16 research outputs found

    Impressão 3D de sensores flexíveis baseados em polímeros para aplicações biomédicas

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    Flexible self-powered sensors have great potential in the medical field, offering a means of continuous monitoring of patients, helping to prevent and diagnose diseases. The present work explores biodegradable and low-cost alternatives to produce flexible sensors, from polylactic acid, for biomedical applications. Flexible sensors are composed of 3 main parts: transducers, electrodes, and substrate. In this work, the flexible sensors object of study are constituted by an incapsulating substrate of transparent adhesive tape, electrodes produced by 3D printing of a conductive composite of polylactic acid doped with carbon black and by 2 types of transducers; poly-L-lactic (PLLA) and commercial polylactic acid (PLA) To produce the poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) and polylactic acid (PLA) transducers, two production methods were used: solvent cast and electrospinning, corona pooling methodology was used to change its electrical state. The response of sensors to mechanical and electrical stimuli was investigated and compared. The results show that both PLA and PLLA work based on the principle of piezoelectricity and triboelectricity and respond to mechanical deformation, the best results were obtained by transducers produced by solvent casting treated by corona pooling.Sensores flexíveis autoalimentados têm grande potencial no campo da medicina, podendo oferecer meios de monotorização continua de pacientes ajudando na prevenção e diagnóstico de doenças. O presente trabalho explora alternativas biodegradáveis e de baixo custo para produção de sensores flexíveis, a partir de ácido poliláctico, destinados a aplicações biomédicas. De uma forma geral os sensores flexíveis são compostos por 3 partes principais: transdutores, elétrodos e substrato, Neste trabalho os sensores flexíveis objeto de estudo são constituídos por um substrato incapsulante de fita cola transparente, elétrodos produzidos por impressão 3D de um compósito condutor de ácido poliláctico dopado com negro de fumo e por 2 tipos de transdutores; poli-L-láctico (PLLA) e ácido poliláctico (PLA). Para produzir os transdutores de ácido poli-L-láctico (PLLA) e ácido poliláctico (PLA) foram usados dois métodos de produção: solvent cast e electrospinnig e recorreu-se à metodologia de corona pooling para alteração do seu estado elétrico. A resposta dos sensores a estímulos mecânicos e elétricos foi investigada e comparada. Os resultados mostram que tanto o PLA quanto o PLLA funcionam com base no princípio da piezoeletricidade e triboeletricidade e respondem a deformação mecânica, os melhores resultados foram obtidos pelos transdutores produzidos por solvent casting tratados por corona pooling.Mestrado em Materiais e Dispositivos Biomédico

    Raising inclusion through na online community

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    The inclusion of children with deafness may be enhanced by the use of social web tools. In this scenario, building collaborative relationships among the school community as a whole is a very important process, being crucial to better understand the role of families in potentiating learning in the different contexts beyond school.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Connecting Families and Schools of Students with Deafness: Describing the ICT and Internet use in Education

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    The use of ICT, namely of internet-based solutions, on de education of students with deafness promotes their access to a wide variety of information and experiences, by decreasing the communication barriers implied in those special needs individuals. In this study was used a self-administered questionnaire, with closed-set questions, validated through the contribution of a team of experts and a prior pilot study. Then, the families and professionals that take part of the educational community of these students were asked to share their knowledge about their ideas concerning ICT and internet roles in the education of students with deafness. Results show that these subjects have access and frequently use a wide range of technologies and web services, being more frequently used the ones concerned with online search, productivity tools and e-mail. The need for more training in this area is referred by most of the subjects. Although acknowledging the positive influence that the internet can have in both the academic achievement and future career of the students with deafness, the subjects also express that these individuals are also in need of more training to make a critical use of the internet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comunidades en línea para la inclusión digital de alumnos con sordera

