5 research outputs found

    A műtői hatékonyság vizsgálata perioperatív APN szemszögből = Operational Efficiency Investigation from APN Perioperative Perspective

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    Az egészségügyi ellátórendszeren belül a műtőknek is folyamatosan nagy hangsúlyt kell fektetni a biztonságos, hatékony, minőségi munkavégzésre. A hazai és nemzetközi szakirodalomban a műtők optimális kihasználtságát feltáró kutatások eredménye számos tényezőre hívja fel a figyelmet. A perioperatív időszakok hatékonyabb kihasználásának következtében több operációt lehetne végrehajtani és ezáltal csökkenteni a várólisták idejét. A folyamatok hatékonyságának növelése érdekében több ponton is kiemelkedő szerepet kaphatnak az APN-ek. A tapasztalatok szerint jelentősen növekszik az egészségügyi szolgáltatást igénybe vevő emberek száma, illetve a műtétre várakozók száma is egyre emelkedik, amit tovább növel a jelenleg is tartó SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19-) járvány kialakulása. Mindezek következménye, hogy csökken a betegek elégedettsége. A műtéti ellátás során a perioperatív APN munkája nagymértékben képes hozzájárulni a betegelégedettség pozitív irányú változásához, tudásából és képzettségéből adódó többfunkciós szerepét kamatoztatva aktívan részt vesz a műtői munkában, az előjegyzett napi műtéti program zavartalan lebonyolításában, és hozzájárul az elmaradt, tervezett műtétek számának csökkenéséhez. = In the healthcare system operating theatres have to put great emphasis on quality work, patient safety and efficiency as well, and to achieve this, optimal utilization of theatres is extremely important. The results of researches in this topic in Hungarian and international literature draw attention to a lot of aspects. The study of perioperative periods, and the evaluation of the analysed processes show that theatres could be operated more effectively. As a result of this, more operations could be carried out and waiting time would also reduce. In order to increase the efficiency of the processes, APNs can play a prominent role at several points. According to the experience, the number of people using health care and the number of people waiting for surgery is increasing, which is further increased by the development of the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) epidemic. Thereby, patients are not satisfied with the service. The work of APNs would also help increasing the contentment of patients during the operation procedures. Taking advantage of the multifunctional role of the nurse due to her knowledge and training, she actively participates in the operation, in the smooth running of the scheduled daily surgical program and contributes to the reduction of the number of missed, planned surgeries

