25 research outputs found

    Repercusiones sobre el bienestar y la calidad de la carne del manejo previo sacrificio de la trucha arcoíris

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    La acuicultura es un sistema de producción animal en continuo crecimiento, llegando a superar a la producción de la pesca en los últimos años. Dentro de la producción acuícola, el cultivo de la trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) es el tercero más importante a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, el bienestar animal y la calidad de la carne, íntimamente ligados entre sí, han cobrado una mayor importancia en acuicultura tanto en los productores como en los consumidores, siendo necesaria una investigación mayor en estos temas. El manejo previo a la fase final del ciclo de producción va a incluir una serie de prácticas que generan una respuesta de estrés en los peces y si esta respuesta es suficientemente alta puede llegar a afectar negativamente a su bienestar y, consecuentemente, la calidad de la carne va a ser peor. Dos de las prácticas más comunes en esta fase son el ayuno pre-sacrificio, para asegurar un vaciado completo del aparato digestivo que nos reduzca los posibles problemas de contaminación de la canal durante el eviscerado de los peces, y el despesque, que permite extraer los peces de los tanques o jaulas donde están alojados para su sacrificio y posterior procesado. Tanto el ayuno como el despesque son prácticas que no se pueden evitar pero podemos intentar reducir la respuesta de estrés que generan modificando su duración o utilizando técnicas que permitan a los peces adaptarse mejor a estos estímulos estresantes, como puede ser la modificación de las frecuencias de alimentación en el último mes de engorde para una mejor adaptación al ayuno pre-sacrificio. Así pues, en la presente tesis doctoral se estudiaron las repercusiones del ayuno y despesque previo al sacrificio en la truchas arcoíris tanto sobre el bienestar animal como sobre la calidad de la carne, buscando a la vez la manera de minimizar la respuesta de estrés generada por el ayuno pre-sacrificio mediante distintas frecuencias de alimentación en el último mes de engorde..

    Long-Distance Transport of Finisher Pigs in the Iberian Peninsula:Effects of Season on Thermal and Enthalpy Conditions, Welfare Indicators and Meat pH

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    Long-distance transport in the global swine industry is more the rule than the exception. We tested the impact on the rates of temperature change and air enthalpy on the stress response and muscle pH in pigs subjected to long-distance travel from Spain to Portugal performed in the summer and winter. We found that winter journeys are more adverse for the animals because during the journey, abrupt variations in rates of temperature change and air enthalpy caused a marked physiological stress response and effects on the meat pH after 45 min. These results indicate the need to develop new environmental control strategies that mitigate abrupt temperature changes during travel to attenuate the biological cost of such long-distance transport on the animals

    La posición fetal intrauterina afecta al desarrollo de las estructuras feto-placentarias de la coneja

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    Un total de 129 fetos de conejas multíparas fueron estudiados según su posición intrauterina. Los más próximos al ovario presentaron mejores valores morfométricos que los más alejados a esta posición, asociándose asimismo un mayor peso placentario a un mayor peso fetal. Estas diferencias fueron mantenidas en la valoración de órganos fetales, como el cerebro, hígado y aparato digestivo, mostrándose un mayor desarrollo en los fetos adyacentes al ovario. A su vez se observó una correlación positiva entre el peso placentario y el peso de estos órganos. Las diferencias de peso dentro de la misma camada podrían estar asociadas a un mayor desarrollo placentario y por consiguiente mayor disponibilidad de nutrientes

    Use of Red Wine Polyphenols as a Natural Preservative in Health-Promoting Omega-3 Fatty Acids-Enriched Lamb Patties

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    eat consumption has been related to a higher risk of heart disease due to its saturated fat content. As a consequence, there has been a growth in research on how to increase unsaturated fat content in meat. However, a high content of unsaturated fat favours the development of oxidative processes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a red wine extract (RWE) rich in polyphenols (50, 100, and 200 mg gallic acid equivalents/kg meat) as a natural antioxidant in lamb meat patties enriched with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) (100 mg n-3 PUFA/100 g meat), compared to using -tocopherol (TOC) (100 mg/kg meat). Adding RWE delayed metmyoglobin formation, lipid oxidation and loss of n-3 PUFA relative to controls, while TOC had no effect on preventing meat oxidation. Lamb odour was lower (p < 0.01) and odd odour higher (p < 0.001) in patties at the highest dose of RWE, compared to controls, but the overall liking score was not affected. The results suggest that RWE could be used as a natural antioxidant in the meat industry, even when n-3 PUFA content is high

    Animal Protection in Filming in the Context of Spain

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    Animals have fundamentally contributed to the development and growth of different cinematographic and audiovisual activities. As established in article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), the basic text that establishes the objectives of the EU and from which the regulations or directives emanate, animal welfare is protected for the good of the general interest and therefore, must be taken into account when developing different European Union policies, especially those that may affect the internal market. This work aims to analyze each of the European regulations on animal protection and welfare to subsequently focus on each of the animal protection codes of the different countries of the union, trying to determine those premises related to the protection or the welfare of the animals that participate in these types of activities. We also wanted to make a brief comparison with countries such as the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), which are highly relevant to this topic. As a result of this analysis, the absence of standardized norms in the European Union has been revealed; however, in the UK and the USA, specific laws related to animal use in film media exist. Therefore, to develop new standards that guarantee the protection of animals in audiovisual productions in the EU are necessary, and these standards could also be expanded to other sectors or activities related to working animals

    Effect of Arthrospira supplementation on Oreochromis niloticus gut microbiota and flesh quality

