526 research outputs found

    Convincing and Captivating the Reader: Hypotyposis in Medieval Castilian Travel Narratives

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    If travel narratives satisfy the reader’s curiosity by providing visions of an elsewhere, offering them the illusion of a travel they cannot do, and showing them wonders, characterized by their ability to surprise, we will find those texts use hypotyposis, a “speaking painting” that develops “the art of making present the absent” and “mak[ing] the unimaginable imaginable and the improbable, probable”. The development of travel narratives during the late Middle Age marked affimation of the individual and the rise of empiricism. Based on the personal experience of travellers (either real or fictional), these texts have to convince of their authenticity and transmit this direct vision (autopsiam) to make visible and palpable to the reader that unknown horizon unveiled by travelling. Hypotypose would be one of the tools erecting the travelogue as a relevant source of knowledge by sharing the traveller’s sensory experience. The valuation of empirical knowledge is based on the epiphany induced by hypotyposis.Si le récit de voyage donne à voir l’ailleurs pour satisfaire la curiosité des lecteurs, leur offrant l’illusion du voyage qu’ils ne peuvent faire, leur montrant les merveilles, ces objets caractérisés par leur capacité à surprendre, nous y retrouverons bien la présence de l’hypotypose, « peinture parlante » qui développe « l’art de rendre présentes les choses absentes » et de « rendre imaginable l’inimaginable et vraisemblable l’invraisemblable ». Les récits de voyages, par leur développement au cours des derniers siècles du Moyen Âge, marquèrent l’affirmation de l’individu et l’avènement de l’empirisme. Basés sur l’expérience personnelle du voyageur (qu’elle soit réelle ou fictive), il faut à ces textes transmettre et convaincre de cette vision directe (autopsiam), afin de rendre visible et palpable pour le lecteur cet horizon inconnu dévoilé par le voyage. L’hypotypose serait ainsi un des outils érigeant le récit de voyage en source pertinente de savoir par le partage de l’expérience sensible du voyageur. La valorisation du savoir empirique s’appuie sur cette caractéristique d’épiphanie de l’hypotypose

    Constructions of the foreigner as a figure of evil. Travel narratives in the late Middle Ages

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    Lejos del ideal adamita del buen salvaje, los relatos de viajes (siglos XIV-XV) transmiten un florilegio de la propensión xenófoba a construir una imagen demoníaca del extranjero. De su estudio, destacaremos las constantes de una imaginación abundante a través de la cual el etnocentrismo forja la imagen de un enemigo que proporciona el contrapunto necesario a la identidad occidental. Finalmente, esta figura del extranjero maléfico proporciona un espacio para la reflexión sobre las normas sociales a partir de la narrativa de la inversión de valores y de comportamientos transgresores.Far from the adamite ideal of the good savage, travel narratives (14th-15th centuries) provide a summary of the xenophobic propensity to construct a demonized image of the foreigner. From their study, we will highlight the constants of an abundant imagination, through wich ethnocentrism shapes the image of an enemy providing the necessary counterpoint to Western identity. Finally, this figure of the maleficient foreigner provides a space for reflection on social norms from the narrative of the reversal of values and transgressive behaviors.Loin de l’idéal adamite du bon sauvage, les récits de voyages (14e-15e siècles) livrent un condensé de la propension xénophobe à construire une image diabolisée de l’étranger. A partir de leur étude, on soulignera les constantes d’un imaginaire foisonnant, où l’ethnocentrisme façonne l’image d’un ennemi fournissant le contrepoint nécessaire à l’identité occidentale. Au final, cette figure de l’étranger agent du mal fournit un espace de réflexion sur les normes sociales à partir de la mise en récit de l’inversion des valeurs et de comportements transgressifs

    Un mundo de colores: fuerza y significado del cromatismo en los relatos de viajes hispánicos a finales de la Edad Media

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    Se suele subrayar la parquedad de las menciones de colores presentes en los textos medievales. Incluso una especialista de los relatos de viajes medievales franceses llegó a calificarlos de «mundos en blanco y negro». Sin embargo los relatos de viajes hispánicos medievales suelen aludir al cromatismo de numerosos objetos. ¿En qué medida el arte descriptivo de los relatos de viajes descansa en las menciones cromáticas y qué funciones cumplen éstas? ¿Cómo proceden los autores para comunicar al lector las impresiones visuales? ¿qué sensaciones intentan compartir? Más allá del simbolismo, la materialidad de los colores parece un elemento clave que corresponde al interés propio de los Occidentales medievales por las riquezas de los territorios lejanos y los elementos lujosos que las más veces se caracterizaban por unos colores intensos y expresivos.Il est couramment admis que la littérature médiévale n’abonde pas en adjectifs de couleurs. Au sujet des récits de voyages, Christiane Deluz a, par conséquent, parlé d’un monde en noir et blanc, affirmant que les couleurs en sont pratiquement absentes. La nature des descriptions que l’on trouve dans les récits de voyages médiévaux occidentaux tiendrait, selon elle, davantage du croquis ou du plan schématique que du tableau polychrome et détaillé. Il nous semble toutefois que cette affirmation doive être considérablement nuancée en ce qui concerne les récits de voyages médiévaux hispaniques dans lesquels ces précisions jouent un rôle particulièrement important. Au-delà du symbolisme, la matérialité des couleurs est un élément clé qui correspond à l›intérêt des occidentaux du Moyen Âge pour les richesses des territoires lointains

    Performance evaluation and relevance of the CellaVision™ DM96 system in routine analysis and in patients with malignant hematological diseases

