53 research outputs found

    Expanded Consumer Niche Widths May Signal an Early Response to Spatial Protection

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    Marine management interventions are increasingly being implemented with the explicit goal of rebuilding ocean ecosystems, but early responses may begin with alterations in ecological interactions preceding detectable changes in population-level characteristics. To establish a baseline from which to monitor the effects of spatial protection on reef fish trophic ecology and track future ecosystem-level changes, we quantified temperate reef fish densities, size, biomass, diets and isotopic signatures at nine sites nested within two fished and one five-year old marine protected area (MPA) on the northwest coast of Canada. We calculated rockfish (Sebastes spp.) community and species-specific niche breadth for fished and protected areas based on δ13C and δ15N values. We found that rockfish community niche width was greater inside the MPA relative to adjacent fished reefs due to an expanded nitrogen range, possibly reflecting early changes in trophic interactions following five years of spatial protection. Our data also demonstrated that the MPA had a positive effect on the δ15N signature of rockfish (i.e., trophic position), but the effect of rockfish length on its own was not well-supported. In addition, we found a positive interaction between rockfish length and δ15N signature, such that δ15N signatures of rockfish caught within the MPA increased more rapidly with body size than those caught in fished areas. Differences in rockfish size structure and biomass among fished and unfished areas were not clearly evident. Species of rockfish and lingcod varied in trophic and size responses, indicating that life-history traits play an important role in predicting MPA effects. These results may suggest early changes in trophic behavior of slow-growing rockfish due to predation risk by faster growing higher trophic level predators such as lingcod inside MPAs established on temperate reefs. Consequently, spatial protection may restore both the trophic and behavioral roles of previously fished consumers earlier and in measurable ways sooner than observable changes in abundance and size

    KRILLPODYM: a mechanistic, spatially resolved model of Antarctic krill distribution and abundance

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    Robust prediction of population responses to changing environments requires the integration of factors controlling population dynamics with processes affecting distribution. This is true everywhere but especially in polar pelagic environments. Biological cycles for many polar species are synchronised to extreme seasonality, while their distributions may be influenced by both the prevailing oceanic circulation and sea-ice distribution. Antarctic krill (krill, Euphausia superba) is one such species exhibiting a complex life history that is finely tuned to the extreme seasonality of the Southern Ocean. Dependencies on the timing of optimal seasonal conditions have led to concerns over the effects of future climate on krill’s population status, particularly given the species’ important role within Southern Ocean ecosystems. Under a changing climate, established correlations between environment and species may breakdown. Developing the capacity for predicting krill responses to climate change therefore requires methods that can explicitly consider the interplay between life history, biological conditions, and transport. The Spatial Ecosystem And Population Dynamics Model (SEAPODYM) is one such framework that integrates population and general circulation modelling to simulate the spatial dynamics of key organisms. Here, we describe a modification to SEAPODYM, creating a novel model – KRILLPODYM – that generates spatially resolved estimates of krill biomass and demographics. This new model consists of three major components: (1) an age-structured population consisting of five key life stages, each with multiple age classes, which undergo age-dependent growth and mortality, (2) six key habitats that mediate the production of larvae and life stage survival, and (3) spatial dynamics driven by both the underlying circulation of ocean currents and advection of sea-ice. We present the first results of KRILLPODYM, using published deterministic functions of population processes and habitat suitability rules. Initialising from a non-informative uniform density across the Southern Ocean our model independently develops a circumpolar population distribution of krill that approximates observations. The model framework lends itself to applied experiments aimed at resolving key population parameters, life-stage specific habitat requirements, and dominant transport regimes, ultimately informing sustainable fishery management

    Species distribution models describe spatial variability in mesopelagic fish abundance in the Southern Ocean