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    11 p.-2 fig.-7 tab.Supplementing fish feed with Arthrospira platensis has several beneficial effects, such as improved growth, survival and feed conversion, but little is known about how it affects gut microbiota or flesh quality. In this trial, feed with 3% A. platensis was given to Oreochromis niloticus (SPR, spirulina supplemented) over a period of 50 days and their gut microbiota and flesh quality were compared with controls (CTRs, no sup‐plementation). Average daily growth was higher in SPR fish (p < 0.05). Regarding mi‐crobiota, a total of 5,470,272 readings (individuals) were obtained from 16 gut samples (n = 8 CTR, n = 8 SPR), with a gamma diversity of 1,563 species but no sig‐nificant differences were found between treatments. Among the high inter‐individual variability found, some individual microbiota were dominated by Proteobacteria (36.6%) and Fusobacteria (32.9%) and others more by Actinobacteria (37%). Regarding flesh quality, significant differences were observed in flesh colour p os t‐m or tem (a*, b* and chroma) (p < 0.05), with higher reflectance in the range of 470–500 and 620–670 nm in SPR tilapia, which corresponds with the reflectance range of β‐carotene and phycocyanin. However, rigor mortis was resolved earlier in SPR fish (p < 0.05), which suggests a shorter shelf life. Adding 3% of A. platensis in O. niloticus diet can improve growth and flesh colour and does not appear to modify intestinal microbiota.European Union FEDER, Grant/Award Number: INSPIRA1 and S2013/ABI2783Peer reviewe

    Fasting combined with long catch duration modifies the physio-metabolic response and flesh quality of rainbow trout

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    12 Pág.Pre-slaughter handling involves fasting fish and catching them, which can affect fish welfare and flesh quality, but few studies have considered their combined effects. In this study, adult rainbow trout (320 ± 10 g average weight) were fasted for 7 days (135.6 degree days) and subjected to a long catch duration (20 min), compared with controls (no fasting or short catch duration). Condition factor, organ weight indexes and carcass yield decreased with fasting but not catch duration. Plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose and lactate increased after a long catch, while plasma triglycerides decreased with fasting. Liver glycogen concentration was lower in fasted fish, and liver luminosity and chroma were higher after fasting with a long catch. Regarding flesh quality, rigor mortis resolved more slowly and final muscle pH at 48 hr post-mortem was higher for fasted fish with a long catch time. Muscle glycogen concentration was higher in fasted fish, where chroma was also lower. Fasted fish had lower lipid oxidation, but there were no differences in fat content in muscle. Fasted fish with a long catch duration also had less monounsaturated and more saturated fatty acids. In conclusion, a long catch triggered a stress response that had negative effects on flesh quality, independently of fasting.This project was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Project AGL2010-19479.Peer reviewe

    Effect of the inclusion of rumenprotected amino acids in the diet of growing beef cattle on animal performance and meat quality

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    Introduction: This study investigated the impact of rumen-protected amino acids on beef cattle's growth, fattening performance, and meat quality. Methods: Two groups of 40 Montbeliard steers (237.8 ± 30 kg body weight) were housed separately and fed, with mono-tunnel feeders, either a control diet (CON) or a diet containing rumen-protected lysine and methionine with 3% less crude protein (APR). Feed consumption and weight were tracked in all animals, and meat quality analysis focused on the longissimus muscle, with 10 steers randomly selected from each treatment. Results and discussion: Results for overall performance revealed no significant differences in body weight, average daily gain (ADG), and concentrate conversion ratio between the CON and APR diets (p > 0.05). However, during the final 90 days of the trial, the APR group showed significantly higher ADG (p 0.05). There was a slight tendency (p = 0.06) for higher fatness score in the CON group. Regarding meat composition, the diet did not significantly affect proximate composition, but a tendency (p = 0.059) for higher crude protein content in APR cattle's meat compared to the CON group was observed. The APR meat showed slightly lower levels of C17:1 (0.56% vs. 0.72%) and C18:1n9 (31.7% vs. 34%). There was a tendency for C14:0 to be lower (P = 0.07), and for C16:0, C18:2 and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to be greater in meat from cattle fed APR compared to CON. However, meat quality attributes like pH, water-holding capacity, color, and texture were similar in both CON and APR groups (p > 0.05). The findings indicate that utilizing rumen-protected amino acids enables formulating diets with reduced crude protein levels while enhancing nitrogen utilization efficiency for protein synthesis in intensively reared steers. Importantly, these dietary improvements do not adversely affect meat quality.Depto. de Producción AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Determination of optimal degree days of fasting before slaughter in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Pre-slaughter fasting is a common practice in aquaculture to ensure emptying of the digestive tract, but little is known about how long fish should be fasted, in terms of degree days (°C d), to clear the gut without affecting their welfare or flesh quality. In this study, 180 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were fasted for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 days (17.2, 22.3, 28.6, 35.3, 41.8 and 55.3 °C d, respectively) and different morphometric, hematological and flesh quality parameters were measured. The slaughter weight, relative growth and hepato-somatic index did not decrease until after 7 days of fasting (41.8 °C d) and stomach content was similar and near zero after 4 days of fasting (22.3 °C d). Conversely, fasting time increased carcass yield. Plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose and creatine phosphokinase enzyme were lower with increasing days of fasting. However, trout slaughtered after 5 days of fasting (28.6 °C d) had a higher flesh pH at 0 hours post-mortem than 3 and 4 days fasted trout and, consequently, earlier establishment of rigor mortis. Furthermore, liver color could be useful as a stress indicator since its hue decreases after 5 days of fasting (28.6 °C d). In conclusion, a pre-slaughter fasting period from 17.2 ° C d to 22.3 ° C d makes possible to obtain a complete emptying of the digestive system in rainbow trout and simultaneously it can minimize the stress response with consequent better flesh quality