32 research outputs found

    Hospital management staffing and training issues

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    Hospitals dominate health care in most parts of the world and for a variety of reasons are likely to continue being a key factor in the overall performance of the health care system. Any efforts to improve this performance must therefore give greater hospital efficiency the highest priority. After discussing key issues of managerial, clinical, and production efficiency, this paper suggests an agenda for the most useful areas of research.Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Pharmaceuticals&Pharmacoeconomics,Housing&Human Habitats,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Systems Development&Reform

    Propiedades químicas y funcionales de tallos de Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni como subproducto agroindustrial para uso potencial en alimentos funcionales

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    Stevia leaves (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) are considered natural, harmless, non-caloric sweeteners. The stems of the stevia plant hadn’t been as researched and are considered waste or agro-industrial byproducts, yet a good source of potentially techno-functional fiber, which could be considered as a food ingredient. The aim of this work was to evaluate the chemical and techno-functional properties of stevia stems as a potential ingredient for functional foods. The stems were obtained from stevia plantations in the state of Yucatan – Mexico, and their proximal chemical composition and techno-functional profile were determined considering water and oil retention, water absorption and adsorption, and the organic molecules absorption capacity. The analytical determinations were performed in triplicate and a one-way analysis of variance was used for the statistical analysis of the data obtained. They presented a high content of carbohydrates (54.84 %), crude fiber (32.33 %), ash (6.99 %), and protein (4.46 %). The stems retained five times their weight in water and oil, with 5.57 and 5.00 g/g, respectively. Their organic molecules absorption capacity was 2.09 g/g, with 4.49 g/g for water absorption and 0.29 g/g for water adsorption. As an agricultural byproduct of stevia leaves harvesting, the stems are a functional alternative to use in food preparations with potential physiological effects.Las hojas de stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) son consideradas edulcorantes naturales, bajos en calorías e inocuos. Por su parte, los tallos de stevia han sido menos estudiados y se consideran subproductos agroindustriales, aunque representan una buena fuente de fibra con propiedades tecnofuncionales que podría utilizarse como ingrediente alimentario. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar las propiedades químicas y tecnofuncionales de los tallos de stevia como potencial ingrediente de alimentos funcionales.  Los tallos fueron obtenidos de plantaciones de stevia en Yucatán – México, y se les determinó la composición química proximal y su perfil tecnofuncional considerando la retención de agua y de aceite, la absorción y adsorción de agua y la absorción de moléculas orgánicas. Las determinaciones analíticas fueron realizadas por triplicado y se utilizó un análisis de varianza de una vía para el análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos. Estos presentaron un alto contenido de carbohidratos (54,84 %), fibra cruda (32,33 %), cenizas (6,99 %) y proteína (4,46 %). Los tallos retuvieron cinco veces su peso en agua y en aceite (5,57 y 5,00 g/g), respectivamente. La capacidad de absorción de moléculas orgánicas fue de 2,09 g/g, la absorción de agua iguala a 4,49 g/g y la adsorción de agua de 0,29 g/g. Los tallos como subproducto agrícola de la cosecha de hojas de stevia son una alternativa funcional para usar en la elaboración de alimentos con potenciales efectos fisiológicos

    Cultura ambiental en desarrollo urbano: Revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Worldwide, cities and countries have developed vertiginously due to the good management of their rulers, however, global pollution and urban development is a problem that afflicts the entire world and specifically in our locality since there is no real conscience in caring for the environment and in following an order when developing and expanding the district. The present literary review has proposed to investigate and analyze the articles analyzed on the subject of study focused on environmental pollution in urban development, published in scientific journals indexed between 2019 - 2022. For this, the systematic method was used since it allows and facilitates the summaries from multiple sources where it was determined that our environment is contaminated and if we do not become aware of it, we will soon have no habitat. The article has a descriptive support, because it seeks to know the reality where the investigations were contemplated, it is also based on a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental design and with a type of non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The focus of research has been the environment where the population develops with extension to the city of cities. The publications, predominantly, have been made in journals indexed in Scopus, SciElo, repository of various universities and the Concytec virtual library.A nivel mundial las ciudades, de los países se han desarrollado vertiginosamente por la buena gestión de sus gobernantes, sin embargo, la contaminación mundial y el desarrollo urbano es un problema que aflige a todo el mundo y específicamente en nuestra localidad ya que no hay una real conciencia en cuidar el ambiente y en seguir un orden al momento de desarrollarse y expandir el distrito. La presente revisión literaria se ha propuesto investigar y analizar los artículos analizado al tema de estudio enfocado en la contaminación ambiental en el desarrollo urbano, publicados en revistas científicas indexadas entre 2017 – 2022.  Para ello se empleó el método sistemático ya que permite y facilitan los resúmenes de múltiples fuentes donde se determinó que nuestro medioambiente se encuentra contaminado y sino tomamos conciencia de ello, pronto no tendremos hábitat. El artículo tiene un sustento descriptivo, porque busca conocer la realidad dónde se contemplaron las investigaciones, también se sustenta en un enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental y con un tipo de muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia.  El foco de investigación ha sido el medio ambiente donde se desarrolla la población con extensión a la urbe de las ciudades.  Las publicaciones, predominantemente, se han realizado en revistas indexadas de alto impacto, Repositorios universitarios, Scopus, SciElo y la biblioteca virtual del Concytec

