297 research outputs found

    Autonomia proceduralna węgierskiego sądownictwa administracyjnego jako przesłanka skutecznej ochrony sądowej

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    The article is aimed at showing the hesitant and slow developments whereby the Hungarian administrative justice should be approached to the dualistic model of administrative justice. After 40 years of almost total monism, and 25 years of transition, one decisive step was made with the promulgation of the Code of Administrative Court Procedure. The article investigates why its concept taking form in the declaration of the principle of autonomy of administrative court procedure rules is crucial for providing effective legal protection against administration in Hungary, and what safeguards the Code contains to foster this autonomy, and by this, the strengthening of a functional administrative justice.Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie niepewnych i powolnych tendencji, w efekcie których węgierski wymiar sprawiedliwości w sprawach administracyjnych powinien zbliżać się do dualistycznego modelu sądownictwa administracyjnego. Po 40 latach niemal całkowitego monizmu i po 25 latach transformacji zrobiono jeden decydujący krok poprzez ogłoszenie Kodeksu postępowania przed sądami administracyjnymi. W opracowaniu przeanalizowano, dlaczego leżąca u podstaw Kodeksu deklaracja zasady autonomii przepisów postępowania sądowoadministracyjnego jest kluczową koncepcją dla zapewnienia skutecznej ochrony prawnej przed administracją na Węgrzech oraz jakie Kodeks zawiera zabezpieczenia wspierające tę autonomię, a tym samym wzmacnia sądownictwo administracyjne w sensie funkcjonalnym

    Judicial Review in Hungary

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    Current Tendencies of Judicial Review as Reflected in the New Hungarian Code of Administrative Court Procedure

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    The continuing expansion of judicial review of administrative actions, as seen throughout Europe, led to the engulfment of the administrative judiciary towards the end of the last century. Review within a reasonable timeframe is hard to grant for this reason: the tensions between lawfulness and efficiency are amplified. The answers given to alleviate this tension raise questions that lie at the heart of the principle of separation of powers. This article aims to present some of respective tendencies, which lead to new equilibriums in the system of checks and balances between public administration and the judiciary. To concretise these tendencies, the article analyses some relevant solutions given by the very new code on administrative court procedures, the Hungarian Act No. I of 2017. The most important elements of the regulation of procedures for judicial review of administrative action are provided in a dogmatic and a comparative perspective showing the changes of rules and/or their interpretation through the judiciary. Thus, also important challenges regarding the present understanding of the doctrine of separation of powers are emphasised. The most important elements of the new Hungarian regulation are presented in a coherent system, which also gives insight on the codificational considerations. Moreover, the legislation and jurisprudence must deal with the highlighted aspects in any national and EU legal systems alike

    Easy Come, Easy Go: Copyright Infringement and the DMCA\u27s Notice and Takedown Provision in Light of \u3ci\u3eRossi v. MPAA\u3c/i\u3e

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    In Rossi v. Motion Picture Association of America Inc., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently held that the notice and takedown provision of the DMCA requires a subjective “good faith” belief that a website is infringing copyrighted material, and not an objective showing by the complaining party. A subjective standard for notice and takedown may do less to promote collaboration between service providers and copyright owners, judicial economy, or fair website management than would an objective standard requiring a minimal degree of investigation. This article concludes, however, that a subjective standard is supported by the literal wording of the statute and results in a cautious approach to protecting copyright owners

    New Hungarian Institutions against Administrative Silence: Friends or Foes of the Parties?

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    The Programme for the Reduction of Bureaucracy launched by the Hungarian government in 2015 has several directions, such as rethinking of the system of administrative organs, reshaping of civil service, simplification of administrative procedures, and fight against administrative silence, as well. New codes on the administrative procedure and on the judicial review of the administrative decisions were passed in 2016 and 2017, and the sectoral regulation has been transformed, as well. The most important change of the sectoral procedural rules was the replacement of procedures for permissions to a simple duty of notification. The authors investigate, if these institutions really help to reduce the burdens citizens and companies have in connection with bureaucracy: whether they are efficient tools against administrative silence and really are improving the situation of the parties vis-à-vis the administration and fostering good administration. They also take a closer look on the newly established action for failure to Act I of 2017 on the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (in force since 2018) intended as an additional tool, as well as its other new institutions addressing the problem of silence of administration

    New Hungarian Institutions against Administrative Silence: Friends or Foes of the Parties? = Nowe węgierskie instytucje zapobiegające milczeniu administracji publicznej – działają na korzyść czy przeciwko interesom stron postępowania?

