7,062 research outputs found

    Generalized Galilean Algebras and Newtonian Gravity

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    The non-relativistic versions of the generalized Poincar\'{e} algebras and generalized AdSAdS-Lorentz algebras are obtained. This non-relativistic algebras are called, generalized Galilean algebras type I and type II and denoted by GBn\mathcal{G}\mathfrak{B}_{n} and GLn\mathcal{G}\mathfrak{L}_{_{n}} respectively. Using a generalized In\"{o}n\"{u}--Wigner contraction procedure we find that the generalized Galilean algebras type I can be obtained from the generalized Galilean algebras type II. The SS-expansion procedure allows us to find the GB5\mathcal{G}\mathfrak{B}_{_{5}} algebra from the Newton--Hooke algebra with central extension. The procedure developed in Ref. \cite{newton} allow us to show that the non-relativistic limit of the five dimensional Einstein--Chern--Simons gravity is given by a modified version of the Poisson equation. The modification could be compatible with the effects of Dark Matter, which leads us to think that Dark Matter can be interpreted as a non-relativistic limit of Dark Energy.Comment: 16 pages, no figures in 755 (2016) 433-43

    Dynamics of quartz tuning fork force sensors used in scanning probe microscopy

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    We have performed an experimental characterization of the dynamics of oscillating quartz tuning forks which are being increasingly used in scanning probe microscopy as force sensors. We show that tuning forks can be described as a system of coupled oscillators. Nevertheless, this description requires the knowledge of the elastic coupling constant between the prongs of the tuning fork, which has not yet been measured. Therefore tuning forks have been usually described within the single oscillator or the weakly coupled oscillators approximation that neglects the coupling between the prongs. We propose three different procedures to measure the elastic coupling constant: an opto-mechanical method, a variation of the Cleveland method and a thermal noise based method. We find that the coupling between the quartz tuning fork prongs has a strong influence on the dynamics and the measured motion is in remarkable agreement with a simple model of coupled harmonic oscillators. The precise determination of the elastic coupling between the prongs of a tuning fork allows to obtain a quantitative relation between the resonance frequency shift and the force gradient acting at the free end of a tuning fork prong.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 2 Table

    First-Principle Description of Correlation Effects in Layered Materials

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    We present a first-principles description of anisotropic materials characterized by having both weak (dispersion-like) and strong covalent bonds, based on the Adiabatic--Connection Fluctuation--Dissipation Theorem within Density Functional Theory. For hexagonal boron nitride the in-plane and out of plane bonding as well as vibrational dynamics are well described both at equilibrium and when the layers are pulled apart. Also bonding in covalent and ionic solids is described. The formalism allows to ping-down the deficiencies of common exchange-correlation functionals and provides insight towards the inclusion of dispersion interactions into the correlation functional.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Excitons in boron nitride nanotubes: dimensionality effects

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    We show that the optical absorption spectra of boron nitride (BN) nanotubes are dominated by strongly bound excitons. Our first-principles calculations indicate that the binding energy for the first and dominant excitonic peak depends sensitively on the dimensionality of the system, varying from 0.7 eV in bulk hexagonal BN via 2.1 eV in the single sheet of BN to more than 3 eV in the hypothetical (2,2) tube. The strongly localized nature of this exciton dictates the fast convergence of its binding energy with increasing tube diameter towards the sheet value. The absolute position of the first excitonic peak is almost independent of the tube radius and system dimensionality. This provides an explanation for the observed "optical gap" constancy for different tubes and bulk hBN [R. Arenal et al., to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005)].Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Pillars of creation amongst destruction: Star formation in molecular clouds near R136 in 30 Doradus

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    New sensitive CO(2-1) observations of the 30 Doradus region in the Large Magellanic Cloud are presented. We identify a chain of three newly discovered molecular clouds we name KN1, KN2 and KN3 lying within 2--14 pc in projection from the young massive cluster R136 in 30 Doradus. Excited H2_2 2.12μ\mum emission is spatially coincident with the molecular clouds, but ionized Brγ\gamma emission is not. We interpret these observations as the tails of pillar-like structures whose ionized heads are pointing towards R136. Based on infrared photometry, we identify a new generation of stars forming within this structure.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (includes 13 pages, 8 figures). For higher resolution figures please see http://www.das.uchile.cl/~vkalari/staplervk.pd

    Quantum interference structures in the conductance plateaus of gold nanojunctions

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    The conductance of breaking metallic nanojunctions shows plateaus alternated with sudden jumps, corresponding to the stretching of stable atomic configurations and atomic rearrangements, respectively. We investigate the structure of the conductance plateaus both by measuring the voltage dependence of the plateaus' slope on individual junctions and by a detailed statistical analysis on a large amount of contacts. Though the atomic discreteness of the junction plays a fundamental role in the evolution of the conductance, we find that the fine structure of the conductance plateaus is determined by quantum interference phenomenon to a great extent.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Symmetry and Temperature dependence of the Order parameter in MgB2 from point contact measurements

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    We have performed differential conductance versus voltage measurements of Au/MgB2 point contacts. We find that the dominant component in the conductance is due to Andreev reflection. The results are fitted to the theoretical model of BTK for an s-wave symmetry from which we extract the value of the order parameter (Delta) and its temperature dependence. From our results we also obtain a lower experimental bound on the Fermi velocity in MgB2.Comment: 7 pages (Including figure captions) and 4 figure

    Force-gradient-induced mechanical dissipation of quartz tuning fork force sensors used in atomic force microscopy

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    We have studied the dynamics of quartz tuning fork resonators used in atomic force microscopy taking into account mechanical energy dissipation through the attachment of the tuning fork base. We find that the tuning fork resonator quality factor changes even for the case of a purely elastic sensor-sample interaction. This is due to the effective mechanical imbalance of the tuning fork prongs induced by the sensor-sample force gradient which in turn has an impact on the dissipation through the attachment of the resonator base. This effect may yield a measured dissipation signal that can be different to the one exclusively related to the dissipation between the sensor and the sample. We also find that there is a second order term in addition to the linear relationship between the sensor-sample force gradient and the resonance frequency shift of the tuning fork that is significant even for force gradients usually present in atomic force microscopy which are in the range of tens of N/m.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures and supplemental informatio
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