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    Online communities exist in different contexts of education, where access and use of web tools is also growing. Search in this article fit this potential for learning communities that include students with deafness, and identify key characteristics that they must not only have to promote the educational success of this group of pupils with special educational needs, but also the highest quality of participation parental leave. It appears that the increasing availability of multimedia content is a facilitator of a particular form for deaf students, who have the video and image formats preferred access to information. Online communities through the dissemination of specific information on deafness, access to content covered in the classroom without restrictions of time and space, and sharing of needs and experiences in school and family can contribute to greater parental involvement and the school-family approach.Las comunidades en línea existen en los diferentes contextos de la educación, donde el acceso y el uso de herramientas de la web también creciendo. Este artículo trata de explicar, a través de la base teórica, el beneficio para las comunidades de aprendizaje de alumnos con sordera, e identificar las características clave que debe tener para no sólo promover el éxito educativo de este grupo de alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, sino también la más alta calidad de la participación de los padres en la aprendizaje de sus hijos. La creciente disponibilidad de contenidos multimedia es un facilitador de una forma particular para los estudiantes sordos, que prefieren acceder a información a través de vídeo e imagen. Las comunidades en línea a través de la difusión de información específica sobre la sordera, el acceso a los contenidos tratados en el aula, sin restricciones de tiempo y espacio, y el intercambio de necesidades y experiencias en la escuela y la familia pueden contribuir a una mayor participación de los padres y acercamiento escuela-familia.ién est

    Joint use of data and modeling in coastal wave transformation

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    In the framework of a research project entitled "BRISA-BReaking waves and Induced SAnd transport", a methodology was devised to characterize the waves joining together in-situ measurements and numerical wave propagation models. With this goal in mind, a number of in-situ measurements were made, for selected positions in front of Praia de Faro (South Portugal), during four days (25th to 28th March, 2009) by using different types of equipments (e.g., resistive wave gauges, pressure sensors, currentmeters and a new prototype pore pressure sensor using optical fibre). Wave records were obtained simultaneously offshore (at a water depth of 11.7 m below mean sea level, MSL) and at the surf and swash zones. The data processing and analysis were made by applying classical time domain techniques. Numerical simulations of the wave propagation between offshore and inshore for the measurement period were performed with two numerical models, a 1D model based on linear theory and a nonlinear Boussinesq-type model, COULWAVE, both forced by the measured offshore wave conditions of 27th March 2009. Comparisons between numerical results and field data for the pressure sensors placed in the surf and swash zones were made and discussed. This approach enables to evaluate the performance of those models to simulate those specific conditions, but also to validate the models by gaining confidence on their use in other conditions.Science and Technology Foundation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal [SFRH/BPD/20508/2004]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da probabilidade de ocorrência de galgamentos não admissíveis no posto 2 do terminal de granéis líquidos do porto de Sines

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    Les procédures d'évaluation du débit moyen de débordement sur un tronçon d'un brise-lames de type talus sont décrites à partir des caractéristiques de l’agitation maritime incidente sur ce tronçon. Une méthode pour estimer les valeurs extrêmes de ce débordement à partir des séries temporales de cette même variable est présentée ainsi que l’application des procédures décrites au tronçon de la jetée ouest du port de Sines qui protège le poste 2 du terminal de vrac liquide de l’action des vagues. Ce régime des extrêmes du débit moyen de débordement est fondamental pour évaluer le risque d’occurrence de débordement non-admissible au poste 2.The procedures to evaluate the mean wave overtopping discharge over a stretch of a rubble-mound breakwater from the characteristics of the incident sea waves are presented. A method is also presented for estimating extreme values of such discharge from the time series of the same variable. The application of the described procedures is illustrated with the evaluation of the extreme regime for the mean overtopping discharge over the stretch of the western breakwater that protects berth 2 of the port of Sines liquid bulk terminal from wave action. Such extreme regime for the mean wave overtopping discharge is fundamental for assessing the risk associated to nonadmissible overtopping at berth 2.Descrevem-se os procedimentos para avaliar o caudal médio galgado sobre um trecho de um quebra-mar de taludes a partir das caraterísticas da agitação marítima incidente no mesmo trecho. Apresenta-se uma metodologia para estimação de valores extremos daquele caudal, partindo das séries temporais da mesma variável, e ilustram-se esses procedimentos num trecho do molhe oeste do porto de Sines que protege o posto 2 do terminal de granéis líquidos da ação da agitação marítima. Este regime de extremos do caudal médio galgado é fundamental para a avaliação do risco de ocorrência de galgamentos não admissíveis no posto 2.Se describen los procedimientos para evaluar el flujo medio de caudal de rebase en un tramo de un rompeolas a partir de las características de la agitación marítima incidente en el mismo tramo. Se presenta una metodología para estimar los valores extremos de la serie temporal de la misma variable y se ilustra la aplicación de los procedimientos descritos en el tramo del muelle oeste del puerto de Sines, que protege el puesto 2 del terminal de gráneles líquidos de la acción de la agitación marítima. Este régimen de extremos del flujo medio de caudal de rebase es fundamental para la evaluación del riesgo de ocurrencia de rebases inadmisibles en el puesto 2

