19 research outputs found

    Mutations of Bruton's tyrosine kinase gene in Brazilian patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia

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    Mutations in Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) gene are responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), which is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, profound hypogammaglobulinemia, and decreased numbers of mature B cells in peripheral blood. We evaluated 5 male Brazilian patients, ranging from 3 to 10 years of age, from unrelated families, whose diagnosis was based on recurrent infections, markedly reduced levels of IgM, IgG and IgA, and circulating B cell numbers <2%. BTK gene analysis was carried out using PCR-SSCP followed by sequencing. We detected three novel (Ala347fsX55, I355T, and Thr324fsX24) and two previously reported mutations (Q196X and E441X). Flow cytometry revealed a reduced expression of BTK protein in patients and a mosaic pattern of BTK expression was obtained from mothers, indicating that they were XLA carriers

    Mutations of bruton's tyrosine kinase gene in Brazilian patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia

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    Mutations in Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) gene are responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), which is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, profound hypogammaglobulinemia, and decreased numbers of mature B cells in peripheral blood. We evaluated 5 male Brazilian patients, ranging from 3 to 10 years of age, from unrelated families, whose diagnosis was based on recurrent infections, markedly reduced levels of IgM, IgG and IgA, and circulating B cell numbers <2%. BTK gene analysis was carried out using PCR-SSCP followed by sequencing. We detected three novel (Ala347fsX55, I355T, and Thr324fsX24) and two previously reported mutations (Q196X and E441X). Flow cytometry revealed a reduced expression of BTK protein in patients and a mosaic pattern of BTK expression was obtained from mothers, indicating that they were XLA carriers439COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão tem2008/54220-

    Síndrome de Pendred causada por mutação em homozigoze no gene SLC26A4 em uma família brasileira consangüínea

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    ABSTRACTPendred Syndrome (PS) is an autossomal recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural deafness, goiter and iodide organification defect. The hearing loss is associated with inner ear abnormalities, ranging from an isolated enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) to a typical coclear dysplasia. Mutations in the gene that encodes pendrin (SLC26A4), a chloride/iodide transporter, have been shown to be associated with PS. We describe the clinical and molecular characteristics of a large consanguineous family harboring a mutation in the SLC26A4 gene. The proband was a 26-year-old deaf Brazilian woman who presented a bulky multinodular goiter and hypothyroidism since puberty. Five other siblings were deaf: one brother had a similar phenotype, three siblings also had goiters but normal thyroid function tests, and one brother had only a subtle thyroid enlargement. Other 4 siblings had no thyroid or hearing disorder. Parents were first degree cousins and had normal hearing. The mother was healthy, except for subclinical hypothyroidism; the father was deceased. A perchlorate test in the proband showed a discharge of 21% of the incorporated iodide 2h after the administration of 1g of KClO4. Audiological examinations showed profound hearing loss in all deaf subjects; CT and MRI of the temporal bones showed EVA in all of them. Genomic DNA was isolated from whole blood, from the 6 affected and 4 unaffected siblings, the mother and control. The coding region of the PDS gene (exons 2-21), including exon/intron boundaries, were amplified by PCR and sequenced. A single base-pair (T) deletion at position 1197 of exon 10 was detected in homozygous state in the 6 deaf siblings. The mother and 2 unaffected siblings were heterozygous for this mutation, which has been described by Everett et al. The 1197delT mutation is predicted to result in a frameshift and a truncated protein. The existence of PS phenocopies and intrafamilial phenotypic variability are well documented. The definite diagnosis requires molecular analysis. Our study illustrates the value and challenges of mutational analysis in selected patients with PS. __________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOA syndrome de Pendred (SP) é uma doença autossômica recessiva caracterizada por surdez neurossensorial, bócio e defeito de organificação do iodo. A perda auditiva está associada a anormalidades do ouvido interno, desde a dilatação isolada do aqueduto vestibular (DAV) até uma típica displasia coclear. Mutações no gene que codifica a pendrina (SLC26A4), um transportador de cloreto/iodeto, têm sido associadas à SP. Descrevemos as características clínicas e moleculares de uma grande família consangüínea portadora de uma mutação no gene SLC26A4. O caso-índice era uma paciente do sexo feminino, brasileira, 26 anos, portadora de surdez congênita, que apresentava um volumoso bócio multinodular e hipotireoidismo desde a puberdade. Outros cinco irmãos eram surdos: um irmão tinha fenotipo semelhante, três também tinham bócio, porém com função tiroideana normal e um irmão tinha apenas um discreto aumento da tiróide. Outros quatro irmãos não apresentavam alteração tiroideana ou auditiva. Os pais eram primos de primeiro grau e tinham audição normal. A mãe era saudável, exceto por hipotireoidismo subclínico; o pai era falecido. O teste do perclorato no caso-índice revelou a liberação de 21% do iodo incorporado duas horas após a administração de 1 g de KClO4. Os exames audiológicos mostraram perda auditiva profunda em todos os indivíduos afetados; TC e RMN dos ossos temporais mostraram DAV em todos eles. O DNA genômico foi isolado do sangue total dos seis irmãos afetados e dos quatro não-afetados, da mãe e do controle. A região codificante do gene PDS (éxons 2-21), incluindo as junções éxon/íntron, foram amplificadas por PCR e seqüenciadas. Foi detectada a deleção de uma base (T) na posição 1197 do éxon 10, em homozigoze, nos seis irmãos afetados. A mãe e dois irmãos não-afetados eram heterozigotos para a mutação, que foi descrita inicialmente por Everett e cols. A mutação 1197delT provavelmente resulta em um erro de fase de leitura (frameshift) e em uma proteína truncada. A existência de fenocópias da SP e a variabilidade fenotípica intrafamiliar são bem conhecidas. O diagnóstico definitivo requer análise molecular. O presente estudo ilustra o valor e os desafios da análise mutacional em pacientes selecionados com SP

