34 research outputs found

    The Effect of Time Variation in the Higgs Vacuum Expectation Value on the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    A time variation in the Higgs vacuum expectation value alters the electron mass and thereby changes the ionization history of the universe. This change produces a measurable imprint on the pattern of cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations. The nuclear masses and nuclear binding energies, as well as the Fermi coupling constant, are also altered, with negligible impact on the CMB. We calculate the changes in the spectrum of the CMB fluctuations as a function of the change in the electron mass. We find that future CMB experiments could be sensitive to |\Delta m_e/m_e| \sim |\Delta G_F/G_F| \sim 10^{-2} - 10^{-3}. However, we also show that a change in the electron mass is nearly, but not exactly, degenerate with a change in the fine-structure constant. If both the electron mass and the fine-structure constant are time-varying, the corresponding CMB limits are much weaker, particularly for l < 1000.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Fig. 3 modified, other minor correction

    Criação, afetação e paradoxo em psicanálise Creation, affection and paradox in psychoanalysis

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    Pretende-se alinhavar uma compreensão teórica da análise de um sujeito compulsivo da atualidade. As subjetividades contemporâneas sofrem de adversidades da criação de si, para além da dinâmica das representações, entre o recalcado e o sintoma. A compulsão é uma tentativa malograda de inscrição pulsional e somente o paradoxo da afetação transferencial - ao mesmo tempo, afetar e ser afetado - contribuiria para o desvio do gozo. Para além da interpretação do que o analisante não diz, trata-se da possibilidade de acolhimento do que jamais poderia ser dito, mas apenas sentido.<br>The aim of the article is to outline a theoretical understanding of a current compulsive subject analysis. The contemporary subjectivities suffer of self-creation problems, beyond the dynamic of the representations, between the repressed and the symptom. The compulsion is a failure pulsional inscription try and only the transferencial affection paradox - at the same time, to affect and to be affected - would contribute to lust (jouissance) deviation. Beyond the interpretation of what the analysand doesn't say, what is at stake is the possibility of the reception that could never be said, but only felt

    Doença de Alzheimer e espectroscopia por ressonância magnética do hipocampo

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    OBJETIVOS: Obtenção de dados do espectro de metabolitos por ressonância magnética da formação hipocampal no idoso normal e com doença de Alzheimer (DA). MÉTODO: Os indivíduos foram pareados por idade, sendo 20 na amostra normal, CDR=0 e 40 com DA 3 CDR=1 e 2. Utilizou-se aparelho Signa Horizon LX-GE, 1.5T, ¹H-ERM com aplicativo automatizado PROBE/SV, VOI: hc (direito e esquerdo); voxel único (2x2x2cm); TR 1500ms/TE 50ms; PRESS; metabolitos: N-acetilaspartato (Naa), colina (Cho), creatina (Cr), mio-inositol (mI). RESULTADOS: Os presentes dados se referem aos quocientes de Naa, Cho e mI, com Cr tomada como referência e relação mI/Naa. O estudo mostrou o Naa reduzido, o mI e a relação mI/Naa aumentados e os resultados em relação à Cho foram variados. Os resultados da amostra global dos pacientes com DA em comparação à média ± dp da amostra normal foram significativos para Naa, mI e mI/Naa (p<0,01). A precisão, tomando os valores de modo individual das duas amostras, mostrou sensibilidade, especificidade e valor preditivo positivo satisfatórios. CONCLUSÃO: Os presentes resultados podem ser usados como ferramenta útil para detectar alterações patológicas no hipocampo de pacientes com DA, permitindo diagnóstico de maior precisão e mais precoce da doença

    Flow diagnostics essential code: a simple and brief format for the summary of leukemia phenotyping.

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    BACKGROUND: Flow cytometry is a valuable part in the routine diagnostics of acute leukemia (AL). Although internationally recognized definitions of main AL subsets are available, there is currently no consensus format for the short summary of clinical flow cytometry reports. Since clinical reports are too long for most database purposes, there is a need for a standardized format of their short summaries. METHODS: The Associazione Italiana Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica--Berlin Frankfurt Muenster (AIEOP-BFM) Flow Network that encompasses reference diagnostics laboratories in Australia, Austria, Czechia, Germany, Israel, Italy, and Switzerland have designed a pro-forma for the summary of flow cytometry results in the diagnosis of leukemia. The process involved several meetings and other communications, during which the group established a consensus on the essentials that lead to the diagnostic conclusions in childhood AL. RESULTS: The "Flow Diagnostics Essential (FDE) Code" is a result from an agreement within the AIEOP-BFM Flow Network. In a standardized format, it reports the extent of the infiltration by a malignant clone, followed by description antigen expression as strong, weak or negative, and a diagnostic conclusion. CONCLUSIONS: A consensus brief format (the "FDE Code") has been designed as a brief summary of the diagnostic immunophenotype of childhood AL. It is also applicable for the diagnostic investigation of other malignancies by flow cytometry. The FDE code may be included in the final clinical report and/or used in the setting of a multicenter clinical trial database