14 research outputs found

    Research on Marine Sciences under Core University Marine Science Program in the Period of 2001-2005 : The Bibliometrics Approach

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    This research aims to analyze the contribution of collaboration research under Core University Marine Science Program sponsored by Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) over a period of 2001-2005. The data were papers of JSPS seminars. We used co-word technique of bibliometrics methods to identify the research topics. Then we calculated which topics are core and prominence levels based on method of Sujit Battarcharja and Moh’d Taiyab Rashid Khan. In-depth interviews were also carried out to explore problems on Indonesian marine research besides getting confirmation, comments and ideas related to the result of bibliometrics analysis. The informants were experts in marine science from a research institution, a government ministry, and a university. The results of this study could be employed to evaluate the research collaboration program between LIPI and Japanese institutions especially under JSPS program in the future


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    The aim of this research are to find out: (1) data proceed from database with the topic maritime and marine that can access by the user through the OPAC: (2) precision of the data in database: (3) the precision between data proceed by the standard tabulation of literature (keyword) and title in database; (4) the precision between data was inputed with content and metadata field. Result of the extract data from ISJD is descriptor (keyword) Maritime Field (25 pieces keyword from 609 article title) tabulated and made the matrix by excel office. Data that have been collected will be validated base on the recall result, and the precision it will be analyzed descriptively. It found that in Maritime field the descriptor  used as keyword was 25 pieces. The keywords were: marine alga as food, ocean mining, marine park and reserves, marine chemical ecology, marine biodiversity, marine law, maritime policy, maritime industry, marine mineral resources, maritime safety, marine biological diversity, loading and unloading, marine ecosystem, marine resources, marine pharmacology, marine resources conservation, marine ecology, marine tourism, marine fisheries, marine environmental, ports, marine shipping, marine pollution, maritime law, and marine transportation. The number of article is found based on keywords

    Literasi Digital Pustakawan dalam Database Scopus Periode 2010-2020: Studi Bibliometrika

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    This study aims to see; growth of scientific publications on digital literacy in librarians, core journals of digital literacy scientific publications for librarians, productivity and collaboration of science researchers, digital literacy in librarians, number of publications on digital literacy in librarians by affiliation / institution, number of publications by country, number of publications based on document type, number of publications by subject, 8) map of developments on digital literacy in librarians through keyword clusters. Data obtained from the Scopus database published in the 2010-2020 period. Data analysis using VosViewer software. The results showed that Communication In Computer and Information Science contributed the most articles on digital literacy, then followed by College And Undergraduate, then Reference Services Review journal, the journal with the least amount of Information And Learning Science. The most subjects were Social Sciences with 55.1%, then in the second place were Computer Sciences subjects, namely 21.9%, then the Arts and Humanities subjects were 6.9% followed by Mathematics as much as 5.1%. Meanwhile, the fewest documents were documents on Nursing and Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics with a total percentage of 0.3%, namely 1 document. Trends in knowledge can be seen from the many keywords that are found such as acrl frame work, digital citizenship, digital divide, digital literacy, distance education, distance learning, fake news, higher education, human computer interactive, information literacy, information skills, instructional design, learning. , library instruction, literacy, media literacy, online learning, research, social media. The keywords that are most tied to other networks or other keywords are Information literacy, Digital literacy, Digital literacies, Libraries, Education, Students and Academic libraries


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    ABSTRAK:Pemahaman Pejabat Fungsional Pustakawan PDII LIPI tentang Reformasi Birokrasi (RB) ditelitimenggunakan metode survey melalui pertanyaan yang disampaikan dalam kuesioner kepada 30orang responden. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman RB khususnya definisi,tujuan, dan manfaat, serta slogan dan tujuan dibuatnya slogan. Kuesioner yang kembali sebanyak26 buah, setelah dilakukan pengolahan data secara kualitatif didapatkan hasil sbb. Respondenyang “tahu” tentang definisi RB sebanyak 84,60 %, tujuan RB yang tahu sebanyak 88,40%, sloganRB sebesar 46,15%, tujuan slogan sebesar 53,85%, manfaat RB 30,77%. Kesimpulan penelitianadalah pejabat fungsional pustakawan PDII LIPI mengetahui definisi dan tujuan reformasi birokrasi,namun lebih dari separo (69,20%) kurang mengetahui tentang manfaat reformasi birokrasi. Hampirseparo dari pejabat fungsional pustakawan PDII LIPIbelum mengetahui keberadaan slogan/motto / reformasi, beserta tujuan dibuatnya slogan tersebut. Disarankan agar dilakukan sosialisasiserta evaluasi secara berkesinambunganABSTRACT:Understanding of Functional Officers of the PDII LIPI Librarian on Bureaucratic Reform (RB)asked to use the survey method through the questions submitted in the questionnaire to 30respondents. The purpose of this study was to find out an understanding of the resolution, goals,and benefits, as well as the slogans and objectives they made. Questionnaires were returned asmany as 26 pieces, after processing data qualitatively, the following results were obtained.Respondents who “knew” about RB resolution were 84.60%, the purpose of RB who knew was88.40%, the slogan of RB was 46.15%, the goal of the slogan was 53.85%, the Benefits of RB were30.77%. The conclusions of the study were librarian functional officials in the resolution andobjectives of bureaucratic reform, but more than half (69.20%) were unaware of the benefits ofbureaucratic reform. Almost separated from functional officials, the librarian PDII LIPI has notfound the slogan / motto / reform, along with the purpose of making the slogan. It is hoped thatongoing socialization and evaluation will be carried out


