656 research outputs found

    Chaos suppression in the large size limit for long-range systems

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    We consider the class of long-range Hamiltonian systems first introduced by Anteneodo and Tsallis and called the alpha-XY model. This involves N classical rotators on a d-dimensional periodic lattice interacting all to all with an attractive coupling whose strength decays as r^{-alpha}, r being the distances between sites. Using a recent geometrical approach, we estimate for any d-dimensional lattice the scaling of the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) with N as a function of alpha in the large energy regime where rotators behave almost freely. We find that the LLE vanishes as N^{-kappa}, with kappa=1/3 for alpha/d between 0 and 1/2 and kappa=2/3(1-alpha/d) for alpha/d between 1/2 and 1. These analytical results present a nice agreement with numerical results obtained by Campa et al., including deviations at small N.Comment: 10 pages, 3 eps figure

    Statistical mechanics and dynamics of solvable models with long-range interactions

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    The two-body potential of systems with long-range interactions decays at large distances as V(r)∌1/rαV(r)\sim 1/r^\alpha, with α≀d\alpha\leq d, where dd is the space dimension. Examples are: gravitational systems, two-dimensional hydrodynamics, two-dimensional elasticity, charged and dipolar systems. Although such systems can be made extensive, they are intrinsically non additive. Moreover, the space of accessible macroscopic thermodynamic parameters might be non convex. The violation of these two basic properties is at the origin of ensemble inequivalence, which implies that specific heat can be negative in the microcanonical ensemble and temperature jumps can appear at microcanonical first order phase transitions. The lack of convexity implies that ergodicity may be generically broken. We present here a comprehensive review of the recent advances on the statistical mechanics and out-of-equilibrium dynamics of systems with long-range interactions. The core of the review consists in the detailed presentation of the concept of ensemble inequivalence, as exemplified by the exact solution, in the microcanonical and canonical ensembles, of mean-field type models. Relaxation towards thermodynamic equilibrium can be extremely slow and quasi-stationary states may be present. The understanding of such unusual relaxation process is obtained by the introduction of an appropriate kinetic theory based on the Vlasov equation.Comment: 118 pages, review paper, added references, slight change of conten

    Time evolution of wave-packets in quasi-1D disordered media

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    We have investigated numerically the quantum evolution of a wave-packet in a quenched disordered medium described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian with long-range hopping (band random matrix approach). We have obtained clean data for the scaling properties in time and in the bandwidth b of the packet width and its fluctuations with respect to disorder realizations. We confirm that the fluctuations of the packet width in the steady-state show an anomalous scaling and we give a new estimate of the anomalous scaling exponent. This anomalous behaviour is related to the presence of non-Gaussian tails in the distribution of the packet width. Finally, we have analysed the steady state probability profile and we have found finite band corrections of order 1/b with respect to the theoretical formula derived by Zhirov in the limit of infinite bandwidth. In a neighbourhood of the origin, however, the corrections are O(1/b)O(1/\sqrt{b}).Comment: 19 pages, 9 Encapsulated Postscript figures; submitted to ``European Physical Journal B'

    Finite times to equipartition in the thermodynamic limit

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    We study the time scale T to equipartition in a 1D lattice of N masses coupled by quartic nonlinear (hard) springs (the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam beta model). We take the initial energy to be either in a single mode gamma or in a package of low frequency modes centered at gamma and of width delta-gamma, with both gamma and delta-gamma proportional to N. These initial conditions both give, for finite energy densities E/N, a scaling in the thermodynamic limit (large N), of a finite time to equipartition which is inversely proportional to the central mode frequency times a power of the energy density E/N. A theory of the scaling with E/N is presented and compared to the numerical results in the range 0.03 <= E/N <= 0.8.Comment: Plain TeX, 5 `eps' figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Non-Gaussian Fluctuations in Biased Resistor Networks: Size Effects versus Universal Behavior

