36 research outputs found

    An assessment of existing models for individualized breast cancer risk estimation in a screening program in Spain

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the calibration and discriminatory power of three predictive models of breast cancer risk. Methods: We included 13,760 women who were first-time participants in the Sabadell-Cerdanyola Breast Cancer Screening Program, in Catalonia, Spain. Projections of risk were obtained at three and five years for invasive cancer using the Gail, Chen and Barlow models. Incidence and mortality data were obtained from the Catalan registries. The calibration and discrimination of the models were assessed using the Hosmer-Lemeshow C statistic, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and the Harrell’s C statistic. Results: The Gail and Chen models showed good calibration while the Barlow model overestimated the number of cases: the ratio between estimated and observed values at 5 years ranged from 0.86 to 1.55 for the first two models and from 1.82 to 3.44 for the Barlow model. The 5-year projection for the Chen and Barlow models had the highest discrimination, with an AUC around 0.58. The Harrell’s C statistic showed very similar values in the 5-year projection for each of the models. Although they passed the calibration test, the Gail and Chen models overestimated the number of cases in some breast density categories. Conclusions: These models cannot be used as a measure of individual risk in early detection programs to customize screening strategies. The inclusion of longitudinal measures of breast density or other risk factors in joint models of survival and longitudinal data may be a step towards personalized early detection of BC.This study was funded by grant PS09/01340 and The Spanish Network on Chronic Diseases REDISSEC (RD12/0001/0007) from the Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria) of the Spanish Ministry of Health

    Estudio observacional del gasto farmacéutico en población inmigrante y autóctona de la región sanitaria de Lleida (Cataluña)

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    ResumenObjetivosAnalizar si hay diferencias en el gasto farmacéutico entre inmigrantes y autóctonos en la población general y si el ámbito de residencia (urbano/rural) está asociado al gasto en farmacia.DiseñoEstudio observacional transversal.EmplazamientoRegión Sanitaria Lleida.ParticipantesSe estudiaron 22.847 inmigrantes y 174.768 autóctonos de 15 a 64 años de edad, residentes en la Región Sanitaria Lleida.Mediciones principalesGasto en farmacia durante el año 2007, variables demográficas, zona de procedencia y área de residencia (urbana/rural).ResultadosEn todos los grupos terapéuticos, los individuos autóctonos gastaron más que los inmigrantes. En los hombres, la ratio de riesgo relativo de estar en el cuartil superior de gasto era de 3,2 (ICntervalo de confianza [IC] 95%: 2,96–3,44) en autóctonos respecto a inmigrantes y en las mujeres era de 2,1 (IC 95%: 1,97–2,27). Los inmigrantes de Europa del Este eran los que tenían un riesgo inferior de realizar gasto farmacéutico elevado (último cuartil), con diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Los residentes en el medio rural tenían riesgo superior de realizar gasto farmacéutico elevado respecto a los residentes en el medio urbano.ConclusiónSe observaron desigualdades en el gasto en medicamentos entre inmigrantes y autóctonos. Futuros estudios, cualitativos o mixtos, deberían indagar qué factores se asocian a estas diferencias y proponer acciones dirigidas a reducirlas.AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate whether there are differences in drug spending between immigrant and Spanish-born populations and to assess whether drug consumption is associated with living environment (urban/rural).DesignObservational cross-sectional study.SettingLleida Health Region (LHR).Participants22,847 immigrants and 174,768 native born subjects, aged 15 to 64 years, residing in the LHR.Main measurementsDrug spending during the year 2007, demographical variables, region of origin and residence area (urban/rural).ResultsNative-born subjects spent more in all therapeutic drug groups than immigrants. In men, the relative risk ratio (RRR) of being in the highest quartile of expenditure was 3.2 (95% CI: 2.96–3.44) for native born versus immigrant and in women it was 2.1 (95% CI: 1.97–2.27). Immigrants from eastern Europe had the lowest risk of being in the highest quartile of expenditure, with statistically significant differences. Residents in the rural environment were more likely to have a higher pharmaceutical consumption than residents in the urban environment.ConclusionInequalities in drug spending were observed between immigrants and native born subjects. Further studies, either qualitative or mixed, should explore which factors are related to these differences and propose strategies addressed to reducing them

