96 research outputs found

    Le syndicalisme dans l'opinion publique au Canada

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    Cette étude vérifie la perception que les Canadiens se font du syndicalisme depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale grâce à l'analyse d'un très grand nombre de sondages effectués par plusieurs firmes. Les sondages de Gallup Canada se sont révélés particulièrement riches d'informations car cette firme interroge les Canadiens depuis 1941 et répète certaines questions depuis plusieurs décennies. Cette continuité permet de retrouver les grandes tendances de l'opinion publique au Canada.This study explores the attitudes held by Canadians towards unions since the second world war through the analysis of public opinion surveys. The findings of many different firms were reviewed with Gallup surveys proving especially valuable because of the frequency with which certain questions were repeated. This kind of continuity made it possible to ascertain the evolution of public opinion over time.The research showed that, at least in principle, Canadians accept the legitimacy and necessity of unionism. Unions are perceived as an indispensable institution for the protection of employees and the great majority of Canadians also recognize that the right to strike is a necessary weapon in pursuit of union goals.After assessing patterns of public opinion and identifying sources of union support and opposition, the study analyzed in greater detall a question asked more than twenty times between 1941 and 1989 — were unions «a good or bad thing». A number of variables were used in this analysis including: region, union membership, occupation, age, gender, and level of education. It was found that attitudes towards unions were more favourable in the Maritimes, Quebec, and British Columbia and less favourable in Ontario and in the Prairies. Union membership and occupation also influenced opinions about unionism. On the other hand, age and gender had little effect on union perceptions and level of education had no effect at all.The strong popular support enjoyed by unions between 1940 and 1950 weakened in the following decades. After declining to its lowest level in the middle 1970s, union popularity rebounded significantly in the following years. The ebb and flow of union popularity appear to be connected to public perceptions of the power of unions, perceptions which themselves appear to be a function of strike activity. The increase in work stoppages during the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in the public sector, reinforced the image of powerful unions abusing their power. Conversely, the decline in strike activity during the past several years has translated into increased union popularity.Similar patterns in public opinion have been observed in Great Britain and the United States. The study suggests that variations in public opinion towards unions in these countries can be explained by the volume of strike activity and union density

    Qu'en est-il de la singularité québécoise en matière de syndicalisation ?

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    Les médias font régulièrement référence au taux très élevé de syndicalisation au Québec qui ferait de la province un château fort du syndicalisme en Amérique du Nord. Cette opinion est fondée sur les estimations de la densité syndicale fournie par le ministère du Travail du Québec dans sa publication annuelle Les relations du travail. Une analyse critique des sources et de la méthodologie utilisée par cet organisme montre que ses évaluations depuis le début des années 1980 ont tendance à surestimer fortement la syndicalisation. Les estimés fournis par Statistique Canada (CALURA et enquêtes) permettent une meilleure approximation du taux de syndicalisation qui se situerait à environ 41 % en 1992. Parmi les provinces canadiennes, le Québec est dans le peloton de tête avec la Colombie-Britannique, mais derrière Terre-Neuve. Ce taux relativement élevé le place au dixième rang parmi les pays industrialisés en 1989.The mass media and union leaders refer quite often to the high level of union membership in Quebec, which makes the province a stronghold of unions in North America. This opinion is largely based on the estimates of unionism provided by Quebec Ministry of Labour in its annual publication Les relations du travall. A critical analysis of the sources and methodology employed in this publication show that the ministry has overestimated by a considerable margin the Ievel of unionization since the beginning of the 1980s. The estimates published by Statistics Canada under CALURA and confirmed by household surveys are more reliable. CALURA reveals a union membership rate of 40.3% of the non-agricultural workforce in 1992. Our revised estimate, based on CALURA, but correcting certain deficiencies in the data, give a rate of unionization of 41.2%.With a union density roughly similar to that of British Columbia, but less than that of Newfoundland, Quebec would be one of the most highly unionized provinces in Canada. Ontario lags behind and contributes strongly to a lowering of the overall level of union density in Canada. The Quebec rate is close to the Canadian average in manufacturing and transportation, but higher in construction and in the parapublic sector. This is the result of legislative gains made in the 1960s, when the provincial government guaranteed union security. With the exception of the construction industry, which was deregulated for a short period of time, these guarantees have not been eroded by subsequent provincial governments. International comparisons of union density show that Quebec ranked tenth among industrialized countries in 1989. Unlike many of these countries, rates of union membership in Quebec and Canada did not fall in the 1980s. This was because of the strong legal protection which Canadian unions enjoyed. The union movement will nonetheless face strong challenges to its position in the 1990s. The high level of unemployment, the popularity of neo-liberal solutions, and the slow pace of unionization of employees in private sector services have all created an adverse environment for union organization

    Les filatures de coton au Québec, 1900-1915

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    Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 201

    La veille : un élément structurant de la construction d'une professionnalité pour les étudiants en master documentation ?

