257 research outputs found

    Data-driven identification of structural alerts for mitigating the risk of drug-induced human liver injuries

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    El presente trabajo propone, tomando como eje los postulados de Iuri Lotman acerca de la memoria, una lectura de la novela Los pichiciegos (1984), del escritor argentino Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill (1941-2010). Escrito en paralelo a la guerra de las Malvinas, este relato pone en cuestión la narrativa oficial de la guerra y problematiza, en clave literaria, las tensiones entre memoria y ficción en la construcción de un acontecimiento relevante de la historia latinoamericana. De este modo, nuestro trabajo propone un abordaje, desde el campo de la semiótica de la cultura, de las complejas relaciones entre memoria y ficción.From the perspective of Iuri Lotman´s concept about memory, this paper propose a reading of Los pichiciegos, novel that wrote by the Argentinian author Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill (1941-2010). Written at the same moment of Falklans War happens, this story calls into question the official narrative of the war and discuss, in literary key, boundaries between memory and fiction on contemporary Latin-American history. Thus, from the field of Cultural Semiotics, our work proposes an approach of the complex relationship between memory and fiction in Los Pichiciegos.Aquest treball proposa, prenent com a eix els postulats de Iuri Lotman sobre la memòria, una lectura de la novel·la Los pichiciegos (1984), de l'escriptor argentí Rodolfo Enrique Fogwill (1941-2010). Escrit en paral·lel a la guerra de les Malvines, aquest relat posa en qüestió la narrativa oficial de la guerra i problematitza, en clau literària, les tensions entre memòria i ficció en construir un esdeveniment rellevant de la història llatinoamericana. D'aquesta manera, el nostre treball proposa un abordatge, des del camp de la semiòtica de la cultura, de les complexes relacions entre memòria i ficció

    Quantum-trajectory analysis for charge transfer in solid materials induced by strong laser fields

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    We investigate the dependence of charge transfer on the intensity of driving laser field when SiO2 crystal is irradiated by an 800 nm laser. It is surprising that the direction of charge transfer undergoes a sudden reversal when the driving laser intensity exceeds critical values with different carrier envelope phases. By applying quantum-trajectory analysis, we find that the Bloch oscillation plays an important role in charge transfer in solid. Also, we study the interaction of strong laser with gallium nitride (GaN) that is widely used in optoelectronics. A pump-probe scheme is applied to control the quantum trajectories of the electrons in the conduction band. The signal of charge transfer is controlled successfully by means of theoretically proposed approach

    Parallel phonological processing of Chinese characters revealed by flankers tasks

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    An important and extensively researched question in the field of reading is whether readers can process multiple words in parallel. An unresolved issue regarding this question is whether the phonological information from foveal and parafoveal words can be processed in parallel, i.e., parallel phonological processing. The present study aims to investigate whether there is parallel phonological processing of Chinese characters. The original and the revised flankers tasks were applied. In both tasks, a foveal target character was presented in isolation in the no-flanker condition, flanked on both sides by a parafoveal homophone in the homophone-flanker condition, and by a non-homophonic character in the unrelated-flanker condition. Participants were instructed to fixate on the target characters and press two keys to indicate whether they knew the target characters (lexical vs. non-lexical). In the original flankers task, the stimuli were presented for 150 ms without a post-mask. In the revised flankers task, we set the stimulus exposure time (duration of the stimuli plus the blank interval between the stimuli and the post-mask) to each participant’s lexical decision threshold to prevent participants from processing the target and flanker characters serially. In both tasks, reaction times to the lexical targets were significantly shorter in the homophone-flanker condition than in the unrelated-flanker condition, suggesting parallel phonological processing of Chinese characters. In the revised flankers task, accuracy rates to the lexical targets were significantly lower in the unrelated-flanker condition compared to the homophone-flanker condition, further supporting parallel phonological processing of Chinese characters. Moreover, reaction times to the lexical targets were the shortest in the no-flanker condition in both tasks, reflecting the attention distribution over both the target and flanker characters. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the parallel processing mechanisms involved in reading

