80 research outputs found
Chenopodium multifidum L. u hrvatskoj flori
In this paper the localities of Chenopodium multifidum L. in the town of Split (Croatia) are reported. This newcomer was found in the industrial zone of Split near the northern harbour. It grows here on ruderal places near the railway. No previous Croatian records of this species are known.U radu se objavljuju nalaziÅ”ta vrste Chenopodium multifidum L. na podruÄju grada Splita (Hrvatska). Ta je pridoÅ”lica na|ena u industrijskoj zoni Splita nedaleko sjeverne luke, gdje raste na ruderalnim povrÅ”inama u blizini željezniÄke pruge. Radi se o novoj vrsti u flori Hrvatske
Vascular flora of the Žeževica area (central Dalmatia, southern Croatia)
The flora of the Žeževica area was studied and listed in 2020. In all, 436 taxa from 286 genera and 83 families were recorded. Most taxa belong to the families Poaceae (9.63%) and Fabaceae (9.40%). The most abundant life forms are hemicryptophytes (34.63%) and therophytes (30.96%). As for the chorological analysis, most of the plants belong to Mediterranean (36.24%) and Southern European (22.02%) floral elements. A total of 14 endemic, 34 strictly protected and 22 threatened taxa were recorded. Most of the endemic species belong to the Illyrian Adriatic endemic plants. Of the alien flora, 23 taxa were listed, 16 plants of which are invasive. The greatest plant diversity was found in sites with different habitats, such as dry grasslands in olive groves and vineyards. The reduction of habitat diversity and the introduction of invasive taxa have proved to be the main problems leading to the reduction of plant richness. For this reason, the maintenance of diverse habitats with appropriate human influence are important for the conservation of the biodiversity in such areas
Chouardia lakusicii (Å iliÄ) Speta (Hyacinthaceae) u hrvatskoj flori
Chouardia lakusicii (Å iliÄ) Speta, a very rare species in the Croatian flora, was discovered during a study of the karstic flora on the Torac and Ivanova lazina mountains above the villages of Majkovi and Mravinjac, northeast of the village of Slano (Southern Dalmatia, Croatia). Previously, this species in Croatia had been only described in one locality, north of Mt. Biokovo (the Zabiokovlje area). The present specimens were recorded at elevations of 720 ā 780 m, within open rocky limestone and in the crevices in limestone blocks. The populations showed good viability. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature methods for threat assessment, we propose that Ch. lakusicii should be included in the category of vulnerable taxa (VU; criteria A3C, B2A, b (ii, v)) and included in the national red list.Chouardia lakusicii (Å iliÄ) Speta je vrlo rijetka vrsta Hrvatske flore. Do sada je ta vrsta u Hrvatskoj zabilježena na jednom lokalitetu, i to sjeveroistoÄno od planine Biokovo (Zabiokovsko podruÄje). Nedavno smo je otkrili na brdima Torac i Ivanova lazina iznad selĆ¢ Majkovi i Mravinjac, sjeveroistoÄno od naselja Slano (južna Dalmacija, DubrovaÄko primorje) na nadmorskoj visini od 720 do 780 m. Raste na otvorenim stjenovitim vapnencima i u pukotinama vapnenaÄkih kamenitih blokova. Populacija je dobro održiva. Temeljem metoda procjene ugroženosti MeÄunarodne Unije za oÄuvanje prirode, predlažemo uvrÅ”tavanje Ch. lakusicii u nacionalni crveni popis ugroženih vrsta u kategoriji osjetljive svojte (VU; kriterij A3C, B2A, b (ii, v))
The flora of three islets in the KorÄula archipelago (southeastern Adriatic)
The flora of three small islets located in the KorÄula Archipelago was investigated on several occasions during 2020. In all, 105 plant taxa were recorded, of which 101 are angiosperms, 3 gymnosperms and with 1 fern. The total flora of the islets is distributed in 48 families. The families with the highest number of taxa are Poaceae (12.38%) and Asteraceae (10.48%), followed by Lamiaceae (7.62%) and Fabaceae (5.71%). The most common life forms are therophytes (31.43%), hemicryptophytes (27.62%) and phanerophytes (19.05%). The largest number of plant taxa is accounted for by the Mediterranean floral element (60.95%), followed by the South European (20.00%) In all, three endemic, four endangered and seven strictly protected taxa were recorded. Endemics are Carduus micropterus (BorbĆ”s) Teyber ssp. micropterus, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medik. ssp. adriaticum (Beck) Markgr and Limonium dictyophorum (Tausch) Degen. All recorded endemic taxa belong to the group Illyrian-Adriatic endemic plants. Endangered taxa are Desmazeria marina (L.) Druce, Elymus pycnathus (Godr.) Melderis and Narcissus tazetta L. Strictly protected taxa include Chenopodium murale L. and Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile. The invasive species Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist and Euphorbia prostrata Aiton have been recorded in the flora of the islet of Majsan
