102 research outputs found

    Step by Step: Exploring Heritage Through a Mobile Augmented Reality Application at Palazzo Madama - Museo Civico d'Arte Antica (Turin, Italy)

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    Given the special characteristics of mobile technologies, museums and cultural heritage sites have started to use tablets as a way to facilitate visitors' engagement and meaning-making process. Among the range of the available technologies, augmented reality and mobile navigation systems represent promising solutions to enable visitors' physical and cognitive orientation. This paper presents and evaluates "Step by Step", an augmented reality mobile application developed for Palazzo Madama-Museo Civico d'Arte Antica (Turin

    Step by Step: Exploring Heritage Through a Mobile Augmented Reality Application at Palazzo Madama - Museo Civico d’Arte Antica (Turin, Italy)

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    Given the special characteristics of mobile technologies, museums and cultural heritage sites have started to use tablets as a way to facilitate visitors’ engagement and meaning-making process. Among the range of the available technologies, augmented reality and mobile navigation systems represent promising solutions to enable visitors’ physical and cognitive orientation. This paper presents and evaluates "Step by Step", an augmented reality mobile application developed for Palazzo Madama-Museo Civico d'Arte Antica (Turin)

    Short-term rentals and transformations in urban areas: the case of Turin (Italy)

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    The last few years have been dominated by the spread of digital platforms allowing to connect the offer and demand of goods and services, facilitating either the rise or growth of original economic trends. An example is represented by digitally-enabled peer-to-peer accommodation systems that serve as intermediaries between people willing to rent for short-term periods rooms or entire residential units and travellers preferring to stay in private houses rather than in hotels or other hospitality venues. Short-term rentals represent an opportunity of growth for cities and territories at large, but they are not neutral and related socio-economic effects may vary depending on both the context and the actors involved. The analysis of the characteristics of the phenomenon, including its diachronic evolution and its spatial distribution in urban contexts, may represent a fundamental step to better understand a variety of possible consequences, and it could also inform decision-making and regulations at the local level. The goal of this article is to analyse the characteristics and spread of short-term rental accommodations in Turin (Italy), experimenting the adoption of the Microzones identified by the Turin Real Estate Market Observatory as spatial unit of analysis; more particularly, this approach aims to identify which are the areas of the city that have been particularly interested by this phenomenon, then allowing to suggest possible implications and new research horizons

    Buildings’ energy performance, green attributes and real estate prices: methodological perspectives from the European literature

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    Buildings’ energy efficiency may affect real estate prices, but the literature suggests that the effects of green attributes and Energy Performance Certificate ratings on the value of residential properties in Europe are still variable across contexts. The adoption of methods able to appropriately investigate this issue is thus essential. In this framework and to support future studies, this paper offers a methodological review of scientific works on the topic published in the last five years. Our work does not only represent an update of other reviews, but it originally analyses the papers by a methodological viewpoint. Results highlight a progressive refinement of the research questions and methods adopted. Then, the increasing importance of concepts such as latent variables and green attributes in the real estate pricing process is detected and identified as a field to be furtherly explored. Finally, Structural Equation Modelling is proposed as a promising approach for future studies

    Identifying Spatial Relationships between Built Heritage Resources and Short-Term Rentals before the Covid-19 Pandemic: Exploratory Perspectives on Sustainability Issues

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    Built heritage resources (BHRs) are multidimensional assets that need to be conceived under a sustainability and circular economy framework. Whereas it is essential that their conservation, management, and enjoyment are sustainable, it is also necessary that the environmental, cultural, and socio-economic contexts in which they are integrated are sustainable too. Like other amenities, BHRs can improve the quality of the urban environment and generate externalities; additionally, they may influence sectors such as real estate, hospitality, and tourism. In this framework, this contribution aims to identify spatial relationships occurring between BHRs and short-term rentals (STRs), i.e., a recent economic phenomenon facilitated by platforms such as Airbnb. Through the application of Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis techniques and taking Turin (Italy) as a case study, this article provides evidence that spatial correlation patterns between BHRs and STRs exist, and that the areas most affected by STRs are the residential neighborhoods located in the proximity of the historic center of the city. Relations with other sets of socio-economic variables are highlighted too, and conclusions suggest that future studies are essential not only to monitor sustainability issues and reflect on new housing models and sustainable uses of buildings, but also to understand the evolution of the phenomenon in light of the pandemic Covid-19. they may influence sectors such as real estate, hospitality, and tourism. In this framework, this contribution aims to identify spatial relationships occurring between BHRs and short-term rentals (STRs), i.e., a recent economic phenomenon facilitated by platforms such as Airbnb. Through the application of Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis techniques and taking Turin (Italy) as a case study, this article provides evidence that spatial correlation patterns between BHRs and STRs exist, and that the areas most aected by STRs are the residential neighborhoods located in the proximity of the historic center of the city. Relations with other sets of socio-economic variables are highlighted too, and conclusions suggest that future studies are essential not only to monitor sustainability issues and reflect on new housing models and sustainable uses of buildings, but also to understand the evolution of the phenomenon in light of the pandemic Covid-19

