150 research outputs found

    Linguistic expert creation in online health practices

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    In this chapter, we explore how the construction of an expert identity varies across online e-health settings with different socio-technological features. Our methodology is qualitative in nature and draws on insights from discourse analysis, in particular positioning theory. Results show that four aspects of creating expertise are vital: the embeddedness of the posi-tioning strategies in the online health context, the interplay between these strategies within each setting, the interactivity of the medium, and the fact that not only professionals, but also clients and laypeople construct their expertise. The results reveal that previously found strategies to create expertise (e.g., using jargon or showing empathy) could be confirmed in our corpus, and that the interplay of several strategies is in fact needed to create credible and trustworthy expert identities for all participants involved. This interplay varies accord-ing to the practice

    The Bandim TBscore – reliability, further development, and evaluation of potential uses

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    Background: The tuberculosis (TB) case detection rate has stagnated at 60% due to disorganized case finding and insensitivity of sputum smear microscopy. Of the identified TB cases, 4% die while being treated, monitored with tools that insufficiently predict failure/mortality. Objective: To explore the TBscore, a recently proposed clinical severity measure for pulmonary TB (PTB) patients, and to refine, validate, and investigate its place in case finding. Design: The TBscore's inter-observer agreement was assessed and compared to the Karnofsky Performance Score (KPS) (paper I). The TBscore's variables underlying constructs were assessed, sorting out unrelated items, proposing a more easily assessable TBscoreII, which was validated internally and externally (paper II). Finally, TBscore and TBscoreII's place in PTB-screening was examined in paper III. Results: The inter-observer variability when grading PTB patients into severity classes was moderate for both TBscore (κ W=0.52, 95% CI 0.46–0.56) and KPS (κ W=0.49, 95% CI 0.33–0.65). KPS was influenced by HIV status, whereas TBscore was unaffected by it. In paper II, proposed TBscoreII was validated internally, in Guinea-Bissau, and externally, in Ethiopia. In both settings, a failure to bring down the score by ≥25% from baseline to 2 months of treatment predicted subsequent failure (p=0.007). Finally, in paper III, TBscore and TBscoreII were assessed in health-care-seeking adults and found to be higher in PTB-diagnosed patients, 4.9 (95% CI 4.6–5.2) and 3.9 (95% CI 3.8–4.0), respectively, versus patients not diagnosed with PTB, 3.0 (95% CI 2.7–3.2) and 2.4 (95% CI 2.3–2.5), respectively. Had we referred only patients with cough >2 weeks to sputum smear, we would have missed 32.1% of the smear confirmed cases in our cohort. A TBscoreII>=2 missed 8.6%. Conclusions: TBscore and TBscoreII are useful monitoring tools for PTB patients on treatment, as they could fill the void which currently exists in risk grading of patients. They may also have a role in PTB screening; however, this requires our findings to be repeated elsewhere

    PD-1 Regulates Neural Damage in Oligodendroglia-Induced Inflammation

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    We investigated the impact of immune regulatory mechanisms involved in the modulation of the recently presented, CD8+ lymphocyte mediated immune response in a mouse model of oligodendropathy-induced inflammation (PLPtg-mutants). The focus was on the role of the co-inhibitory molecule PD-1, a CD28-related receptor expressed on activated T- and B-lymphocytes associated with immune homeostasis and autoimmunity. PLPtg/PD-1-deficient double mutants and the corresponding bone marrow chimeras were generated and analysed using immunohistochemistry, light- and electron microscopy, with particular emphasis on immune-cell number and neural damage. In addition, the immune cells in both the CNS and the peripheral immune system were investigated by IFN-gamma elispot assays and spectratype analysis. We found that mice with combined pathology exhibited significantly increased numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes in the CNS. Lack of PD-1 substantially aggravated the pathological phenotype of the PLPtg mutants compared to genuine PLPtg mutants, whereas the PD-1 deletion alone did not cause alterations in the CNS. CNS T-lymphocytes in PLPtg/PD-1-/- double mutants exhibited massive clonal expansions. Furthermore, PD-1 deficiency was associated with a significantly higher propensity of CNS but not peripheral CD8+ T-cells to secrete proinflammatory cytokines. PD-1 could be identified as a crucial player of tissue homeostasis and immune-mediated damage in a model of oligodendropathy-induced inflammation. Alterations of this regulatory pathway lead to overt neuroinflammation of high pathogenetic impact. Our finding may have implications for understanding the mechanisms leading to the high clinical variability of polygenic or even monogenic disorders of the nervous system

    Tracing of temporo-entorhinal connections in the human brain: cognitively impaired argyrophilic grain disease cases show dendritic alterations but no axonal disconnection of temporo-entorhinal association neurons

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    Argyrophilic grain disease (AGD), a neurodegenerative disorder, is often associated with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-related pathology. The development of dementia in AGD is associated with the extent of coexisting AD-related pathology. Therefore, the question arises whether the degenerative changes in the neuronal network of demented AGD-patients represent a distinct pattern or show similar changes of disconnection as considered for AD. We were able to apply DiI-tracing in two human autopsy cases with mild AD-related pathology (controls), in one AD-patient, in one non-demented patient with advanced AD-related pathology, and in three cognitively impaired AGD-patients. DiI-crystals were injected into the entorhinal cortex. Pyramidal neurons of layers III and V of the adjacent temporal neocortex (area 35) were retrogradely marked with the tracer and analyzed. The AD case did not exhibit any retrogradely labeled neurons in the temporal neocortex. In the non-demented case with advanced AD-related pathology, the number of traced neurons was reduced as compared to that in the two controls and in the three AGD cases. In contrast, all three cognitively impaired AGD cases exhibited labeled pyramidal neurons in area 35 in an almost similar number as in the controls. However, alterations in the dendritic tree were observed in the AGD cases. These results show the existence of temporo-entorhinal connections in the adult human brain similar to those reported in animal models. Furthermore, the present study based on seven cases is the first attempt to study changes in the neuronal network in a human tauopathy with targeted axonal tracing techniques. Our findings in three cognitively impaired AGD cases suggest that AGD-related dementia constitutes a distinct disorder with a characteristic pattern of degeneration in the neuronal network

