153 research outputs found

    Production book of Robert Ardrey's "Thunder Rock".

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    Thesis (M.F.A.)--Boston Universit

    The Ethics of Making: Design for Reuse and Repair : Developing an alternative strategy for studio-based craft and design in a world full of stuff

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    We exist at an interesting point in time. Waste is exponentially increasing; resources are diminishing; yet we are accumulating more and more possessions. The world is inundated with stuff; it is everywhereā€”in our houses, our offices, on our streets and littering our environments. Stuff has become a problem. This is a conundrum for studio-based craft and design (SBCD), the lens of this project, which, like many design endeavours, has a preoccupation with the design and the making of products. This reality raises challenges around roles, responsibilities and ethical imperatives that drive SBCD in the 21st Century. If it is acknowledged that design (action) and craft (making) is responsible for authoring the construction, altering and interaction of our built environment, then perhaps both are powerful tools in how we shape our physical existence on this planet. SBCD, however, appears to be in crisis often marginalised as a vocation taught and practiced bound to past models that fail to sufficiently make links with salient issues of our time. As such, over the last several years many educational programs that have supported SBCD across Australia have been discontinued or amalgamated into larger homogenous programs; the last decade or so has also seen a swag of cultural organisations move to drop ā€œcraftā€ from their titles; and there appears to be a decline of professional craftspeople. , , This presents as another conundrum and raises the question of the value and relevancy around SBCDā€™s offering to a rapidly changing and increasingly complex world. Yet SBCD has many worthy inherent attributes. It is a localised practice that supports a local ecology that further promotes high-level technical, material and creative skills. Because SBCD also focuses on an individual in a studio free from industrial constraints or imperatives, this gives a practitioner critical agency. But for SBCD to make a relevant and timely contribution to a world drowning in things will require a decoupling from existing modes of practice and a deeper understanding of design and its impact to social, cultural, political, economic, emotional, environmental, historical, ethical and technological imperativesā€”an exploration beyond lingering Modernist ideals of design as an aesthetic ā€˜form-givingā€™ pursuit. This is the motivation for this practice-led-research: To interrogate the ā€˜whysā€™ and ā€˜howsā€™ of practice and to seek and develop an alternate strategy for SBCD that squarely faces a question that essentially unravels the very core of what it doesā€”why make more stuff? Through exploring a broader perspective of design and by focusing on universal issues that transcend any one discipline, this research considers that SBCD turn attention to dealing with that which already exists. This manifests with a focus on creative challenges and opportunities for designā€™s engagement with reuse and repair. Effectively, I use SBCD as an exploratory tool for inquiry into a) environmental concerns of waste and these links to design; b) as a strategy for giving alternative values to goods that have been discarded; c) and as a practice that engages with social, cultural and ethical concerns when presented with issues outside of domestic disciplinary concerns. Initially revolving around the sub-genre of furniture and objects, the practice that is presented here transforms into a much wider scope of what could define a model of SBCD within an Australian context. Through performing ā€˜micro-interventionsā€™ into globalised flows of transient materiality, this research develops a case for SBCD. When recomposed within an ecology of practice, and by redirecting offerings that engage with issues beyond an object, SBCD has a relevant and worthy contribution to make to both the sustainment of the built environment and to material culture. This project is the beginnings of an alternative mode of practice

    LU docenta Friča Gulbja Triju Zvaigžņu ordenis

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    Raksts veltÄ«ts vienam no fundamentāli nozÄ«mÄ«gajiem Latvijas Universitātes zinātniekiem, kurÅ” ir viens no mÅ«sdienu Latvijas fizikas zinātnes pamatlicējiem - Fricis Gulbis. Raksta centrā ir F. Gulbja Triju Zvaigžņu ordenis, kas ilgtermiņā glabājas Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja krājumā. Tiek uzsvērts, ka F. Gulbis bija zinātnieks ar lielām darba spējām un pieredzi, kurÅ” spēja no paÅ”iem pamatiem izveidot akadēmisku fizikas zinātni neatkarÄ«gajā Latvijas valstÄ«, saņemot no Latvijas valsts puses vienu no visprestižākajiem apbalvojumiem. PaÅ”a zinātnieka izveidotā fizikas zinātne turpināja eksistēt PSRS un nacionālsociālistiskās Vācijas okupācijas laikā, kas pēc Latvijas valsts neatkarÄ«bas atjaunoÅ”anas turpina attÄ«stÄ«ties, kļūstot par starptautiski konkurētspējÄ«gu un pieprasÄ«tu zinātnes nozari.The article is dedicated to one of the fundamentally important scientists of the University of Latvia, who is one of the founders of modern Latvian physics - Fricis Gulbis. The focus of the article is Fricis Gulbis Three Star Order, which is in the long-term collection of the Museum of the University of Latvia. It is emphasised that F. Gulbis was a scientist of great ability and experience, who was able to establish academic physical science from the ground up in the independent Latvian state, receiving one of the most prestigious awards from the Latvian state. The physics, which he created, continued to exist during the occupation of the USSR and National Socialist Germany, and has continued to develop since the restoration of Latvia's independence, becoming an internationally competitive science

