1,547 research outputs found

    DLR Contribution to the First High Lift Prediction Workshop

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    DLR’s contribution to the first AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop (HiLiftPW-1) covers computations of all three scheduled test cases for the NASA trapezoidal wing in high lift configuration. The DLR finite volume code TAU has been employed as the flow solver. In a standard set-up the one-equation turbulence model of Spalart and Allmaras in the original formulation is used to model effects of turbulence. For selected grids and flow conditions, the k-ω SST model of Menter and a differential Reynolds stress model (SSG/LLR-ω ) developed by DLR have been considered. DLR contributed with two hybrid unstructured grid families to the workshop. The grids have been generated with the grid generation packages Centaur and Solar. A grid family with three Solar grids has been generated and provided to the workshop featuring grids of 12·10^6 , 37·10^6 , and 111·10^6 points for test case 1. In addition, a Solar grid of 37·10^6 points has been provided for test case 2, and a grid of 40·10^6 for the configuration including the slat and flap brackets (test case 3). DLR didn’t succeed in generating a fine-grid with the Centaur package. In order to complete a Centaur grid family with three grid levels an extra-coarse grid has been provided. Thus, the three levels of the Centaur grid family are realized by grids of 13·10^6 , 16·10^6 , and 32·10^6 points. In general a go o d agreement between the experimental evidence and the polar computations on the Solar and Centaur grids is found in terms of forces, moments and wing pressure distributions. The wing tip area with the rearward part of the main wing and the flap represents the most challenging part of the configuration, especially at angles of attack around maximum lift. The deviations between the TAU solutions and the experimental data in this area are only weakly influenced by the different grid topologies or turbulence models used. The influence of the grid resolution of both grid families is comparable, taking into account the different absolute resolution levels of both grid families. Including the slat and flap brackets leads to the expected lift decrease. Concerning the convergence properties, a strong dependence on the numerical start-up procedure has been detected in many of the computations at higher angles of attack

    Relacje międzypokoleniowe w rodzinie – perspektywa gerontologiczna

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    Relacje międzypokoleniowe w rodzinie stanowią istotne zagadnienie w związku z dokonującymi się zmianami społecznymi. W ostatnich latach dostrzega się postępującą indywidualizację życia, szybką dezaktualizację wiedzy oraz nastawienie ku przyszłości. Wszystkie te procesy przyczyniają się do zmiany modelu rodziny, a tym samym zmiany pozycji najstarszego pokolenia. W okresie starości rodzina staje się głównym miejscem powiązań międzyludzkich oraz stanowi namiastkę utraconych kontaktów społecznych. Tu osoba starsza zyskuje możliwości realizowania się w nowych rolach społecznych i rozwijania swojej osobowości oraz otrzymuje wsparcie pozwalające na pomyślne przeżywanie starości. Zastanawiające jest, jak w sytuacji przeobrażeń społecznych kształtują się relacje w rodzinach seniorów, a także sposób postrzegania starości i człowieka starego w rodzinie i społeczeństwie. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę przedstawienia relacji międzypokoleniowych w rodzinach seniorów, a także miejsce seniorów we współczesnej rodzinie i społeczeństwie z uwzględnieniem perspektywy wszystkich pokoleń. Dokonana analiza wskazuje, iż relacje rodzinne stanowią istotne zagadnienie w życiu osób starszych. Jednak nie wszystkie pokolenia podzielają przekonania seniorów. Średnie pokolenie docenia rolę i znaczenie seniorów, niestety najmłodsi wypowiadają się na temat starości i człowieka starego raczej negatywnie. Sytuacja ta zmusza do poszukiwania sposobów podnoszenia pozycji osób starszych w rodzinie i społeczeństwie

    A sharp geometric inequality for closed hypersurfaces in manifolds with asymptotically nonnegative curvature

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    In this work we establish a sharp geometric inequality for closed hypersurfaces in complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds with asymptotically nonnegative curvature using standard comparison methods in Riemannian Geometry. These methods have been applied in a recent work by Xiaodong Wang to greatly simplify the proof of a Willmore-type inequality in complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature, which was first proved by Agostiniani, Fagagnolo and Mazzieri.Comment: Working paper. Comments are welcome

