11,811 research outputs found

    An infinite-horizon model of dynamic membership of international environmental agreements

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    Much of the literature on international environmental agreements uses static models, although most important transboundary pollution problems involve stock pollutants. The few papers that study IEAs using models of stock pollutants do not allow for the possibility that membership of the IEA may change endogenously over time. In this paper we analyse a simple infinite-horizon version of the Barrett (1994) model, in which unit damage costs increase with the stock of pollution, and countries decide each period whether to join an IEA. We show that there exists a steady-state stock of pollution with corresponding steady-state IEA membership, and that if the initial stock of pollution is below (above) steady-state then membership of the IEA declines (rises) as the stock of pollution tends to steady-state. As we increase the parameter linking damage costs to the pollution stock, initial and steady-state membership decline; in the limit, membership is small and constant over time. Keywords; self-enforcing international environmental agreements, internal and external stability, stock pollutant

    Enhanced excitonic effects in the energy loss spectra of LiF and Ar at large momentum transfer

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    It is demonstrated that the bootstrap kernel [\onlinecite{sharma11}] for finite values of q{\bf q} crucially depends upon the matrix character of the kernel and gives results of the same good quality as in the q→0{\bf q} \rightarrow 0 limit. The bootstrap kernel is further used to study the electron loss as well as absorption spectra for Si, LiF and Ar for various values of q{\bf q}. The results show that the excitonic effects in LiF and Ar are enhanced for values of q{\bf q} away from the Γ\Gamma-point. The reason for this enhancement is the interaction between the exciton and high energy inter-band electron-hole transitions. This fact is validated by calculating the absorption spectra under the influence of an external electric field. The electron energy loss spectra is shown to change dramatically as a function of q{\bf q}

    Anderson localization in carbon nanotubes: defect density and temperature effects

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    The role of irradiation induced defects and temperature in the conducting properties of single-walled (10,10) carbon nanotubes has been analyzed by means of a first-principles approach. We find that di-vacancies modify strongly the energy dependence of the differential conductance, reducing also the number of contributing channels from two (ideal) to one. A small number of di-vacancies (5-9) brings up strong Anderson localization effects and a seemly universal curve for the resistance as a function of the number of defects. It is also shown that low temperatures, around 15-65 K, are enough to smooth out the fluctuations of the conductance without destroying the exponential dependence of the resistivity as a function of the tube length.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A subradiant optical mirror formed by a single structured atomic layer

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    Efficient and versatile interfaces for the interaction of light with matter are an essential cornerstone for quantum science. A fundamentally new avenue of controlling light-matter interactions has been recently proposed based on the rich interplay of photon-mediated dipole-dipole interactions in structured subwavelength arrays of quantum emitters. Here we report on the direct observation of the cooperative subradiant response of a two-dimensional (2d) square array of atoms in an optical lattice. We observe a spectral narrowing of the collective atomic response well below the quantum-limited decay of individual atoms into free space. Through spatially resolved spectroscopic measurements, we show that the array acts as an efficient mirror formed by only a single monolayer of a few hundred atoms. By tuning the atom density in the array and by changing the ordering of the particles, we are able to control the cooperative response of the array and elucidate the interplay of spatial order and dipolar interactions for the collective properties of the ensemble. Bloch oscillations of the atoms out of the array enable us to dynamically control the reflectivity of the atomic mirror. Our work demonstrates efficient optical metamaterial engineering based on structured ensembles of atoms and paves the way towards the controlled many-body physics with light and novel light-matter interfaces at the single quantum level.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures + 12 pages Supplementary Infomatio

    Symmetry restrictions in chirality dependence of physical properties of single wall nanotubes

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    We investigate the chirality dependence of physical properties of nanotubes which are wrapped by the planar hexagonal lattice including graphite and boron nitride sheet, and reveal its symmetry origin. The observables under consideration are of scalar, vector and tensor types. These exact chirality dependence obtained are useful to verify the experimental and numerical results and propose accurate empirical formulas. Some important features of physical quantities can also be extracted by only considering the symmetry restrictions without complicated calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure

    Direct estimation of electron density in the Orion Bar PDR from mm-wave carbon recombination lines

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    A significant fraction of the molecular gas in star-forming regions is irradiated by stellar UV photons. In these environments, the electron density (n_e) plays a critical role in the gas dynamics, chemistry, and collisional excitation of certain molecules. We determine n_e in the prototypical strongly irradiated photodissociation region (PDR), the Orion Bar, from the detection of new millimeter-wave carbon recombination lines (mmCRLs) and existing far-IR [13CII] hyperfine line observations. We detect 12 mmCRLs (including alpha, beta, and gamma transitions) observed with the IRAM 30m telescope, at ~25'' angular resolution, toward the H/H2 dissociation front (DF) of the Bar. We also present a mmCRL emission cut across the PDR. These lines trace the C+/C/CO gas transition layer. As the much lower frequency carbon radio recombination lines, mmCRLs arise from neutral PDR gas and not from ionized gas in the adjacent HII region. This is readily seen from their narrow line profiles (dv=2.6+/-0.4 km/s) and line peak LSR velocities (v_LSR=+10.7+/-0.2 km/s). Optically thin [13CII] hyperfine lines and molecular lines - emitted close to the DF by trace species such as reactive ions CO+ and HOC+ - show the same line profiles. We use non-LTE excitation models of [13CII] and mmCRLs and derive n_e = 60-100 cm^-3 and T_e = 500-600 K toward the DF. The inferred electron densities are high, up to an order of magnitude higher than previously thought. They provide a lower limit to the gas thermal pressure at the PDR edge without using molecular tracers. We obtain P_th > (2-4)x10^8 cm^-3 K assuming that the electron abundance is equal or lower than the gas-phase elemental abundance of carbon. Such elevated thermal pressures leave little room for magnetic pressure support and agree with a scenario in which the PDR photoevaporates.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letters (includes language editor corrections
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