    Affitti brevi e trasformazioni nelle aree urbane: il caso di Torino

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    Negli ultimi anni si è assistito alla diffusione di piattaforme digitali in grado di mettere in contatto la domanda e l’offerta di beni e servizi, le quali hanno contribuito ad alimentare fenomeni economici prima inesistenti o decisamente più limitati. È questo il caso dei siti web che svolgono la funzione di intermediari fra coloro che desiderano proporre in affitto stanze o intere unità immobiliari e coloro che, in alternativa agli hotel o ad altre strutture ricettive, preferiscono soggiornare in stanze o case di privati. Questa realtà rappresenta un’occasione di sviluppo per città e territori, ma è lungi dall’essere neutra e gli effetti socioeconomici ad essa collegati possono variare in base agli attori coinvolti e ai diversi contesti in cui ha luogo. L’adozione di una prospettiva di analisi che tenga in considerazione non solo le caratteristiche e l’evoluzione del fenomeno, ma anche la sua articolazione spaziale all’interno delle singole realtà urbane può rappresentare un passo fondamentale per meglio comprendere le eventuali conseguenze a esso associate e orientare politiche di gestione e regolamentazione coerenti con gli obiettivi di crescita locale. Con questo contributo - applicato all’evidenza di Torino- si vuole proporre un approccio metodologico incentrato sull’analisi degli affitti brevi in relazione alle Microzone censuarie, al fine di comprendere meglio quali siano le aree della città fino ad ora maggiormente interessate dal fenomeno e suggerire possibili implicazioni e orizzonti di ricerca

    Recognizing deverbal events in context

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    Abstract. Event detection is a key task in order to access informa- tion through content. This paper focuses on events realized by deverbal nouns in Italian. Deverbal nouns obtained through transpositional suf- fixes (such as -zione; -mento, -tura and -aggio) are commonly known as nouns of action, i.e. nouns which denote the process/action described by the corresponding verbs. However, this class of nouns is also known for a specific polysemous alternation: they may denote the result of the process/action of the corresponding verb. This paper describes a sta- tistically based analysis that helps to develop a classifier for automatic identification of deverbal nouns denoting events in context by exploit- ing rules obtained from syntagmatic and collocational cues identified by linguists


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    Urban and periurban regeneration are now conceived as processes that need to combine the renewal of the physical environment with the enhancement of cultural, social and economic conditions. Coherently, initiatives of social innovation and aiming at achieving social impact are acquiring increasing importance, also in light of new hybrid entrepreneurial partnerships and impact investing paradigms. In this framework, the evaluation of social impact represents a key issue. Taking into account the challenges still associated to the measurement of social impact and proposing an original concept of value specifically related to social impact-oriented initiatives, this paper aims to outline the methodological perspectives that could inform an effective evaluation of such types of interventions. The presented concepts are then empirically applied to a selected case study, showing that the explicit integration of social impact objectives into regeneration plans, together with their evaluation, could enhance the overall value of the project

    La creazione di nuovi valori nei processi di rigenerazione urbana e periurbana: la risposta Social Impact-Oriented della disciplina della valutazione economica dei progetti/The Creation of New Values in Urban and Periurban Regeneration Processes: the Social Impact-Oriented Response of the Discipline of Economic Evaluation of Projects

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    Urban and periurban regeneration are now conceived as processes that need to combine the renewal of the physical environment with the enhancement of cultural, social and economic conditions. Coherently, initiatives of social innovation and aiming at achieving social impact are acquiring increasing importance, also in light of new hybrid entrepreneurial partnerships and impact investing paradigms. In this framework, the evaluation of social impact represents a key issue. Taking into account the challenges still associated to the measurement of social impact and proposing an original concept of value specifically related to social impact-oriented initiatives, this paper aims to outline the methodological perspectives that could inform an effective evaluation of such types of interventions. The presented concepts are then empirically applied to a selected case study, showing that the explicit integration of social impact objectives into regeneration plans, together with their evaluation, could enhance the overall value of the projects

    O Pensamento Crítico pode ser fomentado por museus através do uso de redes sociais? E isso pode ser mensurado?

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    As museums more frequently employ cyberlearning tools to engage target audiences, questions are left as to the effect they have on critical thinking and participant interaction. While research exists regarding the extent to which critical thinking is stimulated in formal cyber-learning environments, studies related to informal cyber-learning environments, such as virtual conferences, are lacking. The scope of this project was to evaluate whether critical thinking could be assessed in virtual conferences and the extent to which it could be stimulated. A mixed- method approach, evaluating participation logistics and conversation analysis, revealed that, while critical thinking was stimulated during the virtual conferences, mostly the less complex stages, ””such as problem identification and definition””were observed. More complex stages ””such as problem exploration, application, and integration””were not as commonly observed. The study also confirmed the crucial role of the moderator in facilitating participation. Com o crescimento do uso de ferramentas de cyber-aprendizagem (cyber-learning) por parte dos museus para envolver seus públicos-alvo, permanecem questões sobre o efeito dessas ferramentas sobre o pensamento crítico e a interação dos participantes. Apesar da existência de pesquisas sobre a que extensão o pensamento crítico é fomentado em ambientes formais de cyber-aprendizagem, há uma falta de pesquisas em ambientes informais de cyber-aprendizagem, como conferências virtuais. O objetivo do projeto era avaliar se o pensamento crítico poderia ser mensurado em conferências virtuais e em eu medida ele poderia ser estimulado. Uma abordagem de métodos mistos avaliando a logística de participação e a análise de conversas revelou que, embora o pensamento crítico tenha sido estimulado durante as conferências virtuais, apenas as primeiras fases, como a identificação e definição de problemas, foram utilizadas pelos participantes. As fases superiores do pensamento crítico, a exploração de problemas, a aplicação e a integração não foram muito utilizadas durante as conferências virtuais. O estudo também confirmou o papel crucial do moderador na facilitação da participação