1,044 research outputs found

    Diffusion-Induced Oscillations of Extended Defects

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    From a simple model for the driven motion of a planar interface under the influence of a diffusion field we derive a damped nonlinear oscillator equation for the interface position. Inside an unstable regime, where the damping term is negative, we find limit-cycle solutions, describing an oscillatory propagation of the interface. In case of a growing solidification front this offers a transparent scenario for the formation of solute bands in binary alloys, and, taking into account the Mullins-Sekerka instability, of banded structures

    Estimation of production trend of the depik, Rasbora tawarensis (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), in Lake Laut Tawar, Indonesia

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the production trend of the depik (Rasbora tawarensis) during the last two decades in Lake Laut Tawar. The production trend was examined based on the catch per unit efforts. The direct sampling, fishermen catches collection and fishermen interview were conducted to collect actual fish catches. The results showed that the depik, R. tawarensis production (indicated by the catch-per-unit effort (CPUE)) was seasonally dependent where the CPUE was higher in the rainy season compared to dry season. In addition, the CPUE was higher in the new moon according to lunar cycle. The production of depik in particular and fishes of Lake Laut Tawar in general are declining dramatically during the last two decades. The decrease in the water levels, destructive fishing gears, the presence of introduced species and pollution are the main reasons suggested for this phenomenon.</p

    Worrying and rumination are both associated with reduced cognitive control

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    Persistent negative thought is a hallmark feature of both major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Despite its clinical significance, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of persistent negative thought. Recent studies suggest that reduced cognitive control might be an explanatory factor. We investigated the association between persistent negative thought and switching between internal representations in working memory, using the internal shift task (IST). The IST was administered to a group of undergraduates, classified as high-ruminators versus low-ruminators, or high-worriers versus low-worriers. Results showed that high-ruminators and high-worriers have more difficulties to switch between internal representations in working memory as opposed to low-ruminators and low-worriers. Importantly, results were only significant when the negative stimuli used in the IST reflected personally relevant worry themes for the participants. The results of this study indicate that rumination and worrying are both associated with reduced cognitive control for verbal information that is personally relevant

    Implementing ‘PATRIOT’ As an Integrated Model of Instruction to Rebuild the Culture of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education

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    This research was aimed to find an instructional technology program of Entrepreneurship from theory to practice. Those integrated events were showed through mastering theoretical knowledge acquisition, and then applied in the business firms and completed by action. The research activities start from prototyping four instructional packet programs based on the PATRIOT’s model of instruction, and then offered to students through integrated instruction to increase abilities to conduct the Totally Entrepreneurship actions (

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Karyawan Bengkel Mobil Jaya Motor Tentang Alat Perlindungan Diri (Apd) di Desa Ental Sewu, Buduran, Sidoarjo

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    Introduction. Pemakaian Alat Perlindungan Diri digunakan untuk melindungi diri dari bahaya potensi yang ada di tempat mereka terpapar. Pemakaian Alat Perlindungan Diri harus sesuai agar tidak membahayakan tenaga kerja seperti pusing, sesak napas, batuk dan mata perih. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan karyawan bengkel mobil jaya motor tentang Alat Perlindungan Diri (APD) di desa ental sewu buduran sidoarjo. Methods. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, populasi menggunakan teknik sampling yaitu non probability sampling tipe total sampling, dengan sampel menggunakan 30 responden, variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat pengetahuan karyawan bengkel, instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisioner. Kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan tabulasi dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi. Results. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan karyawan bengkel di Desa Ental Sewu Buduran - Sidoarjo hampir setengahnya responden yang mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 14 responden (46,67%). Discussion. Tingkat Pengetahuan seseorang dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti umur, pendidikan, dan lama bekerja. Untuk itu peneliti mengadakan penyuluhan penyuluhan tentang Alat Perlindungan Diri dan diperlukan dukungan aktif dari karyawan, pemilik bengkel, dan juga petugas kesehatan dalam memberikan penyuluhan tentang Alat Perlindungan Diri (APD)

    Antiretroviral (ARV) untuk Anak dengan HIV di Indonesia : Sudah Siapkah?

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    Anak dengan HIV bukanlah orang dengan HIV dalam bentuk yang kecil. Meski layanan dan obat ARV telah tersedia di berbagai daerah dan tingkat layanan kesehatan, tetapi pemberian terapi ARV secara khusus pada anak masih sangat terbatas. Keterbatasan ini bisa dilihat dari jumlah layanan yang bisa memberikan terapi ARV sesuai dengan pedoman maupun keterbatasan dalam ketersediaan obat ARV untuk anak. Akibatnya jumlah anak yang masuk ke dalam perawatan HIV masih belum optimal meski mereka telah memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh terapi. Jika mereka telah memperoleh ARV, banyak dari mereka memperoleh obat ARV bagi orang dewasa. Demikian pula permasalahan kepatuhan minum obat dari anak yang mengikuti terapi masih jadi pertanyaan karena hingga saat ini belum ada laporan tentang itu. Melihat permasalahan tersebut maka bukan usulan kebijakan yang menjadi rekomendasi dari policy brief ini tetapi mendesak pemerintah sesegera mungkin melaksanakan kebijakan yang telah dibuat secara bertanggungjawab dan meluas ke berbagai wilayah dimana banyak anak dengan HIV yang membutuhkan ARV sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Ketidakmampuan pemerintah untuk melaksanakan kebijakan ARV untuk anak ini akan mengancam hidup anak-anak dengan HIV di Indonesia

    An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship and Transmission Mechanism Between Inflation and Economic Growth: the Case of Indonesia, 1980-2012

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    Much as economists seem to be in total agreement that high rates of inflation impede economic growth, there isless consensus about the precise relationship between inflation and economic performance, and the mechanismby which inflation affects economic activity at the macroeconomic level. The cardinal aim of this study washenceforth to find out if a meaningful relationship does exist between inflation and economic growth inIndonesias case and to further ascertain the transmission mechanism by which inflation affects economicgrowth. Most of the analyses herein were done using Econometric Views (Eviews7). A stationarity test wascarried out using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test with the aim of finding out the order of integration ofthe individual series under consideration. GDP and CPI which were used as perfect proxies for economicgrowth and inflation respectively were found to be stationary after first difference. The two variables were alsofound to be Cointegrated and upon running Granger Causality tests under VECM environment, a long-rununidirectional causality from economic growth to inflation was detected. On the basis of the impulse responsefunction (IRF) and the long-run Cointegrating equations, it was also found out that inflation and economicgrowth exhibit an inverse relationship both in the short and long-run. All these events showed that a meaningfulrelationship between economic growth and inflation does exist.The results of the transmission mechanism showed that if inflation increases by 1%, the level of investmentdecreases by 0.091680% whereas total factor productivity (TFP) decreases by 0.003295% hence confirmingthe theoretical and empirical literature postulations that the level of investment and TFP indeed serve astransmission channels from inflation to economic growth.Keyword : Inflation, Economic Growth, Indonesia, Cointegration, Granger Causality, Transmissionmechanism, Level of investment, TFP

    Autodrive Land Vehicle Control by Using PID

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    In towards industry 4.0, the autodrive vehicle is needed to give people relaxed driving. There are many research in autodrive vehicle such as waymo-the Google driving car project and Tesla Self Driving Autopilot. In This paper is presented about Autodrive Land Vehicle (ALV) control by using PID. The autodrive Land vehicle can drive autonomously by using GPS Information such as Latitude and longitude to navigate in an area. The vehicle is controled to follow the given waypoint that set by operator on ground control station. PID control is used to control steering of the vehicle’s front wheel and to control the heading of the vehicle. From the Implementation result, it is obtained that the vehicle could track the given waypoint with small error

    Autodrive Land Vehicle Control by Using PID

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    In towards industry 4.0, the autodrive vehicle is needed to give people relaxed driving. There are many research in autodrive vehicle such as waymo-the Google driving car project and Tesla Self Driving Autopilot. In This paper is presented about Autodrive Land Vehicle (ALV) control by using PID. The autodrive Land vehicle can drive autonomously by using GPS Information such as Latitude and longitude to navigate in an area. The vehicle is controled to follow the given waypoint that set by operator on ground control station. PID control is used to control steering of the vehicle\u27s front wheel and to control the heading of the vehicle. From the Implementation result, it is obtained that the vehicle could track the given waypoint with small error
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