69 research outputs found

    Adattamento dell’Educational Context Perception Questionnaire II per la scuola secondaria di primo grado

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    Il Questionario di percezione del contesto educativo ECPQ è utilizzato per valutare cinque dimensioni della percezione degli studenti del loro ambiente di classe: Apprezzamento reciproco, Discriminazione, Proposta didattica, Coesione e Possibilità di dialogo. La definizione del processo di ricerca e l'identificazione delle dimensioni da esplorare sono state indirizzate dalla teoria ecologica di Bronfenbrenner (1979). Lo scopo del presente studio è analizzare le proprietà psicometriche della versione dell’ ECPQ destinata agli studenti di scuola secondaria di primo grado. La versione a 26 item dell'ECPQ è stata somministrata ad un campione di 2029 studenti iscritti ai tre livelli di scuola secondaria di primo grado a Roma. È stata condotta un'analisi fattoriale esplorativa (EFA) e la struttura del modello è stata valutata tramite l'analisi fattoriale confermativa (CFA) e l’utilizzo del Modello di Equazione Strutturali (SEM). Il modello a cinque fattori fornisce un buon adattamento ai dati e presenta buoni indici di affidabilità. La presente ricerca ha confermato la struttura fattoriale del modello e ha dimostrato che l'ECPQ ha proprietà psicometriche soddisfacenti, rivelandosi un valido strumento di valutazione della percezione del contesto classe anche per il primo grado della scuola secondaria.The revised Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ) is used to assess five dimensions of the students’ classroom perception: Mutual appreciation, Discrimination, Didactics, Cohesion and Participation. Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological theory served as a guide for the definition of the research process and the identification of dimensions to explore. The aim of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the ECPQ intended for first-grade secondary schooling. The 26-item version of the ECPQ was administered to a sample of 2029 students enrolled in lower secondary schools (grades 6-8) in Rome. An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied and the factor model structure was tested for model fit using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The five-factor model showed a good fit to the data and had good reliability. The current research confirmed the factor structure of the measure and showed that the ECPQ, adapted to assess the first-grade secondary schooling, has supportive psychometric properties of validity and reliability

    Liderança dos alunos e Contexto escolar – estudo em Roma e no Porto

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    O objetivo deste estudo é compreender eventuais relações entre perceções dos alunos, do Porto e de Roma, sobre contexto escolar e competências de lideranças dos alunos. O método é quantitativo integra indicadores relativos ao contexto escolar e às dimensões de Liderança Socialmente Responsável. A amostra é de 2521 alunos, 1434 do Porto e 1087 alunos de Roma. As relações entre as dimensões da liderança socialmente responsável e as dimensões da perceção do contexto educacional são muito significativas. Os instrumentos revelam uma forte consistência interna. Existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as amostras do Porto e de Roma.The goal of this study is to understand eventual relationships between students’ perceptions about the school context and students’ leadership skills. The method is quantitative and integrates indictors related to the school context and to the Socially Responsible Leadership. The sample integrates 2521 students from Oporto and from Rome. The relationships between the socially responsible leadership and the educational context perception are very significant. The instruments reveal a strong internal consistency. There are statistically significant differences between the samples from Oporto and the samples from Rome

    I giovani e l’impegno politico. Le scelte di impegno di studenti in uscita dalla scuola secondaria di secondo grado commentate da studenti al primo anno di università

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    The article presents part of the results of the Teens’ voice 2019-2020 survey and, in particular, the analysis of the answers to an open-ended question on the issues for which students leaving upper secondary school declare themselves available for a political commitment. The sample consists of 753 students who were interviewed during the Saloni Campus Orienta in eight Italian cities. The research shows how young people declare that they want to commit themselves to issues of great social value and that they therefore are open to a political commitment linked to the values of the environment and solidarity. This testifies that the young people leaving secondary school have internalized the values of the Constitution. The authors consider this work the demonstration that it is possible to do research even with first-year students and therefore propose an active approach to teaching at the university level.L’articolo presenta una parte dei risultati della indagine condotta dall’Osservatorio Teens’ Voice che nel 2019-2020 ha affrontato i temi dell’impegno politico e civile degli studenti in uscita dalla scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Il lavoro si limita all’analisi dei contenuti delle risposte a una domanda aperta sui temi per i quali gli studenti si dichiarano disponibili per un impegno politico. L’unità di analisi è di 753 studenti intervistati durante i Saloni Campus Orienta in otto grandi città italiane. Lo studio evidenzia come i giovani dichiarino di volersi impegnare su tematiche di grande valore sociale e si dichiarino disponibili a un impegno politico legato ai valori dell’ambiente e della solidarietà. Questo testimonia in uscita dalla scuola secondaria come i giovani abbiano interiorizzato i valori della Costituzione. Gli autori considerano questo articolo anche come un approccio alla didattica attiva in università

