172 research outputs found

    Heparin, dextran 1000 and metastasis formation after I.V. tumour cell injection in dextran non-sensitive rats.

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    The present study of the effect of heparin and dextran 1000 on the metastasis formation after i.v. tumour cell injection in dextran non-sensitive rats using a syngeneic 20-methylcholanthrene induced fibrosarcoma showed that heparin treatment decreased with formation of pulmonary metastases in animals both untreated and treated with dextran 1000. Treatment with dextran 1000 increased the formation of pulmonary metastases in animals both untreated and treated with heparin and the effect of dextran 1000 was thus not affected by heparin treatment. Heparin did not have any direct action on the tumour cells, which influenced metastasis formation. The data suggest that heparin acts as an anticoagulant with decreased microthrombus formation around lodged cells and that dextrax 1000 stimulates metastasis formation primarily by mechanisms other than intravascular coagulation

    Hur tolkar vi den fotorealistiska renderingen?

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    Uppsatsen utforskar hur den fotorealistiska renderingen uppfattas samt om det fotorealistiska sättet att visualisera perspektiv ger en missvisande bild över hur en plats kan komma att se ut. Detta görs genom att bryta upp den fotorealistiska renderingen i tre delar; bild, rendering och fotografi. Genom att titta på dessa tre områden var för sig vill uppsatsen fördjupa vår kunskap om fotorealistiska renderingar och vilken roll den har inom landskapsarkitektur. I relation till detta lyfts även frågan ifall landskapsarkitekten behöver komplettera eller ändra sin visuella kommunikation. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att det inte finns något entydigt sätt att tolka bilder och därmed inte heller något entydigt sätt att tolka fotorealistiska renderingar. Hur vi tolkar bildmaterial är beroende av vilken visuell kultur vi tillhör och den visuella kulturen skapas i relation till hur människor i vår omgivning tolkar bilder. Därför kommer olika människor tolka bilder olika beroende på vilken visuell kultur denne kommer ifrån. Uppsatsen visar att landskapsarkitekten har en specifik visuell kultur och att missförstånd kan uppstå när landskapsarkitekten ska kommunicera sitt visuella material till människor utanför landskapsarkitektens visuella kultur, så som en brukare av en plats. Därför kan det sägas att det finns brister i hur landskapsarkitekten kommunicerar visuellt men det visar sig svårt att veta hur man ska överbrygga missförstånd. Uppsatsen visar att renderingen ur ett perspektiv är för realistisk i det avseende att det inte är en återspegling av verkligheten. Det är snarare fotorealism och anledningen till att vi upplever den som verklig är för att vi accepterat det filmade och fotade materialet som verklighet.This essay explores how the photorealistic rendering is perceived and if that leads to misunderstandings regarding the visual communication that the landscape architect produce. The essay tackles this through splitting up photorealistic rendering into three parts; imagery, rendering and photography. With this method the essay aspires to deepen our knowledge about photorealistic rendering and what role it plays in the work of a landscape architect. This raises the question if the landscape architect needs to complement or change the way they communicate visually. The essay establishes that there is no simple way to perceive imagery and therefore no simple way to perceive the photorealistic imagery. How we perceive imagery is determined by the visual culture from which one strives from. Visual culture is created by how people in our environment perceive imagery. This suggests that people will perceive the same image differently, depending on what visual culture we strive from. The essay shows that the landscape architect belongs to a specific visual culture and that misunderstandings could be expected when communicating with people from another visual culture, i.e. a user of space. The essay suggests that communication about what the image at hand shows could be a way to bridge this misunderstanding but also suggest further studies to find other ways

    Clinical relevance of single item quality of life indicators in cancer clinical trials

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    We investigated the hypothesis that global single-item quality-of-life indicators are less precise for specific treatment effects (discriminant validity) than multi-item scales but similarly efficient for overall treatment comparisons and changes over time (responsiveness) because they reflect the summation of the individual meaning and importance of various factors. Linear analogue self-assessment (LASA) indicators for physical well-being, mood and coping were compared with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), the Mood Adjective Check List (MACL) and the emotional behaviour and social interaction scales of the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) in 84 patients with early breast cancer receiving adjuvant therapy. Discriminant validity was investigated by multitrait-multimethod correlation, responsiveness by standardized response mean (SRM). Discriminant validity of the indicators was present at baseline but less under treatment. Responsiveness was demonstrated by the expected pattern among treatments (P = 0.008). In patients without chemotherapy, the SRMs indicated moderate (0.5–0.8) to large (>0.8) improvements in physical well-being (0.70), coping (0.92), HAD anxiety (0.89) and depression (1.19), and MACL mental well-being (0.68). In patients with chemotherapy for the first 3 months, small but clinically significant improvements (>).2) included mood (0.38), coping (0.41), HAD axiety (0.31) and MACL mental well-being (0.35). Patients with 6 months chemotherapy showed no changes. The indicators also reflected mood disorders (HAD) and marked psychosocial dysfunction (SIP) at baseline and under treatment according to pre-defined cut-off levels. Global indicators were confirmed to be efficient for evaluating treatments overall and changes over time. The lower reliability of single as opposed to multi-item scales affects primarily their discriminant validity. This is less decisive in large sample sizes. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Increased Risk of Recurrence After Hormone Replacement Therapy in Breast Cancer Survivors