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    We study the distribution of the resistance fluctuations of biased resistor networks in nonequilibrium steady states. The stationary conditions arise from the competition between two stochastic and biased processes of breaking and recovery of the elementary resistors. The fluctuations of the network resistance are calculated by Monte Carlo simulations which are performed for different values of the applied current, for networks of different size and shape and by considering different levels of intrinsic disorder. The distribution of the resistance fluctuations generally exhibits relevant deviations from Gaussianity, in particular when the current approaches the threshold of electrical breakdown. For two-dimensional systems we have shown that this non-Gaussianity is in general related to finite size effects, thus it vanishes in the thermodynamic limit, with the remarkable exception of highly disordered networks. For these systems, close to the critical point of the conductor-insulator transition, non-Gaussianity persists in the large size limit and it is well described by the universal Bramwell-Holdsworth-Pinton distribution. In particular, here we analyze the role of the shape of the network on the distribution of the resistance fluctuations. Precisely, we consider quasi-one-dimensional networks elongated along the direction of the applied current or trasversal to it. A significant anisotropy is found for the properties of the distribution. These results apply to conducting thin films or wires with granular structure stressed by high current densities.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Invited talk at the 18-th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, 19-23 September 2005, Salamanc

    Non-Gaussianity of resistance fluctuations near electrical breakdown

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    We study the resistance fluctuation distribution of a thin film near electrical breakdown. The film is modeled as a stationary resistor networkunder biased percolation. Depending on the value of the external current,on the system sizes and on the level of internal disorder, the fluctuation distribution can exhibit a non-Gaussian behavior. We analyze this non-Gaussianity in terms of the generalized Gumbel distribution recently introduced in the context of highly correlated systems near criticality. We find that when the average fraction of defects approaches the random percolation threshold, the resistance fluctuation distribution is well described by the universal behavior of the Bramwell-Holdsworth-Pinton distribution.Comment: 3 figures, accepted for publication on Semicond Sci Tec

    Inhomogeneous Quasi-stationary States in a Mean-field Model with Repulsive Cosine Interactions

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    The system of N particles moving on a circle and interacting via a global repulsive cosine interaction is well known to display spatially inhomogeneous structures of extraordinary stability starting from certain low energy initial conditions. The object of this paper is to show in a detailed manner how these structures arise and to explain their stability. By a convenient canonical transformation we rewrite the Hamiltonian in such a way that fast and slow variables are singled out and the canonical coordinates of a collective mode are naturally introduced. If, initially, enough energy is put in this mode, its decay can be extremely slow. However, both analytical arguments and numerical simulations suggest that these structures eventually decay to the spatially uniform equilibrium state, although this can happen on impressively long time scales. Finally, we heuristically introduce a one-particle time dependent Hamiltonian that well reproduces most of the observed phenomenology.Comment: to be published in J. Phys.

    Stability criteria of the Vlasov equation and quasi-stationary states of the HMF model

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    We perform a detailed study of the relaxation towards equilibrium in the Hamiltonian Mean-Field (HMF) model, a prototype for long-range interactions in NN-particle dynamics. In particular, we point out the role played by the infinity of stationary states of the associated N N ~ Vlasov dynamics. In this context, we derive a new general criterion for the stability of any spatially homogeneous distribution, and compare its analytical predictions with numerical simulations of the Hamiltonian, finite NN, dynamics. We then propose and verify numerically a scenario for the relaxation process, relying on the Vlasov equation. When starting from a non stationary or a Vlasov unstable stationary initial state, the system shows initially a rapid convergence towards a stable stationary state of the Vlasov equation via non stationary states: we characterize numerically this dynamical instability in the finite NN system by introducing appropriate indicators. This first step of the evolution towards Boltzmann-Gibbs equilibrium is followed by a slow quasi-stationary process, that proceeds through different stable stationary states of the Vlasov equation. If the finite NN system is initialized in a Vlasov stable homogenous state, it remains trapped in a quasi-stationary state for times that increase with the nontrivial power law N1.7N^{1.7}. Single particle momentum distributions in such a quasi-stationary regime do not have power-law tails, and hence cannot be fitted by the qq-exponential distributions derived from Tsallis statistics.Comment: To appear in Physica

    Ensemble inequivalence: A formal approach

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    Ensemble inequivalence has been observed in several systems. In particular it has been recently shown that negative specific heat can arise in the microcanonical ensemble in the thermodynamic limit for systems with long-range interactions. We display a connection between such behaviour and a mean-field like structure of the partition function. Since short-range models cannot display this kind of behaviour, this strongly suggests that such systems are necessarily non-mean field in the sense indicated here. We further show that a broad class of systems with non-integrable interactions are indeed of mean-field type in the sense specified, so that they are expected to display ensemble inequivalence as well as the peculiar behaviour described above in the microcanonical ensemble.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, given at the NEXT2001 conference on non-extensive thermodynamic