    Analyse des caractéristiques du contexte éducatif qui favorisent le développement d’attitudes de leadership

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    Cette recherche se propose d’analyser l'effet de la perception des contextes éducatifs de la classe et de la troupe scoute sur les attitudes et capacités de leadership (value-based leadership) des adolescents de 15 et 16 ans. L'étude a été menée sur un échantillon de jugement, composé de 600 élèves et 231 Scouts inscrits en 4e et 5e secondaire à Rome. Les instruments utilisés sont l’Educational context perception questionnaire -ECPQ, et la Socially responsible leadership scale-SRLS à laquelle a été ajoutée une échelle de Capacités de leadership. Les analyses confirment l'hypothèse que le contexte éducatif a un impact sur le développement du leadership des adolescents. Cet article décrit les résultats en termes de leadership, de perception du groupe classe et scout et d’impact du contexte éducatif sur les attitudes et capacités de leadership. Les différences liées au genre, au fait d’assumer ou non des responsabilités au sein de l’établissement scolaire, d’aimer ou non l’école, d’être perçu comme un bon ou mauvais élève, sont aussi présentées.The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of the school context compared to the Scouting context on the Leadership attitudes (valued-based leadership) of the adolescents. The study was conducted on a judgment sample, consisting of 600 students and 231 Scouts enrolled in upper secondary school in Rome (10th and 11th grades). The instruments used are the Educational Context Perception Questionnaire -ECPQ and the Socially Responsible Leadership Scale-SRLS to which we added a dimension of Leadership.The analyses indicate that the educational context has an impact on the valued-based leadership development of the adolescents and show statistically significant differences in favor of the Scouts, relating to both the environment perception and the development of leadership attitudes. The differences in outcomes related to gender, having or not having responsibilities at school, enjoying or not enjoying school, being seen as a good or a bad student, are also presented.Esta investigación se propone analizar el efecto de la percepción de los contextos educativos de la clase y del grupo scout sobre las actitudes y capacidades de liderazgo (value-based leadership) de adolescentes de 15 y 16 años. El estudio se desarrolló con una muestra subjetiva por decisión razonada, compuesta de 600 alumnos y 231 scouts inscritos en 4º y 5º año en Roma. Los instrumentos utilizados son el Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ) y la Socially Responsible Leadership Scale (SRLS), a la que se añadió una escala de capacidades de liderazgo. Los análisis confirman la hipótesis de que el contexto educativo tiene un impacto sobre el desarrollo del liderazgo en los adolescentes. En este artículo publicamos los resultados en términos de liderazgo, de percepción del grupo de clase y de scouts y de impacto del contexto educativo sobre las actitudes y capacidades de liderazgo. También presentamos las diferencias relacionadas con el género, con el hecho de asumir o no responsabilidades en el seno del establecimiento escolar, con el hecho de apreciar o no la escuela y con ser percibido como un buen o mal alumno

