276 research outputs found


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    Urgensi yang tinggi dalam pemanfaatan teknologi untuk pelaksanaan pembelajaran menuntut peran aktif dari pendidik untuk terus melakukan pengembangan modul. Untuk memberikan tahapan proses pengembangan modul yang fleksibel, studi ini memberikan contoh secara spesifik terkait manfaat kombinasi metode 4D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate) sebagai landasan awal yang digabungkan dengan model Tomlinson dan metode chunking untuk materi yang diangkat pada modul. Proses define menjadi kunci terpenting sebagai modal awal dalam menentukan materi dan keterkaitannya dengan materi yang lain. Proses desain digunakan menggunakan urutan yang spesifik, melibatkan berbagai fungsi diagram alir dan penentuan materi berdasarkan karateristik dari materi yang telah didefinisikan. Penggunaan Garis Besar Program Media memberikan kemudahan dalam proses desain storyboard sebagai acuan untuk proses pengembangan. Setelah modul berhasil dikembangkan, maka proses penyebarluasan menggunakan alamat hosting tersendiri dipilih karena dapat dengan mudah diintegrasikan dengan platform pembelajaran digital lainnya. Studi ini diharapkan membantu untuk memberikan tahapan yang lebih konkrit dan fleksibel bagi para pengembang modul ajar, khususnya berbasis digital

    A WebGIS tool for the dissemination of earthquake data

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    In 2004 a new seismic hazard map of Italy (MPS Working Group, 2004) has been released by a task force that produced an amount of new or updated data, such as a new version of the earthquake catalogue (CPTI04; CPTI Working Group, 2004) and an updated seismogenic zonation. A set of WebGIS tools has been designed for the data dissemination to the scientific community and the general public. The design of the WebGIS tools focused first on the consultation of the DBM04 macroseismic database (DBM Working Group, 2005), which contains the macroseismic intensity data-points (IDP) of the earthquakes listed in the CPTI04 catalogue. The WebGIS tool design and development process had to fulfill: 1) simplicity, 2) responsiveness and 3) readiness for future extensions. The specific requirements for the macroseismic database consultation interface were: - data access by place and by earthquake; - IDP maps with queryable points; - data download in both tabular and map format; - easily upgradable content; - quick and user friendly interface

    Seismic hazard in the Po Plain and the 2012 Emilia earthquakes

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    The Emilia earthquakes of May 20, 2012 (ML 5.9, INGV; MW 6.11, http://www.bo.ingv.it/RCMT/) and May 29, 2012 (ML 5.8, INGV; MW 5.96, http://www.bo.ingv.it/RCMT/) struck an area that in the national reference seismic hazard model [MPS04; http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it, and Stucchi et al. 2011] is characterized by expected horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) with a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years that ranges between 0.10 g and 0.15 g (Figure 1), which is a medium level of seismic hazard in Italy. The strong impact of the earthquakes on a region that is not included among the most hazardous areas of Italy, and the ground motion data recorded by accelerometric networks, have given the impression to the population and the media that the current seismic hazard map is not correct, and thus needs to be updated. Since the MPS04 seismic hazard model was adopted by the current Italian building code [Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2008, hereafter termed NTC08; http://www.cslp. it/cslp/] as the basis to define seismic action (the design spectra), any modification to the seismic hazard model would also affect the building code. The aim of this paper is to briefly present the data that support the seismic hazard model in the area, and to perform some comparisons between recorded ground motion with seismic hazard estimates and design spectra. All of the comparisons presented in this study are for the horizontal components only, as the Italian hazard model did not perform any estimates for the vertical component

    Giving meaning to alternative methods to animal testing

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    The 3 rd edition of the advanced theoretical-training course \u201c Giving meaning to alternative methods to animal testing \u201d was held in Genoa on July 6-7, 2017. The theoretical modules included talks by specialists from companies engaged in the field of advanced in vitro technologies, who offered participants the possibility to try out their technologies in the training modules

    A WebGIS tool for the dissemination of earthquake data

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    In 2004 a new seismic hazard map of Italy (MPS Working Group, 2004) has been released by a task force that produced an amount of new or updated data, such as a new version of the earthquake catalogue (CPTI04; CPTI Working Group, 2004) and an updated seismogenic zonation. A set of WebGIS tools has been designed for the data dissemination to the scientific community and the general public. The design of the WebGIS tools focused first on the consultation of the DBM04 macroseismic database (DBM Working Group, 2005), which contains the macroseismic intensity data-points (IDP) of the earthquakes listed in the CPTI04 catalogue. The WebGIS tool design and development process had to fulfill: 1) simplicity, 2) responsiveness and 3) readiness for future extensions. The specific requirements for the macroseismic database consultation interface were: - data access by place and by earthquake; - IDP maps with queryable points; - data download in both tabular and map format; - easily upgradable content; - quick and user friendly interface