    Learning representations from heterogeneous network for sentiment classification of product reviews

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    There have been increasing interests in natural language processing to explore effective methods in learning better representations of text for sentiment classification in product reviews. However, most existing methods do not consider subtle interplays among words appeared in review text, authors of reviews and products the reviews are associated with. In this paper, we make use of a heterogeneous network to model the shared polarity in product reviews and learn representations of users, products they commented on and words they used simultaneously. The basic idea is to first construct a heterogeneous network which links users, products, words appeared in product reviews, as well as the polarities of the words. Based on the constructed network, representations of nodes are learned using a network embedding method, which are subsequently incorporated into a convolutional neural network for sentiment analysis. Evaluations on the product reviews, including IMDB, Yelp 2013 and Yelp 2014 datasets, show that the proposed approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance

    On the Theory of Solid-State Harmonic Generation Governed by Crystal Symmetry

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    The solid-state harmonic generation (SSHG) derives from photocurrent coherence. The crystal symmetry, including point-group symmetry and time-reversal symmetry, constrains the amplitude and phase of the photocurrent, thus manipulates the coherent processes in SSHG. We revisit the expression of photocurrent under the electric dipole approximation and give an unambiguous picture of non-equilibrium dynamics of photocarriers on laser-dressed effective bands. In addition to the dynamical phase, we reveal the indispensable roles of the phase difference of transition dipole moments and the phase induced by shift vector in the photocurrent coherence. Microscopic mechanism of the selection rule, orientation dependence, polarization characteristics, time-frequency analysis and ellipticity dependence of harmonics governed by symmetries is uniformly clarified in our theoretical framework. This work integrates non-equilibrium electronic dynamics of condensed matter in strong laser fields, and paves a way to explore more nonlinear optical phenomena governed by crystal symmetry.Comment: 13 pages,5 figure

    COPF: Continual Learning Human Preference through Optimal Policy Fitting

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    The technique of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a commonly employed method to improve pre-trained Language Models (LM), enhancing their ability to conform to human preferences. Nevertheless, the current RLHF-based LMs necessitate full retraining each time novel queries or feedback are introduced, which becomes a challenging task because human preferences can vary between different domains or tasks. Retraining LMs poses practical difficulties in many real-world situations due to the significant time and computational resources required, along with concerns related to data privacy. To address this limitation, we propose a new method called Continual Optimal Policy Fitting (COPF), in which we estimate a series of optimal policies using the Monte Carlo method, and then continually fit the policy sequence with the function regularization. COPF involves a single learning phase and doesn't necessitate complex reinforcement learning. Importantly, it shares the capability with RLHF to learn from unlabeled data, making it flexible for continual preference learning. Our experimental results show that COPF outperforms strong Continuous learning (CL) baselines when it comes to consistently aligning with human preferences on different tasks and domains

    Chromium phosphide CrP as highly active and stable electrocatalysts for oxygen electroreduction in alkaline media

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    Catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) are key components in emerging energy technologies such as fuel cells and metal-air batteries. Developing low-cost, high performance and stable electrocatalysts is critical for the extensive implementation of these technologies. Herein, we present a procedure to prepare colloidal chromium phosphide CrP nanocrystals and we test their performance as ORR electrocatalyst. CrP-based catalysts exhibited remarkable activities with a limiting current density of 4.94¿mA¿cm-2 at 0.2¿V, a half-potential of 0.65¿V and an onset potential of 0.8¿V at 1600¿rpm, which are comparable to commercial Pt/C. Advantageously, CrP-based catalysts displayed much higher stabilities and higher tolerances to methanol in alkaline solution. Using density functional theory calculations, we demonstrate CrP to provide a very strong chemisorption of O2 that facilitates its reduction and explains the excellent ORR performance experimentally demonstrated.Postprint (author's final draft
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