11 research outputs found
O fenômeno paisagístico é um processo cultural que se estabelece a partir da interação entre sujeitos e espaço percebido. A paisagem é um fenômeno vivo, contínuo, que expressa diferentes tempos, materialidades e arranjos sociais. É a metonímia de um território. Tendo isso em vista, um grupo de pesquisa interdisciplinar buscou experimentar diferentes ferramentas teórico-metodológicas ao realizar o exercício de intervir em uma determinada paisagem urbana, e assim, estimular o debate sobre as controvérsias que lhe são inerentes. A problemática escolhida foi a proposta de cercamento do Parque da Redenção, oficialmente denominado Parque Farroupilha, discutida na Câmara de Vereadores de Porto Alegre (RS) e na mídia local desde a década de 1990. Em uma área próxima ao lago Guaíba e ao Centro Histórico da cidade, os 40 hectares de área verde com diversos ambientes são um importante marco da paisagem de Porto Alegre. Caso fossem cercados, quais os aspectos da paisagem e outros que se agregam a ela que estariam sendo alterados? Como realizar uma intervenção para sensibilizar a população sobre as implicações do cercamento, ou não, do parque? Desde essas questões realizou-se o exercício, em 08 de novembro de 2014, cujos registros orientaram o debate e a produção deste texto e de um vídeo. Neste texto, procuramos inicialmente realizar um diagnóstico a paisagem estudada e a tensão evocada pela proposta de alterá-la mediante a instalação de uma cerca. A seguir relatamos uma intervenção realizada no local pelo grupo, como ferramenta metodológica para estimular diferentes reações e assim registrar as sensações e opiniões da população frente à alteração provocada naquela paisagem. Posteriormente, apresentamos reflexões sobre diferentes aspectos e implicações que o fechamento do parque poderá acarretar
Influence of b chromosomes on the flowering time in corn (Zea mays L.)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar se o tempo para o florescimento feminino e masculino e alterado pela presença dos cromossomos B em Zea mays L.. Para isto utilizaram-se materiais da raça Zapalote Chico e os híbridos Zapalote Chico X Avati Djakaira e Cateto X Zapalote Chico. Realizaram-se quatro experimentos, sendo três com os materiais da raça Zapalote Chico e o ultimo envolvendo os dois tipos de híbridos. Estes experimentos constaram de classes diferindo no numero de cromossomos B e foram delineados em blocos casualizados, com duas repetições, no campo experimental do Departamento de Genética da ESALQ-USP em Piracicaba-SP, nos anos agrícolas 1981/1982 e 1982. Nos três experimentos com os materiais da raça Zapalote Chico verificou-se que a influência dos cromossomos B sobre o tempo para o florescimento feminino foi pequena. Para o florescimento masculino no experimento com um maior numero de cromossomos B os resultados da análise estatística ( teste F, regressão linear e coeficiente de determinação) sugeriram que pelo menos parte da variação observada no tempo para o florescimento pode ser explicada pela variação no numero de cromossomos extranumerários. Observou-se que a tendência dos cromossomos B tornar o florescimento tardio foi mais evidente no florescimento masculino que no feminino. No hibrido Zapalote Chico X Avati Djakaira nenhuma influência dos cromossomos B sobre os tempos para o florescimento feminino e masculino foi verificada. Já no hibrido Cateto X Zapalote Chico observou- se que a influência dos cromossomos B sobre o tempo para o florescimento foi pequena para o feminino e mais pronunciada para o masculino. O mecanismo pelo qual os cromossomos B alteram o tempo para o florescimento ainda e desconhecido e, mais pesquisas são necessárias para um melhor esclarecimento do possível papel que as regiões eucromáticas e heterocromáticas dos cromossomos extranumerários, possam desempenhar sobre o tempo para o florescimentoThe objective of this research was to study the possibility that female and male flowering time is influenced by the presence of B chromosomes in Zea mays L.. Inbred stocks of the Zapalote Chico and Avati Djakaira were used. Four experiments were carried out, three with the Zapalote Chico race and one with two types of hybrids. These experiments consisted of classes differing in B chromosome numbers and were designed in randomized blocks:,1 with two repetitions, in the experimental fields of the Department of Genetic of ESALQ-USP in Piracicaba, São Paulo, in the agricultural years 1981/1982 and 1982. In the three experiments with the Zapalote Chico stocks the influence of B chromosomes on the female flowering time was small. The statistical analysis ( F test, linear regression and coefficient of determination) suggests that part of the variation of the male flowering time may be explained by the variation in B chromosome numbers in the experiment with the great number of extranumerary chromosomes. The tendency of B chromosomes to retarded the flowering time was more evident in the male than in the female flowering time. In the Zapalote Chico X Avati Djakaira hybrid the influence of B chromosomes on the male and female flowering time was negligible. For the Cateto X Zapalote Chico hybrid the influence of B chromosomes was small for the female flowering time and more evident for the male flowering time. The mechanisms evolved in the effect of B chromosomes on the flowering time are unknown, and more research should be done for a better understanding of the possible role of the euchromatic and heterochromatic regions of this extranumerary chromosome on the flowering tim
