiting’or‘stuckedness’are becoming the condition of modern capitalism for manypeople. This article complicates this assertion by interrogating the affectivelife of migration, an act which offers the possibility of overcoming, but alsoreinforces, existential stuckedness. Using two ethnographies with youngaspiring male migrants in Egypt, and older migrant men in the Netherlands,we reveal how migration, both before and after physical movement, isexperienced through constant existential oscillation: between‘‘amal’(hope) that the good life is arriving, and‘ikti’āb’(anEgyptianunderstandingof depression) when a new blockage is met. Developing existing under-standings of migratory experience and governance, the article argues thatoscillation emerges out of‘cruel’migratory regimes which perpetually offerup the promise of the good life to aspiring migrants, while inhibiting themeans of achieving it for the majority Horizon 2020(H2020)640074FSW - Global Connections --- OudGlobal Challenges (FSW

    Welfare, social citizenship, and the spectre of inequality in Amsterdam

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    This article explores how notions of citizenship are negotiated in encounters between parents and youth care professionals in Amsterdam in the context of heated debates over citizenship and belonging. We draw on ethnographic research on Egyptian migrant parents' interactions with the welfare state, and on the work of youth care professionals. We found that both parents and professionals were invested in universal forms of citizenship. Parents wanted to be treated like their fellow citizens regardless of their background, while professionals wanted to care for all children. While parents feared and suspected that their children were subject to unfair treatment, professional practices left little space for disagreement or a consideration of racialized aspects of their encounters with clients. We conclude that notions of equal citizenship provide a primary, but uncertain ground for the elaboration of citizenship and belonging in parenting encounters, which is haunted by the spectre of difference and inequality.Horizon 2020(H2020)Global Challenges (FSW

    Coordinating cell proliferation and differentiation: Antagonism between cell cycle regulators and cell type-specific gene expression

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    Cell proliferation and differentiation show a remarkable inverse relationship. Precursor cells continue division before acquiring a fully differentiated state, while terminal differentiation usually coincides with proliferation arrest and permanent exit from the division cycle. Mechanistic insight in the temporal coordination between cell cycle exit and differentiation has come from studies of cells in culture and genetic animal models. As initially described for skeletal muscle differentiation, temporal coordination involves mutual antagonism between cyclin-dependent kinases that promote cell cycle entry and transcription factors that induce tissue-specific gene expression. Recent insights highlight the contribution of chromatin-regulating complexes that act in conjunction with the transcription factors and determine their activity. In particular SWI/SNF chromatin remodelers contribute to dual regulation of cell cycle and tissue-specific gene expression during terminal differentiation. We review the concerted regulation of the cell cycle and cell type-specific transcription, and discuss common mutations in human cancer that emphasize the clinical importance of proliferation versus differentiation control

    Is de landbouw echt zo gevoelig voor zout water?

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    Hoe goed kunnen landbouwgewassen tegen brak water? Waterbeheerders hanteren in overleg met de landbouw al decennialang conservatieve normen voor zouttolerantie. Er zijn echter steeds meer aanwijzingen dat met name vollegrondsteelten (veel) beter tegen zout kunnen dan de normen suggereren. Er liggen grote kansen om het waterbeheer flexibeler en goedkoper te maken

    Organische stof: de moeite waard voor waterbeheer?

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    Zijn investeringen in bodemorganische stof de moeite waard voor eenwaterbeheerder? In schrale zandgronden heeft organische stof een gunstigewerking op de waterbeschikbaarheid, maar in andere gronden is het effectbeperk

    Reproducing Europe: migrant families, professionals and the welfare state

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    Horizon 2020(H2020)640074Global Challenges (FSW

    Kennis beter ontsluiten en benutten met Deltafacts

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    Binnen universiteiten, kennisinstituten en bij waterbeheerders wordt veel kennis ontwikkeld en vergaard. Om te kunnen blijven innoveren, is het belangrijk deze kennis met elkaar te delen, zodat we stappen kunnen maken richting verdere ontwikkeling van de watersector. Hierin is een wereld te winnen, omdat kennis niet optimaal bekend is, versnipperd is of besloten ligt in moeilijk toegankelijke rapporten. Binnen het STOWA- kennisprogramma Deltaproof spreken de waterschappen de wens uit werk te maken van het ontsluiten van kennis. STOWA pakte de boodschap op en nam het initiatief voor het ontwikkelen van Deltafact

    Landbouwschade door ander waterbeheer beter te bepalen

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    Er is een belangrijke basis gelegd voor een nieuwe (klimaatrobuuste) methode om te voorspellen welke gevolgen veranderingen in het waterbeheer hebben voor de landbouwopbrengsten

    Playing With The Trouble: Exploring (mini)games for interdisciplinary connections

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    This workshop explores the use of play to foster and support interdisciplinary connections and collaborations in a systemic design context. We are developing creative prototype ‘minigames’ which address different aspects of the challenges faced in collaborations between disciplines, including facilitating collective imagination, surfacing worldviews, embracing ambiguity and uncertainty, and/or ‘unmaking’ systems, as part of a project which brings together an interdisciplinary team of researchers working at the intersection of technical, social, political, (bio)medical, and humanistic fields. The systemic design community, experienced in crossing boundaries and working at different levels of abstraction, is well positioned to contribute to this area, but also, we hope, will benefit from participating in playtesting some of the prototype minigame activities at RSD11. We will aim to make the most of participants’ own (inter-)disciplinary and systems expertise—this is intended to be a session in which participants make new connections and collaborations with each other through play, with the minigames potentially offering useful methods for participants to use and apply in their own work and practice