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    Mesopelagic fishes play a central role in the transfer of energy through open-ocean food webs, particularly in the Southern Ocean where they are both important predators of zooplankton and a key prey group for many higher predators. However, they are notoriously difficult to sample which has limited our understanding of the bio-physical predictors of their abundance and spatiotemporal variability. Species distribution models can be used to help understand species’ ecological requirements by relating records of their presence or abundance to environmental data. Here, we used data from Myctobase – a new circumpolar database of mesopelagic fishes – to model patterns in abundance of eight key myctophid species (family Myctophidae) and the genus Bathylagus in the Southern Ocean south of 45°S. We developed species-specific boosted regression tree models to obtain circumpolar predictions of abundance. Average daytime and night-time summer predictions for the period 1997 – 2011 at 0 – 200m depths were generated for each species. Depth and solar position were important predictors and species were stratified in their depth distribution. For all species except for G. nicholsi, there was an interaction between depth of capture and solar position, reflecting diel vertical migration. Other important variables included sea surface temperature, dissolved oxygen at 200 m, chlorophyll-a, and sea surface height, indicating an association with water mass properties. Circumpolar patterns of abundance varied between species with some displaying affinities for oceanic regions at Antarctic latitudes (eg. E. antarctica and Bathylagus spp.) or sub-Antarctic latitudes (eg. K. anderssoni and P. tenisoni); and affinities for shelf regions (eg.P. bolini and G. nicholsi). Our findings suggest that the abundance of mesopelagic fish is influenced by diel vertical migration and meso- and sub-mesoscale oceanographic features, with the Polar Front being a major delimiting feature. Our study showed contrasting patterns in community composition with higher species diversity north of the Polar Front that might be indicative of latitudinal variability in food web structure. Our spatial analysis is an important step toward resolving what determines important habitat for mesopelagic fishes, providing foundational information for understanding shifting food web dynamics into the future

    Delivering sustained, coordinated and integrated observations of the Southern Ocean for global impact

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    The Southern Ocean is disproportionately important in its effect on the Earth system, impacting climatic, biogeochemical, and ecological systems, which makes recent observed changes to this system cause for global concern. The enhanced understanding and improvements in predictive skill needed for understanding and projecting future states of the Southern Ocean require sustained observations. Over the last decade, the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) has established networks for enhancing regional coordination and research community groups to advance development of observing system capabilities. These networks support delivery of the SOOS 20-year vision, which is to develop a circumpolar system that ensures time series of key variables, and delivers the greatest impact from data to all key end-users. Although the Southern Ocean remains one of the least-observed ocean regions, enhanced international coordination and advances in autonomous platforms have resulted in progress toward sustained observations of this region. Since 2009, the Southern Ocean community has deployed over 5700 observational platforms south of 40°S. Large-scale, multi-year or sustained, multidisciplinary efforts have been supported and are now delivering observations of essential variables at space and time scales that enable assessment of changes being observed in Southern Ocean systems. The improved observational coverage, however, is predominantly for the open ocean, encompasses the summer, consists of primarily physical oceanographic variables, and covers surface to 2000 m. Significant gaps remain in observations of the ice-impacted ocean, the sea ice, depths >2000 m, the air-ocean-ice interface, biogeochemical and biological variables, and for seasons other than summer. Addressing these data gaps in a sustained way requires parallel advances in coordination networks, cyberinfrastructure and data management tools, observational platform and sensor technology, two-way platform interrogation and data-transmission technologies, modeling frameworks, intercalibration experiments, and development of internationally agreed sampling standards and requirements of key variables. This paper presents a community statement on the major scientific and observational progress of the last decade, and importantly, an assessment of key priorities for the coming decade, toward achieving the SOOS vision and delivering essential data to all end-users.Fil: Newman, Louise. University of Tasmania; AustraliaFil: Heil, Petra. Australian Antarctic Division; Australia. Antarctic Climate And Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre; AustraliaFil: Trebilco, Rowan. Australian Antarctic Division; Australia. Antarctic Climate And Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre; AustraliaFil: Katsumata, Katsuro. Japan Agency For Marine earth Science And Technology; JapónFil: Constable, Andrew J.. Antarctic Climate And Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre; Australia. Australian Antarctic Division; AustraliaFil: Wijk, Esmee van. Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization; Australia. Antarctic Climate And Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre; AustraliaFil: Assmann, Karen. University Goteborg; SueciaFil: Beja, Joana. British Oceanographic Data Centre; AustraliaFil: Bricher, Phillippa. University of Tasmania; AustraliaFil: Coleman, Richard. University of Tasmania; AustraliaFil: Costa, Daniel. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Diggs, Steve. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Farneti, Riccardo. The Abdus Salam; Italia. The Abdus Salam. International Centre for Theoretical Physics; ItaliaFil: Fawcett, Sarah. University of Cape Town; SudáfricaFil: Gille, Sarah. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Hendry, Katharine R.. University of Bristol; Reino UnidoFil: Henley, Sian F.. University of Edinburgh; Reino UnidoFil: Hofmann, Eileen. Old Dominion University; Estados UnidosFil: Maksym, Ted. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Mazloff, Matthew. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Meijers, Andrew J.. British Antartic Survey; Reino UnidoFil: Meredith, Michael. British Antartic Survey; Reino UnidoFil: Moreau, Sebastien. Norwegian Polar Institute; NoruegaFil: Ozsoy, Burcu. Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi; TurquíaFil: Robertson, Robin. Xiamen University; ChinaFil: Schloss, Irene Ruth. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Schofield, Oscar. State University of New Jersey; Estados UnidosFil: Shi, Jiuxin. Ocean University Of China; ChinaFil: Sikes, Elisabeth L.. State University of New Jersey; Estados UnidosFil: Smith, Inga J.. University of Otago; Nueva Zeland