    Pēteris Čevers ā€“ no LU studenta lÄ«dz nacionālajam partizānam

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    The article is a supplement to the biography of the professional Latvian officer Pēteris Čevers. Until now, little research has been done on the academic life of P. Čevers - his studies at the University of Latvia and his involvement in the life of the Latvian student fraternity Fraternitas Metropolitana. Based on the documents of the Latvian State Historical Archives and existing published research on P. Čevers as a Latvian national partisan, an innovative study of the unknown facts of P. Čevers personality, especially the internal problems of his student fraternal life and the maintaining of links with the University of Latvia through the Fraternitas Metropolitana, has been created. It also broadens the horizons of his World War II experiences on the Eastern Front.Raksts sagatavots kā papildinājums profesionālā latvieÅ”u virsnieka Pētera Čevera biogrāfijai. LÄ«dz Å”im mazpētÄ«ta bijusi P. Čevera iesaite akadēmiskajā dzÄ«vē - studijas Latvijas Universitātē un iesaiste latvieÅ”u studentu korporācijas Fraternitas Metropolitana dzÄ«vē. Balstoties uz Latvijas Valsts vēstures arhÄ«va dokumentiem un esoÅ”ajiem publicētajiem pētÄ«jumiem par P. Čeveru kā latvieÅ”u nacionālo partizānu, izveidots novatorisks pētÄ«jums par P. Čevera personÄ«bas nezināmajām lappusēm, seviŔķi viņa studentu korporācijas dzÄ«ves iekŔējām problēmām un saikņu saglabāŔanu ar Latvijas Universitāti caur Fraternitas Metropolitana. PaplaÅ”ināts arÄ« redzesloks par viņa Otrā pasaules kara gaitām Austrumu frontē

    Voldemārs Ozols ā€“ no virsnieka lÄ«dz pasniedzējam

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    Raksts veltÄ«ts vienai no vispretrunÄ«gi vērtētajām un skandalozākajām personÄ«bām Latvijas vēsturē, kas ir pazÄ«stama kā Voldemārs Ozols. LÄ«dz Å”im vēstures pētniecÄ«bā uzmanÄ«ba tikusi pievērsta viņa militāri-politiskajai darbÄ«bai kā profesionāls armijas virsniekam, taču viņa saistÄ«ba ar padomju okupācijas periodu LU vēsturē (Latvijas Valsts Universitāte, LVU) nav bijusi uzmanÄ«bas centrā. Rakstā tiek skaidrots, kā V. Ozols no virsnieka dažādās valstu armijās (Krievijas impērijas, Igaunijas, Latvijas, Lietuvas un Spānijas Republikas) kļuva par LVU Ä¢eogrāfijas fakultātes pasniedzēju, ejot cauri vētrainajiem 20. gs. pirmās puses notikumiem.The article is dedicated to one of the most controversial and scandalous personalities in Latvian history, known as Voldemārs Ozols. Until now, historical research has focused on his military-political activity as a professional army officer, but his connection with the period of Soviet occupation has not been the focus of attention in the History of the Latvian State University (LVU). The article explains how Voldemārs Ozols went from being an officer in the armies of various countries (the Russian Empire, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Spanish Republic) to becoming a lecturer at the Faculty of Geography of LVU, passing through the turbulent events of the first half of the 20th century

    MārtiņŔ PeniÄ·is ā€“ militārais vēsturnieks

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    The article is dedicated to the Latvian army general, founder of Latvian military history and honorary filister (honorary old member) of the Latvian Students fraternity "Tervetia" MartiņŔ PeniÄ·is, describing his role in the history of the Latvian state and the University of Latvia, as well as his symbolic significance for the student fraternity itself. The article was prepared on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Latvian Student fraternity "Tervetia", which will be celebrated on 30.04.2022.The article is dedicated to the Latvian army general, founder of Latvian military history and honorary filister (honorary old member) of the Latvian Students fraternity "Tervetia" MartiņŔ PeniÄ·is, describing his role in the history of the Latvian state and the University of Latvia, as well as his symbolic significance for the student fraternity itself. The article was prepared on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Latvian Student fraternity "Tervetia", which will be celebrated on 30.04.2022

