383 research outputs found

    Docenten tekort en organisatorische stress

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    “Up To Date 2” Vervolgproject

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    Prévalence de l'abus de substances dans la population belge au travail. Formation des médecins à la thématique des abus de substances.Up to Date 2 (Use of psychoactive substances in adults: Prevention and Treatment by general practitioners and Occupational physicians - DATa retriEval

    Use of out-of-hours services : the patient's point of view on co-payment: a mixed methods approach

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    Introduction: In many countries out of hours (OOH);,care is offered by different :health care services. General; practitioners (GP); tend to offer services in competition with emergency departments (ED). Patients behaviour : depends on a number of factors. In this study, we highlight the knowledge and ideas of patients concerning the co-payment system. Methods: We used a mixed methods design, combining quantitative-and qualitative research. During two week-ends in January 2005 all patients using the ED or the GP OOH service, were invited for an interview with a structured questionnaire. A-stratified random sample of patients participated; in a semi-structured interview. Both methods add-complementary data to answer the research-questions. Results:, Most Mentioned reasons-for seeking help at the ED are: accessibility (15.0%), proximity (64%) and; competence of the Staff (5.6%). Reasons for choosing the GP are; GP: is easy to find; Minor medical problem or anxiety and confidence in the GP The Odds of not knowing the. co-payment system are significantly higher in patients visiting the ED (OR 1:783; 95% CI: 1.493-2.129). Mostly GP users recognize the problem of ED overuse. They suggested especially to provide clear information about the tasks of the different:services and about the payment system, to reduce ED overuse, Conclusion and discussion; When intending to. shift from;ED to GP services for Minor medical problems, aiming at just one measure is no option. Information campaigns. aiming to :address the entire population; Can clarify the role of each player in Out-of-hours care

    Les facteurs qui favorisent l’implication des médecins généralistes belges dans la gestion des abus de substances. Une étude qualitative basée sur le I-Change Model

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    Objectifs Les médecins généralistes (MG) jouent un rôle majeur dans la détection et la gestion des abus de substances. L’étude présentée ici investiguait les facteurs qui influencent leur implication concernant la gestion des abus d’alcool, des drogues illégales, des hypnotiques et des anxiolytiques dans la population belge des 18-65 ans. Méthodes 20 MG ont été interrogés par entretiens semi-directifs dans les régions de Liège et d’Anvers. Le I-Change Model de de Vries a été utilisé pour construire le guide d’entretien et analyser les données récoltées. Résultats Parmi les principaux résultats de l’étude, il ressortait que les MG étaient fortement influencés dans leur approche par leurs propres représentations de l’abus, qui oscillait leurs responsabilités professionnelles envers ces patients et la responsabilité de ces derniers quant à la gestion de leur santé, avec l’idée de faute morale en substrat. En ce sens, l’abus de substance était perçu sur un continuum entre l’abus comme forme de maladie chronique d’une part, et la faute morale d’autre part. L’alcool et le cannabis étaient néanmoins mieux acceptés socialement que les autres substances. Les propres expériences personnelles des MG concernant les abus avaient aussi une incidence sur leur volonté de s’investir avec ces patients. Pour autant, les pratiques multidisciplinaires (notamment au forfait) et l’expérience étaient évoqués comme des facteurs importants quant à l’engagement dans la gestion. Les contraintes temporelles et l’investissement demandé étaient, en revanche, considérés comme des barrières. Conclusion Les facteurs motivationnels apparaissaient centraux dans la décision de s’investir dans la gestion des abus de substances, bien davantage que les connaissances théoriques et les formations qui semblaient plus secondaires. La peur du burn-out s’exprimait donc en substrat. La formation des MG devrait tenir compte de ce souhait de se protéger, afin de favoriser simultanément une approche centrée sur le patient

    Obstacles to the recognition of medical prescriptions issued in one EU country and presented in another

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    A study involving the presentation of 192 Belgian or Finnish prescriptions in pharmacies in five other member states was undertaken to assess whether, as envisaged by European Union law, prescriptions issued in one member state are recognized by pharmacists in another and to identify factors that influence such decisions. Overall, pharmacists were willing to dispense in 108 cases. Detailed results show important differences depending on the country where prescriptions are presented and whether prescriptions were written by INN and in English, as opposed to prescriptions written by brand in a national language

    Association between urban environment and mental health in Brussels, Belgium

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    Background Mental health disorders appear as a growing problem in urban areas. While common mental health disorders are generally linked to demographic and socioeconomic factors, little is known about the interaction with the urban environment. With growing urbanization, more and more people are exposed to environmental stressors potentially contributing to increased stress and impairing mental health. It is therefore important to identify features of the urban environment that affect the mental health of city dwellers. The aim of this study was to define associations of combined long-term exposure to air pollution, noise, surrounding green at different scales, and building morphology with several dimensions of mental health in Brussels.MethodsResearch focuses on the inhabitants of the Brussels Capital Region older than 15years. The epidemiological study was carried out based on the linkage of data from the national health interview surveys (2008 and 2013) and specifically developed indicators describing each participant's surroundings in terms of air quality, noise, surrounding green, and building morphology. These data are based on the geographical coordinates of the participant's residence and processed using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Mental health status was approached through several validated indicators: the Symptom Checklist-90-R subscales for depressive, anxiety and sleeping disorders and the 12-Item General Health Questionnaire for general well-being. For each mental health outcome, single and multi-exposure models were performed through multivariate logistic regressions.Results Our results suggest that traffic-related air pollution (black carbon, NO2, PM10) exposure was positively associated with higher odds of depressive disorders. No association between green surrounding, noise, building morphology and mental health could be demonstrated.Conclusions These findings have important implications because most of the Brussel's population resides in areas where particulate matters concentrations are above the World Health Organization guidelines. This suggests that policies aiming to reduce traffic related-air pollution could also reduce the burden of depressive disorders in Brussels