    Badanie aktywności fizycznej i nawyków konsumpcji sportowej wśród studentów

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    Background. Adequate level of physical activity helps and provides optimal body function. Understanding the sports consumption and physical activity indicators of young adults helps to develop strategies that can help to understand the economic and health background of endemic diseases. Material and methods. We conducted cross-sectional research at the University of Pécs, Hungary, in 2018. We used an anonymous, self-edited, self-administered online questionnaire. The questions related to demographics, physical activity, sport and health motivation, and lifestyle. Our aim was to characterize the physical activity and sports consumption habits of the students. Results. In terms of health status and quality of life, the whole sample (n=197) marked theirs as better than average. In the case of sports motivation, we hypothesized that there would be a significant difference between gender; apart from fitness status (p=0.64), we found significantly different motivation levels in each case. In terms of physical activity, women were more engaged in housework and transport, whilst men were more active in free time and work. Conclusions. Our sample’s health status and quality of life is adequate. Men’s physical activity exceeds women, however, when comparing activity-related MET (metabolic equivalent of task) between the sexes, we did not find significant differences in any case (p≥0.05).Wprowadzenie. Odpowiedni poziom aktywności fizycznej wspomaga i zapewnia optymalne funkcjonowanie organizmu. Zrozumienie wskaźników konsumpcji sportowej oraz aktywności fizycznej wśród młodych dorosłych pomaga opracować strategie, które mogą pomóc określić ekonomiczne i zdrowotne źródła chorób endemicznych. Materiał i metody. W 2018 roku przeprowadziliśmy badania przekrojowe na Uniwersytecie w Peczu (Węgry). Wykorzystaliśmy anonimowy, samodzielnie zredagowany i wypełniany kwestionariusz internetowy. Pytania dotyczyły demografii, aktywności fizycznej, motywacji dotyczącej sportu i zdrowia oraz stylu życia. Naszym celem było scharakteryzowanie aktywności fizycznej i nawyków konsumpcji sportowej studentów. Wyniki. Pod względem stanu zdrowia i jakości życia wszyscy respondenci (n=197) ocenili swój stan powyżej środkowej wartości skali. W przypadku motywacji dotyczącej sportu postawiliśmy hipotezę, że istnieje znacząca różnica między płciami w zakresie czynników motywacyjnych. W każdym przypadku poza wskaźnikiem stanu sprawności (p=0,64) stwierdziliśmy istotnie odmienne poziomy motywacji. Kobiety wykazały większą aktywność fizyczną w pracach domowych i transporcie, a mężczyźni – w czasie wolnym oraz podczas pracy. Wnioski. Stan zdrowia respondentów i ich jakość życia są właściwe. Aktywność fizyczna mężczyzn przewyższa aktywność fizyczną kobiet. Podczas porównywania ekwiwalentu metabolicznego (MET) związanego z aktywnością obu płci nie stwierdziliśmy jednak istotnej różnicy w żadnym przypadku (p≥0,05)

    An empirical assessment  of the factors infuencing  acceptance of COVID‑19 vaccine  uptake between Kenyan  and Hungarian residing  populations: A cross‑sectional  study

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    The development of efective, safe, and acceptable vaccines is a long process. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy continues to elicit mixed reactions among diferent quarters despite numerous evidence of their efectiveness. This study aimed to determine the availability and acceptance rates of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, among Kenyan and Hungarian residing populations and the underlying reasons contributing to the hesitancy of uptake. A non-probability, snowball sampling design was employed, and a survey questionnaire tool link was expeditiously disseminated. Data were carefully analyzed descriptively. Demographic variables, COVID-19 awareness, possible exposure, reasons associated with hesitancy in taking up a vaccine, choice of a vaccine, and availability of vaccines among other important variables were tested to explore their associations with vaccine acceptance rates between the two distinct countries. A total of 1960 participants were successfully enrolled in the research study, while 67 participants were excluded based on the inclusion criterion set. There was, however, no signifcant diference in COVID-19 public awareness between the Kenyan and Hungarian-residing participants, p = 0.300. Of the respondents, 62.4% were willing and ready to receive vaccines against COVID-19 disease. There was a signifcant diference (p= 0.014) between the Kenyan and Hungarian-residing respondents concerning vaccine uptake and acceptance rates. The vaccine acceptance rates in Hungary were higher than in Kenya, with mean= 0.27, SD= 0.446, S. E= 0.045 for the Hungarian population sample and mean= 0.40, SD= 0.492, S. E= 0.026, for the Kenyan sample respectively. Concerning gender and vaccine acceptance, there was a notable signifcant diference between males and females, p = 0.001, where the mean for males and females were 0.29 and 0.46 respectively. Acceptance rates among males were higher than among females. The functions of One-Way ANOVA and Chi-square were used to establish any signifcant diferences and associations between means and variables respectively. Concerns regarding the safety, efcacy, and accuracy of information about the developed vaccines are signifcant factors that must be promptly addressed, to arrest crises revolving around COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, especially in Kenya and among females in both populations, where acceptance rates were lower. Expansion of the screening program to incorporate antibody (serology) tests, is also highly recommended in the present circumstance. Equitable distribution of vaccines globally should be encouraged and promoted to adequately cover low- and middle-income countries. To enhance efective combat on vaccination hesitancy and apprehension in diferent countries, mitigation techniques unique to those countries must be adopted.</p