5,611 research outputs found

    Systemic risk in a mean-field model of interbank lending with self-exciting shocks

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    In this paper we consider a mean-field model of interacting diffusions for the monetary reserves in which the reserves are subjected to a self- and cross-exciting shock. This is motivated by the financial acceleration and fire sales observed in the market. We derive a mean-field limit using a weak convergence analysis and find an explicit measure-valued process associated with a large interbanking system. We define systemic risk indicators and derive, using the limiting process, several law of large numbers results and verify these numerically. We conclude that self-exciting shocks increase the systemic risk in the network and their presence in interbank networks should not be ignored

    Systemic risk in a mean-field model of interbank lending with self-exciting shocks

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    In this paper we consider a mean-field model of interacting diffusions for the monetary reserves in which the reserves are subjected to a self- and cross-exciting shock. This is motivated by the financial acceleration and fire sales observed in the market. We derive a mean-field limit using a weak convergence analysis and find an explicit measure-valued process associated with a large interbanking system. We define systemic risk indicators and derive, using the limiting process, several law of large numbers results and verify these numerically. We conclude that self-exciting shocks increase the systemic risk in the network and their presence in interbank networks should not be ignored

    Oversampled deadbeat current control strategy for PMSM drives

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    This paper presents a novel deadbeat current control approach for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs) drives capable of operating at a controller sampling frequency multiple of the power converter switching frequency. The proposed technique permits to achieve a constant switching frequency and an optimal current ripple along with a high current loop bandwidth and robust behaviour to parameter variation

    Terahertz Nanoantennas for Enhanced Spectroscopy

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    Terahertz spectroscopy has great potential for sensing a wide range of elementary excitations. However, terahertz studies are practically limited to macroscopic ensembles of compounds (e.g., thick pellets of crystallized molecules or highly concentrated solutions of nanomaterials) due to the long radiation wavelength (about 300 μm at 1 THz). In this chapter, we show how terahertz nanoantennas can overcome the current limitations of terahertz spectroscopy such as low sensitivity and low spatial resolution. We briefly discuss how to design the resonance characteristics of a dipole nanoantenna through a Fabry-Pérot model, and then we present the experimental characterization of the spectral response of ordered arrays of such devices. Furthermore, we demonstrate how nanoantenna arrays enable the possibility of retrieving the spectroscopic signature of a monolayer of quantum dots and, in principle, of many other organic or inorganic compounds. This technique, based on the idea of increasing the sensitivity through local field enhancement, is named nanoantenna-enhanced terahertz spectroscopy (NETS). A Fano-like interference between the fundamental mode of the nanoantennas and the phonon resonance of the quantum dots is observed, together with an enhancement of the absorption of the dots up to more than a million. Finally, we show how to extract the main spectroscopic information of the quantum dots through a simple coupled harmonic oscillator model. This novel technique can be widely applied in terahertz spectroscopic studies of nanocrystals and molecules, where extremely low concentrations are of concern

    IGBT-SiC dual fed ground power unit

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    This paper presents the design and control of a three-phase ground power supply unit for aircraft servicing. A new mixed technology converter composed by a three-phase Silicon Carbide (SiC) full bridge unit and a three-phase full bridge IGBT unit connected across the same dc link is used instead of the conventional full bridge configuration. In order to satisfy the stringent requirements of the output voltage quality particular attention is given to the controller. The common dc link topology of the converter allows circulation of Zero Sequence Current (ZSC), therefore also a 0 axis regulator is necessary. The state space model of the system considering the LC output filter is presented and used in order to synthetize the controller parameters using the Optimal Control theory

    Sensorless finite-control set model predictive control for IPMSM drives

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    This paper investigates the feasibility of a sensorless field oriented control (FOC) combined with a finite control set model predictive current control (FCS-MPC) for an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM). The use of a FCS-MPC makes the implementation of most of the existing sensorless techniques difficult due to the lack of a modulator. The proposed sensorless algorithm exploits the saliency of the motor and the intrinsic higher current ripple of the FCS-MPC to extract position and speed information using a model-based approach. This method does not require the injection of additional voltage vectors or the periodic interruption of the control algorithm and consequently it has no impact on the performance of the current control. The proposed algorithm has been tested in simulation and validated on an experimental set-up, showing promising results

    Heterogeneous reconstruction of tracks and primary vertices with the CMS pixel tracker

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    The High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC will see the accelerator reach an instantaneous luminosity of 7×1034cm2s17\times 10^{34} cm^{-2}s^{-1} with an average pileup of 200200 proton-proton collisions. These conditions will pose an unprecedented challenge to the online and offline reconstruction software developed by the experiments. The computational complexity will exceed by far the expected increase in processing power for conventional CPUs, demanding an alternative approach. Industry and High-Performance Computing (HPC) centres are successfully using heterogeneous computing platforms to achieve higher throughput and better energy efficiency by matching each job to the most appropriate architecture. In this paper we will describe the results of a heterogeneous implementation of pixel tracks and vertices reconstruction chain on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The framework has been designed and developed to be integrated in the CMS reconstruction software, CMSSW. The speed up achieved by leveraging GPUs allows for more complex algorithms to be executed, obtaining better physics output and a higher throughput

    IGBT-SiC dual fed open end winding PMSM drive

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    This paper proposes a dual fed common dc link inverter Open End Winding-Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (OEW-PMSM) Drive. In order to increase the system efficiency a dual technology converter is used, with one inverter composed of standard IGBT devices and the other composed of fast switching Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices. The common dc link OEW configuration allows the zero-sequence current (ZSC) to flow freely, and the low time constants of the zero-circuit can lead to high zero sequence current flow, with associated losses and stress on the power devices. To avoid this, the zero-sequence voltage produced by the switching combinations adopted to synthetize the control signals needs to be instantaneously eliminated. A novel modulation for dual converter configurations is proposed to eliminate the zero-sequence voltage(ZSV)

    Electric Drive Based on an Open-End Winding Surface PM Synchronous Machine with a Floating Capacitor Bridge

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    A speed control scheme is presented for a 3-phase surface permanent magnet synchronous machine with an openend stator winding fed by a three-phase inverter and a floating bridge inverter. The latter is used to compensate for the reactive power of the main inverter and to maximize the active power received by the motor, without exceeding the available stator current and DC-link voltage. To reduce the switching losses, the DC-link voltage of the floating inverter bridge varies depending on the operating condition of the motor and the controllability requirements of the system. The experimental results show that a significant improvement in the speed range at constant power is achievable, proportionally to the DC-link voltage of the floating bridge inverter


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    El ciprés de las guaitecas, es la conífera más austral del mundo. Es una especie rara y en peligro de extinción. En Argentina sus poblaciones son escasas y de pequeña área