    Comprehensive Quantitative Spatiotemporal Gait Analysis Identifies Gait Characteristics for Early Dementia Subtyping in Community Dwelling Older Adults

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    Background: Recent studies associated gait patterns with cognitive impairment stages. The current study examined the relation between dementia type and spatiotemporal gait characteristics under different walking conditions in pre and mild neurocognitive disorder stage.Methods: Community-dwelling older adults (age 50+) with memory complaints consulting a memory clinic underwent, at baseline and during follow-up (every 4 months), a standard dementia assessment and a comprehensive spatiotemporal gait analysis [walking on an electronic walkway at usual pace (UP) with and without a counting-backwards (CW) or animal-reciting dual-task (AW), at fast (FP) and at slow (SP) pace]. At baseline the participants were categorized according to the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) scale. At the end of the study, the dementia diagnosis was used to stratify the categories in three outcome groups: developed “No-dementia,” “AD+FTD” (grouping Alzheimer's or Fronto-temporal dementia) or “VascD+LBD” dementia (grouping Vascular dementia or Lewy body dementia). The gait characteristics were compared per category in paired groups. Sub-analyzing in the ≥70-years-old participants evaluated the age effect.Results: Five hundred and thirty-six participants, age 50-to-95-years old were followed for 31-to-41 months. In the CDR 0, no differences were seen between eventual dementia and no-dementia individuals. In the CDR 0.5, CW dual task cost (DTC) step width was larger in the imminent “AD+FTD” and AW (normalized) gait speed was slower in the future “VascD+LBD” group compared to the no-dementia participants. Slower UP (normalized) gait speed differed the future “VascD+LBD” from the “AD+FTD” individuals. In the CDR 1: Wider steps in UP, SP and CW differed the “VascD+LBD” from the “AD+FTD” group. In the ≥70-years old CDR 0 category, higher AW cycle time variability in the imminent “AD+FTD” dementia group, wider UP step width and higher AW cycle time variability in the “VascD+LBD” group differed them from the no-dementia group up to 3 years before dementia diagnosis. The distinctive gait characteristics between the no-dementia and the imminent dementia groups in CDR 0.5 and CDR 1 remained the same as in the overall group. However, no gait differences were found between “VascD+LBD” and “AD+FTD” groups in the pre-dementia stages.Conclusion: Distinctive spatiotemporal gait characteristics were associated with specific dementia types up to 3 years before diagnosis. The association is influenced by the cognitive stage and age

    Why Is Case Management Effective? A Realist Evaluation of Case Management for Frail, Community-Dwelling Older People: Lessons Learned from Belgium

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    Despite many attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of case management for frail older people, systematic reviews including experimental designs show inconsistent results. Starting from the view that case management is a complex intervention occurring in multilayered realities, we conducted a realist evaluation of case management in Belgium, where this type of intervention is new. Realist approaches are particularly well suited to evaluate complex interventions as they seek to investigate iteratively the literature and empirical data to uncover mid-range theories underpinning the intervention under study. As such, realist evaluations are works in progress which provide tools to describe how, why and for whom an intervention is supposed to work. In this paper, we describe two mid-range theories that can explain why case management can help frail older people to remain at home, through the lens of capacity and social support

    Types and characteristics of urban and peri-urban blue spaces having an impact on human mental health and wellbeing: a systematic review

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    Urbanization is increasingly putting pressures on biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services. Evidence indicates that green and blue spaces can support the mental health of urban residents. Policy makers, city planners, other decision makers, healthcare professionals, and land managers now face a major challenge to maintain and enhance natural areas and characteristics. Knowing which types and characteristics of blue and green space are beneficial for mental health is necessary to inform planning and management decisions. EKLIPSE received a request from the Ministry in charge of the Environment of France (MTES) to review: “Which types of urban and peri-urban green and blue spaces, and which characteristics of such spaces, have a significant impact on human mental health and wellbeing?”. After a preliminary scoping, a decision was made to perform two systematic reviews assessing the specific types and characteristics of blue space (review 1) and green space (review 2) on mental health and wellbeing. The systematic searches were supported and conducted by an experienced team of librarians, made possible by the financial support of the WHO. This report presents the systematic review for blue space (Review 1)

    Can we import quality tools? a feasibility study of European practice assessment in a country with less organised general practice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quality is on the agenda of European general practice (GP). European researchers have, in collaboration, developed tools to assess quality of GPs. In this feasibility study, we tested the European Practice Assessment (EPA) in a one-off project in Belgium, where general practice has a low level of GP organisation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A framework for feasibility analysis included describing the recruiting of participants, a brief telephone study survey among non-responders, organisational and logistic problems. Using field notes and focus groups, we studied the participants' opinions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, only 36 of 1000 invited practices agreed to participate. Co-ordination, administrative work, practice visits and organisational problems required several days per practice. The researchers further encountered technical problems, for instance when entering the data and uploading to the web-based server. In subsequent qualitative analysis using two focus groups, most participant GPs expressed a positive feeling after the EPA procedure. In the short period of follow-up, only a few GPs reported improvements after the visit. The participant GPs suggested that follow-up and coaching would probably facilitate the implementation of changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This feasibility study shows that prior interest in EPA is low in the GP community. We encountered a number of logistic and organisational problems. It proved attractive to participants, but it can be augmented by coaching of participants in more than a one-off project to identify and achieve targets for quality improvement. In the absence of commitment of the government, a network of universities and one scientific organisation will offer EPA as a service to training practices.</p
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