250 research outputs found

    Mokyklos veiklos kokybės vertinimas kaip Įdėmus žvilgsnis

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    Within this paper, the authors examine the school performance quality assessment system in Lithuania from the standpoint of pedagogical staff who find themselves in the status of the assessed. The philosophical concept of The Gaze is used for the interpretation of the results of a quantitative and qualitative survey. The concept of the Gaze, as conceptualized by Sartre and Foucault, helps to understand the sense of tension between freedom and control as experienced by pedagogical staff who find themselves in the status of the assessed. The authors, by applying principles of phenomenological interpretative analysis and descriptive statistics, examine the process of school performance quality assessment as experienced by teachers. The informants identify themes such as stress, distress, work simulation, and creativity restrictions. The authors conclude that school performance quality assessments do emerge as the Gaze, and furthermore as a dilemma of communication known as the Double Bind, when at the same time contradictory objectives are held, and a regressive state of stress and distress is generated as a result. On the bases of results of their research, the authors suggest that the actual school performance quality assessment system in Lithuania must be fundamentally improved by applying the empowering consultancy approach, while measures of quality assessment should be focused on objective indicators of school performance quality assessment.Straipsnyje autoriai kritiškai apmąsto mokyklų vertinimą. Remdamiesi Sartre ir Foucault Įdėmaus žvilgsnio konceptu, fokusuojamasi į mokyklų vertinimo ontologinę prigimtį, kuri apibūdinama kaip vertinamųjų išorinio stebėjimo metu patiriama įtampa tarp kontrolės ir laisvės. Taikant fenomenologinės interpretacinės analizės principus ir aprašomąją statistiką, analizuojama mokyklų vertinimo procesą patyrusių pedagogų patirtis. Tyrimo dalyvių patirtyje atpažįstamos tokios temos, kaip antai stresas, nepasitikėjimas, veiklos imitavimas, kūrybiškumo ribojimas. Autoriai prieina prie išvados, kad mokyklų vertinimas pasireiškia kaip Įdėmus žvilgsnis ir kaip Dvigubo susaistymo komunikacinė dilema, kai vienu metu siekiant prieštaringų tikslų, sukuriama regresyvi vertinamųjų streso ir nepasitikėjimo būsena. Remdamiesi tyrimo rezultatais, autoriai kelia prielaidą, kad esama mokyklų vertinimo sistema turi būti tobulinama keičiant įgalinančiu konsultavimu, o kokybės kontrolės priemones sutelkiant į objektyvių mokyklų rodiklius

    Human Rights Bulletin: Disastrous Exposure of Persons with Disabilities to Russian Aggression Against Ukraine

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    In 2022 the UN CRPD Committee was informed about the disproportionate exposure of persons with disabilities to the risks engendered by military Russian aggression in Ukraine – risks such as poverty, violence, abandonment, injuries and death. This commentary provides an overview of the main issues identified

    Specialiojo pedagogo socialinių nuostatų ir pedagoginės sąveikos ryšys: struktūrinis ir dinaminis aspektai

