722 research outputs found

    Multi shot recording using consensus-based cooperative control for a multiquadrotor system

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    In this research work, we consider the control issues related to the recording of a moving ob-ject in a cinematographic environment using multiple quadrotors or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV). First of all, we propose a model of a quadrotor with nonlinear dynamics which physicallyrepresents the behaviour of this machine, to later linearize it in order to obtain a suitable con-trol law. After that, we propose a Consensus-Based Cooperative Control so the quadrotors canfly in formation around the moving object and record it from the desired angles. This controltechnique uses a network structure that represents how the UAVs are connected to each othersharing their information. With that, each quadrotor can be aware of the state of the others in or-der to properly control the formation of the team. Then, various collision avoidance algorithmsare proposed in order to make the flights secure, so the quadrotors do not crash. Moreover, acollision avoidance technique is proposed for the camera control so the UAVs do not get insidethe Field of View (FoV) of the other recording drones. That way, the shots taken are suitablefor cinematographic purposes. All the control algorithms are validated with simulation and,finally, a real machine experiment using commercial quadrotors is proposedOutgoin

    Cafè, nutrició i salut

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    El cafè és una de les begudes més consumides arreu del món, per les seves propietats organolèptiques úniques i possiblement també per la capacitat d'estimular els individus.No obstant això, el consum de cafè s'associa freqüentment amb estils de vida poc saludables, com el tabaquisme i el fet de pernoctar, la qual cosa li ha atorgat una imatge negativa. D'altra banda, hi ha nombroses creences o mites alimentaris, fins i tot en l'àmbit mèdic, respecte als seus potencials efectes adversos, la majoria dels quals no han estat demostrats científicament. En els últims anys, però, diversos estudis epidemiològics demostren de forma consistent que el consum de cafè s'associa a un menor risc de patir diabetis de tipus 2, Parkinson, Alzheimer, malalties hepàtiques… Els mecanismes que poden explicar aquests efectes encara no estan explicats completament, però tot apunta que són deguts a la presència de cafeïna i a l'alt contingut d'antioxidants que es troben al cafè, i per aquest motiu aquests compostos centraran l'atenció d'aquest document.Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks worldwide because of its unique organoleptic properties and possibly also thanks to its ability to stimulate individuals. However, coffee consumption is frequently associated with unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and staying up late, which have given it a negative image.On the other hand, there are many food myths and beliefs, even amongst health professionals, related to its potential adverse effects, most of which have not been proved scientifically. In the last years, however, several epidemiological studies consistently show that coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, liver disease...Mechanisms that may explain these effects are not yet fully described, but everything points to the fact that they are due to the presence of caffeine and the high content of antioxidants found in coffee, and therefore this document is focused on these compounds

    An economic framework for analysing the social determinants of health and health inequalities

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    Reducing health inequalities is an important part of health policy in most countries. This paper discusses from an economic perspective how government policy can influence health inequalities, particularly focusing on the outcome of performance targets in England, and the role of sectors of the economy outside the health service – the ‘social determinants’ of health - in delivering these targets.

    Programación de un algoritmo de bajo consumo para medir intervalos de tiempo mediante el MSP430

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    Hoy en día empieza a ser una necesidad la aplicación de procesos controlados por microcontroladores destinados a bajo consumo, sobre todo en el campo de los sistemas autónomos. Se programará en un microcontrolador un algoritmo destinado a medir tiempos con la máxima resolución, precisión y exactitud posible teniendo en cuenta siempre minimizar al máximo el consumo del sistema. Previamente se estudiarán los posibles problemas que se encuentran al medir tiempos con un microcontrolador y los métodos más adecuados para ahorrar en el consumo. También se estudiará la técnica de Dynamic Power Management con la cual se implementará el sistema propuesto. También se estudiarán las características principales que debe tener nuestro microcontrolador para poder llevar a cabo el proyecto, como por ejemplo la posibilidad de trabajar dinámicamente con varios relojes o la posibilidad de activar varios modos de bajo consumo. Finalmente se mostrarán los resultados obtenidos, se analizará los logros conseguidos con el algoritmo propuesto y se propondrá nuevos caminos para la mejora y ampliación del sistema