Analiza mjere pogreÅ”ke predviÄanja rizika modelom binomne logistiÄke regresije
U ovom diplomskom radu cilj je bio analizirati mjere pogreÅ”ke predikcije rizika u bankama i kreditnim institucijama. Za dobivanje rezultata koristili smo metodu binomne logistiÄke regresije. U prvom dijelu diplomskog rada opisana je povijest kreditnog bodovanja, statistiÄke i nestatistiÄke metode koje se mogu koristiti za predikciju rizika te opÄenito o generaliziranim linearnim modelima i logistiÄkoj regresiji. U drugom dijelu diplomskog rada opisan je Monte Carlo eksperiment pomoÄu kojeg smo ispitali mjere pogreÅ”ke predviÄanja rizika pri raznim uvjetima kao Å”to su distribucija prediktorskih varijabli, broj prediktorskih varijabli, veliÄina uzorka i korelacija izmeÄu varijabli. Rezultati su pokazali da su najbolji modeli Gamma distribucije s veÄim parametrom oblika k te da korelacija jako utjeÄe na statistiÄke modele. Modeli u kojem su varijable neovisne te modeli s viÅ”e prediktorski varijabli su pokazali bolju prediktivnu sposobnost.In this thesis, the aim was to analyze risk measures in banks and credit institutions. We used the binomial logistic regression method to obtain results. The first part of the thesis deals with the history of credit scoring, statistical and nonstatistical methods that can be used for risk prediction and about generalized linear models and logistic regression in general. In the second part of the thesis, we have described the Monte Carlo experiment by which we tested risk estimation measures at various perspectives such as probability distribution of predictor variables, number of predictor variables, sample size, and correlation between variables. The results showed that the best models are when predictor variables have Gamma distribution with the greater shape parameter k and that the correlation strongly influences the statistical models. Models in which variables are independent and models with more predictor variables have shown better predictive capability
Flora i vegetacija otoka Sveti Andrija, južna Hrvatska
The first record of as many as 160 vascular plant taxa, 134 genera and 61 families on Sveti Andrija Island (5.38 hectares), southern Adriatic, was established on the basis of floristic research in 2005. An analysis of the life-forms and floral elements was also carried out and comparisons were made with other Dubrovnik islands. Altogether, four associations were determined: Querco ilicis-Pinetum halepensis, Posidonietum oceanicae, Limonietum anfracti and Lavateretum arboreae.Na temelju istraživanja u 2005. godini, na otoku Sveti Andrija (5,38 ha) u južnom Jadranu zabilježeno je 160 svojti vaskularnih biljaka, svrstanih u 134 roda i 61 porodicu. Analizirani su životni oblici i florni elementi, te usporeÄeni s ostalim dubrovaÄkim otocima. Na otoku su utvrÄene Äetiri biljne zajednice: Querco ilicis-Pinetum halepensis, Posidonietum oceanicae, Limonietum anfracti i Lavateretum arboreae
The problem of social contract in Hobbes's and Rawls's political philosophy
Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada usporediti dvije razliÄite politiÄke teorije ā Hobbesov apsolutizam i Rawlsovu liberalnu teoriju kroz analizu kljuÄnih momenata njihovih teorija druÅ”tvenog ugovora. Hobbesov druÅ”tveni ugovor koji se sklapa iz straha proizlazi iskljuÄivo iz ljudske racionalnosti, rezultira uspostavom apsolutne monarhije kao preduvjeta mirnog, stabilnog i sigurnog života graÄana te legitimira politiÄki autoritet. Rawls kao idealni politiÄki sustav koji Äe osigurati stabilnost poretka pomoÄu regulativnih naÄela pravednosti kao praviÄnosti namijenjenih osnovnoj strukturi druÅ”tva smatra ustavnu demokraciju. Pravednost je temeljna vrlina osnovne strukture i njena su naÄela donesena u praviÄnim uvjetima meÄu slobodnim i jednakim graÄanima te ne ukljuÄuju samo aspekt racionalnosti, nego i razboritosti. PolitiÄka koncepcija pravednosti idealna je za oÄuvanje temeljnih vrijednosti liberalnog druÅ”tva, slobode i jednakosti pojedinca te osiguranja dostojnog života.