    A New Perspective on Transcriptional System Regulation (TSR): Towards TSR Profiling

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    It has been hypothesized that the net expression of a gene is determined by the combined effects of various transcriptional system regulators (TSRs). However, characterizing the complexity of regulation of the transcriptome is a major challenge. Principal component analysis on 17,550 heterogeneous human microarray experiments revealed that 50 orthogonal factors (hereafter called TSRs) are able to capture 64% of the variability in expression in a wide range of experimental conditions and tissues. We identified gene clusters controlled in the same direction and show that gene expression can be conceptualized as a process influenced by a fairly limited set of TSRs. Furthermore, TSRs can be linked to biological functions, as we demonstrate a strong relation between TSR-related gene clusters and biological functionality as well as cellular localization, i.e. gene products of similarly regulated genes by a specific TSR are located in identical parts of a cell. Using 3,934 diverse mouse microarray experiments we found striking similarities in transcriptional system regulation between human and mouse. Our results give biological insights into regulation of the cellular transcriptome and provide a tool to characterize expression profiles with highly reliable TSRs instead of thousands of individual genes, leading to a >500-fold reduction of complexity with just 50 TSRs. This might open new avenues for those performing gene expression profiling studies

    Does Intraspecific Size Variation in a Predator Affect Its Diet Diversity and Top-Down Control of Prey?

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    It has long been known that intraspecific variation impacts evolutionary processes, but only recently have its potential ecological effects received much attention. Theoretical models predict that genetic or phenotypic variance within species can alter interspecific interactions, and experiments have shown that genotypic diversity in clonal species can impact a wide range of ecological processes. To extend these studies to quantitative trait variation within populations, we experimentally manipulated the variance in body size of threespine stickleback in enclosures in a natural lake environment. We found that body size of stickleback in the lake is correlated with prey size and (to a lesser extent) composition, and that stickleback can exert top-down control on their benthic prey in enclosures. However, a six-fold contrast in body size variance had no effect on the degree of diet variation among individuals, or on the abundance or composition of benthic or pelagic prey. Interestingly, post-hoc analyses revealed suggestive correlations between the degree of diet variation and the strength of top-down control by stickleback. Our negative results indicate that, unless the correlation between morphology and diet is very strong, ecological variation among individuals may be largely decoupled from morphological variance. Consequently we should be cautious in our interpretation both of theoretical models that assume perfect correlations between morphology and diet, and of empirical studies that use morphological variation as a proxy for resource use diversity

    Varicella zoster virus glycoprotein C increases chemokine-mediated leukocyte migration

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    Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is a highly prevalent human pathogen that establishes latency in neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Primary infection causes varicella whereas reactivation results in zoster, which is often followed by chronic pain in adults. Following infection of epithelial cells in the respiratory tract, VZV spreads within the host by hijacking leukocytes, including T cells, in the tonsils and other regional lymph nodes, and modifying their activity. In spite of its importance in pathogenesis, the mechanism of dissemination remains poorly understood. Here we addressed the influence of VZV on leukocyte migration and found that the purified recombinant soluble ectodomain of VZV glycoprotein C (rSgC) binds chemokines with high affinity. Functional experiments show that VZV rSgC potentiates chemokine activity, enhancing the migration of monocyte and T cell lines and, most importantly, human tonsillar leukocytes at low chemokine concentrations. Binding and potentiation of chemokine activity occurs through the C-terminal part of gC ectodomain, containing predicted immunoglobulin-like domains. The mechanism of action of VZV rSgC requires interaction with the chemokine and signalling through the chemokine receptor. Finally, we show that VZV viral particles enhance chemokine-dependent T cell migration and that gC is partially required for this activity. We propose that VZV gC activity facilitates the recruitment and subsequent infection of leukocytes and thereby enhances VZV systemic dissemination in humans

    Effects of urban green infrastructure (UGI) on local outdoor microclimate during the growing season

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    This study analyzed how the variations of plant area index (PAI) and weather conditions alter the influence of urban green infrastructure (UGI) on microclimate. To observe how diverse UGIs affect the ambient microclimate through the seasons, microclimatic data were measured during the growing season at five sites in a local urban area in The Netherlands. Site A was located in an open space; sites B, C, and D were covered by different types and configurations of green infrastructure (grove, a single deciduous tree, and street trees, respectively); and site E was adjacent to buildings to study the effects of their façades on microclimate. Hemispherical photography and globe thermometers were used to quantify PAI and thermal comfort at both shaded and unshaded locations. The results showed that groves with high tree density (site B) have the strongest effect on microclimate conditions. Monthly variations in the differences of mean radiant temperature (∆Tmrt) between shaded and unshaded areas followed the same pattern as the PAI. Linear regression showed a significant positive correlation between PAI and ∆Tmrt. The difference of daily average air temperature (∆Ta) between shaded and unshaded areas was also positively correlated to PAI, but with a slope coefficient below the measurement accuracy (±0.5 °C). This study showed that weather conditions can significantly impact the effectiveness of UGI in regulating microclimate. The results of this study can support the development of appropriate UGI measures to enhance thermal comfort in urban areas