407 research outputs found

    The Ideology of the Illyrian Armorial

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    The appearance of the Illyrian Armorial in the late sixteenth century has been linked to Petar Iveljin (son of Ivelja) Ohmućević-Grgurić, a native of Dubrovnik (Ragusa) in the service of the Spanish king. The main purpose of the Armorial was to demonstrate his noble descent. It was therefore designed in such a way as to make it clear to everyone who should see it that the Ohumućević-Grgurićs were an old and reputable noble family. In order for the Armorial to achieve the intended purpose efficiently, some ideas and be­liefs were slipped in which were current in the milieu in which it was created. The Illyrian Armorial cannot therefore be properly understood without taking into account the time and setting of its creation as it reflects various political, cultural and religious influences of its time

    Intervencije za lečenje primarne bilijarne ciroze: Kohranova analiza sistematskih pregleda sa meta-analizama i sekvencijalnim analizama randomizovanih kliničkih studija

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    Primary biliary cirrhosis is a chronic autoimmune-mediated liver disease characterised by progressive destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts, resulting in chronic cholestasis, portal inflammation, and fibrosis that can lead to cirrhosis and, ultimately, liver failure and the need for liver transplantation. The disease primarely affects middle‐aged women and is associated with osteoporosis ‐ either postmenopausal or secondary to the liver disease. Low bone mass is an important cause of morbidity in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, leading to an increased risk of fractures, pain, and deformity. Treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis and osteoporosis associated with primary biliary cirrhosis is complicated. A number of drugs have been evaluated for patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (glucocorticosteroids, methotrexat, azathioprine, colchicine, cyclosporin, D-penicillamine, and chlorambucil). Ursodeoxycholic acid is the only drug approved for primary biliary cirrhosis by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Bezafibrate may be effective for treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis. Bisphosphonates and hormone replacement may be effective treatment options for osteoporosis in primary biliary cirrhosis, but the effects have only had limited assessment in systematic reviews. Therefore, interventions based on evidence are highly warranted. Cochrane reviews with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of randomised clinical trials generally provide the best available evidence for health care interventions and clinical practice. Such Cochrane reviews are used to assess and summarise benefits and harms of clinical interventions. Furthermore, Cochrane reviews will also reveal lack of evidence, and define the specific need for future randomised clinical trials. Objectives To summarize the evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews on treatment options for patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and osteoporosis associated with primary biliary cirrhosis...Primarna bilijarna ciroza je hronična autoimuna bolest jetre koju karakteriše progresivna destrukcija intrahepatičnih žučnih puteva sa posledičnom holestazom, portnom inflamacijom, i fibrozom što dovodi do nastanka ciroze jetre, i hepatičke insuficijencije sa transplantacijom jetre kao jedinom uspešnom terapijskom metodom. Više od 90% bolesnika su žene, prosečne starosti oko 50 godina. Najvažnija komplikacija bolesti vezana za holestazu je osteoporoza gde smanjenje koštane gustine dovodi do velikog rizika za nastanak preloma kostiju, bola i deformiteta. Lečenje primarne bilijarne ciroze, kao i osteoporoze u sklopu primarne bilijarne ciroze je veoma komplikovano. Za sada nema zadovoljavajuće specifične medicinske terapije koja se preporučuje za lečenje ove bolesti. Evaluirani su mnogi lekovi u terapiji ove bolesti (kortikosteroidi, metrotreksat, azatioprin, kolhicin, ciklosporin, D-penicilamin, i hlorambucil), ali do sada prikazani trajali su uglavnom bili kratki, mali i slabo kontrolisani. Ursodeoksiholna kiselina jedini je lek odobren za terapiju primarne bilijarne ciroze. U nekim kontrolisanim studijama konstatovano je da bezafibrat ima višestruka pozitivna dejstva kod bolesnika sa primarnom bilijarnom cirozom. Za bisfosfonate i supstitucionu hormonsku terapiju se očekuje da budu efikasni u terapiji osteoporoze u sklopu primarne bilijarne ciroze, ali ne postoje za sada dokazi efikasnoti u sistematskim pregledima. Kohranovi sistematski pregledi sa meta-analizama i sekvencijalnim analizama randomizovanih kliničkih studija sintetišu dokaze u cilju dobijanja pouzdanog, validnog i kompletnog pregleda proverenih dokaza o korisnim i štetnim efektima terapijskih procedura koristeći metodologiju u kojoj nema pristrasnosti u tumačenju rezultata i izvođenju zaključaka. Takođe, oni mogu ukazati na nedostatak dokaza i potrebu za budućim dobro dizajniranim randomizovanim kliničkim studijama..


