422 research outputs found

    Metabolic rate meter and method

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    A method is described for measuring the dynamic metabolic rate of a human or animal. The ratio of the exhaled carbon dioxide to a known amount of C(13)02 introduced into the exhalation is determined by mass spectrometry. This provides an instantaneous measurement of the carbon dioxide generated

    Nonlinear theory of resonant slow waves in anisotropic and dispersive plasmas

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    The solar corona is a typical example of a plasma with strongly anisotropic transport processes. The main dissipative mechanisms in the solar corona acting on slow magnetoacoustic waves are the anisotropic thermal conductivity and viscosity [Ballai et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 252 (1998)] developed the nonlinear theory of driven slow resonant waves in such a regime. In the present paper the nonlinear behavior of driven magnetohydrodynamic waves in the slow dissipative layer in plasmas with strongly anisotropic viscosity and thermal conductivity is expanded by considering dispersive effects due to Hall currents. The nonlinear governing equation describing the dynamics of nonlinear resonant slow waves is supplemented by a term which describes nonlinear dispersion and is of the same order of magnitude as nonlinearity and dissipation. The connection formulas are found to be similar to their nondispersive counterparts

    Indirect coupling between spins in semiconductor quantum dots

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    The optically induced indirect exchange interaction between spins in two quantum dots is investigated theoretically. We present a microscopic formulation of the interaction between the localized spin and the itinerant carriers including the effects of correlation, using a set of canonical transformations. Correlation effects are found to be of comparable magnitude as the direct exchange. We give quantitative results for realistic quantum dot geometries and find the largest couplings for one dimensional systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    THERMAL RADIATION FROM MAGNETIZED NEUTRON STARS: A look at the Surface of a Neutron Star.

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    Surface thermal emission has been detected by ROSAT from four nearby young neutron stars. Assuming black body emission, the significant pulsations of the observed light curves can be interpreted as due to large surface temperature differences produced by the effect of the crustal magnetic field on the flow of heat from the hot interior toward the cooler surface. However, the energy dependence of the modulation observed in Geminga is incompatible with blackbody emission: this effect will give us a strong constraint on models of the neutron star surface.Comment: 10 pages. tar-compressed and uuencoded postcript file. talk given at the `Jubilee Gamow Seminar', St. Petersburg, Sept. 1994

    Neural Decision Boundaries for Maximal Information Transmission

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    We consider here how to separate multidimensional signals into two categories, such that the binary decision transmits the maximum possible information transmitted about those signals. Our motivation comes from the nervous system, where neurons process multidimensional signals into a binary sequence of responses (spikes). In a small noise limit, we derive a general equation for the decision boundary that locally relates its curvature to the probability distribution of inputs. We show that for Gaussian inputs the optimal boundaries are planar, but for non-Gaussian inputs the curvature is nonzero. As an example, we consider exponentially distributed inputs, which are known to approximate a variety of signals from natural environment.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Ferromagnetism in magnetically doped III-V semiconductors

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    The origin of ferromagnetism in semimagnetic III-V materials is discussed. The indirect exchange interaction caused by virtual electron excitations from magnetic impurity level in the bandgap to the valence band can explain ferromagnetism in GaAs(Mn) no matter samples are degenerated or not. Formation of ferromagnetic clusters and percolation picture of phase transition describes well all available experimental data and allows to predict the Mn-composition dependence of transition temperature in wurtzite (Ga,In,Al)N epitaxial layers.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figure

    Biological Effects of Stellar Collapse Neutrinos

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    Massive stars in their final stages of collapse radiate most of their binding energy in the form of MeV neutrinos. The recoil atoms that they produce in elastic scattering off nuclei in organic tissue create radiation damage which is highly effective in the production of irreparable DNA harm, leading to cellular mutation, neoplasia and oncogenesis. Using a conventional model of the galaxy and of the collapse mechanism, the periodicity of nearby stellar collapses and the radiation dose are calculated. The possible contribution of this process to the paleontological record of mass extinctions is examined.Comment: gzipped PostScript (filename.ps.Z), 12 pages. Final version, Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Phase Mixing of Nonlinear Visco-resistive Alfv\'en Waves

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    We investigate the behaviour of nonlinear, nonideal Alfv\'en wave propagation within an inhomogeneous magnetic environment. The governing MHD equations are solved in 1D and 2D using both analytical techniques and numerical simulations. We find clear evidence for the ponderomotive effect and visco-resistive heating. The ponderomotive effect generates a longitudinal component to the transverse Alfv\'en wave, with a frequency twice that of the driving frequency. Analytical work shows the addition of resistive heating. This leads to a substantial increase in the local temperature and thus gas pressure of the plasma, resulting in material being pushed along the magnetic field. In 2D, our system exhibits phase mixing and we observe an evolution in the location of the maximum heating, i.e. we find a drifting of the heating layer. Considering Alfv\'en wave propagation in 2D with an inhomogeneous density gradient, we find that the equilibrium density profile is significantly modified by both the flow of density due to visco-resistive heating and the nonlinear response to the localised heating through phase mixing.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figure

    Crystalline Color Superconductivity

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    In any context in which color superconductivity arises in nature, it is likely to involve pairing between species of quarks with differing chemical potentials. For suitable values of the differences between chemical potentials, Cooper pairs with nonzero total momentum are favored, as was first realized by Larkin, Ovchinnikov, Fulde and Ferrell (LOFF). Condensates of this sort spontaneously break translational and rotational invariance, leading to gaps which vary periodically in a crystalline pattern. Unlike the original LOFF state, these crystalline quark matter condensates include both spin zero and spin one Cooper pairs. We explore the range of parameters for which crystalline color superconductivity arises in the QCD phase diagram. If in some shell within the quark matter core of a neutron star (or within a strange quark star) the quark number densities are such that crystalline color superconductivity arises, rotational vortices may be pinned in this shell, making it a locus for glitch phenomena.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX with eps figs. v2: New paragraph on Ginzburg-Landau treatment of LOFF phase in section 5. References added. v3: Small changes only. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    On the connection between gamma and radio radiation spectra in pulsars

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    The model of pulsar radio emission is discussed in which a coherent radio emis-sion is excited in a vacuum gap above polar cap of neutron star. Pulsar X and gamma radiation are considered as the result of low-frequency radio emission inverse Comp-ton scattering on ultra relativistic electrons accelerated in the gap. The influence of the pulsar magnetic field on Compton scattering is taken into account. The relation of radio and gamma radiation spectra has been found in the framework of the model.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, Russian version accepted to JETP, partly published in JETP Letters, Vol. 85, #6 (2007