623 research outputs found

    Code-Switching in the University Level Students of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study

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    The motto of this research article is to present how Bangladeshi University students use the mixture of both English and Bengali language as their spoken language. It can be said undoubtedly that English is the vast spoken language in the whole world as well as spreading to a large extent. Bangladesh is not different from other countries as well as English has been taught every level an every medium of education here and in recent times it is seen that English is used by the university students when they talk with each other I mean we can see a mixture of two languages. Each language has a social function which no other language could possibly fulfill (Hudson, 1996). Perhaps that is why code switching has become a common phenomenon in our everyday conversations in the recent years in Bangladesh. Young people randomly style switch in their daily interactions. This research paper also explores the possible propelling factors as well as stereotypical patterns behind this scenario. The data collected for the study reveals different factors as the causes behind this practice of code-switching and its impact on language behavior

    Environmental Justice and Education: Bridging the Gap between Ecology, Equity, and Access

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    This study delves into the complex relationship between ecology, equity, and access, emphasizing the need for an integrated approach to address pressing environmental and societal challenges. Environmental disparities disproportionately affect marginalized communities, shaping their educational access and outcomes. These disparities are exacerbated by factors such as economic status, location, and policy biases, perpetuating a cycle of environmental and socio-economic inequality (Bullard, 1993). To mitigate these issues, various initiatives have been introduced to integrate environmental education into the academic curriculum, emphasizing interdisciplinary research, technology utilization, and community engagement. The National Curriculum Framework in India advocates for the inclusion of environmental concepts across subjects, aligning with global efforts to enhance environmental literacy (UNESCO, 2017). Additionally, community-based programs and advocacy campaigns have emerged to sensitize individuals, particularly the youth, about their role in achieving a sustainable and equitable future. Moving forward, holistic reforms encompassing policy advocacy, inclusive infrastructure development, and community empowerment are imperative to bridge the gap effectively. By fostering a culture of environmental consciousness, equitable resource distribution, and inclusive education, we can envision a society where every individual has equal access to a clean environment and the opportunity to prosper sustainably

    CEO Overconfidence and the Probability of Bankruptcy

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    This thesis examines the relation between CEO overconfidence and the probability of bankruptcy. In addition to the main research question, we develop two additional hypotheses. We evaluate the potential link or channel between CEO overconfidence and the probability of bankruptcy. In the relationship between CEO overconfidence and the probability of bankruptcy, we seek for any interaction effects of CEO dominance. It is not uncommon for CEOs to be overconfident about their firms' prospects. In our sample, we use data from the year 2000 to 2019 for US companies. We proxy the bankruptcy probability using Altman’s Z Score. We use a stock option-driven measure of overconfidence, and this measure assumes that non-overconfident CEO will exercise their stock options if it is in the money, while overconfident CEOs will hold stock options beyond a rational threshold. We construct both continuous and indicator-based measures of overconfidence to test the hypotheses. The empirical findings reveal that CEO overconfidence increases the probability of bankruptcy. We do not find any evidence in favor of overinvestment which we consider as a channel through which overconfidence leads to increased bankruptcy risk. We also find that dominant and overconfident CEOs are suited for innovative firms, implying that giving an overconfident CEO a dominant position can minimize a firm's probability of bankruptcy. The implications of this study are that firms should be cautious in hiring overconfident CEO and they should take measures to reduce the negative effects of CEO overconfidence like the probability of bankruptcy. One way to reduce the probability of bankruptcy in innovative firms is to appoint overconfident CEO into a dominant position

    Optimalisasi Kinerja DAS Solo dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (Studi Kasus : Karanganyar)

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    Preparation of DAS Performance Optimization Model-Based Community Development is an explorative study oriented to extracting facts on the ground and multi-criteria in selecting a model or an alternative strategy to optimize the performance of community-based watershed. As an applied study, first conducted studies theories and previous studies then continued with a survey questionnaire is to collect data samples at a certain time of a few respondents experts. The method used is hirarchy Analytical Process (AHP) using Expert choice software. Calculation globally ultimately obtained for the preparation of watershed performance optimization models are: (1) forest 19.5%, (2) real croops 19.1%, (3) food 16.2%, (4) the forest industry 13.1% (5) 12.5% agro industry, (6) the food industry 10.5%, (7) livestock 9%