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    This paper investigates and analyzes the strategic role of the Suez Canal in the development of international maritime trade. The development of international trade by selected years in the period from 1970 to 2021 is analyzed, in particular the state of the world merchant fleet by the ship type in recent years. Among other things, this paper examines and analysis the turnover of ships and cargoes through the Suez Canal in the last nine years. Following the basic idea, and the possibility of connecting Europe and Asia through the Suez Canal, the possibility of developing and functioning of the main logistics strategies was realized, that represent the basis for successful international trade and transport logistics of today. As part of the impact of the Suez Canal on maritime transport, special attention is paid to the impact of the Suez Canal on the ports of the northern Adriatic, which are well sheltered in the highly indented European mainland from the south and have thus ensured high competitiveness in Europe and the world. One of the main goals of this paper is to emphasize the fact that the Suez Canal and the gravitational hinterland of the northern Adriatic ports with their land traffic routes are the key elements in determining the development and operation of the northern Adriatic ports.U ovome radu istražuje se i analizira strateška uloga Sueskog kanala u razvoju međunarodne pomorske trgovine. Analizira se razvoj međunarodne trgovine po izabranim godinama u razdoblju od 1970. do 2021. godine. Posebice se analizira stanje svjetske trgovačke flote prema vrstama brodova zadnjih godina. Uz ostalo, u radu se istražuje i razmatra promet brodova i tereta kroz Sueski kanal zadnjih devet godina. Imajući na umu osnovnu ideju i mogućnost povezivanja Europe i Azije putem Sueskog kanala, ostvarila se i mogućnost razvoja i funkcioniranja glavnih logističkih strategija na kojima danas počiva uspješna međunarodna robna razmjena i prometna logistika. U sklopu utjecaja Sueskog kanala na pomorski promet posebno se posvećuje pozornost utjecaja Sueskog kanala na luke sjevernog Jadrana koje su se jako zavukle u europsko kopno sa južne strane i tako osigurale veliku konkurentnost tih luka u Europi i svijetu. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva ovoga rada je naglasak na činjenicu da su Sueski kanal i gravitacijsko zaleđe sjevernojadranskih luka sa svojim kopnenim prometnicama glavni elementi koji određuju razvoj i poslovanje sjevernojadranskih luka. Sloboda i sigurnost plovidbe preko Sueskog kanala bitno određuju geoprometni položaj jadranskih luka u Europi i svijetu


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    Aktualna pitanja hrvatskoga morskog brodarstva vezana su za postojeće kapacitete, vrstu brodova i stanje svjetskog pomorskog tržišta te nacionalnih potreba po pitanju putničkog linijskog brodarstva. U radu je prikazan pregled stanja brodova po brodarskim društvima te posebice tehnološka struktura hrvatskoga morskog brodarstva koja bitno određuje fleksibilnost i uspješnost poslovanja na tržištu. Prema Statističkom ljetopisu i analizama stanja kapaciteta putničkih brodova u linijskoj i obalnoj plovidbi može se konstatirati stagnacija kapaciteta putničkih brodova. No, zbog povećanja i modernizacije znatno je povećan broj ukupno prevezenih putnika, zbog povećanja kapaciteta i modernizacije nekih putničkih brodova. Broj brodova u teretnom brodarstvu u promatranom razdoblju, posljednjih deset godina, znatno je smanjen. U radu su analizirani tehnološka struktura i vrste brodova hrvatskoga morskog brodarstva. Kod analize mogućnosti razvoja morskog brodarstva poseban naglasak stavljen je na prijevoz putnika. Zaključeno je kako postoje realne mogućnosti razvoja po kapacitetima i vrstama brodova. Posebni naglasak stavljen je na razvoj putničkih brodova u funkciji povezivanja hrvatskih otoka i razvoja turizma. Naglašena je mogućnost razvoja suvremenih brodskih kapaciteta koji bi vodili računa o planiranom razvoju suvremenog terminala za ukapljeni plin te je još jednom naglašeno pitanje mogućnosti dugoročne suradnje hrvatskog brodarstva i hrvatske brodogradnje.The current issues of Croatian maritime shipping are connected to existing capacity, ship types and the status of the world maritime market, as well as national needs in terms of passenger shipping lines. A total capacity was reduced in the last thirty years. At the end of 2017 a total capacity amounted to 133 ships and 2.7 million DWT. This paper gives an overview of the status of ships in shipping companies, especially in relation to the technological structure of Croatian maritime shipping, which determines the flexibility and success of conducting business in the market. According to Statistical Yearbook and analyses of the state of passenger ships capacity in line and coastal shipping, it could be stated that there is stagnation in the capacity of passenger ships. In the observed period in the last ten years the number of ships, in cargo shipping, decreased. The paper analyzes the technological structure and types of ships in Croatian maritime shipping. The analysis of possibilities of the development of maritime shipping places a special emphasis on passenger transport. It is concluded that there are real possibilities of development according to capacity and types of ships. A special emphasis is put on the development of passenger ships with the aim of connecting Croatian islands with tourism development. The possibility of developing contemporary shipping capacities is highlighted, which would take care of the planned development of a modern Liquefied Gas Terminal, and once again the question of the possibility of long-term cooperation with Croatian shipping and Croatian shipping is emphasized

