3,787 research outputs found

    Scanamorphos: a map-making software for Herschel and similar scanning bolometer arrays

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    Scanamorphos is one of the public softwares available to post-process scan observations performed with the Herschel photometer arrays. This post-processing mainly consists in subtracting the total low-frequency noise (both its thermal and non-thermal components), masking high-frequency artefacts such as cosmic ray hits, and projecting the data onto a map. Although it was developed for Herschel, it is also applicable with minimal adjustment to scan observations made with some other imaging arrays subjected to low-frequency noise, provided they entail sufficient redundancy; it was successfully applied to P-Artemis, an instrument operating on the APEX telescope. Contrary to matrix-inversion softwares and high-pass filters, Scanamorphos does not assume any particular noise model, and does not apply any Fourier-space filtering to the data, but is an empirical tool using purely the redundancy built in the observations -- taking advantage of the fact that each portion of the sky is sampled at multiple times by multiple bolometers. It is an interactive software in the sense that the user is allowed to optionally visualize and control results at each intermediate step, but the processing is fully automated. This paper describes the principles and algorithm of Scanamorphos and presents several examples of application.Comment: This is the final version as accepted by PASP (on July 27, 2013). A copy with much better-quality figures is available on http://www2.iap.fr/users/roussel/herschel

    Oxidative phosphorylation efficiency, proton conductance and reactive oxygen species production of liver mitochondria correlates with body mass in frogs

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    ody size is a central biological parameter affecting most biological processes (especially energetics) and mitochondria is a key organelle controlling metabolism and is also the cell's main source of chemical energy. However, the link between body size and mitochondrial function is still unclear, especially in ectotherms. In this study, we investigated several parameters of mitochondrial bioenergetics in the liver of three closely related species of frogs (the common frog Rana temporaria, the marsh frog Pelophylax ridibundus and the bull frog Lithobates catesbeiana). These particular species were chosen due to their differences in adult body mass. We found that the mitochondrial coupling efficiency was markedly increased with animal size, which lead to a higher ATP production (+70%) in the larger frogs (L. catesbeiana) compared to the smaller frogs (R. temporaria). This was essentially driven by a strong negative dependence of mitochondrial proton conductance on body mass. Liver mitochondria from the larger frogs (L. catesbeiana) displayed 50% of the proton conductance of mitochondria from the smaller frogs (R. temporaria). Contrary to our prediction, the low mitochondrial proton conductance measured in L. catesbeiana was not associated with higher radical oxygen species production. Instead, liver mitochondria from the larger individuals produced significantly lower radical oxygen species than those from the smaller frogs. Collectively, the data shows that key bioenergetics parameters of mitochondria (proton leak, ATP production efficiency and radical oxygen species production) are correlated with body mass in frogs. This research expands our understanding of the relationship between mitochondrial function and the evolution of allometric scaling in ectotherms

    Unemployment Duration, Schooling and Property Crime

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    It is well known that there is no consensus with respect to the relationship between unemployment and crime. As well, there is very little research on the linkages between crime and the educational experiences of young people. In this paper we show a very strong positive relationship between criminal activity and the extent of youth male long-term unemployment. We also show that criminal activity is negatively associated high school completions, and positively associated with high school non-completion rates. The analysis suggests that labour market and education policies have the potential to significantly reduce property crime. However, increased high school participation of the targeted group only decreases crime if it results in graduation. This suggests that the effectiveness of education policy is a critical influence on crime activity, a unique finding for the literature

    Virtual Exploration of Underwater Archaeological Sites : Visualization and Interaction in Mixed Reality Environments

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    This paper describes the ongoing developments in Photogrammetry and Mixed Reality for the Venus European project (Virtual ExploratioN of Underwater Sites, http://www.venus-project.eu). The main goal of the project is to provide archaeologists and the general public with virtual and augmented reality tools for exploring and studying deep underwater archaeological sites out of reach of divers. These sites have to be reconstructed in terms of environment (seabed) and content (artifacts) by performing bathymetric and photogrammetric surveys on the real site and matching points between geolocalized pictures. The base idea behind using Mixed Reality techniques is to offer archaeologists and general public new insights on the reconstructed archaeological sites allowing archaeologists to study directly from within the virtual site and allowing the general public to immersively explore a realistic reconstruction of the sites. Both activities are based on the same VR engine but drastically differ in the way they present information. General public activities emphasize the visually and auditory realistic aspect of the reconstruction while archaeologists activities emphasize functional aspects focused on the cargo study rather than realism which leads to the development of two parallel VR demonstrators. This paper will focus on several key points developed for the reconstruction process as well as both VR demonstrators (archaeological and general public) issues. The ?rst developed key point concerns the densi?cation of seabed points obtained through photogrammetry in order to obtain high quality terrain reproduction. The second point concerns the development of the Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) demonstrators for archaeologists designed to exploit the results of the photogrammetric reconstruction. And the third point concerns the development of the VR demonstrator for general public aimed at creating awareness of both the artifacts that were found and of the process with which they were discovered by recreating the dive process from ship to seabed

    Fresh concrete pumping arrest investigation for thixotropy by a CFD modelling apporach

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    Concrete pumping operations determine construction speed, finishing quality, durability and even structural integrity. When pumping operations cannot be continued, most problems occur due to complex time-dependent transformations. This causes significant industrial costs (e.g. material and delay). Since time-dependent aspects are currently not fully understood and cannot be predicted, a way to quantify time-dependent aspects is needed. Therefore, we make an attempt by numerical simulation by comparing thixotropic cases with different pumping arresting times. After an introduction to fresh concrete rheology and numerical modelling, ten representative thixotropy cases are analysed. Despite some unresolved numerical instabilities, the numerical framework allows to estimate pumping pressure peaks after resting time. The results evaluate a thixotropy model, which is generally applicable for less thixotropic SCC’s. It is clear that flow re-initiation after rest in concrete pumping is poorly understood. Numerical simulation could be one approach for further analysis and is potentially important for practice. Future work such as simulation of concrete mixers, pressure increase after pumping arrest, formwork pressure decay and leakage are therefore recommended