    Proving termination through conditional termination

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    We present a constraint-based method for proving conditional termination of integer programs. Building on this, we construct a framework to prove (unconditional) program termination using a powerful mechanism to combine conditional termination proofs. Our key insight is that a conditional termination proof shows termination for a subset of program execution states which do not need to be considered in the remaining analysis. This facilitates more effective termination as well as non-termination analyses, and allows handling loops with different execution phases naturally. Moreover, our method can deal with sequences of loops compositionally. In an empirical evaluation, we show that our implementation VeryMax outperforms state-of-the-art tools on a range of standard benchmarks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modelling the co-evolution of trade and culture

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    We presents a new framework to study the co-evolution of cultural change and trade. The design aims for a trade-off between the flexibility necessary for the implementation of multiple models and the structure necessary for the comparison between the models implemented. To create this framework we propose an Agent-Based Model relying on agents producing, exchanging and associating values to a list of goods. We present the key concepts of the framework and two examples of its implementation which allow us to show the flexibility of our framework. Moreover, we compare the results obtained by the two models, thus validating the structure of the framework. Finally, we validate the implementation of a trading model by studying the price structure it produces

    El flujo penitenciario español

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    After a sharp increase of the Spanish inmate population in the first decade of the 21st century, the flow started decreasing from 2009 on. On its basis and although admitting the fact that the economy influenced this noticeable decline, the present article aims to show that the size of inmate population in both periods of increase and decrease, is clearly marked by an incapacitation crime policy, on the one hand, which caused a high rate of convicted prisoners and a migratory policy on the other hand, which is deeply malleable due to the fact that it may be used for different purposes based on the necessity. Furthermore, during the period of decrease among all the front and back door strategies to be highlighted, the use of pre-trial detention occupies a special place, because despite its minor role in the penitentiary population, it represents one of the main causes of the above-mentioned decrease.Después de un aumento sin freno de la población reclusa española durante la primera década de los 2000, el flujo empezó a decrecer a partir del año 2009. Si bien la economía tuvo que ver en ese descenso, el presente artículo quiere destacar que la tendencia en el número de presos, tanto en el periodo de aumento como en el de descenso, viene muy marcada por una política criminal incapacitadora, que provoca una alta tasa de internos penados, y una política migratoria, que es maleable, ya que sirve a diferentes objetivos según se precise. Por otro lado, y en cuanto al periodo de descenso se refiere, debemos destacar de entre todas las estrategias de entrada y de salida de presos (front y back door strategies), el uso de la prisión preventiva porque es una de las principales por las cuales se ha sucedido este descenso, a pesar de su poco peso proporcional en el conjunto de la población penitenciaria

    El flujo penitenciario español. Análisis multifactorial de la población reclusa desde 1995

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Criminologia, Política Criminal i Sociologia Juridicopenal, Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2013-2014, Tutor: José Ignacio Rivera BeirasEl presente estudio pretenderá, en su mayor parte, estudiar los factores capaces de afectar el número de reclusos de las instituciones penitenciarias. Este análisis quiere darnos una visión de las variables que afectan directamente a los centros penitenciarios del ámbito español, aunque eso no es todo. Los factores deben sumarse, restarse, dividirse o multiplicarse para dar un resultado, pero en el caso que nos ocupa ni todas las variables tienen el mismo peso en la ecuación final ni son independientes las unas de las otras. Un estudio de carácter social como el que se plantea tiene el reto de aunar y combinar todos esos factores con la mayor fiabilidad posible. La calidad humana que subyace a esta temática nos debe hacer precavidos frente a los resultados absolutistas..
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