Ova usporedba omoguÄuje stjecanje uvida u odgovore koje dva velikana politiÄke filozofije, jedan gorljivi zagovaratelj apsolutizma, a drugi branitelj liberalizma, daju putem dviju suprotstavljenih politiÄkih teorija na fundamentalna pitanja filozofije politike kao Å”to su problem stabilnosti, nužnost uspostave države, legitimacija vlasti i njen doseg, sloboda i jednakost graÄana te pravednost.
KljuÄne rijeÄi: druÅ”tveni ugovor, legitimacija, politiÄka vlast, sloboda, pravednostThe goal of this thesis is to compare two different political theories ā Hobbesās absolutism and Rawlsās liberal theory ā by analyzing the key moments of their social contract theories. Hobbesās social contract which is made out of fear, is exclusively a result of human rationality. It leads to the establishment of an absolute monarchy as a prerequisite for a peaceful, stable and safe civil life and legitimizes political authority. Rawls considers constitutional democracy to be the ideal political system which would ensure the stability of the order with the help of the regulatory principles of justice as fairness which are intended for the basic structure of society. Justice is the basic virtue of the basic structure and its principles have been adopted in fair conditions among free and equal citizens, which include not only the aspect of rationality, but also reasonableness. The political concept of justice is ideal for the preservation of the basic virtues of the liberal society, freedom, equality among individuals and the preservation of decent life. This comparison gives us an insight into the answers which two greats of political philosophy, one passionate advocate of absolutism, the other a defender of liberalism, offer by means of two opposing political theories regarding fundamental questions of the philosophy of politics such as the issue of stability, the necessity of establishing a state, legitimization of government and its reach, freedom and equality of citizens, as well as justice
Analiza mjere pogreÅ”ke predviÄanja rizika modelom binomne logistiÄke regresije
U ovom diplomskom radu cilj je bio analizirati mjere pogreÅ”ke predikcije rizika u bankama i kreditnim institucijama. Za dobivanje rezultata koristili smo metodu binomne logistiÄke regresije. U prvom dijelu diplomskog rada opisana je povijest kreditnog bodovanja, statistiÄke i nestatistiÄke metode koje se mogu koristiti za predikciju rizika te opÄenito o generaliziranim linearnim modelima i logistiÄkoj regresiji. U drugom dijelu diplomskog rada opisan je Monte Carlo eksperiment pomoÄu kojeg smo ispitali mjere pogreÅ”ke predviÄanja rizika pri raznim uvjetima kao Å”to su distribucija prediktorskih varijabli, broj prediktorskih varijabli, veliÄina uzorka i korelacija izmeÄu varijabli. Rezultati su pokazali da su najbolji modeli Gamma distribucije s veÄim parametrom oblika k te da korelacija jako utjeÄe na statistiÄke modele. Modeli u kojem su varijable neovisne te modeli s viÅ”e prediktorski varijabli su pokazali bolju prediktivnu sposobnost.In this thesis, the aim was to analyze risk measures in banks and credit institutions. We used the binomial logistic regression method to obtain results. The first part of the thesis deals with the history of credit scoring, statistical and nonstatistical methods that can be used for risk prediction and about generalized linear models and logistic regression in general. In the second part of the thesis, we have described the Monte Carlo experiment by which we tested risk estimation measures at various perspectives such as probability distribution of predictor variables, number of predictor variables, sample size, and correlation between variables. The results showed that the best models are when predictor variables have Gamma distribution with the greater shape parameter k and that the correlation strongly influences the statistical models. Models in which variables are independent and models with more predictor variables have shown better predictive capability
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