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    Di lingkungan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) terdapat perpustakaan yang berada pada masing – masing satuan kerja. Dalam beberapa tahun ini keberadaan perpustakaan di lingkungan satuan kerja LIPI mulai dipertanyakan dan dipermasalahkan karena pemustaka yangdatang secara langsung sudah mulai berkurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi kepala satuan kerja serta para peneliti di lingkungan LIPI Kawasan Jakarta tentang keberadaan dan keberlanjutan perpustakaan dan kepustakawanan di lingkungan LIPI Jakarta. Digunakan metode kualitatif dilengkapi dengan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap Kepala Satuan Kerja serta para peneliti di lingkungan LIPI Jakarta, meliputi PDDI, Pusat Penelitan Politik, Pusat Peneltian Ekonomi, Pusat Penelitian Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan, Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan, LIPI Press, Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi, Pusat Kebijakan dan Manajemen Iptek dan Inovasi dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 30 orang. Hasil dan kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa Perpustakaan tetap diperlukan, karena informasi yang ada di perpustakaan merupakan harta kekayaan intelektual yang harus dipelihara dan dilestarikan agar bisa diwariskan untuk generasi mendatang serta dikembangkan agar didapat kekayaan intelektual yang baru. Namun disarankan agar perpustakaan dilengkapi dengan, sarana dan prasarana yang lengkap dan nyaman, serta diharapkan pustakawan meningkatkan kompetensi agar dapat memberikan layanan dengan lebih baik. Within the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) there are libraries located in each work unit. In recent years the existence of libraries in the LIPI work unit environment has begun to be questioned and questioned because users who come directly have begun to decrease. This study aims to determine the perceptions of the head of the work unit as well as researchers in the JakartaLIPI environment about the existence and sustainability of libraries and librarians in the Jakarta LIPI environment. Used a qualitative method supplemented with in-depth interviews. The study was conducted on the Head of the Work Unit and researchers in the LIPI Jakarta, including the Center for Scientific Data and Documentation, the Center for Political Research, the Center for Economic Research, the Center for Community and Cultural Research, the Center for Population Research, LIPI Pressm,the Center for Oceanographic Research, the Center for Policy and Management Science and Innovation with 30 respondents. The results and conclusions show that the Library is still needed, because the information in the library is intellectual property that mustbe preserved and preserved so that it can be inherited for future generations and developed in order to obtain new intellectual property. However, it is recommended that the library be equipped with complete and convenient facilities and infrastructure, and it is hoped that librarians will increase their competence in order to provide better services

    Visualisasi Bibliometrik Penelitian Bidang Ilmu Kegempaan di Indonesia Berbasis Data Scopus Tahun 1988-2018

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat; 1) pertumbuhan publikasi ilmiah tentang gempa di Indonesia, 2) jurnal inti publikasi ilmiah ilmu tentang gempa di Indonesia, 3) produktivitas dan kolaborasi peneliti ilmu tentang gempa, 4) jumlah publikasi ilmu kegempaan berdasarkan afiliasi/lembaga, 5) jumlah publikasi berdasarkan negara, 6) jumlah publikasi berdasarkan tipe dokumen, 7) jumlah publikasi berdasarkan subjek, 8) peta perkembangan tentang gempa melalui kluster kata kunci. Data diperolah penelitian melalui database Scopus yang terbit pada periode tahun 1988-2018. Analisis data menggunakan software VOSviewer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Geophysical Research Letters,  Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, dan Geophysical Journal International banyak mempublikasikan kajian tentang gempa. Subjek yang terbanyak diteliti adalah Earth and Planetary Sciences, Engineering, Energy,  Environmental Science, dan Physics and Astronomy. Tren penelitian terbanyak masalah seismology, seismic wave, seismic data, geophysics dan mathematical model, Indonesia, Asia, Eurasia, tectonics dan eartquake rupture, volcanoes dan tremor.ABSTRACT:This study aims to describe; 1) growth of scientific publications on earthquakes in Indonesia, 2) core journal of scientific publications on earthquake sciences in Indonesia, 3) productivity and collaboration of earthquake researchers, 4) number of seismic science publications based on affiliation/institutions, 5) number of publications by country, 6) number of publications based on document type, 7) number of publications based on subjects, 8) map of developments on earthquakes through keyword clustering based on VOSviewer software. The data were gathered through the Scopus database from the period of time 1988-2018. The data was analyzed by using VOSviewer. The study found that most earthquakes publication was published in Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, and Geophysical Journal International. The most studied subjects were Earth and Planetary Sciences, then followed by Engineering, Energy, Environmental Science, and Physics and Astronomy. From bibliometric visualization shows that the most research trends are problems of seismology, seismic wave, seismic data, geophysics, and mathematical models, Indonesia, Asia, Eurasia, tectonics and earthquake rupture, volcanoes and tremors


