13 research outputs found

    Energy limitation or sensitive predators? Trophic and non-trophic impacts of wastewater pollution on stream food webs

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    Impacts of environmental stressors on food webs are often difficult to predict because trophic levels can respond in divergent ways, and biotic interactions may dampen or amplify responses. Here we studied food-web-level impacts of urban wastewater pollution, a widespread source of degradation that can alter stream food webs via top-down and bottom-up processes. Wastewater may (1) subsidize primary producers by decreasing nutrient limitation, inducing a wide-bottomed trophic pyramid. However, (2) wastewater may also reduce the quality and diversity of resources, which could decrease energy transfer efficiency by reducing consumer fitness, leading to predator starvation. Additionally, (3) if higher trophic levels are particularly sensitive to pollution, primary consumers could be released from predation pressure. We tested these hypotheses in 10 pairs of stream sites located upstream and downstream of urban wastewater effluents with different pollutant levels. We found that wastewater pollution reduced predator richness by ∼34%. Community size spectra (CSS) slopes were steeper downstream than upstream of wastewater effluents in all except one impact site where predators became locally extinct. Further, variation in downstream CSS slopes were correlated with pollution loads: the more polluted the stream, the steeper the CSS. We estimate that wastewater pollution decreased energy transfer efficiencies to primary consumers by ∼70%, limiting energy supply to predators. Additionally, traits increasing vulnerability to chemical pollution were overrepresented among predators, which presented compressed trophic niches (δ15 N-δ13 C) downstream of effluents. Our results show that wastewater pollution can impact stream food webs via a combination of energy limitation to consumers and extirpation of pollution-sensitive top predators. Understanding the indirect (biotically mediated) vs. direct (abiotic) mechanisms controlling responses to stress may help anticipating impacts of altered water quantity and quality, key signatures of global change

    Dam regulation and riverine food-web sructure in a Mediterraenan river

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    Flow regimes are a major driver of community composition and structure in riverine ecosystems, and flow regulation by dams often induces artificially-stable flow regimes downstream. This represents a major source of hydrological alteration, particularly in regions where biota is adapted to strong seasonal and interannual flow variability. We hypothesized that dam-induced hydrological stability should increase the availability of autochthonous resources at the base of the food web. This, in turn, should favour herbivorous over detritivorous strategies, increasing the diversity of primary consumers, and the food-web width and length. We tested this hypothesis by studying the longitudinal variation in food-web structure in a highly-seasonal Mediterranean river affected by an irrigation dam. We compared an unregulated reach to several reaches downstream of the dam. Hydrological and sedimentological stability increased downstream of the dam, and altered the type and quantity of available resources downstream, prompting a change from a detritus-based to an algae-based food web. The fraction of links between top and intermediate species also increased, and the food web became longer and wider at the intermediate trophic levels. Food-web structure did not recover 14 km downstream of the dam, despite a partial restitution of the flow regime. Our results advance the notion that hydrologic alteration affects riverine food webs via additions/deletions of taxa and variation in the strength and distribution of food-web interactions. Thus, flow regulation by dams may not only impact individual facets of biodiversity, but also food-web level properties across river networks

    Primary succession in man-made wetlands: biodiversity, structure and dynamics of macrofaunal assemblages

