1,498 research outputs found

    Optical models of the molecular atmosphere

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    The use of optical and laser methods for performing atmospheric investigations has stimulated the development of the optical models of the atmosphere. The principles of constructing the optical models of molecular atmosphere for radiation with different spectral composition (wideband, narrowband, and monochromatic) are considered in the case of linear and nonlinear absorptions. The example of the development of a system which provides for the modeling of the processes of optical-wave energy transfer in the atmosphere is presented. Its physical foundations, structure, programming software, and functioning were considered

    Личность в художественном творчестве романтизма. Взаимосвязь философии и литературы

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    У статті визначені причини романтичного світовідчуття в мистецтві та естетиці, ідея універсальної особистості в художній творчості та теорії мистецтва, досягнення романтизму в психологічному збагаченні художньої мови. Представлений самоцінний статус мистецтва в естетиці романтизму. Розглянуто взаємозв’язок філософії і літератури.In the article certain reasons romantic attitude in an art and aesthetics, idea of universal personality in artistic creation and theory of art, achievement of romanticism in the psychological enriching of artistic language. The presented valuable status of art is in aesthetics of romanticism. Intercommunication of philosophy and literature is considered.В статье определены причины романтического мироощущения в искусстве и эстетике, идея универсальности личности в художественном творчестве и теории искусства, достижения романтизма в психологическом обогащении художественной речи. Представленный самоценный статус искусства в эстетике романтизма. Рассмотрена взаимосвязь философии и литературы

    On Formation of Anthrasemiquinone in the Conditions of Wood Alkaline Pulping

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    Electron spin resonance (ESR) and electronic absorbance spectral experiments demonstrate that reversible temperature variation of anion-radica1 concentration in the system anthraqui; none (AQ) - anthrasemiquinone (AS) - anthrahydroquinone (AHQ) in aqueous alka1i is a property of that system and not of the more complicated catalyst-wood system. Lignin model compounds present in low concentrations have no influence on this variation. A raise of radical concentration is accompanied by a change of the solution colour from red into yellow. In pulping conditions AQ can be reduced either by the hydrocarbon or by the lignin component of wood, probably also by numerous organic compounds and even by the alka1i itself. As a result of this process, an AQ-AS-AHQ system is being formed

    Geophysical studies with laser-beam detectors of gravitational waves

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    The existing high technology laser-beam detectors of gravitational waves may find very useful applications in an unexpected area - geophysics. To make possible the detection of weak gravitational waves in the region of high frequencies of astrophysical interest, ~ 30 - 10^3 Hz, control systems of laser interferometers must permanently monitor, record and compensate much larger external interventions that take place in the region of low frequencies of geophysical interest, ~ 10^{-5} - 3 X 10^{-3} Hz. Such phenomena as tidal perturbations of land and gravity, normal mode oscillations of Earth, oscillations of the inner core of Earth, etc. will inevitably affect the performance of the interferometers and, therefore, the information about them will be stored in the data of control systems. We specifically identify the low-frequency information contained in distances between the interferometer mirrors (deformation of Earth) and angles between the mirrors' suspensions (deviations of local gravity vectors and plumb lines). We show that the access to the angular information may require some modest amendments to the optical scheme of the interferometers, and we suggest the ways of doing that. The detailed evaluation of environmental and instrumental noises indicates that they will not prevent, even if only marginally, the detection of interesting geophysical phenomena. Gravitational-wave instruments seem to be capable of reaching, as a by-product of their continuous operation, very ambitious geophysical goals, such as observation of the Earth's inner core oscillations.Comment: 29 pages including 8 figures, modifications and clarifications in response to referees' comments, to be published in Class. Quant. Gra

    Home Experiment with Physics in High School

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    Запровадження компетентнісного підходу в системі освіти України має певні особливості стосовно кожного навчального предмету. У загальній фізичній освіті компетентнісний підхід є засобом посилення дієвості предметних знань, умінь та навичок учнів, а отже, реалізація його має здійснюватися шляхом посилення практичної, прикладної спрямованості навчального процесу. У цьому контексті важливе місце в системі навчання фізики має належати навчальному фізичному експерименту, частиною якого є домашні досліди і спостереження. Виконання домашніх експериментальних завдань сприяє засвоєнню програмного теоретичного матеріалу, формуванню в школярів експериментальних умінь та навичок, а також конструкторських здібностей. Враховуючи широкі педагогічні можливості домашнього експерименту, його слід розглядати як невід’ємний елемент навчального процесу з фізики в старшій школі, що потребує ретельного планування. Педагогічна практика свідчить на користь системного використання домашніх лабораторних робіт в старшій школі. Це означає, що цей вид навчальної роботи має бути чітко спланованим і охоплювати усі теми шкільного курсу фізики. У профільних класах та класах з поглибленим вивченням фізики можливий практикум з домашнього фізичного експерименту. У статті наведено приклади домашніх лабораторних робіт, які можуть бути використані в навчальному процесі з фізики в старшій школі.The introduction of the competence approach in the education system of Ukraine has certain features for each subject. In a General physical education competence approach is a means to enhance the usefulness of subject knowledge, abilities and skills of students and, therefore, its implementation should be carried out by enhancing the practical, applied orientation of the learning process. In this context, an important place in the system of physics teaching must be an educational physical experiment, part of which is home tests and monitoring. The experimental homework tasks contributes to the assimilation of the program of theoretical material, the formation of students ' experimental skills and design abilities. Given the broad educational opportunities of the home experiment, it should be viewed as an integral part of the educational process in physics in high school, which requires careful planning. Teaching practice evidence in favor of the systematic use of domestic laboratory work in high school. This means that this type of study should be clearly planned and should include all subjects of the school course of physics. In specialized classes, and classes with advanced study of physics possible, a workshop on homemade physical experiment. The article provides examples of domestic laboratory work, which can be used in the educational process in physics in high school

    Single 3dd transition metal atoms on multi-layer graphene systems: electronic configurations, bonding mechanisms and role of the substrate

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    The electronic configurations of Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu adatoms on graphene and graphite have been studied by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism and charge transfer multiplet theory. A delicate interplay between long-range interactions and local chemical bonding is found to influence the adatom equilibrium distance and magnetic moment. The results for Fe and Co are consistent with purely physisorbed species having, however, different 3dd-shell occupancies on graphene and graphite (dn+1d^{n+1} and dnd^n, respectively). On the other hand, for the late 3dd metals Ni and Cu a trend towards chemisorption is found, which strongly quenches the magnetic moment on both substrates.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure