42 research outputs found

    Penilaian Sumberdaya Terumbu Karang dan Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Daerah Perlindungan Laut di Ujong Pancu, Aceh Besar

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan maksud menyediakan data dan informasi yang memadai tentang potensi sumberdaya terumbu karang dan persepsi masyarakat tentang daerah perlindungan laut. Penilaian potensi sumberdaya terumbu karang meliputi kondisi tutupan karang keras serta keragaman dan kelimpahan ikan karang.  Data diambil di tiga stasiun bertempat di ekosistem terumbu karang di wilayah Ujong Pancu, Kecamatan Peukan Bada, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Propinsi Aceh.  Metode Point Intercept Transect digunakan untuk menilai tutupan karang, sedangkan Teknik Underwater Visual Census digunakan untuk mengetahui keragaman dan kelimpahan ikan karang.  Di bagian lain, persepsi masyarakat tentang daerah perlindungan laut diperoleh dengan Metode Kuesioner. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi terumbu karang di Ujong Pancu dalam keadaan baik, dengan tutupan karang keras lebih dari 50%. Dalam tiga tahun terakhir tidak terjadi perubahan besar dalam persentase tutupan karang.  Komunitas karangnya didominasi oleh genus Acropora, Pocillopora dan Porites.  Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan 158 spesies ikan karang dari 40 famili dengan kepadatan berkisar 162 – 180 individu/transek (100m2).  Hasil survai tingkat pemahaman dan persepsi tentang daerah perlidungan laut menunjukkan adanya keinginan yang tinggi dari responden untuk melestarikan lingkungan melalui pembentukan daerah perlindungan laut, walaupun mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang terbatas tentang sumberdaya pesisir dan laut. Dari kajian yang telah dilakukan ini diharapkan adanya upaya lebih lanjut dari Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Besar untuk membentuk daerah perlindungan laut di wilayah Ujong Pancu

    Pemutihan Karang di Perairan Laut Natuna Bagian Selatan tahun 2010

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    Mass coral bleaching is caused by high sea surface temperatures (SST). SST in theNatuna Sea have risen rapidly since late April 2010 and caused mass coral bleaching. This research wascarried out on 14 sites in Tambelan and Serasan Islands, southern Natuna Sea on November 2010. Dataof colony number and coral genera of the bleaching coral were collected using 10 x 2 m2 belt transect atreef slope, 4 – 6 meter depth below sea level. Each transect was replicated three times on each site.The research found 13 genera of bleaching coral. The bleaching coral number ranged from one to sevencolonies/transect. Acropora and Porites suffered the highest bleaching number and occurred on all sites.The highest degree of bleaching coral was occurred on the Manggirang Besar in Tambelan Islands.Over the course of data collection, bleaching in the Southern Natuna Sea was low and did not indicatethe presence of mass coral bleaching. However, the results confirm that a large number of dead coralwith algae (DCA) indicating that many corals might have been bleached approximately since July 2010.We urge the need to perform local and global actions such as promoting marine protected areas toconserve reef ecosystem especially in the southern Natuna

    Pattern of Macro benthos Succession in Sabang Waters after Tsunami

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    Research about succession of macro benthos on limestone substrate was conducted atthree sites (Klah Island, Gapang Beach and Gapang Mangrove) in the coral reef ecosystem of WehIsland from April – December 2005. The selections of the sites are based on degradation of watersquality and coral reef condition. Limestone substrate as collectors were laid at 5 m waters depth ateach site, and further were taken after four and eight months. Succession pattern of macro benthoswas analyzed by Frontier Succession curve. The result shows that pattern of macro benthossuccessions were occurred significantly between locations and time. At site poor of natural coral reefcondition (Gapang Mangrove), succession pattern is in disturbance condition, while in Gapang Beachand Klah Island and Pulau Payung, which have good and fair coral condition, succession patterns aregoing in the direction of equilibrium condition. The result has indicated that waters quality is key factorfor macro benthos successio

    Tutupan Karang Keras dan Distribusi Karang Indikator di Perairan Aceh bagian Utara