    Musikah v’Ḥalil, “Music and the Flute”: The Use of Jewish Prayer in Flute and Piano Music

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    Music has been a part of Jewish life since Biblical times and remains an integral part of the culture. Within Jewish music, instruments have also played an important role historically. The flute has been traced through Judaism back to Biblical times; however, it has lost prominence in modern synagogue and religious services. As Western music has developed into the twenty-first century, composers, both Jewish and Gentile, have been exposed to the music of the Jewish communities, some of whom have utilized it in their own compositions. Compositions based on Jewish prayer melodies have brought up the question of whether the music is “Jewish” enough and if they even should be considered “Jewish music.” Flute music by Jewish composers and/or based on Jewish themes is limited. One route to expansion of the repertoire is through transcriptions of works originally written for other instruments. For this project, three pieces were selected for transcription: Kaddisch, for violin and piano by Maurice Ravel, Prayer, From Jewish Life, for cello and piano by Ernest Bloch, and Kol Nidrei, Op. 47, for cello and piano by Max Bruch. Additionally, Oriental Prayer: Kol Nidre with Variations by David Ehrlich, an original work for flute and piano, was selected for study. These works were chosen because they all feature a connection to the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and/or Yom Kippur, with the exception of Ravel’s Kaddisch which comes from liturgy performed year-round. The liturgies for these observances are especially rich in musical content. Each of the selected compositions is based on a popular Jewish prayer and in some instances, its corresponding melody as well. In order to appreciate the extent of Jewish influence on these compositions, it is important to understand the history, both liturgical and musical, of these prayers. This document will provide an in-depth look into the relationship between traditional Jewish prayer and Western composition techniques and will offer a route to incorporating the flute into High Holidays observances

    Bringing others into line: discourse on the roles within the Russian opposition - a regional glance

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    The theoretical scholarship differentiating between various types of opposition entities, coined originally in the West, was successfully applied to the Russian political habitat. Known mostly as the ‘non-/systemic opposition’ cleavage, the given categorization is being employed by both punditry and academia. This research aims to add the practical perspective on the subject. Although the differentiation is solidly present within the political discourse, it remains not clear how the engaged actors – politicians, activists, scientists – make sense of it. The thesis analyses 14 in-depth interviews with public figures from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. The non-/systemic categorization in given study is perceived through the post-structuralist lens as the cleavage operates within the political discourse and it is exercised as a political tool. By analysing the way in which the discourse is operated, the goal of the research is not only to define what constitutes the categories but also on the means of political fight connected to it. The cleavage is perceived as a tool to include/exclude, a source of identity and therefore a point of potential resistance. Among the pre-existing variables driving the categorization, the study finds that within the Russian depoliticized habitat factors such as ideology, perception on the past and employed political tools do not determine the political player’s place on the discussed matrix. The thesis reveals that the uniting factor for all the non-systemic forces lays in the approach towards the existing system. Additionally, due to the employed post-structuralist theoretical framework, the contribution reveals the political science vocabulary’s impact on public life. The findings hopefully indicate usefulness of the discursive analysis of the politicised language as it might answer questions on how the political challengers try to exercise their limited power within a skewed political field.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5380636*es

    Factors determining biomechanical characteristics of the swimming start, their contribution to starting enhancement and its performance prediction