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    The Programme for the Reduction of Bureaucracy launched by the Hungarian government in 2015 has several directions, such as rethinking of the system of administrative organs, reshaping of civil service, simplification of administrative procedures, and fight against administrative silence, as well. New codes on the administrative procedure and on the judicial review of the administrative decisions were passed in 2016 and 2017, and the sectoral regulation has been transformed, as well. The most important change of the sectoral procedural rules was the replacement of procedures for permissions to a simple duty of notification. The authors investigate, if these institutions really help to reduce the burdens citizens and companies have in connection with bureaucracy: whether they are efficient tools against administrative silence and really are improving the situation of the parties vis-à-vis the administration and fostering good administration. They also take a closer look on the newly established action for failure to Act I of 2017 on the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (in force since 2018) intended as an additional tool, as well as its other new institutions addressing the problem of silence of administration

    Nowe węgierskie instytucje zapobiegające milczeniu administracji publicznej – działają na korzyść czy przeciwko interesom stron postępowania?

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    The Programme for the Reduction of Bureaucracy launched by the Hungarian government in 2015 has several directions, such as rethinking of the system of administrative organs, reshaping of civil service, simplification of administrative procedures, and fight against administrative silence, as well. New codes on the administrative procedure and on the judicial review of the administrative decisions were passed in 2016 and 2017, and the sectoral regulation has been transformed, as well. The most important change of the sectoral procedural rules was the replacement of procedures for permissions to a simple duty of notification. The authors investigate, if these institutions really help to reduce the burdens citizens and companies have in connection with bureaucracy: whether they are efficient tools against administrative silence and really are improving the situation of the parties vis-à-vis the administration and fostering good administration. They also take a closer look on the newly established action for failure to Act I of 2017 on the Code of Administrative Court Procedure (in force since 2018) intended as an additional tool, as well as its other new institutions addressing the problem of silence of administration.Rozpoczęty w 2015 r. przez rząd węgierski Program Ograniczenia Biurokracji zawiera kilka kierunków, jak np. zmiana koncepcji systemu organów administracyjnych, zmiana kształtu służby cywilnej, uproszczenie procedur administracyjnych, a także walka z milczeniem organów administracji. W latach 2016 i 2017 wprowadzono nowe kodeksy postępowania administracyjnego i sądowoadministracyjnego oraz znowelizowano regulacje sektorowe. Najważniejszą zmianą w sektorowych przepisach postępowania była zamiana procedur związanych z uzyskaniem zgody na prosty obowiązek zgłoszenia. Przedmiotem artykułu było zbadanie, czy instytucje te istotnie pomagają w ograniczeniu biurokratycznych obciążeń obywateli i przedsiębiorstw oraz czy są one skutecznym narzędziem do radzenia sobie z milczeniem organów administracji i czy faktycznie poprawiają sytuację stron wobec administracji i sprzyjają dobrej administracji. Artykuł przybliża również nowo ustanowioną w Kodeksie postępowania sądowoadministracyjnego (obowiązującym od 2018 r.) skargę z tytułu bezczynności, pomyślaną jako dodatkowe narzędzie, a także nowe instytucje tego kodeksu dotyczące problemu milczenia organu administracji

    „Az Arany ember" Brazíliában : Jókai és Latin-Amerika

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    Diese kleine Arbeit ist auf Grund einer grösseren Schrift des ungarischen Schriftstellers des 19. Jahrhunderts als zusammenfassende Studie entstanden. Diese Arbeit ist eine Zusammenfassung für das jetzige Stadium der Forschung. Jókai beschäftigte sich sein ganzes Leben lang mit diesem mächtigen Erdteil. Naturwissenschaftliche und historische Kenntnisse veröffentlichte er mit Hinweisen in seinen eigenen Werken. In seinen Werken behandelt er anfangs nur romantische Motive über Lateinamerika, später volgten geographische, volkskundliche, und sprachliche Kenntnisse nicht nur über Mittelamerika, sondern auch über den südlichen Erdteil. Dies steigerte sich in seinen späteren Werken in Vermittlung und Analyse von politischen Neuheiten. Der Großartigen Bildung des Schriftstellers ist es zu verdanken, daß seine Leser nicht nur ihre Heimat kennenlernten, sondern auch mit Europa und entfernten Erdteilen bekanntgemacht wurden