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    The article presents the results of the social empirical research which was carried out in Lithuanian special schools for mentally disabled. The research problem is: 1) how can special education teachers’ attitudes be characterized in the context of Lithuanian special education paradigms change?; 2) what are the dynamic and structural features that may characterize the relationship between teacher’s attitudes and pedagogical interaction in the classroom? Research hypothesis was: 1) the structure of special education teacher’s attitude is characterized by cultural peculiarity and cross-cultural equivalence; 2) special education teacher’s attitudes are related to pedagogical interaction in the classroom. The scale of attitudes has been constructed according to L. Thurnstone methodology of attitude research. 423 special education from special schools for children with mental disability have been interviewed. On the basis of factor analysis the structure of a special educator’s professional attitude has been determined. The attitude consists of the components of professional motivation (Cronbach a= 0.82), educational authoritarianism (Cronbach a = 0.64), and the representation of handicap (Cronbach a== 0.61). The two-cluster model (K-Mean method) revealed that special education teachers could be classified according to the valence of their attitudes. The first cluster consisted of 300 teachers who received if not high but still favourable test scores. The second cluster included 123 teachers who received low, unfavourable test scores of the measured dimensions. Three special education teachers have been selected for the further research in the interaction between special education teacher's attitudes, pedagogical interaction with mentally disabled children. The subjects have been selected on the basis of research into the attitudes of special education teachers. Manifestation of special education teacher’s altitudes in pedagogical interaction was studied using an observation method. A standardized observation matrix based on Flanders’ (1970), De Landsheere’s (l ')76) and Bales' ( 1970) methodological guidelines and interaction categories were constructed to observe how teachers with different valences of altitudes construe their pedagogical interaction in a different way. Research results showed that the major factor distinguishing teachers with favourable attitudes from those with unfavourable ones in terms of pedagogical interaction is an individualized approach towards students. Special education teacher with favourable attitudes bases higher pedagogical interaction in the special education class on individualized activity combining it with a group approach. Whereas the teacher with unfavourable attitudes applies little individual approach and prefers working with the whole class as a unit. Depersonalized, mass teaching method and negative evaluation of the student reflect an authoritarian character of pedagogical interaction which is characteristic to the teacher with unfavourable attitudes. Students’ action is adequate to that of the teacher’s. During lessons of the teacher with favourable attitudes, students act adequately in terms of verbal behaviour and activeness. Their activity is characterized by stability and regularity. Meanwhile students' verbal behaviour is not adequate and they are less active in lessons of teacher with unfavourable attitudes. The students’ adequate behaviour is irregular.Straipsnyje pateikiami socialinio empirinio tyrimo, atlikto Lietuvos specialiosiose mokyklose, rezultatai. Keliami probleminiai klausimai: kokios specialiojo ugdymo paradigmų kaitos kontekstu Lietuvoje būdingos specialiųjų pedagogų socialinės nuostatos, kokiomis dinaminėmis ir struktūrinėmis savybėmis pasižymi pedagogo socialinių nuostatų ir pedagoginės sąveikos specialiojo ugdymo klasėje ryšys. Apklausta 428 specialieji pedagogai, atskleista šių specialistų socialinių nuostatų struktūra ir valentingumas, stebėta pedagoginė sąveika klasėje, įvertintas socialinių nuostatų ir pedagoginės sąveikos ryšio dinaminis ir struktūrinis turinys

    Moksleivių vaikinų sąmoningumo ugdymas reflektuojant internetinę pornografiją

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    Online pornography is considered as one form of violence and victimization. Schoolboys often are users of online pornography and, at the same time, they become objects of violence and victimization. Online pornography is one of the themes which is suppressed in formal education settings, because it is of immoral and illegitimate character. The article presents results of participatory action research implemented at the secondary school. The typical sampling was organized, 13 schoolboys of age 16–17 participated in three focus groups. After watching B. Goldthwait’s film World’s Greatest Dad where the film hero a schoolboy deals with a pornography theme, research participants discussed and reflected their own experience, and also perceived threats of online pornography. Research participants discussed and designed measures for education and prevention for coping with online pornography. As the use of online pornography is an important part of informal education with threatening consequences, the formal education should turn to this issue creating space and time for dialogue and reflection. The implemented par­ticipatory action research process and results revealed that dialogue promotes the expression and hearing of different emotions and experiences, the reflection on the possible victimization consequences, the develo­pment of a broader view and deeper understanding of the phenomena of online pornography.Profesorius socialinių mokslų(edukologijos) daktarasVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinio darbo katedraK. Donelaičio g. 58, LTLT-44248 KaunasTel. (8 37) 22 27 39El. paštas: [email protected] darbo magistrasUAB „Uno Kompiuteriai“ pardavimų vadovasŽirmūnų g. 139, VilniusTel. 8 628 77 425El. paštas: [email protected]ė pornografija suvokiama kaip viena iš smurto ir viktimizacijos formų. Pornografijos internetu vartotojais, o kartu ir smurto bei viktimizacijos objektu, neretai tampa vaikai ir jaunuoliai, ypač berniukai ir vaikinai. Pornografija – ugdymo aplinkose nutylima tema, ji suvokiama kaip nelegali ir ypač nemorali veikla. Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kuriuo buvo siekiama įveikti neregimus socialinius draudimus ir moksleivių vaikinų grupėse inicijuojant internetinės pornografijos refleksiją – ugdyti dalyvių sąmoningumą. Tyrimas atliktas remiantis veiklos tyrimo dalyvaujant metodologija, kuri leido grupinių diskusijų būdu įvardijant turimus internetinės pornografijos suvokimus, projektuojant prevencines priemones, ugdyti vaikinų sąmoningumą internetinės pornografijos atžvilgiu

    Socialinio vaizdinio apie protiškai neįgalaus asmens emocinius išgyvenimus ypatumai