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    Coral reefs are widely recognized as the center of coastal biological activity, coastal protection and geological processes, and also the productive site for fisheries and tourism. By definition, ecological resilience is the ability of a system to undergo, absorb and respond to change and disturbance, while maintaining its functions and controls. The environmental conditions that favor such community resilience may be different from those that favor resistance. From six field components of reef resilience, benthic cover and coral indicators population structure are the most important for reef resilience. This research has been done at 20 sites in northern Aceh reef, i.e. Weh Island (Sabang) and Aceh Besar regency. Benthic coverage data were collected by employing line intercept transects methods, whereas data of indicator coral population structure were collected by employing belt transect. The results show that hard coral ercentage were range from 20.46% - 67.4%. Generally, hard coral cover in areas protected by the Sabang Weh Island management authority was higher than those occurred in open access areas. The resistant corals category includes Porites (massive) and Pavona which are abundant in western Weh Island, while larger coral colonies of resistant category such as Acropora dan Pocillopora, are abundant in eastern Weh Island. If sea surface temperature is increase, west and north parts of the Weh Island will be the most vulnerable areas for coral mass bleaching

    Pemutihan Karang di Perairan Laut Natuna Bagian Selatan tahun 2010

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    Mass coral bleaching is caused by high sea surface temperatures (SST). SST in theNatuna Sea have risen rapidly since late April 2010 and caused mass coral bleaching. This research wascarried out on 14 sites in Tambelan and Serasan Islands, southern Natuna Sea on November 2010. Dataof colony number and coral genera of the bleaching coral were collected using 10 x 2 m2 belt transect atreef slope, 4 – 6 meter depth below sea level. Each transect was replicated three times on each site.The research found 13 genera of bleaching coral. The bleaching coral number ranged from one to sevencolonies/transect. Acropora and Porites suffered the highest bleaching number and occurred on all sites.The highest degree of bleaching coral was occurred on the Manggirang Besar in Tambelan Islands.Over the course of data collection, bleaching in the Southern Natuna Sea was low and did not indicatethe presence of mass coral bleaching. However, the results confirm that a large number of dead coralwith algae (DCA) indicating that many corals might have been bleached approximately since July 2010.We urge the need to perform local and global actions such as promoting marine protected areas toconserve reef ecosystem especially in the southern Natuna

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Discovery Learning untuk Melatih Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Peserta Didik SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKPD  berbasis Discovery Learning  pada materi system ekskresi untuk peserta didik SMA. Pengembangan LKPD system ekskresi dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan pembelajaran untuk melatih kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi peserta didik SMA.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (research and development/R&D). Tahapan utama dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah (1) pengumpulan informasi dan penelitian pendahuluan; (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan produk; (4) pengujian terbatas, dan (5) revisi produk akhir. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik SMA Negeri  2 Bandar Lampung yang mengambil pelajaran system ekskresi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan angket. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan materi LKPD berbasis discovery learning pada materi sistim ekskresi di SMA sangat layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hal tersebut berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli materi sebesar 88%, hasil validasi ahli media sebesar 86%, hasil validasi ahli Bahasa dan Pendidikan 89% , hasil validasi pemakai 86%, validasi uji kelompok terbatas 85,5%

    Reinterpretation of Bank Interest Law in the View of K.H Bahauddin Nursalim on YouTube Channel

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    The controversy over the bank convention still colors the discourse that lives in society because the interest given by the bank convention is something that is forbidden by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). But not long ago, there were contemporary scholars such as K.H Bahauddin Nursalim who said that the status of bank interest is not unlawful. Then what is the reason why K.H Bahauddin Nursalim does not contain haram elements? This research is library research. The data were collected using secondary data. As a result, bank interest in the view of K.H Bahauddin Nursalim is associated with re-interpretation. K.H Bahauddin Nursalim linked interest banks more with inflation rates, so the reason bank interest is compensated to prevent inflation cannot be justified, which like this is strictly prohibited in Islam considering that even a penny’s excess includes usury. Keywords: bank interest, usury, Islami

    Komunitas ikan karang herbivora di perairan Aceh bagian utara

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    Abstract. Herbivory reef fish is the most important of fish tropic group in the coral reef ecosystem.Hence, the objective of this study was to provide reliable data and information on herbivory reef fish based on management types in the northern Acehnese reef. Underwater Visual Census Techniques was used to collect the data at 20 sites around Weh Island and Aceh Besar. This study found 32 herbivory reef fishes species from five families in northern Acehnese reef. Densities of herbivory reef fish were varied from 27 to 104 ind./transect,while species numbers were also varied from 6 to 14 species/site. Family Acanthuriidae was the highest in species number, i.e. 19 species. Densities of herbivory reef fish in sites that were protected under the management authority of Sabang Weh Island were not significantly higher compare with sites from open access areas. Keywords: herbivory reef fish, coral reef, visual census technique, Ace