87 research outputs found

    Rôle de Météo-France dans la recherche climatique et retombées sur les prévisions à court terme

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    Climate simulation of the twenty-first century with interactive land-use changes

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    To include land-use dynamics in a general circulation model (GCM), the physical system has to be linked to a system that represents socio-economy. This issue is addressed by coupling an integrated assessment model, IMAGE2.2, to an ocean¿atmosphere GCM, CNRM-CM3. In the new system, IMAGE2.2 provides CNRM-CM3 with all the external forcings that are scenario dependent: greenhouse gas (GHGs) concentrations, sulfate aerosols charge and land cover. Conversely, the GCM gives IMAGE changes in mean temperature and precipitation. With this new system, we have run an adapted scenario of the IPCC SRES scenario family. We have chosen a single scenario with maximum land-use changes (SRES A2), to illustrate some important feedback issues. Even in this two-way coupled model set-up, land use in this scenario is mainly driven by demographic and agricultural practices, which overpowers a potential influence of climate feedbacks on land-use patterns. This suggests that for scenarios in which socio-economically driven land-use change is very large, land-use changes can be incorporated in GCM simulations as a one-way driving force, without taking into account climate feedbacks. The dynamics of natural vegetation is more closely linked to climate but the time-scale of changes is of the order of a century. Thus, the coupling between natural vegetation and climate could generate important feedbacks but these effects are relevant mainly for multi-centennial simulations

    Nucleolin as Activator of Human Papillomavirus Type 18 Oncogene Transcription in Cervical Cancer

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    High risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are central to the development of cervical cancer and the deregulated expression of high risk HPV oncogenes is a critical event in this process. Here, we find that the cell protein nucleolin binds in a sequence-specific manner to the HPV18 enhancer. The DNA binding activity of nucleolin is primarily S phase specific, much like the transcription of the E6 and E7 oncoproteins of HPV18 in cervical cancer cells. Antisense inactivation of nucleolin blocks E6 and E7 oncogene transcription and selectively decreases HPV18+ cervical cancer cell growth. Furthermore, nucleolin controls the chromatin structure of the HPV18 enhancer. In contrast, HPV16 oncogene transcription and proliferation rates of HPV16+ SiHa cervical cancer cells are independent of nucleolin activity. Moreover, nucleolin expression is altered in HPV18+ precancerous and cancerous tissue from the cervix uteri. Whereas nucleolin was homogeneously distributed in the nuclei of normal epithelial cells, it showed a speckled nuclear phenotype in HPV18+ carcinomas. Thus, the host cell protein nucleolin is directly linked to HPV18-induced cervical carcinogenesis

    Dynamics of entanglement between two trapped atoms

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    We investigate the dynamics of entanglement between two continuous variable quantum systems. The model system consists of two atoms in a harmonic trap which are interacting by a simplified s-wave scattering. We show, that the dynamically created entanglement changes in a steplike manner. Moreover, we introduce local operators which allow us to violate a Bell-CHSH inequality adapted to the continuous variable case. The correlations show nonclassical behavior and almost reach the maximal quantum mechanical value. This is interesting since the states prepared by this interaction are very different from any EPR-like state.Comment: 9 page

    Prognosis of vasculitis associated myelodysplasia

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    Systemic and immune manifestations have been reported in patients with MDS. The correlation between immunological abnormalities and prognosis in myelodysplastic syndrome patients remains controversial. Most of the authors agree that the median survival in myelodysplastic syndrome is not related to the presence of systemic and immune manifestations, but only with the existence of a systemic vasculitis

    A 1-Year Prospective French Nationwide Study of Emergency Hospital Admissions in Children and Adults with Primary Immunodeficiency.

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    PURPOSE: Patients with primary immunodeficiency (PID) are at risk of serious complications. However, data on the incidence and causes of emergency hospital admissions are scarce. The primary objective of the present study was to describe emergency hospital admissions among patients with PID, with a view to identifying "at-risk" patient profiles. METHODS: We performed a prospective observational 12-month multicenter study in France via the CEREDIH network of regional PID reference centers from November 2010 to October 2011. All patients with PIDs requiring emergency hospital admission were included. RESULTS: A total of 200 admissions concerned 137 patients (73 adults and 64 children, 53% of whom had antibody deficiencies). Thirty admissions were reported for 16 hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients. When considering the 170 admissions of non-transplant patients, 149 (85%) were related to acute infections (respiratory tract infections and gastrointestinal tract infections in 72 (36%) and 34 (17%) of cases, respectively). Seventy-seven percent of the admissions occurred during winter or spring (December to May). The in-hospital mortality rate was 8.8% (12 patients); death was related to a severe infection in 11 cases (8%) and Epstein-Barr virus-induced lymphoma in 1 case. Patients with a central venous catheter (n = 19, 13.9%) were significantly more hospitalized for an infection (94.7%) than for a non-infectious reason (5.3%) (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Our data showed that the annual incidence of emergency hospital admission among patients with PID is 3.4%. The leading cause of emergency hospital admission was an acute infection, and having a central venous catheter was associated with a significantly greater risk of admission for an infectious episode

    Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology

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    Knowledge of the three-dimensional movement patterns of elasmobranchs is vital to understand their ecological roles and exposure to anthropogenic pressures. To date, comparative studies among species at global scales have mostly focused on horizontal movements. Our study addresses the knowledge gap of vertical movements by compiling the first global synthesis of vertical habitat use by elasmobranchs from data obtained by deployment of 989 biotelemetry tags on 38 elasmobranch species. Elasmobranchs displayed high intra- and interspecific variability in vertical movement patterns. Substantial vertical overlap was observed for many epipelagic elasmobranchs, indicating an increased likelihood to display spatial overlap, biologically interact, and share similar risk to anthropogenic threats that vary on a vertical gradient. We highlight the critical next steps toward incorporating vertical movement into global management and monitoring strategies for elasmobranchs, emphasizing the need to address geographic and taxonomic biases in deployments and to concurrently consider both horizontal and vertical movements

    Prevalence of Frailty in European Emergency Departments (FEED): an international flash mob study

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    Introduction Current emergency care systems are not optimized to respond to multiple and complex problems associated with frailty. Services may require reconfiguration to effectively deliver comprehensive frailty care, yet its prevalence and variation are poorly understood. This study primarily determined the prevalence of frailty among older people attending emergency care. Methods This cross-sectional study used a flash mob approach to collect observational European emergency care data over a 24-h period (04 July 2023). Sites were identified through the European Task Force for Geriatric Emergency Medicine collaboration and social media. Data were collected for all individuals aged 65 + who attended emergency care, and for all adults aged 18 + at a subset of sites. Variables included demographics, Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS), vital signs, and disposition. European and national frailty prevalence was determined with proportions with each CFS level and with dichotomized CFS 5 + (mild or more severe frailty). Results Sixty-two sites in fourteen European countries recruited five thousand seven hundred eighty-five individuals. 40% of 3479 older people had at least mild frailty, with countries ranging from 26 to 51%. They had median age 77 (IQR, 13) years and 53% were female. Across 22 sites observing all adult attenders, older people living with frailty comprised 14%. Conclusion 40% of older people using European emergency care had CFS 5 + . Frailty prevalence varied widely among European care systems. These differences likely reflected entrance selection and provide windows of opportunity for system configuration and workforce planning

    Psicopatologia descritiva: aspectos históricos e conceituais

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