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    This article presents peculiarities of the social representation of emotions and feelings of mentally handicapped persons.Straipsnyje, remiantis sociologinės apklausos rezultatais (N = 241), analizuojamas socialinis vaizdinys apie protinės negalės žmogaus emocinius išgyvenimus. Šis vaizdinys lyginamas su vaizdiniu apie sveiko žmogaus emocinius išgyvenimus. Struktūriniu požiūriu vertinant, abu socialiniai vaizdiniai apie emocinius išgyvenimus susideda iš analogiškų, liūdesio-kančios, neapykantos, atsakomybės bei palaimos komponentų. Tačiau neįgaliojo emocinių išgyvenimų vaizdinyje nėra bazinių emocijų bloko, priešingai nei sveikojo. Protinės negalės žmogui labiau priskiriami liūdesio, kančios ir sielvarto išgyvenimai, tačiau mažiau gilūs, intensyvūs nei sveikojo. Dažniau su neįgaliaisiais kontaktuojantys individai kritiškiau vertina jų emocinio pasaulio kokybę. Šių vertinimų pagrindu konstruojasi savitas socialinis diskursas. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia socialinio vaizdinio, kaip latentinio psichosocialinio neįgaliųjų ugdymo ir socialinės integracijos veiksnio, vaidmenį

    Ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo paskirčių hierarchija Lietuvoje

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    This article analyses the findings of an empirical study carried out in Lithuania. The aim of this study was to determine transsubjective understanding of the purpose of pre-school and pre-primary education, and to evaluate how the participants of education – pedagogues, children’s parents, and specialists – perceive different purposes of such education. The study was based on two theoretical perspectives: the paradigm of child centered education, and the concept of community management. A quantitative written questionnaire-based inquiry of the participants of pre-school and pre-primary education was performed, consisting of 14 socio-demographic items (independent variables) and 44 content items (dependent variables). In total, 4,690 filled questionnaires were received from 79 pre-school and pre-primary educational institutions. Factor analysis was performed in order to validate the reliability and validity of the findings, and to group the dependent variables.Pre-school and pre-primary education in Lithuania is experiencing contradictions between the purposes and the real life. These contradictions are systemic, since they are characteristic more of the system of pre-school and pre-primary education rather than individual persons or institutions. The majority of the participants of pre-school and pre-primary education (pedagogues, children’s parents, and specialists) were satisfied with the assurance of the minimal of children’s education – i.e. the most important thing for them was that the children were occupied and safe under the supervision of people with educational experience and qualification – the pedagogues. A large part of the parents were oriented towards the competition-based model of education. The parents exerted pressure on the pre-school and pre-primary educational institutions to ensure that these institutions prepared their children for school by teaching writing, reading, and the ability to successfully compete for the “place under the sun”. According to such parents, the purpose of pre-school and pre-primary educational institutions is their children’s preparation for school rather than the development of their dignity, self-perception, and self-determination. Only the parents from groups that are seen as alternative to the traditional ones strongly expressed the principles of child-oriented pedagogy and rejected those of the adult-dominated pedagogy, although these groups were not very similar in other value-based aspects. The absence of the child’s voice – also called the child’s perspective or vision – in kindergartens is an especially problematic issue. The parents and the pedagogues did not see a child’s opinion as important in making decisions concerning the aims and the organization of education. The children neither have the power to participate in the decision-making processes nor are they seen as experts of their situation.ProfesoriusSocialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarasVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinio darbo katedraK. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44248 KaunasTel. (8 37) 22 27 39El. paštas: [email protected] Socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarasVytauto Didžiojo universitetoSocialinio darbo katedraK. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44248 KaunasTel. (8 37) 22 27 39El. paštas: [email protected] analizuojami Lietuvoje atlikto reprezentatyvaus tyrimo duomenys. Tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo paskirčių hierarchiją atsižvelgiant į tai, kaip trys ugdymo dalyvių grupės – pedagogai, vaikų tėvai ir specialistai – hierarchizuoja skirtingas ugdymo paskirtis. Straipsnyje pateikiami empiriniai argumentai, parodantys, kokių prieštaravimų Lietuvoje patiria ikimokyklinis ir priešmokyklinis ugdymas ugdymo paskirčių aspektu. Šie prieštaravimai yra sisteminiai, nes jie būdingi ne tiek atskiriems asmenims ar įstaigoms, kiek pačiai ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo sistemai

    Organizacijos kultūra, tikslai ir vertybės: socialines paslaugas senyvo amžiaus žmonėms teikiančių įstaigų personalo perspektyva

