1,931 research outputs found

    Equivariant K-homology for some Coxeter groups

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    We obtain the equivariant K-homology of the classifying space \underline{E}W for W a right-angled or, more generally, an even Coxeter group. The key result is a formula for the relative Bredon homology of \underline{E}W in terms of Coxeter cells. Our calculations amount to the K-theory of the reduced C^*-algebra of W, via the Baum-Connes assembly map.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    K-theory for group C*-algebras

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    These notes are based on a lecture course given by the first author in the Sedano Winter School on K-theory held in Sedano, Spain, on January 22-27th of 2007. They aim at introducing K-theory of C*-algebras, equivariant K-homology and KK-theory in the context of the Baum-Connes conjectur

    Solutions without dummy axiom for TU cooperative games

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    In this paper we study an expression for all additive, symmetric and efficient solutions, i.e., the set of axioms that traditionally are used to characterize the Shapley value except for the dummy axiom. Also, we obtain an expression for this kind of solutions by including the self duality axiom. These expressions allow us to give an alternative formula for the consensus value, the generalized consensus value and the solidarity solution. Furthermore, we introduce a new axiom called coalitional independence which replaces the symmetry axiom and use it to get similar results.axiomatic characterization

    Sexual dimorphism in water and nitrogen use strategies in Honckenya peploides: timing matters

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    Aims Sexes of dimorphic species often differ in ecophysiological traits and display spatial segregation. These differences have been interpreted as an evolved response of the sexes to meet the specific resource demands associated with reproduction. Sexes may differ not only in the amount of resources allocated to reproduction but also in the timing of allocation to reproduction. In this study, we hypothesize that as a consequence of their specific resource demands for reproduction, the sexes of the dune plant Honckenya peploides differ in terms of temporal patterns of water use efficiency and nitrogen use and acquisition. Methods Water use efficiency, as inferred from leaf carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C), nitrogen use, estimated by leaf nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N), and the foliar carbon and nitrogen contents were measured in males and females at three different points in time. Important Findings Females had greater water use efficiency than males, regardless of time. The ratio of N15 to N14 did not change with time in males, but significantly decreased in August for females. The total N content in the leaf tissues of females decreased as the season progressed, while in males a decrease was only found from April to June and then it remained constant from June to August. A similar pattern, but reversed, was followed by the foliar C/N ratio. Additionally, negative relationships between leaf Δ13C and N content were found at all times for males and only at the end of the season for females. Thus, our hypothesis that sex-specific patterns of nitrogen and water use efficiency will depend on time was supported. Overall, our results highlight the importance of including time in studies of sexual dimorphism, and also the role that physiological specialization plays in meeting the specific demands associated with reproduction

    Adversarios del sindicalismo : un análisis del discurso antisindical en el diario español La Razón

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    Recientes estudios de opinión desvelan el alto nivel de deslegitimación de las organizaciones sindicales en España. En este artículo nos centramos en una de las expresiones de esta deslegitimación: el discurso sobre el sindicalismo que difunden los medios de comunicación de masas. Para ello analizamos el discurso sobre los sindicatos del diario conservador La Razón en el primer semestre de 2012. En una primera parte analizamos los 868 titulares de noticias sobre sindicatos publicadas en dicho periodo, diferenciando aquellos con contenido aséptico, negativo o positivo sobre los sindicatos. En segundo lugar, realizamos un análisis del discurso antisindical para conocer sus elementos y estructura. Los resultados refuerzan la tesis de que los sindicatos españoles son objeto de una intensa campaña de desprestigio que está deteriorando su imagen pública y su poder social.Current research on public opinion shows a high level of discredit of trade unions in Spain. This article focuses on one of the expressions of this discredit: the discourse on trade unionism by mass media. To this purpose, the anti-union discourse by the conservative newspaper La Razón during the first semester of 2012 is analysed. Firstly, 868 headlines of news relating to trade unions in this newspaper are explored and classified into neutral, negative or positive content. Secondly, the structure and elements of the anti-union discourse in a selection of news reports is analysed. The results reinforce the thesis that trade unions are subject to an intensive disparaging campaign which is seriously damaging their public image and their social power

    Concurrent Geometric Multicasting

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    We present MCFR, a multicasting concurrent face routing algorithm that uses geometric routing to deliver a message from source to multiple targets. We describe the algorithm's operation, prove it correct, estimate its performance bounds and evaluate its performance using simulation. Our estimate shows that MCFR is the first geometric multicast routing algorithm whose message delivery latency is independent of network size and only proportional to the distance between the source and the targets. Our simulation indicates that MCFR has significantly better reliability than existing algorithms

    Using the mouse eye for teaching biomicroscopy in vitro

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    Using the mouse eye for teaching biomicroscopy in vitr