52 research outputs found

    Interface-templated crystal growth in sodium dodecyl sulfate solutions with NaCl

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    Many ionic surfactants, such as sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) crystallize out of solution if the temperature falls below the crystallization boundary. The crystallization temperature is impacted by solution properties, and can be decreased with the addition of salt. We have studied SDS crystallization a t the liquid/vapor interfaces from solutions at high ionic strength (sodium chloride). We show that the surfactant crystals at the surface grow from adsorbed SDS molecules, as evidenced by the preferential orientation of the crystals identified using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. We find a unique timescale f or the crystal growth from the evolution of structure, surface tension, and visual inspection, which can be controlled through varying the SDS or NaCl concentrations

    Structure in Nascent Carbon Nanotubes Revealed by Spatially Resolved Raman Spectroscopy

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    The understanding of carbon nanotubes (CNT) growth is crucial for the control of their production. In particular, the identification of structural changes of carbon possibly occurring near the catalyst particle in the very early stages of their formation is of high interest. In this study, samples of nascent CNT obtained during nucleation step and samples of vertically aligned CNT obtained during growth step are analysed by combined spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy and X-Ray diffraction measurements. Spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy reveals that iron-based phases and carbon phases are co-localised at the same position, and indicates that sp2 carbon nucleates preferentially on iron-based particles during this nucleation step. Depth scan Raman spectroscopy analysis, performed on nascent CNT, highlights that carbon structural organisation is significantly changing from defective graphene layers surrounding the iron-based particles at their base up to multi-walled nanotube structures in the upper part of iron-based particles

    MOMAC: a SAXS/WAXS laboratory instrument dedicated to nanomaterials

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    International audienceThis article presents the technical characteristics of a newly built small-and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) apparatus dedicated to structural characterization of a wide range of nanomaterials in the powder or dispersion form. The instrument is based on a high-flux rotating anode generator with a molybdenum target, enabling the assessment of highly absorbing samples containing heavy elements. The SAXS part is composed of a collimation system including a multilayer optic and scatterless slits, a motorized sample holder, a vacuum chamber, and a two-dimensional image-plate detector. All the control command is done through a TANGO interface. Normalization and data correction yield scattering patterns at the absolute scale automatically with a q range from 0.03 to 3.2 A ˚ À1. The WAXS part features a multilayer collimating optic and a two-dimensional image-plate detector with variable sample-to-detector distances. The accessible q range is 0.4–9 A ˚ À1 , ensuring a large overlap in q range between the two instruments. A few examples of applications are also presented, namely coupled SAXS/WAXS structure and symmetry determination of gold nanocrystals in solution and characterization of imogolite nanotubes and iron-filled carbon nanotube samples

    A liquid-crystalline hexagonal columnar phase in highly-dilute suspensions of imogolite nanotubes

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    International audienceLiquid crystals have found wide applications in many fields ranging from detergents to information displays and they are also increasingly being used in the 'bottom-up' self-assembly approach of material nano-structuration. Moreover, liquid-crystalline organizations are frequently observed by biologists. Here we show that one of the four major lyotropic liquid-crystal phases, the columnar one, is much more stable on dilution than reported so far in literature. Indeed, aqueous suspensions of imogolite nanotubes, at low ionic strength, display the columnar liquid-crystal phase at volume fractions as low as B0.2%. Consequently, due to its low visco-elasticity, this columnar phase is easily aligned in an alternating current electric field, in contrast with usual columnar liquid-crystal phases. These findings should have important implications for the statistical physics of the suspensions of charged rods and could also be exploited in materials science to prepare ordered nanocomposites and in biophysics to better understand solutions of rod-like biopolymers

    Structural resolution of inorganic nanotubes with complex stoichiometry.

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    Determination of the atomic structure of inorganic single-walled nanotubes with complex stoichiometry remains elusive due to the too many atomic coordinates to be fitted with respect to X-ray diffractograms inherently exhibiting rather broad features. Here we introduce a methodology to reduce the number of fitted variables and enable resolution of the atomic structure for inorganic nanotubes with complex stoichiometry. We apply it to recently synthesized methylated aluminosilicate and aluminogermanate imogolite nanotubes of nominal composition (OH)3Al2O3Si(Ge)CH3. Fitting of X-ray scattering diagrams, supported by Density Functional Theory simulations, reveals an unexpected rolling mode for these systems. The transferability of the approach opens up for improved understanding of structure-property relationships of inorganic nanotubes to the benefit of fundamental and applicative research in these systems

    In-lab X-ray fluorescence and diffraction techniques for pathological calcifications

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    International audienceIf imaging by physical methods is probably the best well-known link between physics and medicine, other ways such as X-ray fluorescence and diffraction techniques give significant information to clinicians. In this contribution, we would like to assess different results obtained through such techniques on three main problems in urology namely Randall's plaque, brushite kidney stones and phase conversion between weddellite and whewellite. Randall's plaque is a mineral deposit at the surface of the renal papilla which is responsible for the prevalence increase of kidney stones among young people. X-ray fluorescence suggests that an inflammation process is related to Randall's plaque. X-ray fluorescence shows that brushite stones, well known to be related to some pathologies or biochemical disorders, could also be related to unexpected conditions as suggested, for example, by the high content of Br found in several brushite stones. Such results deserve further investigations to explain the origin of that element in the stones. Regarding the phase conversion from weddellite to whewellite, X-ray fluorescence data suggest that trace elements initially present in the stone remain for the major part in situ during the conversion process, which may be clinically relevant to relate the crystalline phase and etiology. X-ray fluorescence and diffraction experiments can thus give significant clues to the clinicians. These examples as well as other investigations assessed in this contribution underline a typical scientific transfer between a physics laboratory and hospital