13,641 research outputs found

    USSR Space Life Sciences Digest, issue 1

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    The first issue of the bimonthly digest of USSR Space Life Sciences is presented. Abstracts are included for 49 Soviet periodical articles in 19 areas of aerospace medicine and space biology, published in Russian during the first quarter of 1985. Translated introductions and table of contents for nine Russian books on topics related to NASA's life science concerns are presented. Areas covered include: botany, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, cybernetics and biomedical data processing, endocrinology, gastrointestinal system, genetics, group dynamics, habitability and environmental effects, health and medicine, hematology, immunology, life support systems, man machine systems, metabolism, musculoskeletal system, neurophysiology, perception, personnel selection, psychology, radiobiology, reproductive system, and space biology. This issue concentrates on aerospace medicine and space biology

    An exactly solvable model of a superconducting to rotational phase transition

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    We consider a many-fermion model which exhibits a transition from a superconducting to a rotational phase with variation of a parameter in its Hamiltonian. The model has analytical solutions in its two limits due to the presence of dynamical symmetries. However, the symmetries are basically incompatible with one another; no simple solution exists in intermediate situations. Exact (numerical) solutions are possible and enable one to study the behavior of competing but incompatible symmetries and the phase transitions that result in a semirealistic situation. The results are remarkably simple and shed light on the nature of phase transitions.Comment: 11 pages including 1 figur

    Preliminary design of a Primary Loop Pump Assembly (PLPA), using electromagnetic pumps

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    A preliminary design study of flight-type dc conduction-permanent magnetic, ac helical induction, and ac linear induction pumps for circulating 883 K (1130 F) NaK at 9.1 kg/sec (20 lb/sec) is described. Various electromagnetic pump geometrics are evaluated against hydraulic performance, and the effects of multiple windings and numbers of pumps per assembly on overall reliability were determined. The methods used in the electrical-hydraulic, stress, and thermal analysis are discussed, and the high temperature electrical materials selected for the application are listed

    USSR Space Life Sciences Digest, issue 6

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    This is the sixth issue of NASA's USSR Space Life Sciences Digest. It contains abstracts of 54 papers recently published in Russian language periodicals and bound collections and of 10 new Soviet monographs. Selected abstracts are illustrated with figures and tables from the original. Additional features include a table of Soviet EVAs and information about English translations of Soviet materials available to readers. The topics covered in this issue have been identified as relevant to 26 areas of aerospace medicine and space biology. These areas are adaptation, biospherics, body fluids, botany, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, developmental biology, endocrinology, enzymology, exobiology, genetics, habitability and environment effects, health and medical treatment, hematology, human performance, immunology, life support systems, mathematical modeling, metabolism., microbiology, morphology and cytology, musculoskeletal system, neurophysiology, nutrition, perception, personnel selection, psychology, radiobiology, reproductive biology, and space medicine

    Arbitrary-speed quantum gates within large ion crystals through minimum control of laser beams

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    We propose a scheme to implement arbitrary-speed quantum entangling gates on two trapped ions immersed in a large linear crystal of ions, with minimal control of laser beams. For gate speeds slower than the oscillation frequencies in the trap, a single appropriately-detuned laser pulse is sufficient for high-fidelity gates. For gate speeds comparable to or faster than the local ion oscillation frequency, we discover a five-pulse protocol that exploits only the local phonon modes. This points to a method for efficiently scaling the ion trap quantum computer without shuttling ions.Comment: 4 page

    A proposal for a scalable universal bosonic simulator using individually trapped ions

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    We describe a possible architecture to implement a universal bosonic simulator (UBS) using trapped ions. Single ions are confined in individual traps, and their motional states represent the bosonic modes. Single-mode linear operators, nonlinear phase-shifts, and linear beam splitters can be realized by precisely controlling the trapping potentials. All the processes in a bosonic simulation, except the initialization and the readout, can be conducted beyond the Lamb-Dicke regime. Aspects of our proposal can also be applied to split adiabatically a pair of ions in a single trap

    USSR Space Life Sciences Digest, issue 3

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    This is the third issue of NASA's USSR Space Life Sciences Digest. Abstracts are included for 46 Soviet periodical articles in 20 areas of aerospace medicine and space biology and published in Russian during the second third of 1985. Selected articles are illustrated with figures and tables from the original. In addition, translated introductions and tables of contents for seven Russian books on six topics related to NASA's life science concerns are presented. Areas covered are adaptation, biospherics, body fluids, botany, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, endocrinology, exobiology, gravitational biology, habitability and environmental effects, health and medical treatment, immunology, life support systems, metabolism, microbiology, musculoskeletal system; neurophysiology, nutrition, perception, personnel selection, psychology, radiobiology, and space physiology. Two book reviews translated from the Russian are included and lists of additional relevant titles available in English with pertinent ordering information are given

    Classical mappings of the symplectic model and their application to the theory of large-amplitude collective motion

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    We study the algebra Sp(n,R) of the symplectic model, in particular for the cases n=1,2,3, in a new way. Starting from the Poisson-bracket realization we derive a set of partial differential equations for the generators as functions of classical canonical variables. We obtain a solution to these equations that represents the classical limit of a boson mapping of the algebra. The relationship to the collective dynamics is formulated as a theorem that associates the mapping with an exact solution of the time-dependent Hartree approximation. This solution determines a decoupled classical symplectic manifold, thus satisfying the criteria that define an exactly solvable model in the theory of large amplitude collective motion. The models thus obtained also provide a test of methods for constructing an approximately decoupled manifold in fully realistic cases. We show that an algorithm developed in one of our earlier works reproduces the main results of the theorem.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX using REVTeX 3.

    Broadening the Digital Humanities: The Vectors-CTS Summer Institute on Digital Approaches to American Studies

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    We propose to bring fifteen (15) scholars with strong interests in digital publication both in the fields of new media and in traditional areas of American Studies and Ethnic Studies to attend a four-week summer institute at the University of Southern California (USC) from mid-July to mid-August, 2011, that will explore how digital scholarship can address the needs of the changing fields of American Studies and Ethnic Studies. This summer institute will be administered by USC’s Center for Transformative Scholarship (CTS) and held at the Institute of Multimedia Literacy (IML), also the operational base for Vectors, the international electronic journal. The institute will be an introduction to key issues in the digital humanities within the context of American Studies and also a hands-on practicum in the creation of digital scholarship. The projects created will enrich participants’ understanding of the digital humanities and will model the field for other scholars in American Studies
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