    Global Connectivity of Southern Ocean Ecosystems

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    Southern Ocean ecosystems are globally important. Processes in the Antarctic atmosphere, cryosphere, and the Southern Ocean directly influence global atmospheric and oceanic systems. Southern Ocean biogeochemistry has also been shown to have global importance. In contrast, ocean ecological processes are often seen as largely separate from the rest of the global system. In this paper, we consider the degree of ecological connectivity at different trophic levels, linking Southern Ocean ecosystems with the global ocean, and their importance not only for the regional ecosystem but also the wider Earth system. We also consider the human system connections, including the role of Southern Ocean ecosystems in supporting society, culture, and economy in many nations, influencing public and political views and hence policy. Rather than Southern Ocean ecosystems being defined by barriers at particular oceanic fronts, ecological changes are gradual due to cross-front exchanges involving oceanographic processes and organism movement. Millions of seabirds and hundreds of thousands of cetaceans move north out of polar waters in the austral autumn interacting in food webs across the Southern Hemisphere, and a few species cross the equator. A number of species migrate into the east and west ocean-basin boundary current and continental shelf regions of the major southern continents. Human travel in and out of the Southern Ocean region includes fisheries, tourism, and scientific vessels in all ocean sectors. These operations arise from many nations, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, and are important in local communities as well as national economic, scientific, and political activities. As a result of the extensive connectivity, future changes in Southern Ocean ecosystems will have consequences throughout the Earth system, affecting ecosystem services with socio-economic impacts throughout the world. The high level of connectivity also means that changes and policy decisions in marine ecosystems outside the Southern Ocean have consequences for ecosystems south of the Antarctic Polar Front. Knowledge of Southern Ocean ecosystems and their global connectivity is critical for interpreting current change, projecting future change impacts, and identifying integrated strategies for conserving and managing both the Southern Ocean and the broader Earth system

    Size-based insight into the structure and function of reef fish communities

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    What would reef fish communities look like without humans? Effective ecosystem management and con- servation requires a clear understanding of community structure and the processes that drive it. Relatively undisturbed reef fish communities appear to be inverted biomass pyramids (IBPs) with greater biomass of large-bodied predatory fishes compared to smaller fishes at lower trophic-levels. However, the processes that might give rise to IBPs are subject to debate. In this thesis I show that biomass pyramids and size spectra are equivalent and interchangeable representations of community structure. Key constraints on the slopes of size spectra – particularly mean community predator-to-prey-mass ratio (PPMR) – also constrain the shapes of biomass pyramids, meaning that IBPs are unlikely for closed communities. There are surprisingly few quantitative descriptions of biomass pyramids, and PPMR has not been estimated on reefs. I undertook a detailed case-study and quantify fish community size-structure using underwater vi- sual surveys and empirically estimate PPMR using stable isotopes at a relatively undisturbed island chain in Haida Gwaii, BC. I observe an IBP, but the PPMR estimate suggests that the community should be a stack or bottom-heavy. There is 4-5 times more biomass at the largest body-sizes than would be expected given observed PPMR. I hypothesise that the most plausible explanation is energetic subsidies. Using the same fish assemblage I show how two foundational components of habitat complexity (substrate rugosity and kelp canopy characteristics) shape fish community size-structure. Higher kelp canopy cover and den- sity leads to more biomass across all size classes, whereas higher substrate rugosity boosts the biomass of smaller-bodied fishes and leads to a more even distribution of biomass across size classes. Finally, I step back to the global scale and estimate baseline biomass spectra for the world’s reef fishes, accounting for local ecological variation. Current reef fish biomass is less than half of the baseline expectation and 90% of the largest (> 1 kg), most functionally-important, individuals are absent. In addition to providing the first global description of how humans have shaped reef biomass pyramids, my thesis gives new insight into how size-based processes underlie the structure and function reef fish communities