    Results of certification audit in Mexican hospitals, a review from 2009 to 2012

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    Objective. To analyze the participation of Mexican hospitals in the certification process (equivalent to accreditation in other countries). Materials and methods. Crosssectional study that analyzes results of 136 establishments audited between 2009 and 2012. Standards with an excellent rating (9.0-10.0), approving (6-8.9) and non-approving (0-5.9) were identified. With a multinomial model, the probability of obtaining non-approving, approving and excellent qualification was calculated. Results. The general average score was 7.72, higher in ambulatory surgery centers (9.10), than in general hospitals (7.30) and specialty hospitals (7.99). All public establishments obtained an approval score. Hospitals audited in 2011 had a higher risk of obtaining an approval (RRR= 4.6, p<0.05) and excellent (RRR= 6.6, p<0.05) rating. Conclusions. The scope of the certification process in Mexico has been limited, with greater participation of the private sector. The evaluation certificate applied in 2011 favored the achievement of approval and excellence results. We recommend homologating the entire process with that of the Joint Commission International JCI

    The quest for universal health coverage: achieving social protection for all in Mexico

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    Mexico is reaching universal health coverage in 2012. A national health insurance programme called Seguro Popular, introduced in 2003, is providing access to a package of comprehensive health services with financial protection for more than 50 million Mexicans previously excluded from insurance. Universal coverage in Mexico is synonymous with social protection of health. This report analyses the road to universal coverage along three dimensions of protection: against health risks, for patients through quality assurance of health care, and against the financial consequences of disease and injury. We present a conceptual discussion of the transition from labour-based social security to social protection of health, which implies access to effective health care as a universal right based on citizenship, the ethical basis of the Mexican reform. We discuss the conditions that prompted the reform, as well as its design and inception, and we describe the 9-year, evidence-driven implementation process, including updates and improvements to the original programme. The core of the report concentrates on the effects and impacts of the reform, based on analysis of all published and publically available scientific literature and new data. Evidence indicates that Seguro Popular is improving access to health services and reducing the prevalence of catastrophic and impoverishing health expenditures, especially for the poor. Recent studies also show improvement in effective coverage. This research then addresses persistent challenges, including the need to translate financial resources into more effective, equitable and responsive health services. A next generation of reforms will be required and these include systemic measures to complete the reorganisation of the health system by functions. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the Mexican quest to achieve universal health coverage and its relevance for other low-income and middle-income countries


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    Mucho se ha hablado en los últimos años sobre la industria 4.0, sin embargo, fue hasta hace poco que se implementó realmente tanto en la industria, como en la vida cotidiana. Este término se le ha acuñado al uso de tecnologías como sistemas ciberfísicos (Samaniego & Deters, 2016), a la cultura maker (cultura Hágalo usted mismo), a la manufactura automatizada, al servicio al cliente con el uso de Inteligencia artificial (bots), al internet de las cosas y al blockchain, donde este último, ha demostrado un gran potencial con innumerables aplicaciones que todavía se siguen desarrollando. Su principal uso ha sido en el intercambio de criptodivisas tales como el Bitcoin, Ethereum, entre otras cerca de 1900 criptomonedas que diariamente mueven en el mercado cerca de 12 mil MDD. Por otro lado, el intercambio de dinero no es la única aplicación que tiene el blockchain, por mencionar algunas, se tienen: registro de propiedades, almacenamiento en la nube, redes privadas de intercambio de información, identidad digital para mejor control de información, gestión de autorías, y en general, cualquier contrato que pueda hacerse físicamente. Serverus es un servicio de transmisión de datos y encriptamiento con implementación de tecnología blockchain, que puede ser aplicado en el uso personal, la administración de recursos en MiPymes, además de poder programarse en redes más robustas de seguridad informática gubernamental. Este servicio se destaca por buscar el impulso de la tecnología de punta en México, generando una cultura diferente ante el inminente cambio en la gestión de data digitales en la industria, la oficina y la vida doméstica.Palabras Clave: blockchain 3.0, Ethereum, industria 4.0, privacidad. AbstractIn recent years it has been talked a lot about 4.0 industry, however, it was until recently that it was really implemented as in industry as in everyday life. This term has been coined to the use of technologies such as cyberphysical systems (Samaniego & Deters, 2016), maker culture (Do-it-yourself culture), automated manufacturing, customer service with the use of artificial intelligence (Bots), IoT and blockchain. The latter which has shown great potential with innumerable applications that are still being developed. It’s main use has been in the exchange of cryptocurrency such as the famous Bitcoin, Ethereum, among around other 1900 cryptocurrencies that daily move in the market about 12 thousand MDD. On the other hand, money exchange is not the only application that Blockchain has; to name a few, there are: property registry, cloud storage, information interchange private networks, digital identity for better control of information, authorship management and, in general, any contract that can be done physically. Serverus is a data encryption and transmission service with the implementation of blockchain technology, which can be applied to personal use, resource management in MiPymes, besides allowing it’s programming in robuster networks. This service stands out for seeking the momentum of cutting-edge technology in Mexico, generating a different culture before the imminent change of digital data management in the industry, office and domestic life.Keywords: blockchain 3.0, Ethereum, Industry 4.0, privacy

    La seguridad de los pacientes

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