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    Background Hormone replacement therapy (HT) is known to increase the risk of breast cancer in healthy women, but its effect on breast cancer risk in breast cancer survivors is less clear. The randomized HABITS study, which compared HT for menopausal symptoms with best management without hormones among women with previously treated breast cancer, was stopped early due to suspicions of an increased risk of new breast cancer events following HT. We present results after extended follow-up. Methods HABITS was a randomized, non-placebo-controlled noninferiority trial that aimed to be at a power of 80% to detect a 36% increase in the hazard ratio (HR) for a new breast cancer event following HT. Cox models were used to estimate relative risks of a breast cancer event, the maximum likelihood method was used to calculate 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and χ2 tests were used to assess statistical significance, with all P values based on two-sided tests. The absolute risk of a new breast cancer event was estimated with the cumulative incidence function. Most patients who received HT were prescribed continuous combined or sequential estradiol hemihydrate and norethisterone. Results Of the 447 women randomly assigned, 442 could be followed for a median of 4 years. Thirty-nine of the 221 women in the HT arm and 17 of the 221 women in the control arm experienced a new breast cancer event (HR = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.3 to 4.2). Cumulative incidences at 5 years were 22.2% in the HT arm and 8.0% in the control arm. By the end of follow-up, six women in the HT arm had died of breast cancer and six were alive with distant metastases. In the control arm, five women had died of breast cancer and four had metastatic breast cancer (P = .51, log-rank test). Conclusion After extended follow-up, there was a clinically and statistically significant increased risk of a new breast cancer event in survivors who took H

    Menstrual cycle and timing of breast surgery in premenopausal node-positive breast cancer: Results of the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Trial VI

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    Purpose It has been postulated that breast cancer surgery performed during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle is associated with poorer outcome. Patients and methods We tested this hypothesis by evaluating disease-free survival (DFS) for 1033 premenopausal patients who received definitive surgery either during the follicular phase (n = 358) or the luteal phase (n = 675). All patients were enrolled in a randomized trial conducted between July 1986 and April 1993. All had node positive breast cancer and randomization was stratified by estrogen receptor (ER) status. AU patients received at least three cycles of adjuvant cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil (CMF). The median follow-up was 60 months. Results Patients who underwent definitive surgery for breast cancer in the follicular phase had a slightly worse disease-free survival than those operated on during the luteal phase (five-year DFS percentage: 53% versus 58%; hazard ratio, 1.13; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.94-1.38; P = 0.20). The effect was significantly greater for the subpopulation of 300 patients with ER-negative primaries (P = 0.02 interaction effect; five-year DFS percentages 42% vs. 59%; hazard ratio 1.60; 95% CI, 1.12-2.25; P 0.008). The effect of timing of surgery diminished for analyses based on lesser surgical procedures, e.g., excisional biopsies. In particular, no effect of timing was observed for fine needle aspiration procedures. Conclusion Surgical procedures which are more extensive than a fine needle aspiration biopsy might be associated with worse prognosis if conducted during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon was seen predominantly for high risk breast cancer with low levels or no estrogen receptors in the primary tumo

    Duration of adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: a joint analysis of two randomised trials investigating three versus six courses of CMF

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    Cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil adjuvant combination chemotherapy for breast cancer is currently used for the duration of six monthly courses. We performed a joint analysis of two studies on the duration of adjuvant cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil in patients with node-positive breast cancer to investigate whether three courses of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil might suffice. The International Breast Cancer Study Group Trial VI randomly assigned 735 pre- and perimenopausal patients to receive ‘classical’ cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil for three consecutive cycles, or the same chemotherapy for six consecutive cycles. The German Breast Cancer Study Group randomised 289 patients to receive either three or six cycles of i.v. cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil day 1, 8. Treatment effects were estimated using Cox regression analysis stratified by clinical trial without further adjustment for covariates. The 5-year disease-free survival per cents (±s.e.) were 54±2% for three cycles and 55±2% for six cycles (n=1024; risk ratio (risk ratio: CMF×3/CMF×6), 1.00; 95% confidence interval, 0.85 to 1.18; P=0.99). Use of three rather than six cycles was demonstrated to be adequate in both studies for patients at least 40-years-old with oestrogen-receptor-positive tumours (n=594; risk ratio, 0.86; 95% confidence interval, 0.68 to 1.08; P=0.19). In fact, results slightly favoured three cycles over six for this subgroup, and the 95% confidence interval excluded an adverse effect of more than 2% with respect to absolute 5-year survival. In contrast, three cycles appeared to be possibly inferior to six cycles for women less than 40-years-old (n=190; risk ratio, 1.25; 95% confidence interval, 0.87 to 1.80; P=0.22) and for women with oestrogen-receptor-negative tumours (n=302; risk ratio, 1.15; 95% confidence interval, 0.85 to 1.57; P=0.37). Thus, three initial cycles of adjuvant cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil chemotherapy were as effective as six cycles for older patients (40-years-old) with oestrogen-receptor-positive tumours, while six cycles of adjuvant cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil might still be required for other cohorts. Because endocrine therapy with tamoxifen and GnRH analogues is now available for younger women with oestrogen-receptor-positive tumours, the need for six cycles of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil is unclear and requires further investigation