764 research outputs found

    The Sentence, The Novel, and Autobiography: The Histories of Reading and Self in Bunyan and Rousseau

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    This study analyzes late-seventeenth and eighteenth-century autobiographies in order to address questions regarding the relationship between the history of reading and the history of the self in the West. More particularly, it examines the treatment of reading and textuality in John Bunyan\u27s Grace Abounding and Jean-Jacques Rousseau\u27s Confessions in order to suggest that the historical phenomenon Michel Foucault describes as the emergence of Man can be understood in terms of the rise of mass print culture and subsequent development of extensive reading practices during the eighteenth century

    The Sentence, The Novel, and Autobiography: The Histories of Reading and Self in Bunyan and Rousseau

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    This study analyzes late-seventeenth and eighteenth-century autobiographies in order to address questions regarding the relationship between the history of reading and the history of the self in the West. More particularly, it examines the treatment of reading and textuality in John Bunyan\u27s Grace Abounding and Jean-Jacques Rousseau\u27s Confessions in order to suggest that the historical phenomenon Michel Foucault describes as the emergence of Man can be understood in terms of the rise of mass print culture and subsequent development of extensive reading practices during the eighteenth century

    Passive terahertz imaging with lumped element kinetic inductance detectors

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    Progress towards large format, background limited detector arrays in and around the terahertz or sub-millimetre region of the electromagnetic spectrum has – until recently – been hampered by the complexities in fabrication and cryogenic electronic readout associated with increasing pixel counts. Kinetic inductance detectors or KIDs are a superconducting pair breaking detector technology designed to overcome these complexities. Traditionally, KID arrays have been developed for imaging in astronomy. However, the high sensitivities, broadband responses, fast time constants and high detector counts that are achievable – along with the simplicity of fabrication and readout compared to other contemporary technologies – make them suitable (and in fact desirable) for a variety of applications. This thesis documents the development of a concept instrument to demonstrate KID technology for general purpose imaging applications. Specifically, I present the design, construction and performance of a near background limited, quasi-video rate, passive imaging system based on arrays of Aluminium lumped-element KIDs. The camera operates in two atmospheric windows at 150 GHz (2 mm) and 350GHz (850 μm) with 60 and 152 pixels, respectively. Array fabrication was achieved with a single photolithographic cycle of thin film deposition, patterning and etching. Full array readout is with a single cryogenic amplifier and room temperature FPGA based frequency domain multiplexing electronics. The camera is the first of its kind in applying KID arrays to imaging systems outside of pure astrophysics research and is the result of efforts from the staff and students of the Astronomy Instrumentation Group (AIG) in the School of Physics and Astronomy with support from QMC Instruments Ltd. The system exemplifies the AIG’s world-leading expertise in the development of far-infrared/sub-mm instrumentation as well as QMCI’s vision to provide the highest quality terahertz optical components and detector systems to the global marketplace

    Human upper limb motion analysis for post-stroke impairment assessment using video analytics

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    Stroke is a worldwide healthcare problem which often causes long-term motor impairment, handicap, and disability. Optical motion analysis systems are commonly used for impairment assessment due to high accuracy. However, the requirement of equipment-heavy and large laboratory space together with operational expertise, makes these systems impractical for local clinic and home use. We propose an alternative, cost-effective and portable, decision support system for optical motion analysis, using a single camera. The system relies on detecting and tracking markers attached to subject's joints, data analytics for calculating relevant rehabilitation parameters, visualization, and robust classification based on graph-based signal processing. Experimental results show that the proposed decision support system has the potential to offer stroke survivors and clinicians an alternative, affordable, accurate and convenient impairment assessment option suitable for home healthcare and tele-rehabilitation

    Validation of an electrogoniometry system as a measure of knee kinematics during activities of daily living

