70 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of the COVID-19 associated PTSD-Scale

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    This study aimed to create a scale to measure post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms related to the COVID 19 crisis. Based on the available studies, the Davidson PTSD scale dimensions were used in this online survey. Accordingly, a new scale was designed based on the clinical characteristics of the symptoms of the PTSD, so questions revolved around the possible psychological PTSD symptoms associated with COVID 19. Descriptive approach was used. The study involved 423 participants from the Sultanate of Oman, of whom, 219 were male and 204 were female. Statistical analyses of the scale were conducted using reliability, criterion-related validity, as well as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The factor analysis revealed three factors to which 15 items of 17 items were loaded that reflect the clinical features of PTSD symptoms. Overall, the scale showed good internal consistency and stability, with relatively good correlations between the items within the factors. The analysis of the confirmation factors led to model fit validation with 14 items, with the results showing a high degree of conformity. Accordingly, the results were discussed, and further studies suggested to further verify and confirm the scale validity

    The Relationship between Resilience & Mental Health among a Sample of University of Nizwa Students - Sultanate of Oman

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    This study employs the descriptive approach to identify the relationship between resilience and mental health in light of some variables in a student sample at the University of Nisswa. The sample consisted of 1,000 students, including 403 men and (597) women. The sample random sampling. Two instruments were used: the resilience scale (Connor & Davidson , 2003) and the Arab Mental Health Scale (Abdel-Khalek, 2011). The psychometric properties of both scales were tested. To answer the study questions, the following statistics were used: Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, one-way ANOVA Test, LSD test, and regression analysis. The results indicate a positive correlation between mental health and resilience. There was also a significant difference between female and male students in terms of resilience and mental health in favor of female students; It seems that women are more resilient and healthier than men. The study of age differences did not reveal any differences. The study also indicates that resilience has a significant impact on mental health. Finally, the results were tweaked against the limitations of the study

    Intelligent methods for complex systems control engineering

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    This thesis proposes an intelligent multiple-controller framework for complex systems that incorporates a fuzzy logic based switching and tuning supervisor along with a neural network based generalized learning model (GLM). The framework is designed for adaptive control of both Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) and Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) complex systems. The proposed methodology provides the designer with an automated choice of using either: a conventional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, or a PID structure based (simultaneous) Pole and Zero Placement controller. The switching decisions between the two nonlinear fixed structure controllers is made on the basis of the required performance measure using the fuzzy logic based supervisor operating at the highest level of the system. The fuzzy supervisor is also employed to tune the parameters of the multiple-controller online in order to achieve the desired system performance. The GLM for modelling complex systems assumes that the plant is represented by an equivalent model consisting of a linear time-varying sub-model plus a learning nonlinear sub-model based on Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. The proposed control design brings together the dominant advantages of PID controllers (such as simplicity in structure and implementation) and the desirable attributes of Pole and Zero Placement controllers (such as stable set-point tracking and ease of parameters’ tuning). Simulation experiments using real-world nonlinear SISO and MIMO plant models, including realistic nonlinear vehicle models, demonstrate the effectiveness of the intelligent multiple-controller with respect to tracking set-point changes, achieve desired speed of response, prevent system output overshooting and maintain minimum variance input and output signals, whilst penalising excessive control actions

    Intelligent methods for complex systems control engineering

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    This thesis proposes an intelligent multiple-controller framework for complex systems that incorporates a fuzzy logic based switching and tuning supervisor along with a neural network based generalized learning model (GLM). The framework is designed for adaptive control of both Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) and Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) complex systems. The proposed methodology provides the designer with an automated choice of using either: a conventional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, or a PID structure based (simultaneous) Pole and Zero Placement controller. The switching decisions between the two nonlinear fixed structure controllers is made on the basis of the required performance measure using the fuzzy logic based supervisor operating at the highest level of the system. The fuzzy supervisor is also employed to tune the parameters of the multiple-controller online in order to achieve the desired system performance. The GLM for modelling complex systems assumes that the plant is represented by an equivalent model consisting of a linear time-varying sub-model plus a learning nonlinear sub-model based on Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. The proposed control design brings together the dominant advantages of PID controllers (such as simplicity in structure and implementation) and the desirable attributes of Pole and Zero Placement controllers (such as stable set-point tracking and ease of parameters’ tuning). Simulation experiments using real-world nonlinear SISO and MIMO plant models, including realistic nonlinear vehicle models, demonstrate the effectiveness of the intelligent multiple-controller with respect to tracking set-point changes, achieve desired speed of response, prevent system output overshooting and maintain minimum variance input and output signals, whilst penalising excessive control actions.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceBiruni Remote Sensing Centre, LibyaGBUnited Kingdo