    One thousand DNA barcodes of piranhas and pacus reveal geographic structure and unrecognised diversity in the Amazon

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    Piranhas and pacus (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) are a charismatic but understudied family of Neotropical fishes. Here, we analyse a DNA barcode dataset comprising 1,122 specimens, 69 species, 16 genera, 208 localities, and 34 major river drainages in order to make an inventory of diversity and to highlight taxa and biogeographic areas worthy of further sampling effort and conservation protection. Using four methods of species discovery - incorporating both tree and distance based techniques - we report between 76 and 99 species-like clusters, i.e. between 20% and 33% of a priori identified taxonomic species were represented by more than one mtDNA lineage. There was a high degree of congruence between clusters, with 60% supported by three or four methods. Pacus of the genus Myloplus exhibited the most intraspecific variation, with six of the 13 species sampled found to have multiple lineages. Conversely, piranhas of the Serrasalmus rhombeus group proved difficult to delimit with these methods due to genetic similarity and polyphyly. Overall, our results recognise substantially underestimated diversity in the serrasalmids, and emphasise the Guiana and Brazilian Shield rivers as biogeographically important areas with multiple cases of across-shield and within-shield diversifications. We additionally highlight the distinctiveness and complex phylogeographic history of rheophilic taxa in particular, and suggest multiple colonisations of these habitats by different serrasalmid lineages. © 2018 The Author(s)

    Mutations Of Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Gene In Brazilian Patients With X-linked Agammaglobulinemia.

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    Mutations in Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) gene are responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), which is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, profound hypogammaglobulinemia, and decreased numbers of mature B cells in peripheral blood. We evaluated 5 male Brazilian patients, ranging from 3 to 10 years of age, from unrelated families, whose diagnosis was based on recurrent infections, markedly reduced levels of IgM, IgG and IgA, and circulating B cell numbers <2%. BTK gene analysis was carried out using PCR-SSCP followed by sequencing. We detected three novel (Ala347fsX55, I355T, and Thr324fsX24) and two previously reported mutations (Q196X and E441X). Flow cytometry revealed a reduced expression of BTK protein in patients and a mosaic pattern of BTK expression was obtained from mothers, indicating that they were XLA carriers.43910-