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    This research aims to determine: the rank of authors of LIPI and BPPT whose articles are mostly cited by other authors, the type of publications, the level of collaboration, the productivity level of authors, the coverage areas, and the topics contained in the scientific work through the subject analysis. The data were obtained from Google Scholar from 2004 to 2008. The collected data were then analyzed by using ‘co-word’ analysis. The ‘co-word’ structure was known after the mapping using bibliometric method. A total of 593 analyzed scientific papers consist of 472 from LIPI and 121 from BPPT. The results show that the highest citation number (100 citations) comes from LIPI scientific papers, while BPPT scientific papers are 36 citations. Most types of publication produced by LIPI and BPPT are from journal articles and papers, each of 235 documents (49.79%) and 101 documents (21.40%) by LIPI and 71 documents (58.68%) and 42 documents (34.71%) by BPPT. LIPI researcher collaboration level was 0.82 and BPPT was 0.89. The most productive LIPI researcher in writing paper is Danny Hilman Natawidjaya (Geotechnology Research Center) with 31 scientific papers, while BPPT is Yusuf Surachman Djajadihardja with 34 scientific papers. The most dominant topic written by LIPI researcher is basic science or pure science i.e. 63.56%, with details: biology 131 documents (27.75%) followed by geology 121 documents (25.64%), chemistry 47 documents (9.96%) and mathematics 1 document (0.21%). The topic most widely written by BPPT researchers is the field of applied research i.e. 56.19% with the details: environment 33 (27.27%), engineering 27 (22.31%), biotechnology 5 (4.13%), food technology 2 (1.65%) and fisheries 1 document (0.83%). The relationship among the topics is shown in the line among the descriptors on each field. More relation lines among descriptors, the closer the relationships among documents

    Librarians and Repository Data

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    This study aims to determine the librarian's understanding of data repository which include benefits, engagement of librarians in repository management, and repository implementation. The study has surveyed librarians at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences located in Jakarta, Bogor, Cibinong, and Serpong by distributing 45 questionnaires, but only 36 returned. The data were tabulated and analyzed using graphs/diagrams. The respondents of the study were female (61.1%) and male (38.9%). The education background of the respondents was undergraduate (50%), the most working period is between 20-30 years (38.9%), and the most work locations were in Jakarta (70.6%). The study showed that respondents with an undergraduate background and those who work in Jakarta have the highest understanding of the repository (69%). The most involved in repository management were those with bachelor's degrees and working in Jakarta (52%). Respondents who were involved in the socialization of the data repository were 47%, and those who were not involved were 44%. As many as 44% of respondents stated that the data repository has been implemented, and the remaining 56% said it has not been implemented. In conclusion, most respondents understand the data repository, especially those with a bachelor's degree, and were working in Jakarta. The data repository has not been implemented properly due to lack of outreach to researchers and their low trust in the data repository

    Persepsi peneliti tentang perpustakaan berkelanjutan di lipi kawasan puspiptek serpong (researchers perceptions on sustainable library in lipi area of puspiptek serpong)

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    This study aims to determine the perceptions of the heads of work units and LIPI researchers about the existence and sustainability of libraries in the LIPI Puspiptek Serpong. The study uses descriptive qualitative methods with interview techniques. More in-depth information was collected from the participants, namely the heads of work units and researchers related to the sustainability of the library in the LIPI Puspiptek Serpong. Based on the results and discussions, it was concluded that the library in the LIPI Puspiptek Serpong is still needed both in conventional and digital form because of its function as a repository of knowledge and information sources. As well as its benefits for the community as a place to get information and for researchers to support their research. The library is still needed because as a place to store a collection of books of historical value, management for tacit knowledge (knowledge about research operations) that is not transferred into the finished form such as: books, theses, papers, and as a place of learning for the public. The hope for the LIPI Serpong Library is the realization of an integrated library, where the collections in each work unit are collected into a strategic location. LIPI Serpong library must be able to provide comfort for users

    Analisis Bibliometrik Jurnal Marine Research in Indonesia

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    Artikel dari Marine Research in Indonesia diterbitkan oleh Pusat Penelitian Oceanografi LIPI periode 2013 ? 2017 sebanyak 49 judul, dianalisis menggunakan metode bibliometrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa artikel terbanyak dimuat pada 2013 ( 12 judul = 24,49%), 37 artikel (75,51%) ditulis oleh penulis lebih dari satu atau kolaborasi dan 12 artikel (24,48%) ditulis oleh penulis tunggal, dan nilai tingkat kolaborasi adalah 0,7. Sebanyak 6 jenis dokumen (1504referensi) disitir. Disimpulkan dari 49 artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal Maritim Research in Indonesia, didominasi oleh penulis kolaborasi, dengan jurnal terbanyak disitir (57,58%), dan panjang halaman artikel terbanyak berada pada kisaran 6 ? 10 halaman. Klas DDC yang terbanyak adalah klas 628 yaitu kelas lingkungan berjumlah 8 artikel (16,67%)