    Informed choice in breast cancer screening: the role of education

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    [spa ] Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de recibir información sobre los beneficios y los efectos adversos del cribado del cáncer de mama en la elección informada, en función del nivel educativo. Método: Análisis secundario de un estudio experimental aleatorizado y controlado, en cuatro programas de cribado en Cataluña˜ y Canarias. Se analizaron 400 mujeres que iban a ser invitadas a participar por primera vez. El grupo de intervención recibió una herramienta informativa que mostraba los beneficios y los efectos adversos del cribado. El grupo control recibió un folleto estándar que recomendaba participar en el cribado. El nivel de estudios se agrupó en dos categorías: bajo y alto. La variable principal fue la elección informada definida como un conocimiento adecuado y la concordancia entre las actitudes y las intenciones. Resultados: La intervención produjo un mayor aumento del conocimiento en las mujeres con nivel educativo alto respecto a las de menor nivel educativo. Entre las mujeres que recibieron la intervención, la elección informada fue casi tres veces superior en las de nivel educativo alto (27% vs. 11%). No se observaron diferencias entre niveles educativos en los grupos de intervención y control en cuanto a conflicto decisional, confianza en la decisión, ansiedad y preocupación por el cáncer de mama. Conclusiones: Una herramienta informativa para el cribado del cáncer de mama tuvo mucho más impacto sobre la elección informada en las mujeres con nivel educativo alto. En aquellas con nivel educativo bajo mejoró la actitud frente al cribado y produjo un aumento en la intención de participar en él. [eng] Conclusions: A decision aid for breast cancer screening had much more impact on informed choice among women with a high educational level. In women with low educational level, the attitude towards screening improved and there was an increase in the intention to be screened. Objective: To evaluate the effect of receiving information about the benefits and harms of breast cancer screening in informed choice, according to educational level. Method: Secondary analysis of a randomized, controlled study, in four screening programs, in Catalonia and the Canary Islands (Spain). We analyzed 400 women who were going to be invited to participate for the first time. The intervention group received a decision aid that showed the benefits and harms of screening. The control group received a standard brochure that recommended participating in the screening program. Educational level was grouped into two categories, low and high. The primary out- come was informed choice defined as adequate knowledge and consistency between attitudes and intentions. Results: The intervention produced a greater increase in knowledge in women with a high educational level compared to those with a lower educational level. Among women who received the intervention, informed choice was almost three times higher in those with a high educational level (27% versus 11%). No differences were observed between educational levels in decisional conflict, confidence in the decision, anxiety and worry about breast cancer, in the intervention and control groups

    Trends in detection of invasive cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ at biennial screening mammography in Spain: a retrospective cohort study

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    Background: Breast cancer incidence has decreased in the last decade, while the incidence of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has increased substantially in the western world. The phenomenon has been attributed to the widespread adaption of screening mammography. The aim of the study was to evaluate the temporal trends in the rates of screen detected invasive cancers and DCIS, and to compare the observed trends with respect to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use along the same study period. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 1,564,080 women aged 45–69 years who underwent 4,705,681 screening mammograms from 1992 to 2006. Age-adjusted rates of screen detected invasive cancer, DCIS, and HRT use were calculated for first and subsequent screenings. Poisson regression was used to evaluate the existence of a change-point in trend, and to estimate the adjusted trends in screen detected invasive breast cancer and DCIS over the study period. Results: The rates of screen detected invasive cancer per 100.000 screened women were 394.0 at first screening, and 229.9 at subsequent screen. The rates of screen detected DCIS per 100.000 screened women were 66.8 at first screen and 43.9 at subsequent screens. No evidence of a change point in trend in the rates of DCIS and invasive cancers over the study period were found. Screen detected DCIS increased at a steady 2.5% per year (95% CI: 1.3; 3.8), while invasive cancers were stable. Conclusion: Despite the observed decrease in breast cancer incidence in the population, the rates of screen detected invasive cancer remained stable during the study period. The proportion of DCIS among screen detected breast malignancies increased from 13% to 17% throughout the study period. The rates of screen detected invasive cancer and DCIS were independent of the decreasing trend in HRT use observed among screened women after 2002

    An assessment of existing models for individualized breast cancer risk estimation in a screening program in Spain

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the calibration and discriminatory power of three predictive models of breast cancer risk. Methods: We included 13,760 women who were first-time participants in the Sabadell-Cerdanyola Breast Cancer Screening Program, in Catalonia, Spain. Projections of risk were obtained at three and five years for invasive cancer using the Gail, Chen and Barlow models. Incidence and mortality data were obtained from the Catalan registries. The calibration and discrimination of the models were assessed using the Hosmer-Lemeshow C statistic, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and the Harrell’s C statistic. Results: The Gail and Chen models showed good calibration while the Barlow model overestimated the number of cases: the ratio between estimated and observed values at 5 years ranged from 0.86 to 1.55 for the first two models and from 1.82 to 3.44 for the Barlow model. The 5-year projection for the Chen and Barlow models had the highest discrimination, with an AUC around 0.58. The Harrell’s C statistic showed very similar values in the 5-year projection for each of the models. Although they passed the calibration test, the Gail and Chen models overestimated the number of cases in some breast density categories. Conclusions: These models cannot be used as a measure of individual risk in early detection programs to customize screening strategies. The inclusion of longitudinal measures of breast density or other risk factors in joint models of survival and longitudinal data may be a step towards personalized early detection of BC.This study was funded by grant PS09/01340 and The Spanish Network on Chronic Diseases REDISSEC (RD12/0001/0007) from the Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria) of the Spanish Ministry of Health

