5,197 research outputs found

    The internal dynamical equilibrium of HII regions: a statistical study

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    We present an analysis of the integrated Halpha emission line profiles for the HII region population of the spiral galaxies NGC 1530, NGC 6951 and NGC 3359. We show that 70% of the line profiles show two or three Gaussian components. The relations between the Halpha luminosity and non-thermal line width for the HII regions of the three galaxies are studied and compared with the relation found taken all the HII regions of the three galaxies as a single distribution. A clearer envelope in non-thermal line width is found when only those HII regions with non-thermal line width bigger than 13kms are considered. The linear fit for the envelope is logL=36.8+2.0*log(sigma). The masses of the HII regions on the envelope using the virial theorem and the mass estimates from the Halpha luminosity are comparable, which offers evidence that the HII regions on the envelope are virialized systems, while the remaining regions, the majority, are not in virial equilibrium.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures,accepted for publication in A&

    HIIphot: Automated Photometry of HII Regions Applied to M51

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    We have developed a robust, automated method, hereafter designated HIIphot, which enables accurate photometric characterization of HII regions while permitting genuine adaptivity to irregular source morphology. HIIphot utilizes object-recognition techniques to make a first guess at the shapes of all sources then allows for departure from such idealized ``seeds'' through an iterative growing procedure. Photometric corrections for spatially coincident diffuse emission are derived from a low-order surface fit to the background after exclusion of all detected sources. We present results for the well-studied, nearby spiral M51 in which 1229 HII regions are detected above the 5-sigma level. A simple, weighted power-law fit to the measured H-alpha luminosity function (HII LF) above log L_H-alpha = 37.6 gives alpha = -1.75+/-0.06, despite a conspicuous break in the HII LF observed near L_H-alpha = 10^38.9. Our best- fit slope is marginally steeper than measured by Rand (1992), perhaps reflecting our increased sensitivity at low luminosities and to notably diffuse objects. HII regions located in interarm gaps are preferentially less luminous than counterparts which constitute M51's grand-design spiral arms and are best fit with a power-law slope of alpha = -1.96+/-0.15. We assign arm/interarm status for HII regions based upon the varying surface brightness of diffuse emission as a function of position throughout the image. Using our measurement of the integrated flux contributed by resolved HII regions in M51, we estimate the diffuse fraction to be approximately 0.45 -- in agreement with the determination of Greenawalt et al. (1998). Automated processing of degraded datasets is undertaken to gauge systematic effects associated with limiting spatial resolution and sensitivity.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figures, Postscript version with high-resolution figures at ftp://ftp.aoc.nrao.edu/staff/dthilker/preprint

    Star Forming Objects in the Tidal Tails of Compact Groups

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    A search for star forming objects belonging to tidal tails has been carried out in a sample of deep Halpha images of 16 compact groups of galaxies. A total of 36 objects with Halpha luminosity larger than 10^38 erg s-1 have been detected in five groups. The fraction of the total Halpha luminosity of their respective parent galaxies shown by the tidal objects is always below 5% except for the tidal features of HCG95, whose Halpha luminosity amounts to 65% of the total luminosity. Out of this 36 objects, 9 star forming tidal dwarf galaxy candidates have been finally identified on the basis of their projected distances to the nuclei of the parent galaxies and their total Halpha luminosities. Overall, the observed properties of the candidates resemble those previously reported for the so-called tidal dwarf galaxies.Comment: 5 gif figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Tension and stiffness of the hard sphere crystal-fluid interface

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    A combination of fundamental measure density functional theory and Monte Carlo computer simulation is used to determine the orientation-resolved interfacial tension and stiffness for the equilibrium hard-sphere crystal-fluid interface. Microscopic density functional theory is in quantitative agreement with simulations and predicts a tension of 0.66 kT/\sigma^2 with a small anisotropy of about 0.025 kT and stiffnesses with e.g. 0.53 kT/\sigma^2 for the (001) orientation and 1.03 kT/\sigma^2 for the (111) orientation. Here kT is denoting the thermal energy and \sigma the hard sphere diameter. We compare our results with existing experimental findings

    An improved method for statistical studies of the internal kinematics of HII regions: the case of M 83

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    We present the integrated Halpha emission line profile for 157 HII regions in the central 3.4' x 3.4' of the galaxy M 83 (NGC 5236). Using the Fabry-Perot interferometer GHaFaS, on the 4.2 m William Herschel on La Palma, we show the importance of a good characterization of the instrumental response function for the study of line profile shapes. The luminosity-velocity dispersion relation is also studied, and in the log(L)-log(sigma) plane we do not find a linear relation, but an upper envelope with equation log(L)=0.9 *log(sigma)+38.1. For the adopted distance of 4.5 Mpc, the upper envelope appears at the luminosity L=10^38.5 ergs, in full agreement with previous studies of other galaxies, reinforcing the idea of using HII regions as standard candles.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The origin of the ionization of the diffuse interstellar medium in spiral galaxies. II. Modelling the distribution of ionizing radiation in NGC 157

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    In this paper we make a quantitative study of the hypothesis that the diffuse H-alpha emitted from the discs of spiral galaxies owes its origin to the ionizing photons escaping from HII regions. We use the H-alpha measurements of the complete set of HII regions in the spiral NGC 157, for which an HI density map was available, to derive a family of models which predict the ionizing photon distribution in the disc of this galaxy. The predicted diffuse H-alpha surface brightness distributions from our models were compared with the observed distributions showing that, in general terms, the hypothesis of density bounding for the HII regions allows us to predict well the spatial distribution of the diffuse ionized gas. In the model yielding the best fit to the data, the regions of lower luminosity lose a constant fraction of their ionizing flux to their surroundings, while for HII region luminosities above a specific transition value the ionizing escape fraction is a rising function of the Ha luminosity.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures (Postscript level 2), accepted for publication in A&

    Interacting holographic tachyon model of dark energy

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    We propose a holographic tachyon model of dark energy with interaction between the components of the dark sector. The correspondence between the tachyon field and the holographic dark energy densities allows the reconstruction of the potential and the dynamics of the tachyon scalar field in a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. We show that this model can describe the observed accelerated expansion of our universe with a parameter space given by the most recent observational results.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in IJMP

    Propagation of ionizing radiation in HII regions: the effects of optically thick density fluctuations

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    The accepted explanation of the observed dichotomy of two orders of magnitude between in situ measurements of electron density in HII regions, derived from emission line ratios, and average measurements based on integrated emission measure, is the inhomogeneity of the ionized medium. This is expressed as a "filling factor", the volume ratio of dense to tenuous gas, measured with values of order 10^-3. Implicit in the filling factor model as normally used, is the assumption that the clumps of dense gas are optically thin to ionizing radiation. Here we explore implications of assuming the contrary: that the clumps are optically thick. A first consequence is the presence within HII regions of a major fraction of neutral hydrogen. We estimate the mean H^o/H^+ ratio for a population of HII regions in the spiral galaxy NGC 1530 to be the order of 10, and support this inference using dynamical arguments. The optically thick clumpy models allow a significant fraction of the photons generated by the ionizing stars to escape from their HII region. We show, by comparing model predictions with observations, that these models give an account at least as good as, and probably better than that of conventional models, of the radial surface brightness distribution and of selected spectral line diagnostics for physical conditions within HII regions. These models explain how an HII region can appear, from its line ratios, to be ionization bounded, yet permit a major fraction of its ionizing photons to escape.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures (2 of them in colours), accepted for publication in A&