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    Esta tese complementa o conhecimento atual relativamente às partidas ventrais em natação, a sua estrutura, bem como fatores determinantes no seu desempenho e otimização. Foram realizados cinco estudos experimentais para expor fatores que afetem decisivamente as caraterísticas biomecânica da partida em natação. Dois destes focam-se nas consequências que advêm das diferentes posições de partida, um explora o efeito do posicionamento da placa traseira na estrutura temporal da partida de natação, o seguinte compara a partida ventral realizada por nadadores do sexo masculino e feminino, e a última procura encontrar a ligação entre o desempenho da partida e as habilidades motoras dos membros inferiores, medidas pelo salto em contramovimento (CMJ). Durante os testes na piscina, todos os participantes completaram partidas ventrais monitorizadas desde o sinal de partida até a marca de 15-m. Para a recolha de dados espácio-temporais que descrevam as partidas de natação, foram utilizadas câmaras de vídeo, o sistema Qualisys Motion Capture e o bloco de partida dinamométrico 3D. Durante o teste de CMJ, foram utilizadas plataformas de força para registar as forças de reação do solo. Os dados adquiridos foram analisados usando um software dedicado. As análises realizadas nesta tese revelaram que: (i) para atletas de nível nacional, o pontapé inicial para a frente revela-se superior no tempo de início medido a 5-m e 15-m do pontapé inicial para trás, seguido da partida com barra lateral e partida com agarre; (ii) o pontapé inicial para a frente fornece uma vantagem temporal sobre sua variante para trás num grupo de nadadoras juniores de nível internacional; (iii) a posição da placa traseira tem um efeito significativo nas características temporais do movimento dos membros inferiores medidas durante a fase de contacto com o bloco; (iv) os nadadores do sexo masculino, por manterem um menor período de contacto com o bloco, nadarem mais rápido na água, alcançando maior velocidade de descolagem e maior distância de voo, apresentam uma vantagem na partida comparativamente com as suas contrapartes do sexo feminino; (v) dependendo das características de partida, uma estratégia diferente em relação à estrutura do movimento e sua contribuição deve ser abordada relativamente à melhoria global do desempenho de partida; (vi) os resultados do teste de CMJ correlacionam-se com o desempenho geral da partida com pontapé inicial, bem como com variáveis da partida que dependem particularmente dos movimentos realizados pelos membros inferiores. Ao examinar a relação do contributo individual de vários parâmetros, as variáveis de previsão que constituem fatores-chave na avaliaçãodo desempenho da partida em natação foram evidenciados. Deste modo, as áreas prioritárias e recomendações para avaliação e monitorização mais amplas foram expostos, o que deverá servir para abordagens mais abrangentes na melhoria da partida em natação. Palavras-Chave: partida em natação, determinantes de desempenho, posição de partida, placa traseira, efeito do sexo, CMJ.The thesis complements current knowledge about ventral swimming start, its structure as well as factors determining its performance and optimization. Five experimental studies were conducted to expose key factors affecting the biomechanical characteristics of the swimming start. Two of them focused on consequences brought by different starting positions, one explores back plate placement effect on the temporal structure of swimming start, next compared ventral start performed by males and females, and last searched for the link between starting performance and lower body motor abilities measured with the countermovement jump (CMJ). During pool tests, all participants completed ventral starts which were monitored from starting signal up to the 15-m mark. To collect spatiotemporal data describing swimming starts the video cameras, Qualisys Motion Capture system, and 3D dynamometric starting block were used. During the CMJ test, force platforms were employed to collect signals of ground reaction forces. Acquired data were analyzed using dedicated software. Analyses conducted in the thesis revealed that: (i) for national-level athletes, the kick-start forward demonstrates superiority at start time measured at 5-m and 15-m over kick-start backward, followed by handle-start and grab-start; (ii) the kick-start forward provides a temporal advantage over its backward variant in a group of international level female junior swimmers; (iii) back plate position has a significant effect on lower limb temporal movement characteristics measured as duration of rear foot take-off and front foot stand; (iv) male swimmers, by spending less time in the block phase, swimming faster while in the water, reaching higher take-off velocity and longer flight distance, take a starting advantage over their female counterparts; (v) depending on the starting features, a different strategy regarding movement structure and their contribution has to be addressed with reference to overall start performance enhancement; (vi) the CMJ test results correlate with the overall kick-start performance, as well as variables of the start that particularly rely on the movements performed by the lower limbs. By examining the link between various individual contributing parameters, the predicting variables constituting key factors in starting performance assessment and its future development were disclosed. This way, the priority areas and recommendations for wider assessment and monitoring were exposed, which should serve for more comprehensive approaches in swimming start enhancement