    Odvodnjavanje zemljišta usklađeno sa očuvanjem životne sredine

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    Needs for fertile soils for intensive agriculture production is surely current issue in one side and care for environmental change due to the drainage in another one. Income increment obtained on reclaimed (drained) soil and environmental protection are contradictory demand. To satisfy both sides, the solution should be a compromise among lands area that could be drained and those ones that could be partly drained or not drained at all. The aim of this work was to suggest technical solution of drainage for the field "Orlača" which should be a compromise between two demands: sustainable agriculture and environmental protection. According to the thoroughgoing review of the drainage problem (source of sufficient amount of water, duration of ponding, type of soil, soil fertility and suitability for agriculture) and existence of low protected flora and fauna as well as presence of economically valuable plants and animals, is suggested not to drain a great part of area (> 50 %). Old canal network should be kept and rebuilt in order to maintain suitable water regime of the soil suitable for agriculture production. .Primena odvodnjavanja svojim efektima neminovno vodi promeni prirodnih uslova sredine. Potreba za plodnim zemljištima na kojima je moguće ostvariti visoke prinose u budućnosti će i dalje biti aktuelna. S obzirom da su povećanje dohotka s jedne strane i očuvanje biljnog i životinjskog sveta s druge kontradiktorni zahtevi, jasno je da rešenje treba tražiti u kompromisnom izboru površina koje će se odvodnjavati. Krajnji cilj ovoga rada je da se na primeru projektnog područja "Orlača" predloži kompromisno tehničko rešenje koje obezbeđuje kako održivi razvoj poljoprivrede, tako i očuvanje prirodnih eko-sistema. Na osnovu sveobuhvatnog sagledavanja problematike (uslova prevlaživanja, tipova zemljišta, pogodnosti zemljišta za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju, postojanje zakonom zaštićene, i ekonomski vredne flore i faune) predloženo je da se ukinu novoprojektovani kanali, tako da se značajan deo površine ne odvodnjava (> 50 %). Zadržala bi se i rekonstruisala samo postojeća kanalska mreža čiji bi zadatak bio održavanje povoljnog vodnog režima zemljišta na području pogodnom za ratarsku proizvodnju.

    Transoral Excision of a Parapharyngeal Space Tumor: Case Report

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    Tumors of the parapharyngeal space are rare tumors comprising less than 1% of all head and neck neoplasms. They are mainly salivary gland or neurogenic tumors. Clinical presentation is very variable. Surgical resection by different approaches remains to be the best possible treatment option. We present a case of 45 years old female patient admitted at the ENT Department due to the unilateral hearing loss and swallowing difficulties. Clinical examination revealed the diagnosis of a pleomorphic adenoma of the parapharyngeal space. Tumor was surgical (transorally) excised. Two years following the surgery there is no recurrence of the initial symptoms and primary disease

    Problemi održavanja sistema za odvodnjavanje na meliorativnom području VDP 'Južni Banat'

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    The aim of this paper is a case study of a melioration region, which will show the state of the channel network, as well as the scope of the implemented maintenance measures, which resulted in the reduced functionality of the drainage system. Melioration channels are in most cases in the function of drainage, and a minor number has a double function (drainage and irrigation). The dense network of channels, erected throughout the catchment area, is capable of receiving all the design surplus water. However, during the past decade, the channel network was not maintained to the required level, which caused the reduced functionality of the drainage system. The channels are invaded by annual and perennial plants, channel cross-sections are silted with mud, there are landslides of the slopes parts of water cross-sections are blocked, etc. These are the consequences of the inadequate maintenance of the drainage system and the accompanying structures.Sistemi za odvodnjavanje izgrađeni su na znatnim površinama hidromorfnih zemljišta u Srbiji. Na mnogima od njih nalazi se gusta mreža kanala koji su sposobni da prihvate projektovane viškove voda. Međutim, nedovoljno održavanje kanala utiče na smanjenu funkcionalnost sistema za odvodnjavanje. S obzirom da je jedan od osnovnih pravaca u razvoju odvodnjavanja u predstojećem periodu rekonstrukcija i revitalizacija postojećih sistema potrebno je utvrditi stanje u kome se oni nalaze, kao i razloge njihove smanjene eksploatacione sposobnosti. Meliorativno područje "Južni Banat" je jedno od područja na kome je stanje kanalske mreže nezadovoljavajuće. Izgrađenost kanalske mreže pokazuje da je površina većeg dela sliva ispresecana gustom mrežom kanala koji su sposobni da prihvate sve projektovane viškove voda. Međutim, kanalska mreža se u toku poslednjih decenija ne održava u meri u kojoj je to potrebno. Kanalska mreža je zarasla u jednogodišnje i višegodišnje rastinje, a kanalski profili su delimično zamuljeni. Neki od glavnih kanala na nizvodnoj deonici imaju pojavu kliženja kosina i zatvaranje jednog dela proticajnog profila. Zbog toga obim radova na održavanju meliorativnih sistema u narednom periodu mora biti uvećan, da bi se nadoknadili propusti i kanalska mreža dovela u stanje zadovoljavajuće funkcionalnosti