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    The CellaVision™ DM96 is an automated image analysis system dedicated to locating and preclassifying the various types of white blood cells in peripheral blood smears. The system also partially characterizes of the red blood cell morphology and is able to perform platelet counts. We routinely analyzed the blood samples from 440 patients with quantitative and/or qualitative abnormalities detected by the XE-2100 Sysmex™. Only 2.6% of cells are not identified by DM96™. After classification of the unidentified cells very good correlation coefficients are observed between DM96™ and manual microscopy for most hematological parameters and accuracy is judged excellent up to 98%. For most common parameters, false positive and false negative ratios are also very good. Whatever the pathology and the number of blasts on smear, all patients were positive for blast detection on DM96™. The system is a useful tool for assisting in the diagnosis and classification of most acute or chronic leukemia. Automatic cell location and preclassification, along with unique cell views on the computer screen, could reduce the time spent performing differentials and make real-time collaboration between colleagues a natural part of the classification process. The workstation also provides an ergonomically correct and relaxed working environment. We suggest its use in routine analysis; the system could be very helpful for the accurate morphological diagnosis of samples from patients with malignant hematological disease

    Human cancers over express genes that are specific to a variety of normal human tissues

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    We have analyzed gene expression data from 3 different kinds of samples: normal human tissues, human cancer cell lines and leukemic cells from lymphoid and myeloid leukemia pediatric patients. We have searched for genes that are over expressed in human cancer and also show specific patterns of tissue-dependent expression in normal tissues. Using the expression data of the normal tissues we identified 4346 genes with a high variability of expression, and clustered these genes according to their relative expression level. Of 91 stable clusters obtained, 24 clusters included genes preferentially expressed either only in hematopoietic tissues or in hematopoietic and 1-2 other tissues; 28 clusters included genes preferentially expressed in various non-hematopoietic tissues such as neuronal, testis, liver, kidney, muscle, lung, pancreas and placenta. Analysis of the expression levels of these 2 groups of genes in the human cancer cell lines and leukemias, identified genes that were highly expressed in cancer cells but not in their normal counterparts, and were thus over expressed in the cancers. The different cancer cell lines and leukemias varied in the number and identity of these over expressed genes. The results indicate that many genes that are over expressed in human cancer cells are specific to a variety of normal tissues, including normal tissues other than those from which the cancer originated. It is suggested that this general property of cancer cells plays a major role in determining the behavior of the cancers, including their metastatic potential.Comment: To appear in PNA

    Um lugar para se estar. Estratégias de comunicação que estimulem a participação de jovens na vida dos museus

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    Em 2004 Gail Anderson afirmava haver uma clara necessidade de os museus conquistarem novas audiências, especialmente os jovens. Onze anos depois, os especialistas de estudos culturais identificam o mesmo problema. No entanto, com o desenvolvimento constante das tecnologias digitais móveis e, em particular, as redes sociais, as instituições museológicas devem adaptar os seus recursos e aproveitar esta oportunidade (Drotner e Schodner, 2003), de modo a criar uma relação mais próxima com os jovens, a faixa étaria mais ligada a estes novos media. A Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, em particular o Museu Gulbenkian, para além da importância visível que tem no mundo cultural em Portugal, é uma das instituições culturais que mais aposta na divulgação digital, nomeadamente nas redes sociais onde está presente. Através de um questionário online realizado a 160 jovens entre os 13 e os 25 anos foi possível identificar que os inquiridos vão a museus com pouca frequência; que gostariam de ver os museus como espaços interativos que incentivem à participação e ao diálogo; que estão presentes nas redes sociais e que, através dos conteúdos certos, apesar de mais de metade afirmar visitar o Museu Gulbenkian menos de uma vez por ano, tivessem vontade de o fazer mais frequentemente. Através da opinião de um conservador do Museu Gulbenkian e da responsável pela comunicação digital da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, foi possível concluir que ambos acham que o Museu Gulbenkian não é um espaço desenhado para os jovens e que as redes sociais são um meio fundamental para alcançar esta faixa etária. Com os resultados dos inquéritos realizados aos jovens e as propostas de solução para este problema dadas pelos entrevistados, é possível sugerir quatro estratégias de comunicação que tornem os museus “um lugar para se estar”, do ponto de vista dos jovens: apostar e desenvolver a aplicação mobile; fazer um passe que combine uma entrada no museu e um menu numa das cafeterias; realizar através das redes sociais passatempos para ganhar bilhetes para as exposições; apostar em eventos noturnos inseridos no Museu

    Two-photon Imaging of Microglial Processes' Attraction Toward ATP or Serotonin in Acute Brain Slices

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    International audienceMicroglial cells are resident innate immune cells of the brain that constantly scan their environment with their long processes and, upon disruption of homeostasis, undergo rapid morphological changes. For example, a laser lesion induces in a few minutes an oriented growth of microglial processes, also called "directional motility", toward the site of injury. A similar effect can be obtained by delivering locally ATP or serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]). In this article, we describe a protocol to induce a directional growth of microglial processes toward a local application of ATP or 5-HT in acute brain slices of young and adult mice and to image this attraction over time by multiphoton microscopy. A simple method of quantification with free and open-source image analysis software is proposed. A challenge that still characterizes acute brain slices is the limited time, decreasing with age, during which the cells remain in a physiological state. This protocol, thus, highlights some technical improvements (medium, air-liquid interface chamber, imaging chamber with a double perfusion) aimed at optimizing the viability of microglial cells over several hours, especially in slices from adult mice