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    Man-made wetlands are often created to compensate for the loss or degradation of natural wetlands, but little is known about the processes taking place in these artificial environments, especially at the community level. Throughout this thesis, we have assessed the phenomena of primary succession over different time (short-, mid- and long-term) and spatial scales (local, regional, interregional levels), applying different approaches (taxonomic and functional) and subject groups (invertebrates and amphibians). Our main findings regarding time scales show a 3-phase successional pattern in Mediterranean man-made wetlands’ communities, where at the short term (1 year) colonization processes dominate; at mid term perspectives (2 to 7 years) succession signs begin to be conspicuous, and later on (≥ 10 years) parameters such as species richness reach an asymptote. At that moment, some biological strategies dominate, and biodiversity surrogates indicate that communities are indistinct between man-made and natural wetlands. Regarding spatial effects, we corroborated that both local and regional factors affect the establishing communities. Particularly, the low hydrological stability of the Mediterranean region has enhanced biological traits favoring resilience and resistance to disturbances when comparing Mediterranean and cold temperate aquatic communities. Even within the Mediterranean region, low levels of hydrological stability have significant effects on the successional dynamics. In these cases, local communities are highly nested within regional natural ones, and so are not able to make net contributions to regional richness. We also showed the influence of the regional pool of recruiters over local communities, both in the case of invertebrates and amphibians. Especially for the latter group, man-made Mediterranean temporary ponds (MTPs) can play an important role in their conservation.Les zones humides de nova creació són sovint concebudes per compensar la pèrdua i degradació de les naturals, però el coneixement dels processos que tenen lloc en aquests ambients artificials encara és superficial, especialment a nivell de comunitat. Al llarg d’aquesta tesi, hem analitzat el fenomen de la successió primària a diferents escales temporals (a curt, mitjà i llarg termini) i a diferents escales espacials (a nivell local, regional i interregional), mitjançant diverses aproximacions (taxonòmiques i funcionals) i subjectes (invertebrats i amfibis). Les nostres aportacions pel que fa a les escales temporals mostren un patró de successió basat en 3 fases, on a curt termini (1 any) dominen els processos de colonització; en perspectives de mitjà termini (2 a 7 anys) els signes de successió comencen a ser conspicus, i més tard (≥ 10 anys) paràmetres com la riquesa d’espècies arriben a una asímptota. En aquesta fase avançada, algunes estratègies biològiques dominen, i els índexs de biodiversitat indiquen que les comunitats poden ser indistintes entre les llacunes naturals i les de nova creació. Pel que fa als efectes espacials, hem corroborat que tant factors locals com regionals afecten les comunitats que s’hi estableixen. En particular, la baixa estabilitat hidrològica de la regió Mediterrània ha afavorit trets biològics que proveeixen resiliència i resistència enfront de pertorbacions, sobretot quan es comparen amb les comunitats pròpies del clima temperat fred. Fins i tot dins la mateixa regió Mediterrània, nivells baixos d’estabilitat hidrològica poden tenir efectes importants en la dinàmica de la successió. En aquests casos, les comunitats locals estan altament aniuades en les naturals a nivell regional, i per tant difícilment poden fer contribucions netes a la riquesa regional. També hem mostrat la influència del pool regional de colonitzadors sobre les comunitats locals, tant en el cas dels invertebrats com en el dels amfibis. Especialment per aquest darrer grup, les Basses Temporànies Mediterrànies (BTMs) de nova creació poden jugar un paper important per a la seva conservació

    Inventariant els instruments científics de l'Institut Jaume Vicens Vives de Girona

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    This paper presents the first results from the inventory of scientific instruments of Institut Jaume Vicens Vives of Girona. It consists of a sparse collection that has been subjected to several historical changes that affected both its integrity and state of conservatio

    Functional and Phylogenetic Relatedness in Temporary Wetland Invertebrates: Current Macroecological Patterns and Implications for Future Climatic Change Scenarios

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    In freshwater ecosystems, species compositions are known to be determined hierarchically by large to small-scale environmental factors, based on the biological traits of the organisms. However, in ephemeral habitats this heuristic framework remains largely untested. Although temporary wetland faunas are constrained by a local filter (i.e., desiccation), we propose its magnitude may still depend on large-scale climate characteristics. If this is true, climate should be related to the degree of functional and taxonomic relatedness of invertebrate communities inhabiting seasonal wetlands. We tested this hypothesis in two ways. First, based on 52 biological traits for invertebrates, we conducted a case study to explore functional trends among temperate seasonal wetlands differing in the harshness (i.e., dryness) of their dry season. After finding evidence of trait filtering, we addressed whether it could be generalized across a broader climatic scale. To this end, a meta-analysis (225 seasonal wetlands spread across broad climatic categories: Arid, Temperate, and Cold) allowed us to identify whether an equivalent climate-dependent pattern of trait richness was consistent between the Nearctic and the Western Palearctic. Functional overlap of invertebrates increased from mild (i.e., Temperate) to harsher climates (i.e., Arid and Cold), and phylogenetic clustering (using taxonomy as a surrogate) was highest in Arid and lowest in Temperate wetlands. We show that, (i) as has been described in streams, higher relatedness than would be expected by chance is generally observed in seasonal wetland invertebrate communities; and (ii) this relatedness is not constant but climate-dependent, with the climate under which a given seasonal wetland is located determining the functional overlap and the phylogenetic clustering of the community. Finally, using a space-for-time substitution approach we suggest our results may anticipate how the invertebrate biodiversity embedded in these vulnerable and often overlooked ecosystems will be affected by long-term climate changeThis work was supported by a Scientific Research grant (CGL2011-23907) from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia of the Spanish Government (http://www.idi.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/MICINN/) and by a Scientific Research grant (CRP-24943) from the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Italy (https://www.regione.sardegna.it/