    Interfaces in Transparent Polycrystalline MgAl2O4 Spinel

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    Transparent ceramics have unique properties enabling applications no other materials can and magnesium aluminate spinel has been at the forefront of their development. However, the processing-property relationships of transparent spinel fabrication, in particular interfaces, which often govern densification and influence final properties, remain poorly understood. In this light, the interfaces of transparent spinel were studied in detail; grain boundaries and surfaces of transparent spinel compacts made using powders with different stoichiometries and impurity and LiF additive contents, and using a variety of densification methods, were examined using optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, various chemical spectroscopy methods, atomic-force microscopy, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In turn, interface properties were related to starting powders, processing, and mechanical and opto-electronic properties. Differences in stoichiometry and impurity and LiF content altered the free energy, diffusion characteristics, lattice parameter, and mechanical, optical, and electronic properties of surfaces and grain boundaries. The interface energies of astoichiometric compositions were more conducive to densification, but enhanced interface transport in Al2O3-rich compositions caused coarsening that precluded densification by pressureless sintering while assisting it with added pressure. Impurities and carbon contamination from thermal treatment were the main sources of optical scatter and absorption and they also affected conductivity. Dielectric properties were found to be a complex function of microstructure, stoichiometry, impurities, and additives, and higher conductivity compared to single crystals was attributed to conductance along impurity-rich magnesium-depleted boundaries. Lastly, compact-scale stoichiometry, impurity, and additive content gradients resulted in associated microstructure and property gradients. The LiF sintering additive had a profound, complex, and multi-faceted effect. Fluorine reacted with impurities to form volatile species, which were removed by careful processing to render transparency, and it reacted with spinel to form magnesium fluoride and oxide, altering stoichiometry. Whereas, lithium incorporated into the lattice and altered interface properties, resulting in; (i) a shift towards Al2O3-rich composition, (ii) the removal of impurities, (iii) accentuation of grain-boundary and compact-scale stoichiometry and microstructure gradients, (iv) enhanced interface transport and grain growth, (v) reduced densification temperature and enhanced densification with pressure, (vi) coarsening and inhibited densification without pressure, (vii) grain-boundary embrittlement, (viii) grain-boundary optical scatter, (ix) opacity when processing trapped LiF and its by-products, and (x) lower conductivity due to conductance-inhibiting point defects and decreased grain-boundary area and impurities. The work demonstrated how interfaces were affected by starting powders and processing parameters and in turn how this affected microstructure, fracture behavior, and opto-electronic properties. The findings shed light on many intricacies of transparent spinel fabrication, thus giving guidance on how to tailor processing and microstructure to yield improved bulk properties

    Interfaces in Transparent Polycrystalline MgAl2O4 Spinel

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    Transparent ceramics have unique properties enabling applications no other materials can and magnesium aluminate spinel has been at the forefront of their development. However, the processing-property relationships of transparent spinel fabrication, in particular interfaces, which often govern densification and influence final properties, remain poorly understood. In this light, the interfaces of transparent spinel were studied in detail; grain boundaries and surfaces of transparent spinel compacts made using powders with different stoichiometries and impurity and LiF additive contents, and using a variety of densification methods, were examined using optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, various chemical spectroscopy methods, atomic-force microscopy, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In turn, interface properties were related to starting powders, processing, and mechanical and opto-electronic properties. Differences in stoichiometry and impurity and LiF content altered the free energy, diffusion characteristics, lattice parameter, and mechanical, optical, and electronic properties of surfaces and grain boundaries. The interface energies of astoichiometric compositions were more conducive to densification, but enhanced interface transport in Al2O3-rich compositions caused coarsening that precluded densification by pressureless sintering while assisting it with added pressure. Impurities and carbon contamination from thermal treatment were the main sources of optical scatter and absorption and they also affected conductivity. Dielectric properties were found to be a complex function of microstructure, stoichiometry, impurities, and additives, and higher conductivity compared to single crystals was attributed to conductance along impurity-rich magnesium-depleted boundaries. Lastly, compact-scale stoichiometry, impurity, and additive content gradients resulted in associated microstructure and property gradients. The LiF sintering additive had a profound, complex, and multi-faceted effect. Fluorine reacted with impurities to form volatile species, which were removed by careful processing to render transparency, and it reacted with spinel to form magnesium fluoride and oxide, altering stoichiometry. Whereas, lithium incorporated into the lattice and altered interface properties, resulting in; (i) a shift towards Al2O3-rich composition, (ii) the removal of impurities, (iii) accentuation of grain-boundary and compact-scale stoichiometry and microstructure gradients, (iv) enhanced interface transport and grain growth, (v) reduced densification temperature and enhanced densification with pressure, (vi) coarsening and inhibited densification without pressure, (vii) grain-boundary embrittlement, (viii) grain-boundary optical scatter, (ix) opacity when processing trapped LiF and its by-products, and (x) lower conductivity due to conductance-inhibiting point defects and decreased grain-boundary area and impurities. The work demonstrated how interfaces were affected by starting powders and processing parameters and in turn how this affected microstructure, fracture behavior, and opto-electronic properties. The findings shed light on many intricacies of transparent spinel fabrication, thus giving guidance on how to tailor processing and microstructure to yield improved bulk properties