    Medicalisation of female genital mutilation/cutting in Sudan: Shift in types and providers

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    This study by the Population Council and the Gender and Reproductive Health and Rights Resource and Advocacy Center aimed to inform the development of future interventions by generating evidence on the drivers of the shifts in the practice of female genital cutting/mutilation (FGM/C) in Sudan. Researchers conducted a community-based cross-sectional, comparative, mixed-methods study that examined shifts in the type of cut, its level and significance, as well as the supply and demand factors associated with medicalization. They also explored interventions and alternative approaches that may prevent medicalization and the sustenance of the practice of FGM/C, including re-infibulation. The study finds that FGM/C, while still prevalent in Sudan, is undergoing several shifts including changes in the type of cut and increasing medicalization of the practice, driven in part by social and religious norms coupled with an increased awareness of the health consequences of FGM/C. Study findings also suggest that while enforcing a punitive law against FGM/C may reduce the practice, this could also drive it underground

    Emitter depletion measurement and modeling in the T5&T6 Kaufman-type ion thrusters

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    This paper presents some of the aspects of a program undertaken by Qineti Q to characterize and determine the depletion rates and predict life time of its cathode technology. It reports on a long duration test performed on the T5 (15,000 hours) and a series of shorter tests on the T6 (800hours and 4000hours) including the results of destructive post test examinations and insert depletion measurements. The program also includes a modeling of insert depletion by Southampton University which has currently produced good agreement with measured depletion on the 15,000 hour T5 insert. Two tests have also been carried out on the T6 cathode to determine an end of life condition. An accelerated lifetest where the insert temperature was increased by 20oC has to date accumulated 3790 hours of operation. This is equivalent to 30,320hours with an 8×acceleration factor or 60,640hours assuming a 16× acceleration factor. Another test was also undertaken with two grossly depleted T6 inserts (25% and 50% depleted). Both cathodes although grossly depleted still behaved nominally. All the results give a degree of confidence in the compatibility of the T6 thruster cathode with future high impulse mission lifetime requirements

    قلق الامتحان

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    خفقان قلب متسارع، توتر وارتجاف وقشعريرة، نوبات من التعرق البارد، انقباض في المعدة، شعور بالدوخة والغثيان والصداع، فقدان الشهية، صعوبة الانتباه والتركيز والتذكر، شعور بالفراغ، حركات غير إرادية (كفرقعة الأصابع، حك الرأس، هز الرجلين أو الطرق بالقلم على الطاولة أو المقعد، إلخ) هي بعض أعراض القلق والخوف التي ترافق الامتحانات المدرسية والجامعية، أو اختبارات الحصول على رخصة قيادة أو أثناء مقابلات نعتبرها مهمة في حياتن

    الحاضر الغائب

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    تغير وسائل الإعلام واقعنا وعلاقاتنا حيث نعيش بشكل متزايد في عالم، هو في الحقيقة "في مكان آخر". فالتلفاز والراديو و الفيديو والحاسب والانترنت والبريد الإلكتروني يقربون منا الغياب، ويعمون عن الواقع المباشر

    العلاج النفسي

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    العلاج النفساني تسمية جامعة لكل طرق المعالجة النفسية العيادية، أو النفسية التي تهدف إلى شفاء الأمراض النفسانية أو المعاناة النفسية الجسدية، وإلى تنمية الشخصية. وعندما نقول إن المعالجة "نفسية"، فهذا يعني استخدام الطرق العلاجية النفسية فقط، وليس أي شكل آخر من العلاج (كالعلاج الطبي النفسي الدوائي). أي أن العلاج النفسي يعرَّف من خلال استخدام طرق التأثير النفسية