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    The article presents findings of a case study implemented in the organisations that deliver social services for older people. The aim of the study was to identify and to strengthen psychosocial aspects and commercialisation for effective functioning and development of social services organisations. Results from the case study as part of participatory action research are discussed in the article with the aim to discuss the aspects of organisational culture and values in elderly care organisations. The definition and typologies of organisational culture is presented as theoretical framework for the article emphasising the constructive nature of organisational culture. The case study strategy was used to implement studies in organisations. The first case was composed of two public organisations that provide care for older persons at his/her own home. The second case was composed of two profit organisations that provide institutional care for older persons. 43 staff members from managers to care workers participated in the case study. Based on the results of the case study, it is discussed how managers and employees in their reflected stories talk about organisation’s mission and goals. Based on these stories, researchers disclosed different aspects of organisational culture and values. Public organisations are focused on service delivery in order to keep clients at home as long as possible in order to avoid stationary services. Care, communication and collaboration are related with organisational culture in public organsations. While profit organisations are focused on the market and its dictated terms such as accountability, financial effectiveness and etc. The study allowed to identify organisational culture in public organisations based on Hofstede typology where domination of female and strong uncertainty avoidance culture was visible. In profit organisations the balance between female and male cultural dimensions was recognised.Straipsnyje pristatomas veiklos tyrimas dalyvaujant (angl. participatory action research), kuris buvo atliktas socialinių paslaugų senyvo amžiaus žmonėms įstaigose. Straipsnyje aptariama organizacijų kultūros apibrėžties problematika, organizacijų kultūros tipologijos ir dimensijos bei remiantis empirinio tyrimo rezultatais diskutuojama, kaip organizacijos vadovų ir darbuotojų pasakojimuose apie organizacijos misiją ir tikslus atsiskleidžia tam tikri organizacijos kultūros aspektai bei vertybės. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė leidžia įvardyti moteriškosios ir vyriškosios bei neužtikrintumo vengimo organizacijos kultūrų tipų raišką biudžetinių ir privačių socialines paslaugas senyvo amžiaus žmonėms teikiančių organizacijų vadovų ir darbuotojų pasakojimuose

    Special educator's social-psychological picture from the standpoint of attitudes

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    Straipsnyje nuostatų aspektu analizuojamas specialiojo pedagogo socialinis-psichologinis portretas. Sociologinėje apklausoje dalyvavo ketvirtadalis (N=423) Lietuvos specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose dirbančių pedagogų. Apklausoje surinkti duomenys buvo apdoroti statistiniais tikimybiniais metodais. Atskleista specialiojo pedagogo profesinės nuostatos struktūra, sudaryta iš profesinės motyvacijos, pedagoginio autoritarizmo ir negalės vaizdinio komponentų. Nagrinėjama socialinių-demografinių kintamųjų įtaka specialiojo pedagogo nuostatos raiškai. Remiantis atskleistais specialiojo pedagogo profesinių nuostatų ypatumais iškelta prielaida, jog nuostatos gali būti neįgaliųjų socialinės integracijos kokybės rodikliu.The social-psychological picture from the standpoint of attitudes of a special educator is analyzed. 423 special educators from special schools for children with mental disability have been interviewed. The scale of attitudes has been constructed according to L.Thurstone's methodology of attitude research. On the basis of factor analysis the structure of a special educator's professional attitude has been determined. The attitude consists of the components of professional motivation, educational authoritarianism and the image of the handicap. The method of multidimensional regression, employed for the analysis, gave evidence of the central integrating role of professional motivation in the structure of attitudes of a special educator. The analysis of the impact of social-demographical factors (size of locality, age, professional status, type of institution) shows their influence on the valence of special educator's professional attitude. The hypothesis about the attitude as an indicator of quality of handicapped people's social integration has been formulated

    Methodological controversies of training special pedagogues in the context of paradigm change of educating disabled people

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    The article deals with theoretical modelling of the present situation of training special pedagogues in Lithuania. Several problems become evident in the context of social, educational and qualitative changes: 1) What paradigms of educating handicapped people and social integration intermingle and compete in Lithuania today? 2) What is the methodological basis of training specialists for social and educational activity concerning disability and what should it be like? 3) How should we combine the long scientific and practical experience of training special pedagogues in Lithuania with modem ideologies of educating the disabled people and their social integration? On the methodological basis of defectology there had been created many didactic correction methods in Lithuania that received positive evaluation. Nevertheless education became too formal, concerning only the formation of intellectual activity. Individual and social aspects of education became secondary.Special schools, families having a disabled child were separated from important interactive social nets. Under the influence of community movements as well as tendencies of emancipated activity and mass media changes were made both in the attitudes of many specialists, ordinary people and national policy of social integration of people with disabilities. The new conception of Lithuanian education shapes the vision of humanistic special school. Because of changing paradigm of Lithuanian education special pedagogues have to face a specific dilemma. On the one hand the idea of social integration is very popular among intellectual and professional elite, on the other hand rapid changes caused some specialists’ doubts about social and school integration of handicapped people. New types of specialists are in great demand in the situation of social and educational changes. When the Lithuanian system of special education is transferring from clinical-didactic to social-interactional paradigm there appear new problematic situations in the context of training specialists