Influence of b chromosomes on the flowering time in corn (Zea mays L.)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar se o tempo para o florescimento feminino e masculino e alterado pela presença dos cromossomos B em Zea mays L.. Para isto utilizaram-se materiais da raça Zapalote Chico e os híbridos Zapalote Chico X Avati Djakaira e Cateto X Zapalote Chico. Realizaram-se quatro experimentos, sendo três com os materiais da raça Zapalote Chico e o ultimo envolvendo os dois tipos de híbridos. Estes experimentos constaram de classes diferindo no numero de cromossomos B e foram delineados em blocos casualizados, com duas repetições, no campo experimental do Departamento de Genética da ESALQ-USP em Piracicaba-SP, nos anos agrícolas 1981/1982 e 1982. Nos três experimentos com os materiais da raça Zapalote Chico verificou-se que a influência dos cromossomos B sobre o tempo para o florescimento feminino foi pequena. Para o florescimento masculino no experimento com um maior numero de cromossomos B os resultados da análise estatística ( teste F, regressão linear e coeficiente de determinação) sugeriram que pelo menos parte da variação observada no tempo para o florescimento pode ser explicada pela variação no numero de cromossomos extranumerários. Observou-se que a tendência dos cromossomos B tornar o florescimento tardio foi mais evidente no florescimento masculino que no feminino. No hibrido Zapalote Chico X Avati Djakaira nenhuma influência dos cromossomos B sobre os tempos para o florescimento feminino e masculino foi verificada. Já no hibrido Cateto X Zapalote Chico observou- se que a influência dos cromossomos B sobre o tempo para o florescimento foi pequena para o feminino e mais pronunciada para o masculino. O mecanismo pelo qual os cromossomos B alteram o tempo para o florescimento ainda e desconhecido e, mais pesquisas são necessárias para um melhor esclarecimento do possível papel que as regiões eucromáticas e heterocromáticas dos cromossomos extranumerários, possam desempenhar sobre o tempo para o florescimentoThe objective of this research was to study the possibility that female and male flowering time is influenced by the presence of B chromosomes in Zea mays L.. Inbred stocks of the Zapalote Chico and Avati Djakaira were used. Four experiments were carried out, three with the Zapalote Chico race and one with two types of hybrids. These experiments consisted of classes differing in B chromosome numbers and were designed in randomized blocks:,1 with two repetitions, in the experimental fields of the Department of Genetic of ESALQ-USP in Piracicaba, São Paulo, in the agricultural years 1981/1982 and 1982. In the three experiments with the Zapalote Chico stocks the influence of B chromosomes on the female flowering time was small. The statistical analysis ( F test, linear regression and coefficient of determination) suggests that part of the variation of the male flowering time may be explained by the variation in B chromosome numbers in the experiment with the great number of extranumerary chromosomes. The tendency of B chromosomes to retarded the flowering time was more evident in the male than in the female flowering time. In the Zapalote Chico X Avati Djakaira hybrid the influence of B chromosomes on the male and female flowering time was negligible. For the Cateto X Zapalote Chico hybrid the influence of B chromosomes was small for the female flowering time and more evident for the male flowering time. The mechanisms evolved in the effect of B chromosomes on the flowering time are unknown, and more research should be done for a better understanding of the possible role of the euchromatic and heterochromatic regions of this extranumerary chromosome on the flowering tim
AFLP analysis of genetic diversity in determinate and indeterminate snap bean accessions
The present study aimed to estimate and characterize the genetic divergence between determinate and indeterminate snap bean accessions from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) germplasm bank based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 40 and 32 accessions with determinate and indeterminate growth habits, respectively, were characterized for this purpose. Seven combinations of primers corresponding to EcoR1 and Mse1 were tested for the AFLP analysis, and the combinations E-AAG/M-CTC, E-ACT/M-CTT and E-ACC/M-CTT were selected. The resulting products were denatured and subjected to capillary electrophoresis. The Jaccard distance was used to estimate the genetic distances between accessions, and the Unweighted Pair Cluster Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA), principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) and Bayesian statistics were used for the clustering analysis. The three combinations of primer/enzyme revealed 485 informative loci in total, and