    Haida Gwaii kelp forest reef fish biomass spectra and trophic level data

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    Data supporting Trebilco R, Dulvy NK, Salomon AK & Anserson SC "The paradox of inverted biomass pyramids in kelp forest fish communities" (accepted) Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B

    Unintended cultivation, shifting baselines, and conflict between objectives for fisheries and conservation

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    The effects of fisheries on marine ecosystems, and their capacity to drive shifts in ecosystem states, have been widely documented. Less well appreciated is that some commercially valuable species respond positively to fishing-induced ecosystem change and can become important fisheries resources in modified ecosystems. Thus, the ecological effects of one fishery can unintentionally increase the abundance and productivity of other fished species (i.e., cultivate). We reviewed examples of this effect in the peer-reviewed literature. We found 2 underlying ecosystem drivers of the effect: trophic release of prey species when predators are overfished and habitat change. Key ecological, social, and economic conditions required for one fishery to unintentionally cultivate another include strong top-down control of prey by predators, the value of the new fishery, and the capacity of fishers to adapt to a new fishery. These unintended cultivation effects imply strong trade-offs between short-term fishery success and conservation efforts to restore ecosystems toward baseline conditions because goals for fisheries and conservation may be incompatible. Conflicts are likely to be exacerbated if fisheries baselines shift relative to conservation baselines and there is investment in the new fishery. However, in the long-term, restoration toward ecosystem baselines may often benefit both fishery and conservation goals. Unintended cultivation can be identified and predicted using a combination of time-series data, dietary studies, models of food webs, and socioeconomic data. Identifying unintended cultivation is necessary for management to set compatible goals for fisheries and conservation

    An influx of Australian Shelducks Tadorna tadornoides on Macquarie Island

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    An influx of Australian Shelducks Tadorna tadornoides on Macquarie Island during December 2006 and January 2007 probably coincided with movement of these ducks from Australia during drought conditions. The only two records previously were of one and five individuals, whereas up to 55 individuals were recorded in December 2006

    Island characteristics and sampling methodologies influence the use of stable isotopes as an ecosystem function assessment tool

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    Monitoring seabird-derived nutrients on islands following invasive mammal eradications may provide a useful, cost- and time-efficient indication of the recovery of ecosystem function; however, the technique has only been investigated on environmentally similar islands. How seabird-derived nutrients recover on islands with different characteristics, and how differences in sampling regimes affect results is poorly understood. To determine how different island characteristics (size, geographic location and invasion history) and aspects of the sampling regime (sample collection year, season and intra-island location) influence seabird-derived nutrients we collated nitrogen stable isotope (δ15N) data from three ecosystem components (soil, plants and spiders), collected on 28 islands around New Zealand. We investigated which variables best predict δ15N using linear-mixed effects models. Accounting for these variables and using still-invaded and never-invaded islands as controls for recovery, we then investigated changes in δ15N on islands at different stages following invasive mammal eradication. Island size, invasion history and the presence of seabirds in the direct vicinity of a sampling location all influenced δ15N. After accounting for these variables, δ15N increased with time since eradication in soils, plants and spiders, though there was still some variation that our chosen variables could not explain. This study demonstrates the importance of considering island characteristics and sampling methods when assessing seabird-derived nutrient recovery and highlights the need for additional targeted sample collection on islands to help separate out the effects of time since eradication and other confounding variables affecting δ15N. Improved understanding of these factors will be prerequisite for furthering this technique as a useful addition to the post-eradication monitoring tool kit.</p
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