    Rīgas Politehnikuma studentu disciplinēŔanas regula

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    Raksts ir tapis Studentu karcera ilgtermiņa pētnieciskā darba ietvaros, kur par pētāmo objektu izvēlēts RÄ«gas Politehnikuma/RÄ«gas Politehniskā institÅ«ta Studentu disciplinÄ“Å”anas regulu. Tiek analizēti regulas panti Studentu karcera kontekstā, lai izvērtētu to formalitātes sakritÄ«bu un nesakritÄ«bu ar faktisko situāciju, konstatējot atŔķirÄ«bas studentu soda termiņu noteikÅ”anā. ArÄ« tiek veidotas paralēles ar analogu Studentu karceri, kas atrodas Heidelbergas universitātē, izŔķirot kopÄ«go un atŔķirÄ«go studentu karcera ieslēgÅ”anas iemeslos, studentu etniskajā sastāvā, telpu iekārtojumā un sadzÄ«ves apstākļos.The article is written in the framework of the long-term research work of the Student solitary confinement cell, where the object of study is the regulation of student discipline at Riga Polytechnikum/Riga Polytechnical Institute. The articles of the Regulation are analysed in the context of the Student Penalty Code in order to assess their correspondence and discrepancies with the reality of the situation, identifying differences in the determination of student penalty periods. Parallels are also drawn with the analogous Student solitary confinement cell at the University of Heidelberg, distinguishing commonalities and differences in the reasons for locking in the Student solitary confinement cell, the ethnic composition of the students, the furnishing of the premises and the living conditions

    LatvieŔu studentu korporācijas Tervetia krāsu deķelis

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    Raksts tapis par godu latvieÅ”u studentu korporācijas "Tervetia" Simtgadei 30.04.2022, kas veltÄ«ts vienai no tās regālijām - krāsu deÄ·elim. Tiek aprakstÄ«ta krāsu deÄ·eļa saglabāŔana Latvijas Universitātes Muzejā, tā simboliskā nozÄ«me un pieejamÄ«ba sabiedrÄ«bai. Tiek skaidrots arÄ« paÅ”a krāsu deÄ·eļa izmantoÅ”anas reglaments, ko ikdienā ievēro paÅ”as studentu korporācija biedri.This article was written on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Latvian Student fraternity "Tervetia" 30.04.2022, which is dedicated to one of its Regalia - the Colour Deckel. The conservation of the Colour Deckel in the Museum of the University of Latvia, its symbolic meaning and its accessibility to the public are described. The regulations for the use of the Colour Deckel itself, which are observed on a daily basis by the members of the Student fraternity, are also explained

    Jāzeps Rancāns un uzsaukums vēlÄ“Å”anām Eslingenē

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    Raksts satur informāciju par Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja LU vēstures kolekcijas krājumā esoÅ”o Latvijas Centrālās padomes locekļa Jāzepa Rancāna vēlÄ“Å”anu uzsaukumu Eslingenes latvieÅ”iem, kuri nonāca trimdā sakarā ar otrreizējo PSRS okupāciju pēc Otrā pasaules kara. Blakus Eslingenes vēlÄ“Å”anu uzsaukuma analÄ«zei tiek analizēt arÄ« paÅ”a J. Rancāna personÄ«bas loma Latvijas valsts un LU vēsturē, sasaistot ar Romas katoļu baznÄ«cas lomu Latvijas politiskajā un sabiedriskajā dzÄ«vē.The article contains information about the draft election of the Member of the Latvian Central Council, Jāzeps Rancāns, in the stock of the History collection of the University of Latvia Museum, for Eslingenes Latvians who came into exile due to the secondary occupation of the USSR after Second World war. In addition to the analysis of Eslingenes' electoral draft, the personality role of Jazpes Rancāns himself in the history of Latvia and University of Latvia is also analysed, linking the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Latvia's political and social life

    LU studentu biedrības Fraternitas Rusticana krāsu lentes

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    Raksts satur informāciju par Latvijas Universitātes studentu biedrÄ«bas Fraternitas Rusticana krāsu lenti, kas glabājās Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja krājumā. Rakstā analizēta paÅ”as krāsu lentes simboliskā nozÄ«me, sasaistot ar Kārļa Ulmaņa autoritārā režīma politisko ideoloÄ£iju, antÄ«ko vēsturi un Latvijas studentu korporācijām. Rakstā tiek iegÅ«ts padziļinātāks pamatojums faktam, ka Fraternitas Rusticana pirmavots ir studentu korporācijas, ņemot vērā to sadzÄ«ves lÄ«dzÄ«bu ar studentu korporācijām.The article contains information about the Color ribbon of the University of Latvia student association Fraternitas Rusticana, which is stored in the stock of the University of Latvia Museum. The article analyses the symbolic importance of the Color ribbon itself by linking the political ideology of the authoritarian regime of Kārlis Ulmanis, antique history and Latvian student fraternities. The article provides a more in-depth justification for the fact that student association Fraternitas Rusticana is a ideological parent of student fraternities, given their domestic similarities
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