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    Purpose: The increasing use of electrogoniometry (ELG) in clinical research requires the validation of different instrumentation. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the concurrent validity of an ELG system during activities of daily living. Methods: Ten asymptomatic participants gave informed consent to participate. A Biometrics SG150 electrogoniometer was directly compared to a 12 camera three dimensional motion analysis system during walking, stair ascent, stair descent, sit to stand, and stand to sit activities for the measurement of the right knee angle. Analysis of validity was undertaken by linear regression. Standard error of estimate (SEE), standardised SEE (SSEE), and Pearson’s correlation coefficient r were computed for paired trials between systems for each functional activity. Results: The 95% confidence interval of SEE was reasonable between systems across walking (LCI = 2.43 °; UCI = 2.91 °), stair ascent (LCI = 2.09 °; UCI = 2.42 °), stair descent (LCI = 1.79 °; UCI = 2.10 °), sit to stand (LCI = 1.22 °; UCI = 1.41 °), and stand to sit (LCI = 1.17 °; UCI = 1.34 °). Pearson’s correlation coefficient r across walking (LCI = 0.983; UCI = 0.990), stair ascent (LCI = 0.995; UCI = 0.997), stair descent (LCI = 0.995; UCI = 0.997), sit to stand (LCI = 0.998; UCI = 0.999), and stand to sit (LCI = 0.996; UCI = 0.997) was indicative of a strong linear relationship between systems. Conclusion: ELG is a valid method of measuring the knee angle during activities representative of daily living. The range is within that suggested to be acceptable for the clinical evaluation of patients with musculoskeletal conditions

    A security perspective on Unikernels

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    Cloud-based infrastructures have grown in popularity over the last decade leveraging virtualisation, server, storage, compute power and network components to develop flexible applications. The requirements for instantaneous deployment and reduced costs have led the shift from virtual machine deployment to containerisation, increasing the overall flexibility of applications and increasing performances. However, containers require a fully fleshed operating system to execute, increasing the attack surface of an application. Unikernels, on the other hand, provide a lightweight memory footprint, ease of application packaging and reduced start-up times. Moreover, Unikernels reduce the attack surface due to the self-contained environment only enabling low-level features. In this work, we provide an exhaustive description of the unikernel ecosystem; we demonstrate unikernel vulnerabilities and further discuss the security implications of Unikernel-enabled environments through different use-cases

    The Lantern Vol. 26, No. 3, June 1958

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    • Reflections • Recession: A Matter of Opinion • His Name Was... • The Outward Bound • A Champion There Was • Notes from the Sukura • Undauntedhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1075/thumbnail.jp

    Mexico-UK Sub-millimeter Camera for AsTronomy

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    MUSCAT is a large format mm-wave camera scheduled for installation on the Large Millimeter Telescope Alfonso Serrano (LMT) in 2018. The MUSCAT focal plane is based on an array of horn coupled lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors optimised for coupling to the 1.1mm atmospheric window. The detectors are fed with fully baffled reflective optics to minimize stray-light contamination. This combination will enable background-limited performance at 1.1 mm across the full 4 arcminute field-of-view of the LMT. The easily accessible focal plane will be cooled to 100 mK with a new closed cycle miniature dilution refrigerator that permits fully continuous operation. The MUSCAT instrument will demonstrate the science capabilities of the LMT through two relatively short science programmes to provide high resolution follow-up surveys of Galactic and extra-galactic sources previously observed with the Herschel space observatory, after the initial observing campaigns. In this paper, we will provide an overview of the overall instrument design as well as an update on progress and scheduled installation on the LMT.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Low Temperature Detector

    The Lantern Vol. 26, No. 1, December 1957

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    • A Brazilian Dirge • Motion in Retrospect • The Power • The House on the Edge of the World • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star • Christmas at Ursinus • Grey Purple • A Woodland Idyll • Four Trees • Lifehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1073/thumbnail.jp

    Host Subtraction, Filtering and Assembly Validations for Novel Viral Discovery Using Next Generation Sequencing Data.

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    The use of next generation sequencing (NGS) to identify novel viral sequences from eukaryotic tissue samples is challenging. Issues can include the low proportion and copy number of viral reads and the high number of contigs (post-assembly), making subsequent viral analysis difficult. Comparison of assembly algorithms with pre-assembly host-mapping subtraction using a short-read mapping tool, a k-mer frequency based filter and a low complexity filter, has been validated for viral discovery with Illumina data derived from naturally infected liver tissue and simulated data. Assembled contig numbers were significantly reduced (up to 99.97%) by the application of these pre-assembly filtering methods. This approach provides a validated method for maximizing viral contig size as well as reducing the total number of assembled contigs that require down-stream analysis as putative viral nucleic acids.This work was supported by Wellcome Trust WT091501MAThis is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by PLOS
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