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    International audienceOur research suggests a reflection on practices of information awareness for students who are preparing a library master in France to be a teacher-librarian. This study also aims to better understanding of the students who are training to be a teacher-librarian and their needs. The data come from a quantitative and qualitative investigation, which is conducted in the singular framework of a cooperative engineering device to bring together research and training. The main results emphasize that students don't have necessarily sufficiently developed digital professional uses and that the development of sustainable info-communication practices amongstudents are likely to enhance their professionalism.Notre recherche propose une réflexion sur les pratiques de veille informationnelle d'étudiants qui préparent un master documentation en France, afin de devenir professeur-documentaliste. Parallèlement, cette étude vise à mieux connaître les étudiants qui suivent cette formation et leurs besoins. Les données émanent d'une enquête quantitative et qualitative menée dans le cadre singulier d'un dispositif d'ingénierie coopérative qui vise à articuler recherche et formation. Les principaux résultats soulignent que les étudiants n'ont pas nécessairement d'usages professionnels numériques développés et que l'installation de pratiques info-communicationnelles durables chez les étudiants seraient de nature à développer leur professionnalité

    La politique du Réseau national des Maisons des sciences de l’Homme

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    Si nous devions définir d’une formule les Maisons des sciences de l’Homme (MSH) et le Réseau national qu’elles ont constitué, ainsi que la politique dont cet ensemble est issu, nous dirions que les Maisons de sciences de l’Homme assurent le regroupement, sur un même lieu, de moyens de recherche et de laboratoires comprenant des chercheurs issus de l’Université et du CNRS, appartenant à des disciplines différentes relevant des sciences de l’homme et de la société et qui sont susceptibles de s’..

    Synthesis of novel heterocyclic fused pyrimidin-4-one derivatives from imino-1,2,3-dithiazoles

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    International audienceExtending the potential applications of 4,5-dichloro-1,2,3-dithiazolium chloride chemistry, we investigated the synthesis of original derivatives of thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-one system by condensation of alkyl and aromatic diamines with 2-N-iminodithiazolothiophene derivatives. We continued our study for access to novel pyrazolo- and pyrido- fused pyrimidinones using the potential applications of Appel’s salt chemistr

    Avenir de la recherche et Maisons des sciences de l’Homme

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    Cette réédition, en 2020, de l’ouvrage paru en 2006 et consacré aux Maisons des sciences de l’homme permet de mettre en lumière les fondamentaux scientifiques et institutionnels à l'origine de la création des MSH et de leur réseau, déployé au cours des années 2000 sur le territoire national. Ce livre s’adresse à tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux sciences humaines et sociales et aux évolutions désicives pour les acteurs français. Il est destiné à être complété par un deuxième volume qui couvrira la période 2012-2020. C’est une initiative du Réseau national des MSH soutenue par l’alliance Athéna

    Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space Weather

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    The Sun's outer atmosphere is heated to temperatures of millions of degrees, and solar plasma flows out into interplanetary space at supersonic speeds. This paper reviews our current understanding of these interrelated problems: coronal heating and the acceleration of the ambient solar wind. We also discuss where the community stands in its ability to forecast how variations in the solar wind (i.e., fast and slow wind streams) impact the Earth. Although the last few decades have seen significant progress in observations and modeling, we still do not have a complete understanding of the relevant physical processes, nor do we have a quantitatively precise census of which coronal structures contribute to specific types of solar wind. Fast streams are known to be connected to the central regions of large coronal holes. Slow streams, however, appear to come from a wide range of sources, including streamers, pseudostreamers, coronal loops, active regions, and coronal hole boundaries. Complicating our understanding even more is the fact that processes such as turbulence, stream-stream interactions, and Coulomb collisions can make it difficult to unambiguously map a parcel measured at 1 AU back down to its coronal source. We also review recent progress -- in theoretical modeling, observational data analysis, and forecasting techniques that sit at the interface between data and theory -- that gives us hope that the above problems are indeed solvable.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Special issue connected with a 2016 ISSI workshop on "The Scientific Foundations of Space Weather." 44 pages, 9 figure


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    Notre étude porte sur une période plus longue que les travaux de recherche dont on peut disposer sur les salaires réels au Québec. En effet, nous examinons l’évolution des salaires depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale jusqu’à 2018 en distinguant deux périodes : 1940-1977 et 1978-2018. La première est marquée par une augmentation substantielle de la rémunération moyenne des salariés alors que la deuxième voit leurs salaires nominaux croitre à peu près au même rythme que les prix à la consommation. La comparaison entre ces deux périodes permet de mettre en relief les facteurs qui sont à l’origine d’une évolution aussi différenciée.Pendant les années glorieuses d’après-guerre, la prospérité économique, l’appui de l’État et le militantisme syndical ont contribué à la forte croissance des salaires qui évoluent au même rythme que la croissance de la productivité du travail. Le revirement des politiques gouvernementales à partir de la fin des années 1970, une croissance économique plus lente, la concurrence internationale, et l’érosion du rapport de force des salariés font en sorte que leur rémunération réelle, qu’ils soient syndiqués ou non, a presque stagné jusqu’à nos jours. Il en est résulté un retard des salaires sur la productivité contribuant à un déséquilibre dans la répartition du revenu intérieur brut entre le capital et le travail.Our paper focuses on real wages in Québec for a longer time span than previous work. Specifically, we examine the evolution of wages since World War Two for two distinct periods: 1940-1977 and 1978-2018. The first time period is marked by a substantial increase in the compensation of salaried workers, while the second one is characterized by average nominal wages that grow at a similar rate than the consumer price index. The comparison between these two periods enables us to shed light on the factors that are at the source of these different evolutions.During these glorious post-war years, economic prosperity, the support of the State, and union activism have contributed to the strong growth in wages, which evolved at the same rate as labour productivity. The turnaround in government policies that occurred at the end of the 1970s, slower economic growth, international competition, and a weakening bargaining power of workers all contribute to a quasi-stagnation of their compensation up until these days—whether they are unionized or not. As a result, lagging wages on productivity levels also lead to significant shifts in the distribution of capital and labour incomes
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