    Llacunes de nova creació: oasis d’optimisme enmig de la degradació

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    Sobre les llacunes de nova creaci

    Dam regulation and riverine food-web sructure in a Mediterraenan river

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    Flow regimes are a major driver of community composition and structure in riverine ecosystems, and flow regulation by dams often induces artificially-stable flow regimes downstream. This represents a major source of hydrological alteration, particularly in regions where biota is adapted to strong seasonal and interannual flow variability. We hypothesized that dam-induced hydrological stability should increase the availability of autochthonous resources at the base of the food web. This, in turn, should favour herbivorous over detritivorous strategies, increasing the diversity of primary consumers, and the food-web width and length. We tested this hypothesis by studying the longitudinal variation in food-web structure in a highly-seasonal Mediterranean river affected by an irrigation dam. We compared an unregulated reach to several reaches downstream of the dam. Hydrological and sedimentological stability increased downstream of the dam, and altered the type and quantity of available resources downstream, prompting a change from a detritus-based to an algae-based food web. The fraction of links between top and intermediate species also increased, and the food web became longer and wider at the intermediate trophic levels. Food-web structure did not recover 14 km downstream of the dam, despite a partial restitution of the flow regime. Our results advance the notion that hydrologic alteration affects riverine food webs via additions/deletions of taxa and variation in the strength and distribution of food-web interactions. Thus, flow regulation by dams may not only impact individual facets of biodiversity, but also food-web level properties across river networks

    Estanys de l’Albera i basses dels secans de Lleida: quines característiques ambientals determinen les seves comunitats i la seva biodiversitat?

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    In this study we have compared the biological communities inhabiting seasonal pools in two different areas in Catalonia: the Albera mountain range and the Lleida steppes. We aimed at identifying the environmental variables that determine community composition in those habitats, as well as at describing the biodiversity attributes, the dynamics throughout the hydroperiod, and eventual relationships among taxonomic groups in terms of species richness. We observed interregional differences in community dynamics, with higher change between subsequent visits being observed in Albera rather than in Lleida seasonal pools, a pattern consistent across all the study groups. Regarding species richness patterns, we observed that most of the relationships across taxonomic groups did not hold when considering both regions. Therefore, we suggest climate may break, at a regional level, eventual biodiversity patterns existing at the local scaleEn aquest estudi, hem realitzat una comparació de les comunitats biològiques dels estanys i les basses temporànies de dues àrees de clima diferenciat, al massís de l'Albera (Alt Empordà) i als secans de Lleida (Segrià). L'objectiu del treball ha estat identificar les variables ambientals que determinen la composició d'aquestes comunitats, com la biodiversitat, la dinàmica temporal i la congruència taxonòmica en termes de riquesa d'espècies que es pugui donar entre els grups florístics i faunístics seleccionats. S'han observat diferències entre regions pel que fa a la dinàmica al llarg del cicle d'inundació, essent més marcada als estanys de l'Albera que no pas a les de Lleida, per a tots els grups d'organismes. Quant als patrons de congruència taxonòmica en termes de riquesa d'espècies, s’ha observat que la majoria de relacions no es mantenien entre regions. En conseqüència, suggerim que el clima pot trencar, a nivell regional, patrons de biodiversitat que es donen a nivell loca