    Mediator framework for inserting xDRs into hadoop

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    During the last decades, we assisted to what is called “information explosion”. With the advent of the new technologies and new contexts, the volume, velocity and variety of data has increased exponentially, becoming what is known today as big data. Among them, we emphasize telecommunications operators, which gather, using network monitoring equipment, millions of network event records, the Call Detail Records (CDRs) and the Event Detail Records (EDRs), commonly known as xDRs. These records are stored and later processed to compute network performance and quality of service metrics. With the ever increasing number of collected xDRs, its generated volume needing to be stored has increased exponentially, making the current solutions based on relational databases not suited anymore. To tackle this problem, the relational data store can be replaced by Hadoop File System (HDFS). However, HDFS is simply a distributed file system, this way not supporting any aspect of the relational paradigm. To overcome this difficulty, this paper presents a framework that enables the current systems inserting data into relational databases, to keep doing it transparently when migrating to Hadoop. As proof of concept, the developed platform was integrated with the Altaia - a performance and QoS management of telecommunications networks and services

    Galgamento num quebra-mar de talude em cenários de alterações climáticas: resultados obtidos em modelo físico e com fórmulas empíricas

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    O projeto HYDRALAB+ (H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015) reúne uma rede Europeia de institutos de hidráulica para o estudo de estratégias de adaptação às alterações climáticas através de ensaios experimentais e cujos resultados são essenciais para a calibração e validação de modelos numéricos, fórmulas empíricas, redes neuronais, etc. Osensaios experimentaisdesenvolvidosno LNEC, no âmbito do HYDRALAB+, Tarefa 8.2 do RECIPEtemcomo objetivoa análise do danonum quebra-mar de talude, do galgamento e do espraiamentopara quatro cenários de temporalcorrespondentes asituações extremas associadas a cenários de alterações climáticas. Os ensaios foram realizados num canal de ondas irregulares no qual foi implementada uma secção transversal doquebra-mar,com um manto constituído por enrocamento. No presente estudo comparam-se os valores do galgamento medidos nos ensaios em modelo físico com resultados estimados por fórmulas empíricas.Testou-se o efeito de um temporal num cenário de alterações climático, através do aumento da altura significativa de onda com o aumento do nível de água. Foitestadoum conjunto de condições de agitação incidentes em combinação com dois níveis de maré. A análise dos resultados é feita com o intuito de estimar com precisão a ocorrência de galgamento em quebra-mares, um fenómeno que ainda se torna mais relevante em cenários de alterações climáticas. Com efeito, nestes cenários é previsível a subida do nível médio do mar, bem como o aumento da intensidade e frequência de temporais, o que pode dar origem a fenómenos de espraiamento/galgamento cada vez mais frequentes, tornando assim cada vez mais vulneráveis as estruturas de proteção costeiras e portuárias, bem como as zonas por elas protegidas

    Morphodynamics of fetch-limited beaches in contrasting environments

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    Sandy beaches can be found in fetch-limited environments that are protected from ocean generated waves, as estuaries, lagoons, and backbarriers, and where fetch characteristics allow local wind-generated waves to develop and maintain a beach. The morphodynamics of these low-energy beaches present a peculiar behaviour and general open-ocean models are inappropriate for their study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of wave conditions in damages at scale model tests of rubble-mound breakwaters under sea level rising

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    Usually, physical model tests support the design of breakwaters considering differentincident wave conditions, including extreme events. This paper describes two-dimensional physicalmodel tests of a rock armour breakwater, performed at LNEC´s experimental facilities, under theframework of the HYDRALAB+ project. The goal of the present work is to evaluate damageevolution under wave conditions resulting from future climate change scenarios. Test results arepresented in terms of the non-dimensional damage parameter (S) and of the percentage of displacedarmour units (D). The data analysis is focused on the cumulative damage progression related withwave parameters as Hmax and H2%, for the imposed storm sequences. The use of the stability number(Ns), considering both H=Hs and H=H2% revealed a good agreement in order to characterize itsrelationship with damage evolution. On the other hand, the use of Hmax revealed a decrease of thelinearity on damage evolution