    Trends in detection of invasive cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ at biennial screening mammography in spain : A retrospective cohort study

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    Background: Breast cancer incidence has decreased in the last decade, while the incidence of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has increased substantially in the western world. The phenomenon has been attributed to the widespread adaption of screening mammography. The aim of the study was to evaluate the temporal trends in the rates of screen detected invasive cancers and DCIS, and to compare the observed trends with respect to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use along the same study period. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 1,564,080 women aged 45-69 years who underwent 4,705,681 screening mammograms from 1992 to 2006. Age-adjusted rates of screen detected invasive cancer, DCIS, and HRT use were calculated for first and subsequent screenings. Poisson regression was used to evaluate the existence of a change-point in trend, and to estimate the adjusted trends in screen detected invasive breast cancer and DCIS over the study period. Results: The rates of screen detected invasive cancer per 100.000 screened women were 394.0 at first screening, and 229.9 at subsequent screen. The rates of screen detected DCIS per 100.000 screened women were 66.8 at first screen and 43.9 at subsequent screens. No evidence of a change point in trend in the rates of DCIS and invasive cancers over the study period were found. Screen detected DCIS increased at a steady 2.5% per year (95% CI: 1.3; 3.8), while invasive cancers were stable. Conclusion: Despite the observed decrease in breast cancer incidence in the population, the rates of screen detected invasive cancer remained stable during the study period. The proportion of DCIS among screen detected breast malignancies increased from 13% to 17% throughout the study period. The rates of screen detected invasive cancer and DCIS were independent of the decreasing trend in HRT use observed among screened women after 2002

    Estudio descriptivo sobre el uso de la anticoncepción de emergencia en Cataluña: Comparación entre una zona rural y una urbana Descriptive study of the use of emergency contraception in Catalonia (Spain): Comparison between a rural and an urban area

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    Objetivo: En los últimos años han aumentado los embarazos no deseados, especialmente entre chicas jóvenes. Con la anticoncepción de emergencia (AE), entre otras acciones, el Departament de Salut busca disminuir estos embarazos. El objetivo es analizar el consumo de AE en Cataluña y comparar una área geográfica rural con una urbana (provincia de Lleida y área metropolitana de Barcelona). Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, de 17.149 mujeres en edad fértil que han acudido a buscar la pastilla poscoital durante el período de octubre de 2004 a agosto de 2007. Los datos han sido proporcionados por el Programa de Salud Maternoinfantil de la Dirección General de Salud Pública. Resultados: La AE es utilizada mayoritariamente por chicas entre 16 y 24 años, principalmente los fines de semana. La mayoría lo han usado dos veces (78,5%) y sólo el 1,8% la ha usado 1 vez. El consumo es más elevado en Lleida, con una razón comparativa de utilización e intervalo de confianza del 95% de 1,42 (1,35-1,50) respecto a Barcelona. Conclusiones: El hecho de que el consumo sea más elevado entre las chicas más jóvenes está a favor del objetivo de la AE. Parece que la AE no se asocia a una disminución de las interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo. Sería interesante dar más información desde todos los agentes implicados con políticas e intervenciones de salud, fomentando las conductas sexuales saludables.Objective: In the last few years, the number of unplanned pregnancies has increased, especially in young women. Among other measures, emergency contraception (EC) was introduced by the Health Department to reduce unwanted pregnancies. The aim of this study was to analyze EC use in Catalonia, and to compare a rural with an urban area (Lleida province and the metropolitan area of Barcelona). Methods: We performed a descriptive study that included 17,149 women of fertile age who sought access to the EC pill between October 2004 and August 2007. Data were provided by the Maternal/Infant Health Program of the Public Health Department. Results: EC was used primarily by women between 16 and 24 years of age, usually on the weekends. Most of these women (78.5%) had used EC twice and only 1.8% had used this medication once. Consumption was higher in Lleida, with a comparative utilization figure and 95% confidence interval of 1.42 (1.35-1.50) with respect to Barcelona. Conclusions: The finding that EC use was higher in younger women coincides with the goal of distributing this medication. EC seems not to be associated with a decrease in voluntary pregnancy terminations. More reproductive information is required from all the actors involved in policies and health interventions, encouraging healthier sexual behavior