the combination E-ACC/M-CTT detected the greatest number of informative loci (49%). The analysis of dissimilarity frequency distribution showed that the distribution was uniform, ranging from 0.1285 to 0.7310 with a mean of 0.4801, and the accessions with indeterminate growth habits exhibited greater variability than the accessions with determinate growth habits. The clustering UPGMA, PCoA and Bayesian analyses showed the formation of two large clusters, wherein there is a possible association between snap bean growth habit and gene pool. The determinate accessions may be more closely associated with the Andean gene pool, while the indeterminate ones may be associated with the Mesoamerican gene pool. The Bayesian analysis showed accessions intermediate to both groups, suggesting introgression between the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools. The present study aimed to estimate and characterize the genetic divergence between determinate and indeterminate snap bean accessions from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) germplasm bank based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 40 and 32 accessions with determinate and indeterminate growth habits, respectively, were characterized for this purpose. Seven combinations of primers corresponding to EcoR1 and Mse1 were tested for the AFLP analysis, and the combinations E-AAG/M-CTC, E-ACT/M-CTT and E-ACC/M-CTT were selected. These selective AFLP combinations revealed 485 informative loci in total, and the combination E-ACC/M-CTT detected the greatest number of informative loci (49%). The analysis of dissimilarity frequency distribution showed that the distribution was uniform, ranging from 0.1285 to 0.7310 with a mean of 0.4801, and the accessions with indeterminate growth habits exhibited greater variability than the accessions with determinate growth habits. The clustering UPGMA, PCoA and Bayesian analyses showed the formation of two large clusters, wherein there is a possible association between snap bean growth habit and gene pool. The determinate accessions may be more closely associated with the Andean gene pool, while the indeterminate ones may be associated with the Mesoamerican gene pool. The Bayesian analysis showed accessions intermediate to both groups, suggesting introgression between the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools.
AFLP analysis of genetic diversity in determinate and indeterminate snap bean accessions
ABSTRACT. The present study aimed to estimate and characterize the genetic divergence between determinate and indeterminate snap bean accessions from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) germplasm bank based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 40 and 32 accessions with determinate and indeterminate growth habits, respectively, were characterized for this purpose. Seven combinations of primers corresponding to EcoR1 and Mse1 were tested for the AFLP analysis, and the combinations E-AAG/M-CTC, E-ACT/M-CTT and E-ACC/M-CTT were selected. These selective AFLP combinations revealed 485 informative loci in total, and the combination E-ACC/M-CTT detected the greatest number of informative loci (49%). The analysis of dissimilarity frequency distribution showed that the distribution was uniform, ranging from 0.1285 to 0.7310 with a mean of 0.4801, and the accessions with indeterminate growth habits exhibited greater variability than the accessions with determinate growth habits. The clustering UPGMA, PCoA and Bayesian analyses showed the formation of two large clusters, wherein there is a possible association between snap bean growth habit and gene pool. The determinate accessions may be more closely associated with the Andean gene pool, while the indeterminate ones may be associated with the Mesoamerican gene pool. The Bayesian analysis showed accessions intermediate to both groups, suggesting introgression between the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools
Epidemiological characteristics, practice of ventilation, and clinical outcome in patients at risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care units from 16 countries (PRoVENT): an international, multicentre, prospective study
Background Scant information exists about the epidemiological characteristics and outcome of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) at risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and how ventilation is managed in these individuals. We aimed to establish the epidemiological characteristics of patients at risk of ARDS, describe ventilation management in this population, and assess outcomes compared with people at no risk of ARDS. Methods PRoVENT (PRactice of VENTilation in critically ill patients without ARDS at onset of ventilation) is an international, multicentre, prospective study undertaken at 119 ICUs in 16 countries worldwide. All patients aged 18 years or older who were receiving mechanical ventilation in participating ICUs during a 1-week period between January, 2014, and January, 2015, were enrolled into the study. The Lung Injury Prediction Score (LIPS) was used to stratify risk of ARDS, with a score of 4 or higher defining those at risk of ARDS. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients at risk of ARDS. Secondary outcomes included ventilatory management (including tidal volume [VT] expressed as mL/kg predicted bodyweight [PBW], and positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP] expressed as cm H2O), development of pulmonary complications, and clinical outcomes. The PRoVENT study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01868321. The study has been completed. Findings Of 3023 patients screened for the study, 935 individuals fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Of these critically ill patients, 282 were at risk of ARDS (30%, 95% CI 27\u201333), representing 0\ub714 cases per ICU bed over a 1-week period. VT was similar for patients at risk and not at risk of ARDS (median 7\ub76 mL/kg PBW [IQR 6\ub77\u20139\ub71] vs 7\ub79 mL/kg PBW [6\ub78\u20139\ub71]; p=0\ub7346). PEEP was higher in patients at risk of ARDS compared with those not at risk (median 6\ub70 cm H2O [IQR 5\ub70\u20138\ub70] vs 5\ub70 cm H2O [5\ub70\u20137\ub70]; p<0\ub70001). The prevalence of ARDS in patients at risk of ARDS was higher than in individuals not at risk of ARDS (19/260 [7%] vs 17/556 [3%]; p=0\ub7004). Compared with individuals not at risk of ARDS, patients at risk of ARDS had higher in-hospital mortality (86/543 [16%] vs 74/232 [32%]; p<0\ub70001), ICU mortality (62/533 [12%] vs 66/227 [29%]; p<0\ub70001), and 90-day mortality (109/653 [17%] vs 88/282 [31%]; p<0\ub70001). VT did not differ between patients who did and did not develop ARDS (p=0\ub7471 for those at risk of ARDS; p=0\ub7323 for those not at risk). Interpretation Around a third of patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the ICU were at risk of ARDS. Pulmonary complications occur frequently in patients at risk of ARDS and their clinical outcome is worse compared with those not at risk of ARDS. There is potential for improvement in the management of patients without ARDS. Further refinements are needed for prediction of ARDS
Epidemiological characteristics, practice of ventilation, and clinical outcome in patients at risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome in intensive care units from 16 countries (PRoVENT): an international, multicentre, prospective study
Background Scant information exists about the epidemiological characteristics and outcome of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) at risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and how ventilation is managed in these individuals. We aimed to establish the epidemiological characteristics of patients at risk of ARDS, describe ventilation management in this population, and assess outcomes compared with people at no risk of ARDS. Methods PRoVENT (PRactice of VENTilation in critically ill patients without ARDS at onset of ventilation) is an international, multicentre, prospective study undertaken at 119 ICUs in 16 countries worldwide. All patients aged 18 years or older who were receiving mechanical ventilation in participating ICUs during a 1-week period between January, 2014, and January, 2015, were enrolled into the study. The Lung Injury Prediction Score (LIPS) was used to stratify risk of ARDS, with a score of 4 or higher defining those at risk of ARDS. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients at risk of ARDS. Secondary outcomes included ventilatory management (including tidal volume [VT] expressed as mL/kg predicted bodyweight [PBW], and positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP] expressed as cm H2O), development of pulmonary complications, and clinical outcomes. The PRoVENT study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01868321. The study has been completed. Findings Of 3023 patients screened for the study, 935 individuals fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Of these critically ill patients, 282 were at risk of ARDS (30%, 95% CI 27–33), representing 0·14 cases per ICU bed over a 1-week period. VT was similar for patients at risk and not at risk of ARDS (median 7·6 mL/kg PBW [IQR 6·7–9·1] vs 7·9 mL/kg PBW [6·8–9·1]; p=0·346). PEEP was higher in patients at risk of ARDS compared with those not at risk (median 6·0 cm H2O [IQR 5·0–8·0] vs 5·0 cm H2O [5·0–7·0]; p<0·0001). The prevalence of ARDS in patients at risk of ARDS was higher than in individuals not at risk of ARDS (19/260 [7%] vs 17/556 [3%]; p=0·004). Compared with individuals not at risk of ARDS, patients at risk of ARDS had higher in-hospital mortality (86/543 [16%] vs 74/232 [32%]; p<0·0001), ICU mortality (62/533 [12%] vs 66/227 [29%]; p<0·0001), and 90-day mortality (109/653 [17%] vs 88/282 [31%]; p<0·0001). VT did not differ between patients who did and did not develop ARDS (p=0·471 for those at risk of ARDS; p=0·323 for those not at risk). Interpretation Around a third of patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the ICU were at risk of ARDS. Pulmonary complications occur frequently in patients at risk of ARDS and their clinical outcome is worse compared with those not at risk of ARDS. There is potential for improvement in the management of patients without ARDS. Further refinements are needed for prediction of ARDS