    Learning from the italian experience during covid-19 pandemic waves: Be prepared and mind some crucial aspects

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    COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly spread worldwide causing a serious challenge to the global medical community. Italy was struck hard during the first wave earlier this year and several weaknesses as well as general unpreparedness of the national healthcare system were acknowledged. Learning essential lessons from the past, we realized how implementing contingency response measures, human resources and social dynamics could have changed the outcome if promptly adopted. This review translates the previous experience into strategic actions that has to be considered when developing appropriate national and regional operational plans to respond to a pandemic

    influence of bitter lupin on consumption and digestibility in organic dairy cattle soya bean free diets

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    One of the main principles of organic husbandry is that animal feed must be GMO free, and soya bean is well-known as a high risk GMO alimentary source. About 25 dry dairy cattle of the Italian Holstein breed, from the Cooperativa Emilio Sereni of Borgo S. Lorenzo (FI), were fed in two successive diets: the first with extruded soya bean (A), and the second in which bitter lupin, faba bean and proteinic pea substituted the soya bean (B). We evaluated both the consumption and the apparent digestibility (using acid insoluble ash as internal marker) of the two diets, repeating the trial twice. The presence of bitter lupin did not influence either the consumption of other feed, or the faecal water content. The apparent digestibility of the organic matter resulted satisfactory in both the diets, but was significantly higher in diet (A) than in diet (B) (71,6% vs 67,3%). In conclusion, even though we wish the cultivation of sweet lupin would be increase in Italy, we retain that also bitter lupin (mixed with other feed to increase the palatability) could be used as alternative protein source in dairy cattle diets

    MAPK15 protects from oxidative stress-dependent cellular senescence by inducing the mitophagic process

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    Mitochondria are the major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), whose aberrant production by dysfunctional mitochondria leads to oxidative stress, thus contributing to aging as well as neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. Cells efficiently eliminate damaged mitochondria through a selective type of autophagy, named mitophagy. Here, we demonstrate the involvement of the atypical MAP kinase family member MAPK15 in cellular senescence, by preserving mitochondrial quality, thanks to its ability to control mitophagy and, therefore, prevent oxidative stress. We indeed demonstrate that reduced MAPK15 expression strongly decreases mitochondrial respiration and ATP production, while increasing mitochondrial ROS levels. We show that MAPK15 controls the mitophagic process by stimulating ULK1-dependent PRKN Ser108 phosphorylation and inducing the recruitment of damaged mitochondria to autophagosomal and lysosomal compartments, thus leading to a reduction of their mass, but also by participating in the reorganization of the mitochondrial network that usually anticipates their disposal. Consequently, MAPK15-dependent mitophagy protects cells from accumulating nuclear DNA damage due to mitochondrial ROS and, consequently, from senescence deriving from this chronic DNA insult. Indeed, we ultimately demonstrate that MAPK15 protects primary human airway epithelial cells from senescence, establishing a new specific role for MAPK15 in controlling mitochondrial fitness by efficient disposal of old and damaged organelles and suggesting this kinase as a new potential therapeutic target in diverse age-associated human diseases

    Hypoxia up-regulates SERPINB3 through HIF-2\u3b1 in human liver cancer cells.

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    SERPINB3 is a cysteine-proteases inhibitor up-regulated in a significant number of cirrhotic patients carrying hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and recently proposed as a prognostic marker for HCC early recurrence. SERPINB3 has been reported to stimulate proliferation, inhibit apoptosis and, similar to what reported for hypoxia, to trigger epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and increased invasiveness in liver cancer cells. This study has investigated whether SERPINB3 expression is regulated by hypoxia-related mechanisms in liver cancer cells. Exposure of HepG2 and Huh7 cells to hypoxia up-regulated SERPINB3 transcription, protein synthesis and release in the extracellular medium. Hypoxia-dependent SERPINB3 up-regulation was selective (no change detected for SERPINB4) and operated through hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-2\u3b1 (not HIF-1\u3b1) binding to SERPINB3 promoter, as confirmed by chromatin immuno-precipitation assay and silencing experiments employing specific siRNAs. HIF-2\u3b1-mediated SERPINB3 up-regulation under hypoxic conditions required intracellular generation of ROS. Immuno-histochemistry (IHC) and transcript analysis, performed in human HCC specimens, revealed co-localization of the two proteins in liver cancer cells and the existence of a positive correlation between HIF-2\u3b1 and SERPINB3 transcript levels, respectively. Hypoxia, through HIF-2\u3b1-dependent and redox-sensitive mechanisms, up-regulates the transcription, synthesis and release of SERPINB3, a molecule with a high oncogenic potential
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