    Real time decoherence of Landau and Levitov quasi-particles in quantum Hall edge channels

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    Quantum Hall edge channels at integer filling factor provide a unique test-bench to understand decoherence and relaxation of single electronic excitations in a ballistic quantum conductor. In this Letter, we obtain a full visualization of the decoherence scenario of energy (Landau) and time (Levitov) resolved single electron excitations at filling factor Μ=2\nu=2. We show that the Landau excitation exhibits a fast relaxation followed by spin-charge separation whereas the Levitov excitation only experiences spin-charge separation. We finally suggest to use Hong-Ou-Mandel type experiments to probe specific signatures of these different scenarios.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    NGC1377: An Extragalactic Proto-Starburst

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    NGC1377 is the archetype of a class of galaxies called nascent starbursts, selected by their very high infrared to radio continuum flux ratios and their high dust temperatures. This nearby galaxy is an ideal test case to refine the understanding of the mechanisms of the infrared-radio correlation of star-forming galaxies; to characterize the physical conditions of an embedded starburst at its very onset; and to gain a better knowledge of the activity of a class of ultraluminous galaxies sharing the main infrared-radio properties of NGC1377. We present new data on NGC1377 obtained as part of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS) Legacy program and discuss briefly our interpretation of the combined optical, infrared and radio properties

    A Spitzer Unbiased Ultradeep Spectroscopic Survey

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    We carried out an unbiased, spectroscopic survey using the low-resolution module of the infrared spectrograph (IRS) on board Spitzer targeting two 2.6 square arcminute regions in the GOODS-North field. IRS was used in spectral mapping mode with 5 hours of effective integration time per pixel. One region was covered between 14 and 21 microns and the other between 20 and 35 microns. We extracted spectra for 45 sources. About 84% of the sources have reported detections by GOODS at 24 microns, with a median F_nu(24um) ~ 100 uJy. All but one source are detected in all four IRAC bands, 3.6 to 8 microns. We use a new cross-correlation technique to measure redshifts and estimate IRS spectral types; this was successful for ~60% of the spectra. Fourteen sources show significant PAH emission, four mostly SiO absorption, eight present mixed spectral signatures (low PAH and/or SiO) and two show a single line in emission. For the remaining 17, no spectral features were detected. Redshifts range from z ~ 0.2 to z ~ 2.2, with a median of 1. IR Luminosities are roughly estimated from 24 microns flux densities, and have median values of 2.2 x 10^{11} L_{\odot} and 7.5 x 10^{11} L_{\odot} at z ~ 1 and z ~ 2 respectively. This sample has fewer AGN than previous faint samples observed with IRS, which we attribute to the fainter luminosities reached here.Comment: Published in Ap

    31P Magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of phosphocreatine recovery kinetics in skeletal muscle: the issue of intersubject variability

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    AbstractWe have analyzed by 31P MRS the relationship between kinetic parameters of phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery and end-of-exercise status under conditions of moderate and large acidosis induced by dynamic exercise. Thirteen healthy subjects performed muscular contractions at 0.47 Hz (low frequency, moderate exercise) and 0.85 Hz (high frequency, heavy exercise). The rate constant of PCr resynthesis (kPCr) varied greatly among subjects (variation coefficients: 43 vs. 57% for LF vs. HF exercises) and protocols (kPCr values: 1.3±0.5 min−1 vs. 0.9±0.5 min−1 for LF vs. HF exercises, P<0.03). The large intersubject variability can be captured into a linear relationship between kPCr, the amount of PCr consumed ([PCr2]) and pH reached at the end of exercise (pHend) (kPCr=−3.3+0.7 pHend-0.03 [PCr2]; P=0.0007; r=0.61). This dual relationship illustrates that mitochondrial activity is affected by end-of-exercise metabolic status and allows reliable comparisons between control, diseased and trained muscles. In contrast to kPCr, the initial rate of PCr recovery and the maximum oxidative capacity were always constant whatever the metabolic conditions of end-of-exercise and can then be additionally used in the identification of dysfunctions in the oxidative metabolic pathway

    Effect of isoflurane on skin-pressure-induced vasodilation.

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    Since general anesthesia has been shown to attenuate endothelium-dependent vasodilation, it was of interest to verify whether general anesthesia would modify skin vasodilation in response to local pressure application, which is endothelium dependent. To study the effect of general anesthesia on pressure-induced vasodilation development, we examined the effects of low- and high-dose isoflurane. Skin blood flow was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry during 11.1 Pa s(-1) increases in locally applied pressure in anesthetized rats treated with low or high doses of isoflurane. Following the administration of low doses of isoflurane, skin blood flow increased from baseline, with increasing local pressure application (+37 +/- 10% at 2.0 kPa). The increase in skin blood flow was absent in rats treated with high doses (-20 +/- 5% at 2.0 kPa), even when the anesthesia-induced hypotension was corrected by gelofusine infusion (-20 +/- 10% at 2.0 kPa). Whereas sodium-nitroprusside-induced vasodilation developed following low and high doses of isoflurane, acetylcholine-induced vasodilation was impaired with high doses compared to low doses. These data show that pressure-induced vasodilation is abolished with high doses of anesthetics. It is not the anesthesia-induced hypotension, but the depth of anesthesia, which can lead to the disappearance of pressure-induced vasodilation by an alteration in endothelial function