    Maritime education and training in Bangladesh

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    The project “Maritime Education & Training in Bangladesh deals with the existing system in my country, the development project under execution and the future course of action to be taken. While dealing with the subject I have tried to be straightforward as far as possible. I have tried to explain the essential elements which need to be developed if our education and training is to be effective in a changed technological environment in the field of shipping. I have tried to highlight the importance of practical training backed by sound & broad theoretical studies required of an serving on board a ship to run a modern vessel safely & efficiently. This stems from my personal belief that the ultimate safety of a vessel lies with the person who operates it. Training is a definite insurance against accidents & inefficiency. Our system is still new and in a development stage. I have put forward some suggestion which I consider will help our country. I have tried to explain the problems our country is facing in developing its education & training facilities. I have pin pointed the problem of lack of experienced teaching staff as our number on^ problem. I have put forward some suggestions to solve the problems

    Self-synchronized converter for fast synchronization between low voltage microgrid and inverter connection

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    In this research, a fast-synchronization between single-phase microgrid and inverter in low voltage, which is based on virtual synchronous converter (VSCon) technique is been developed. This technique does not require any phase locked loop (PLL) circuit as an external control structure for the synchronization of the inverter. As known, PLL is a common technique in order to synchronize the amplitude, phase-angle and frequency between a microgrid and an inverter in distributed generation network. Previous studies show that, the disadvantage of PLLs is where the non-linear characteristic on the signal process will result the inverter control to be non-linear. Therefore, it is difficult and lengthy process to tune the PLL gains to reach suitable performance in order to synchronize the voltage, phase-angle and frequency between microgrid and inverter. As a result, a VSCon is been developed in which it is a self-synchronized inverter which is based on synchronous generator mathematical model. This controller acts like as synchronous generator operating system in inverter control loop in order to achieve fast voltage, phase and frequency synchronization between inverter-microgrid connection. This technique has been modeled, simulated and tested in Matlab/Simulink software. It is by using a single-phase AC source input system connecting with several load variations during simulation period. This VSCon has been placed in inverter control loop to generate a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal that responds to the grid information for to synchronizing the inverter output voltage with the grid voltage. A single source input at 120V, 50Hz frequency and 240V, 50Hz frequency are used in order to see the self-synchronization response between a microgrid and an inverter. Furthermore, it also been tested when the grid frequency has been changed from the rated frequency at 50Hz to 51Hz and the result shows that, VSCon takes nearly 1-cycle to synchronize to this new frequency value. The grid phase angle test also has been conducted. For this test, the voltage grid which has 100 phase delay has been created in the input voltage source at microgrid side. As a result, the VSCon is also able to achieve self-synchronization with this new sourc

    Essays in Workplace Safety Issues in Finance

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    I examine how firms address workplace safety issues considering their value implication. In my first essay, I investigate the relation between workplace safety and inside debt held by the CEO in form of pension benefits and deferred compensation. To mitigate the endogeneity of CEO inside debt design, I exploit variation generated by the implementation of the Internal Revenue Code Section 409A Final Regulations. Consistent with the long-term orientation hypothesis, I find strong evidence of lower establishment-level work-related injuries and illnesses in firms whose CEOs have higher relative inside debt. I also document that CEOs inside debt holdings are associated with both adopting employee-friendly corporate policy and reducing firms’ risk-taking behavior. The effect of CEO inside debt on workplace safety is more pronounced in firms with high labor union coverage and cash flow volatility and low CEO ownership. The finding has a cost implication for bank financing in the sense that banks charge higher loan spreads to firms with higher workplace injuries and illnesses. In the second essay, I investigate the effect of local religiosity on employee treatment, proxied by workplace safety incidents. Using the establishment-level data compiling on the incidents of work-related injuries, I find that employees of the establishments in more religious counties get less injured than those in less religious counties. I further find that a reduction in occupational accidents is irrelevant for risk-based cross-sectional groups and more evident for establishments in counties dominated by one religious denomination. This analysis mitigates the concerns for a risk-based explanation of religiosity on employee treatment and strengthens my argument on community solidarity and homophiles stemmed from religious networks. Firms whose establishments are located in high religious counties are less likely to violate workplace conduct and more likely to take workplace safety measures. Moreover, firms with more work-related injuries exhibit poorer firm performance. Overall, my findings suggest that local religiosity has a value implication through human capital protection

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru pada Smk Budhi Warman 1 Jakarta

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    System acceptance of new students that is used today by SMK Budhi Warman 1 still using manual systems, where the committee registration data entry by recording the books, authors therefore intends to make the information system admission of new students web-based SMK Budhi Warman 1 . Making the information system admission of new students using the web-based PHP programming language and MySQL database. Registration system is web-based SMK Budhi Warman 1 Jakarta can be easier for potential new students to register to save time and cost than if it comes directly to the school and with the information system of information admission of new students, are expected to assist and simplify the processing of learners SMK Budhi Warman 1 Jakarta